
Bai Xing's words immediately aroused Liang Nanfeng's surprise.

She really didn't understand why Huo Tianyi lost when he had such a huge advantage!

However, at this moment, new changes appeared on the school field.

"Boy, you do have some talent, but it's a pity that you came too early!

If I practice for a few more years, maybe it won't be so easy for me to deal with you!

such a pity! My stupid senior brother didn't know how hard he worked to find his successor, but he will die in my hands today! "


Huo Tianyi was already prepared not to let the other party leave alive.

Seeing that Xu Zhuo was about to be completely defeated, he immediately launched the final blow!

The figure is like a falcon soaring through the clouds, its five fingers are like claws, and it makes a 'woo-woo' sound as it cuts through the air.

Facing Huo Tianyi's fatal blow, Xu Zhuo, who was already seriously injured, suddenly lit up.


He has been waiting for this moment since the beginning!

Knowing that his cultivation level was far inferior to that of his uncle Huo Tianyi, Xu Zhuo still came to challenge without hesitation.

It's because he has a trump card!

"Ten power of success·The eagle strikes the sky!!"

Kuang Gu's whole body was full of energy, and Xu Zhuo ignored the blood splattering from the wound and the severe pain throughout his body.

Used the strongest move!

"What?!" Huo Tianyi's eyes showed a look of horror.

"Damn it! That old guy didn't keep his word and actually taught him this technique!!"

At the beginning, Huo Tianyi's conflict broke out because he was competing for the qualification to learn the strongest form of the "Iron Eagle Divine Claw" martial arts.

Huo Tianyi was more skilled, but his methods were too ruthless, and he beat his senior brother to death.

The master expelled him from the school, but he also promised Huo Tianyi that he would not teach this technique to his senior brother.

"Wrong! Master did not teach this technique to Master, but he taught it to me!!"

——Shua! !

Xu Zhuo's previous performance was too confusing to him.

Huo Tianyi was too confident, which made this move go too far!

So much so that it exposed a huge flaw.

Facing Xu Zhuo's powerful move 'Eagle Strikes the Sky', there was no time to retreat.

His throat was directly broken, and he held his hands tightly, but he couldn't stop the blood from flowing out.

He couldn't help but step back, and finally lost all his strength and fell to the ground on his back!

——Wow! !

Such a shocking reversal made everyone present take a breath!

"This kid is really terrifying!"

Liang Nanfeng was also completely shocked. She turned to Bai Xing and said, "How did you know?"

Bai Xing smiled slightly and said: "He has been quietly accumulating his 'power' from the very beginning!

If you hold back, you must have some agenda.

And his actual cultivation level is indeed not as good as Huo Tianyi, so I speculate that he should have a trump card that can determine the outcome with one move!

Huo Tianyi did not notice this, so when his winning probability reached the highest level, it must have taken a sudden turn for the worse!

Xu Zhuo was right. Huo Tianyi's last move was too powerful. He wanted to kill Xu Zhuo so much!

This is the real reason why he was killed by Xu Zhuo! "

"Awesome!" If Liang Nanfeng had doubts before, now she has basically confirmed Bai Xing's identity!

At the same time, the people from the Flying Eagle Gang were the first to react.

"Damn it! How dare you kill my gang leader and seek death!"

"Fucking boy! This is the day you die!"

Even though there were many comrades watching the battle, everyone in the Flying Eagle Gang still had no intention of letting Xu Zhuo go.

Liang Nanfeng suddenly became nervous: "God, what should we do now? Xu Shaoxia is seriously injured, but there are so many masters in the Flying Eagle Gang, he will be killed!"

Shirahoshi turned his attention back to the school grounds with great interest.

He was also curious about how Xu Zhuo could escape unscathed.

He didn't believe that Xu Zhuo came here at all risks just to die together with Huo Tianyi.

Faced with the siege from many members of the Feiying Gang, Xu Zhuo sneered.

"I know you don't know how to follow the moral principles of the world!"

As he spoke, he put his right index finger and thumb in his mouth and blew a whistle!

Immediately afterwards, in the midst of everyone's astonished gazes, a loud eagle whistle came from far away and came closer!


An eagle with a wingspan of more than eight meters flew quickly.

Xu Zhuo jumped up: "Haha! Everyone, I will stay soon, see you later!!"

"not good!!"

Sudden! Sudden!

‘Kuai Dao Wuhen’ Si Wenshun and ‘Tie Yi Wushuang’ Jin Chengbao took action almost at the same time!

Xu Zhuo must be kept!

Unfortunately, the eagle's speed was too fast, and Xu Zhuo's own Qinggong was also very good.

Si Wenshun and Jin Chengbao originally thought that Xu Zhuo would not be able to escape even if he had wings, so they were not too concerned.

Who knew that Xu Zhuo could really grow wings and actually escape.

It's too late to take action now!

