Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 304 Interesting woman, interesting agreement

On the street, there are already many vendors selling goods along the street.

Bai Xing already knew the location of the Eagle Gang's headquarters in the city.

However, when he was halfway there, he heard a panicked cry from behind him.

Followed by an angry rebuke: "Get out of here! Get out of here! Don't stand in front of me!"

Bai Xing turned around and saw a snow-white horse galloping in the busy city.

It was as if a strong wind was coming.

The horse's hooves were filled with wind, making a crisp sound when stepping on the stone road.

People and vendors hurriedly evaded to both sides, and for a while the lively streets were in a state of chaos.

And on top of the horse, a young and beautiful woman was riding on it.

She was wearing a smart blue outfit, but from the belt inlaid with gems and the gorgeous long sword hanging, it could be seen that this woman had an extraordinary background.

There was a bit of arrogance and anxiety between his eyebrows, and even though there were many people on the street, he didn't slow down at all.

Fortunately, the common people didn't seem to be unfamiliar with this woman, and they seemed experienced in dodging.

No one was hit.

But after everyone along the way moved out of the way, only White Star was revealed.

The white horse was about to hit him.

"Get away! Do you hear me? Get out of here!!"

The arrogant woman on the horse shouted harshly, but Bai Xing continued to walk on the road unmoved.

The woman wanted to slow down but it was too late.


However, the moment the horse's hooves hit Bai Xing hard, the woman and the horse flew straight away!

The woman seemed to have some martial arts skills. She flipped in the air and landed firmly on the ground.

Instead, the horse hit the ground hard with a muffled sound.

The two front legs were directly broken, and blood was constantly oozing from the mouth and nose.

The rise and fall of his abdomen became weaker and weaker, and he died on the spot in just a few seconds.


The woman exclaimed, a look of surprise flashing in her eyes.

He raised his head and looked at Bai Xing again, only to find that he had no reaction at all to all of this.

The pace was slow and steady, and he continued to walk forward.

The woman's eyes flashed and she hurriedly caught up.

"Senior! Senior, wait!"

To Bai Xing, whether they are ordinary people or high-ranking ladies, they are actually no different from a weed on the roadside.

Whether to kill it or not is just a matter of thought.

As for the collision just now, even the naturally flowing defense around Bai Xing couldn't get close, and it completely failed to arouse his interest.

It can't even cause him to have mood swings, so naturally he won't have any thoughts of killing him if he gets offended.

I would like to ask, would humans become angry because of an unintentional collision with an ant?

Unexpectedly, the woman caught up with him again, but her attitude completely changed.

"Senior, the little girl's name is Liang Nanfeng. She is the daughter of the magistrate of Fayan County. Just now, because a master challenged the leader of the Flying Eagle Gang, she wanted to go and observe. In desperation, she bumped into the senior. I hope you will forgive me!"

Bai Xing didn't care about her at first, but now he suddenly felt a little interesting.

"You said there are experts who want to challenge the leader of the Flying Eagle Gang?"

Seeing that Bai Xing was willing to pay attention to him, Liang Nanfeng nodded excitedly and said, "Yes, the leader of the Flying Eagle Gang, 'Flying Eagle Chuanyun' Huo Tianyi, is quite famous in the Qiyan Mansion, especially his claw skills and light skills.

The master who challenged him is said to be a direct disciple of senior brother Huo Tianyi. In recent months, he has challenged several masters in the arena and gained some fame. People in the arena gave him the nickname "Po Kongshou" Xu Zhuo!

I heard that Huo Tianyi had a disagreement with his senior brother a few years ago, which resulted in his senior brother being severely injured, and he himself deserted the sect.

Now Xu Zhuo is here, probably to avenge his master! "

Bai Xing didn't expect that he would encounter such a thing when he decided to eradicate the Flying Eagle Gang.


Then he looked at her: "You seem excited about this?"

Liang Nanfeng immediately said: "Of course! This is a battle between masters! If you can witness this battle with your own eyes, it will be worth the price even if you are punished by the old man in the family!

