Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 306 The Blood-Weeping Demonic Sutra, Qiu Changqing’s idea

As soon as this statement came out, the whole audience was shocked!

Almost everyone's eyes were focused on it.

Even Shirahoshi is no exception.

Among the more than thirty children, there was one boy who stood out from the crowd.

Even though the children around him instinctively avoided him because of his speech, he was not timid at all.

He still stood there with no expression on his face.

Bai Xing raised his eyebrows slightly, feeling amused.

The boy looked to be about nine or ten years old, neither the youngest nor the oldest of the group of children.

But he was the only one without fear or panic.

He even answered Shirahoshi's question.

When he talked about killing them all, there was no emotion at all, as if he was just talking about a group of chickens, ducks, dogs and other livestock.

"Interesting, then let's kill them all as you said."

Bai Xing's original purpose this time was to eradicate the entire Flying Eagle Gang.

This kid's words were right up his alley.

He casually shot out a sword energy, which split into two in the air, two into four, and four into eight.

Within the entire headquarters, hundreds of gang members fled in all directions, but they couldn't escape the rapid splitting and life-harvesting sword energy!

In just the blink of an eye, the entire headquarters was filled with blood and corpses everywhere.

Liang Nanfeng stood there dumbfounded.

"What are you doing standing there in a daze? Isn't this what you long for the most, punishing rape and eradicating evil, and gratifying grudges?"

Bai Xing said to her with a slight smile on his face.


Liang Nanfeng always felt that this was different from what he imagined!

There is an indescribable weird feeling.

I feel very conflicted and entangled in my heart, but I don’t know how to express it.

"Okay, don't hang around, I'll go back to the inn first.

You go find someone to send these children where they came from.

Remember, being a hero has a beginning and an end, and rescuing people is not the end. "

Liang Nanfeng nodded in confusion.

There was a fishy smell in his nose, and there was no trace of blood on his face, just like white paper.

In the afternoon.

Liang Nanfeng hurried to the inn.

He pushed open the door and saw Bai Xing drinking leisurely in front of the window.

"Lord God, I have completed all the tasks you assigned me."

Bai Xing nodded slightly, but his eyes fell behind her.

Originally, he thought that after the Flying Eagle Gang was wiped out, the evil cultivator would definitely take action.

However, the person who came with Liang Nanfeng was not the evil cultivator, but the boy who had previously threatened Bai Xing to kill all the Flying Eagle Gang!

Liang Nanfeng noticed the confusion in Bai Xing's eyes and quickly explained: "I have entrusted the rest of the children to Xing Baotou from the Yamen to send them away. Only this child refused to speak no matter what I asked, and he still refused to leave. I was really helpless. I have no choice but to bring him along."

Just as Liang Nanfeng was telling her story, the child had already passed her and walked straight towards Bai Xing.

Bai Xing looked at him with interest and asked, "What's your name?"

"Qiu Changqing." The child replied.

"Why don't you want to leave?" Bai Xing asked again.

"The people who deserve to be killed haven't been killed yet." Qiu Changqing responded coldly.

Bai Xing laughed loudly when he heard this and said with appreciation: "Interesting, the root cause of the disaster should indeed be completely eradicated. Then, you two can go with me!"

This boy named Qiu Changqing was obviously different from the other kidnapped children.

Successfully aroused Shirahoshi's interest and temporarily kept him by his side.

Seeing Bai Xing set off, Liang Nanfeng quickly picked up his sword and followed behind.

In this matter, the Flying Eagle Gang can only be regarded as running errands at best.

The real mastermind behind the scenes is the person who gave orders to the Flying Eagle Gang, and the evil master who took the blood of children to practice!

And the strength Bai Xing showed made Liang Nanfeng have full confidence in him.

Even if what the evil cultivator did was cruel and terrifying, she didn't think he could beat Bai Xing!

And she only needs to kill the mastermind behind the scenes to become Bai Xing's disciple!

Although Bai Xing's methods seemed a bit ruthless, after thinking about it, he was right.

Traveling in the world is not just playing house, you should be so decisive in killing!

Liang Nanfeng has adjusted her mentality. When it's time to take action, she will never be soft!

But for some reason, after following Bai Xing out of the inn, there was always an uneasy feeling deep in my heart.

Soon, she knew where the uneasiness came from!

Because as Shirahoshi moved forward, the surrounding scenery became more and more familiar to her.


Until Bai Xing stopped, Liang Nanfeng looked at the door of his mansion with an expression of disbelief.

Bai Xing chuckled and said, "What are you doing standing still? Come together."

With that said, he walked towards the house.

The servant guarding the door saw Bai Xing and the two and wanted to stop them, but then saw Liang Nanfeng following behind.

He quickly said: "Miss, you are back!"

Liang Nanfeng ignored them and quickly caught up with Bai Xing who had entered the house.

He looked nervous and said, "Sir, is there any misunderstanding in this?"

Bai Xing turned to look at her with a half-smile, and said: "The Flying Eagle Gang is very powerful in Fayan County, and there are probably only a few people who can command them to run errands, and Liang Qicheng, as the county magistrate, is one of them.