I could only watch helplessly as the huge eagle grabbed Xu Zhuo and gradually flew away into the distance.

"It turned out to be a ferocious beast! He actually tamed such a big ferocious beast!"

Obviously Xu Zhuo's method exceeded everyone's expectations.

Liang Nanfeng looked at this scene with an expression of disbelief.

Bai Xing narrowed his eyes, slightly surprised.

The eagle flies indeed very fast, almost reaching the speed of [current propulsion] of 400,000 volts.

"A ferocious beast?"

He couldn't help but think of the beasts he had seen in the primitive jungle before.

Even the weaker ones can still possess [bionic superpower] level strength.

For the more powerful ones, the physical strength can reach [current push] ranging from ten thousand volts to hundreds of thousands volts.

But I have never seen one like the eagle that flapped its wings and flew at a speed of 400,000 volts.

No wonder Xu Zhuo dared to come alone. It turned out that air support had been prepared long ago!

Liang Nanfeng looked at Bai Xing in confusion: "You don't know about ferocious beasts?"

"tell me the story."

Liang Nanfeng pursed her lips and said: "Ferocious beasts generally live in the wilderness, and most of them will not cause any harm to warriors.

But there are also some powerful guys among them. Even those who are as strong as the innate warriors may not be their opponents! "

Bai Xing once again caught a new word: "Innate warrior?"

Liang Nanfeng did not ask this time, but introduced obediently: "The realm of a warrior is divided into acquired, innate, and master!

When a warrior's cultivation reaches a certain level, he can return to his innate state the day after tomorrow, release his true energy, and even stay in the air for a short time.

The strength can even reach ten thousand enemies. It may not be possible to destroy a mountain, but if you want to destroy a city, you can definitely do it easily as long as you give it a certain amount of time! "

When talking about the innate warrior, Liang Nanfeng's eyes were filled with stars and she looked very longing for him.

"As for the Grandmaster, I don't know."

For Liang Nanfeng, being an innate master was the limit of what she could understand.

The Grandmaster is an existence that is unimaginable!

Bai Xing rubbed his chin. He didn't expect that in this fantasy world of martial arts, the classification of cultivation realms would be so general.

Whether it was a novel I had read before or a reincarnation person from a fantasy world that I had come into contact with.

Their cultivation systems are very detailed and complex.

"Are everyone here belonging to the acquired realm?"

Liang Nanfeng nodded.

"Yes, it is said that within the territory of Qi Yan Mansion, only the Valley Master of the Phantom Valley and the head of the Huanglong Sect have reached the innate realm."

Bai Xing has never seen the strength of an innate master.

But looking at the acquired warriors present, the gap between them is quite obvious.

It seems that the gap between each of the martial arts realms in this world is huge.

Even within the same realm, the strengths and weaknesses of each other are very clear.

The Feiying Gang killed its leader, and the most critical murderer, Xu Zhuo, escaped successfully.

The entire gang was gloomy, with anger in everyone's eyes!

Seeing this, many people in the arena who were watching the battle hurriedly resigned to avoid getting into trouble by staying.

Naturally, the people from the Flying Eagle Gang wouldn't try too hard to retain him.

However, when the people were almost gone, there were still two people who had no intention of leaving at all.

Liang Nanfeng poured a glass of wine for Bai Xing.

Quietly: "God, do we really not need to come back at night?"

Bai Xing smiled lightly and said nothing.

At this time, Si Wenshun, the leader of the Flying Eagle Gang, stepped forward.

Seeing Liang Nanfeng, she frowned at first, then cupped her hands and said, "Miss Liang, something big has just happened in the gang, and the reception is not good, so I hope Haihan will do it!"

There are still many things to deal with in our gang this time. If Miss Liang doesn't leave first, Mr. Si will come to apologize one day! "

Liang Nanfeng also stood up.

Just as he was about to speak, he saw a blade of energy passing in front of him.

Uh-huh! !

The next moment, Si Wenshun, who was polite just now, was separated from the middle.

There was a roar!

Blood mixed with internal organs flowed out of the abdominal cavity.

The bodies split in two fell in their respective directions, and they didn't even know what happened until they died.

Liang Nanfeng was stunned by the scene in front of her, and then was awakened by the bloody smell that hit her nose, and her face turned pale.

He quickly turned around and vomited.

Bai Xing Shi Shiran stood up.

He said to the other members of the Flying Eagle Gang who had not yet come to their senses: "Don't be stunned. Let's all come together."

"Damned thing! How dare you attack Lao Si! You are looking for death!"

Another hall leader, Jin Chengbao, suddenly felt his eyes tearing apart!

Today, the gang leader and a hall leader died in one breath. This kind of loss is simply not something the Flying Eagle Gang can bear.

It will definitely weaken the gang's strength significantly.

As for the gangsters, they are basically predators of the weak. Once the Flying Eagle Gang becomes weak, it will definitely attract many hyenas smelling the smell of blood to surround them and try to divide them and eat them!

Of course Jin Chengbao was furious!

But just when he was about to step forward and eliminate Bai Xing, the murderer who dared to defy the majesty of their Flying Eagle Gang and kill Si Wenshun in a sneak attack.

Suddenly a sharp voice came: "Stop!"

I saw a middle-aged man holding a paper fan walking quickly.

It was Zou Wenyu who had had a relationship with Bai Xing before.

But at this moment, he looked frightened.

Bowed to Bai Xing and said: "Master Bai, due to the death of our gang leader today, my brothers are a little out of control. As an innate master, you don't want to be as experienced as these juniors!"

Jin Chengbao's expression also changed: "What?! An innate master?!"

Bai Xing was here to eradicate the Flying Eagle Gang today, but unexpectedly saw one more scene.

However, the excitement of this scene also made him feel that it was not in vain.

Xu Zhuo was amused by the fact that he defeated the strong with the weak and even escaped unscathed.

And now that the fun is over, it's naturally time to get down to business.

Bai Xing was not in the mood to talk nonsense with these weed-like things, so he raised his hand and used a 'Knife of Hell'.

Si Wenshun was given a lunch box from him.

But he didn't expect that when Zou Wenyu saw him, he thought he was an innate master.

The big boss and the gang who originally wanted to surround him were also in an uproar!

Innate masters are already looked up to by ordinary people in the world.

There are only a few in the entire Qiyan Mansion.

Bai Xing smiled and said: "Forgive you? Then ask the children you caught if they can forgive you."

As soon as these words came out, Zou Wenyu's expression suddenly changed!

But Jin Chengbao looked confused, as if he didn't know anything.

Bai Xing observed it, and it seemed that not everyone in the Flying Eagle Gang knew about the arrest of children.

The only three people who should be informed are the gang leader Huo Tianyi, Zou Wenyu in front of him, and Huang Yuan who carried out the arrest.

Everyone else was kept in the dark.

"Bring all the children here and don't keep me waiting too long."

Zou Wenyu looked confused and wanted to pretend to be confused, but in the end he nodded and said, "Yes."

Not long after, Zou Wenyu arrived at the school with about thirty children.

Jin Chengbao next to him must have learned the ins and outs of the incident from Zou Wenyu, and he looked very unhappy!

Bai Xing looked around. Apart from the children he saw in the carriage yesterday, there were many others.

They should have been caught before, temporarily imprisoned, and sent to the evil cultivator's residence in batches.

Seeing that all the children were sent away, Bai Xing did not give Zou Wenyu a chance to speak.

He raised his hand and waved a sword energy, killing Zou Wenyu and Huang Yuan.

The remaining members of the Flying Eagle Gang were all unaware.

But Bai Xing still had no intention of simply letting them go.

Instead, he smiled at more than 30 children and said, "The three people who captured you are all dead now.

As for the remaining people, whether they live or die is in your hands.

Now, who can give me an answer? "

As soon as these words came out, all the gang members present became nervous instantly!

Everyone stared closely at the thirty or so children.

However, the oldest of these children was only eleven or twelve years old, and the youngest was only two or three years old. Most of them were severely frightened.

They huddled together, looking very helpless, not knowing what was going on.

The whole place was silent for a moment, and the heavy atmosphere made it difficult for everyone to breathe!

Liang Nanfeng pursed her lips, feeling that Bai Xing's move was really inappropriate. As the saying goes, those who don't know are not guilty, and the remaining gang members should not be punished until death, let alone entrusting their lives to a group of children.

And for those children, it will undoubtedly cause a psychological burden.

He was about to speak, but at this moment, he heard that Jin Chengbao couldn't bear it any longer.

"Straight bitch! How can I put my life and death in the hands of a group of children after spending so many years in the world?!

If you want to kill, just kill, why say more? ! ! "

While shouting, Jin Cheng Baoyun used his full strength and made a desperate fight against Bai Xing!


A sword energy passed through, and Jin Chengbao was immediately cut into pieces!

It turned into a pile of minced meat and fell down.

The others looked even worse when they saw this scene!

Jin Chengbao specializes in body protection and is nicknamed "Iron Warrior"!

But he couldn't even resist the tangible sword energy that the opponent casually released, and he was instantly killed!

It's so scary!

"Spare your life! My hero, spare your life!"

"We really don't know anything. Don't kill us!"

"We will do our best to send these children back to where they came from. Hero, just let us go!"

The remaining big bosses completely collapsed when they saw such a scene.

Totally disregarding his image, he knelt down on the ground and kept kowtowing to Bai Xing to beg for mercy!

But at this moment, a slightly childish voice sounded.

He spoke in a cold and even joking tone: "Kill them all, kill them all!" (End of this chapter)

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