I thought something so simple you could think of quickly.

They are even ready for you to come to the door with that evil cultivator.

I just didn’t expect it. Tsk tsk”

Liang Nanfeng's face turned pale: "No, this is impossible! My father... My father would never do that kind of thing!"

At this moment, a group of officers and soldiers rushed out of the house.

The leader was surprisingly the magistrate of Fayan County, Liang Qicheng.

I saw him speaking righteously and scolding with dignity on his face: "What a bold gangster! In our Fayan County, he acted recklessly and committed murders. Not only did he not show any remorse, he actually dared to be so arrogant!

snort! It is simply lawless and a heinous crime!

Today I am going to take you down and put you on death row! "

The Flying Eagle Gang was destroyed. Of course, such important news could not be concealed.

Both Liang Qicheng and the evil cultivator already knew about this.

Of course Bai Xing didn't care about this kind of scene. Strangely, Qiu Changqing also kept a calm expression.

No panic at all.

Only Liang Nanfeng, who was shaken by this sudden turn of events, didn't know what to do.

Suddenly I heard Liang Qicheng scolding: "Nanfeng! What are you still doing standing there? Come here quickly!"

Liang Nanfeng looked at him and then at Bai Xing.

Unexpectedly, he didn't pass immediately and was still stunned in place.

"Blood Corpse Loose, how long are you going to hide? Or are you planning to escape while these cannon fodders are stalling for time?"

Bai Xing ignored her and completely ignored the officers and soldiers surrounding him.

The only thing that can really arouse his interest is the blood corpse Sanren who uses the blood of children as a guide to practice evil arts.

In the entire Fayan County, perhaps this person is the only one with the highest and strongest strength!

I don’t know if I have reached the so-called innate state.

"Still not coming out? It seems I can only invite you in person."

As soon as he finished speaking, a deafening roar suddenly sounded!

The ground shook, and the surrounding officers and soldiers stood unsteadily, panicked, and mistakenly thought it was an earthquake.

Immediately afterwards, a shocking scene appeared in front of us.

The main hall in the distance collapsed instantly, and a building burst out of the ground and stood on top of the ruins!

The building was originally hidden underground in the mansion. The entrance was very hidden and full of many mechanisms.

It is the hiding place of the scattered blood corpses.

Unexpectedly, Bai Xing did not look for it at all, but directly pulled it out from the ground!

This astonishing move made all the officers and soldiers gathered around, including Liang Qicheng, stunned and surprised.

"How. How could this happen?!"


A ray of blood burst out from the building and fled into the distance at an extremely fast speed.

He didn't even have the courage to meet Bai Xing face to face.

Bai Xing's eyes flashed slightly: "Oh? Walking through the air, it seems that you are really an innate master."

With a slight click of his finger, he saw the bloody light instantly stop in mid-air.

A sinister old man wearing a dark red robe was revealed.

As Bai Xing hooked his fingers, the old man floated over involuntarily.

Fall in front of everyone.

"You deserve to die! What did you do to me!!"

The scattered blood corpses tried their best to struggle, but to no avail.

I couldn't help but feel that my eyes were about to burst, and I was so frightened!

Bai Xing looked at him with interest: "The strength is indeed pretty good, both in strength and speed, even comparable to masters of [Current Push] with over 750,000 volts.

It seems that the martial arts in this world are lower than I imagined. Can even the innately strong people not be able to meet the standard of [Magnetic Field Rotation]? "

Although the scattered blood corpses didn't understand what electric current drives and magnetic fields rotate, they could still hear the contempt in Bai Xing's tone.

He sneered: "Although I am not far away from innateness, I have not yet truly returned to innateness.

However, I advise you not to be arrogant because of some weird tricks. My senior brother is a real innate master!

If you dare to hurt me even a hair, senior brother, he will never let you off lightly! "

Bai Xing raised his eyebrows lightly: "Not an innate master?"

After saying that, he turned to Liang Nanfeng and asked, "Didn't you say that only when one's martial arts cultivation reaches the innate realm can one stay in the air for a short period of time?"

Liang Nanfeng had already been completely stunned by the successive changes at the scene.

The appearance of the scattered blood corpses was enough to prove that Bai Xing had not found the wrong person at all.

It turns out that the mastermind behind the Flying Eagle Gang and abducting boys and girls from all over the place to provide for evil cultivators turned out to be his own father!

This kind of blow was like detonating a nuclear bomb in her heart. It was simply not something that her still young mind could bear!

Seeing that he couldn't get the answer from Liang Nanfeng, Bai Xing chose to get it directly from the heads of the scattered blood corpses.

The stronger the martial arts cultivation level, the stronger the spirit, the higher the mental resistance.

It's a pity that with the current cultivation level of the Blood Corpse Sanren, they can't resist Bai Xing's spiritual power.

All the secrets were easily spied upon.

It turns out that the reason why the Blood Corpse Loose Man was able to reach the realm of the afterlife and escape into blood light was all because of the "Blood-Weeping Demon Sutra" he practiced!

A hundred years ago, there was an evil master who dominated the martial arts world and was called the 'Wuji Blood Demon'!

Relying on the self-created magic skill "The Blood-Weeping Demon Sutra", his cultivation level increased greatly in a short period of time, and he was even on the verge of becoming a master!

It caused a bloody storm in the world!

It took many righteous masters to kill him.

Just a year ago, it was reported that the Wuji Blood Demon inheritance appeared in the Songyun Ancient Forest in Jiangdong Road.

It triggered a series of fights, but it is still unknown who will end up with this inheritance.

But in fact, the Wuji Blood Demon's technique "The Blood-Weeping Demon Sutra" was taken away by the Demon Corpse Sanren.

And this person is none other than Blood Corpse Sanren’s senior brother!

The Demon Corpse Sanren is indeed as he said, a true innate master.

However, if he knew that the Blood Corpse Lottery had been killed, he might not only not help him avenge him, but he would even applaud him!

Because back then, the Demon Corpse Scatters had gone through a series of overt and covert battles, and even relied on a lot of luck to obtain this unique magic skill.

Later, because of his trust and carelessness, his junior brother attacked and plotted against him, and the magic power was taken away!

The scattered blood corpses knew that the man was innocent of the crime of harboring the jade, and were afraid of his brother's revenge, so they fled all the way to Lingnan Road.

He and Liang Qicheng worked together and reached a cooperative relationship.

Liang Qicheng helped him conceal his whereabouts and secretly arrested boys and girls to help him practice martial arts.

And when he successfully breaks through to the innate realm, he will realize one of Liang Qicheng's requirements.

"The Blood-Crying Magic Scripture?"

Shirahoshi became a little interested in this thing.

The Wuji Blood Demon relied on this to improve his cultivation all the way, and was almost on the verge of breaking through to the master level.

It is enough to show that this magic skill is indeed extraordinary!

It's just that the practice still requires the hard work of virgins and men. It's really a bit inferior. No wonder it's called a magic skill.

The Blood Corpse Lottery immediately stared angrily: "I knew you were here for this!! Damn it!!"

Bai Xing chuckled lightly and did not torture him about his skills.

Because he has read the complete "Blood-Weeping Demon Sutra" from the memory of the Blood Corpse Sanren.

It saves you the trouble of scheming with the blood corpses and worrying whether the torture technique has been secretly modified.

No longer paying attention to the scattered blood corpses, he turned to Liang Nanfeng and said, "It's time for you to take action. Go kill these two guys, and then I can agree to your request."

Finally it’s here!

Liang Nanfeng's delicate body trembled, and tears welled up in her eyes.

"Father father"

Liang Qicheng did not know the relationship between Liang Nanfeng and Bai Xing, nor what deal they had reached.

But he still has some basic eyesight!

The scattered blood corpses who were not far from the innate realm could not even escape in the hands of this person!

Just one finger fixed it, making it difficult to move.

Bai Xing's strength is absolute - strong! !

There is no resistance at all, no hope of survival!

When Bai Xing sets foot here, he and the scattered blood corpses are destined to die!

"Nan Feng! Just do what he says!"

Liang Qicheng stepped forward and pulled out the sword from Liang Nanfeng's waist.

He grabbed her hand, placed the hilt of the sword in his palm, and placed the sword's edge on his neck.

When the underground building was pulled out and the scattered blood corpses were captured, Liang Qicheng knew that any pretense of madness and bluffing were meaningless!

He looked at Bai Xing with a determined look: "This is Master Bai! It's me who cooperated with the Blood Corpse Sanren, and it's me who ordered the arrest of those boys and girls! Please don't embarrass my daughter, she is innocent!"


With a clang, Liang Nanfeng threw away the sword. At this time, she was crying so hard that she couldn't even cry!

He turned around and knelt down on the ground with a 'pop', kowtowing to Bai Xing repeatedly.

"Lord Baibai. Please! Please don't kill my father. Oh my father, he must be under coercion!

Wuwuwu. Please forgive him! ! "

Bai Xing looked at her with disappointment: "So are you planning to give up our agreement?"


Shirahoshi's only response was to cry.

"Just because the bad guy still has family ties and humanity, and is willing to sacrifice himself for his loved ones, he can ignore all the evil he has committed before, and then forgive him for others like a holy mother. Ha! This is different from those so-called people who put down the butcher knife and become successful immediately. What difference does it make between Buddha and Buddha?

damn it! Do you think I, Bai Xing, am the kind of person who doesn’t know what is called? ! "

"Yeah, why should I forgive him?"

At this moment, Qiu Changqing, who had been silent until now, suddenly spoke.

I saw him saying to Bai Xing: "Since Sister Liang is unwilling to take action, I have a good idea."

"Oh?!" Bai Xing's eyes flashed. "tell me the story."

He originally thought he could watch a good show of killing his father without regrets, but now it seems that he has overestimated Liang Nanfeng's belief and will.

Unexpectedly, there will be another bright future in the village, but I am slightly looking forward to what good ideas this slightly mysterious Qiu Changqing can come up with.

"Treat others in their own way, so that the county magistrate can also experience the feeling of having his own flesh and blood harvested to provide others with magical skills." (End of Chapter)

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