I have heard about Huo Tianyi's martial arts since I was a child, but I have never really seen it.

snort! My old man still doesn’t want me to go, which is totally unreasonable!

Fortunately, I was smart and ran out secretly. Hehe."

As he spoke, Liang Nanfeng rolled his eyes, moved closer to Bai Xing and said, "Senior, I don't know your name yet."

"My name is Bai Xing."

"Baixing.?" Liang Nanfeng chewed it in his mouth, and suddenly his expression changed drastically!

"Are you the Bai Xing who founded the Starry Night Palace ten years ago and is known as the 'Starry Night God'?!"

Immediately afterwards, Liang Nanfeng showed a look of ecstasy and said quickly: "Honored God, since I was a child, I have advocated a life of traveling in the world, free and happy, but my father has always been too harsh on me, but I have grown up now. I have the power to decide my future!

Lord God, please accept me as your disciple! I want to be a great hero, doing justice, punishing rape and eradicating evil! "


Bai Xing suddenly burst into laughter as if he heard a funny joke.

Bai Xing just finds it interesting that someone has the same name as him. After all, the two characters Bai Xing are not uncommon words, so it is not surprising that they are repeated.

What really made him laugh was Liang Nanfeng's remarks.

Based on her previous behavior, she clearly looked like an arrogant and overbearing young lady.

At this moment, he is talking nonsense about wanting to become a great hero. It is simply laughable to think about it!

Liang Nanfeng was confused by Bai Xing's smile, but still didn't intend to give up.

Continue to pester Bai Xing to become a disciple.

The two of them headed all the way towards the territory of the Flying Eagle Gang. Along the way, they saw many people from the world carrying knives and swords.

Obviously they are all here to watch the duel.

"Lord Bai Shen! Just accept me as your disciple! You just beat my horse to death, no matter what, you have to give me an explanation! My horse is gone. If you don't accept me, then I won't follow you. You gave up easily!"

After being entangled all the way, Bai Xing still had no expression towards Liang Nanfeng.

Liang Nanfeng has started to act rogue.

Bai Xing suddenly looked at her and said: "You walk around the world because you want to be happy with your revenge and become a great hero, right?"

Liang Nanfeng was stunned at first, then nodded hurriedly: "That's right! That's right!"

A smile appeared on Bai Xing's lips: "It just so happens that I know one thing.

Someone instigated the Flying Eagle Gang to secretly capture innocent children and use their blood to give to an evil master to practice martial arts.

Do you think the mastermind who did such a thing deserves to die? "

Liang Nanfeng immediately said angrily: "What? The Flying Eagle Gang secretly does such unscrupulous things?

hateful! Whether it is the evil master or the mastermind behind the Flying Eagle Gang, they all deserve to die! ! "

Bai Xing laughed and said: "Very good, if you can kill the mastermind behind the scenes, I will accept you as my disciple, how about that?"

Liang Nanfeng immediately said: "No problem! It is our duty to eliminate harm for the people!


Liang Nanfeng showed a trace of sadness and said: "The Flying Eagle Gang is quite powerful in this county, and its leader Huo Tianyi is even more powerful in martial arts.

I'm afraid I can't even defeat him, not to mention that evil master

I’m afraid it will be difficult to even find the mastermind behind the scenes, let alone kill him to eliminate harm for the people.”

Bai Xing said: "It doesn't matter, you just need to follow me. This is why I came to the Flying Eagle Gang this time."

"Really?!" Liang Nanfeng's eyes suddenly lit up. "Lord Bai Shen, you are indeed a role model for us!"

"Hahahaha!" Faced with Liang Nanfeng's compliment, Bai Xing burst out laughing.

Liang Nanfeng said quickly: "Then we have made an agreement! Lord Bai Shen, you can't break your promise!"

Bai Xing smiled: "No problem, it's settled."

He didn't care much about Liang Nanfeng, but since she kept pestering her, Bai Xing improvised and found some fun for himself.

He really wanted to know, when Liang Nanfeng learned that the mastermind behind the scenes was his own father, would he have no regrets about killing his father?

Interesting woman, interesting agreement.

Bai Xing needs interesting people to add a little fun to his long boring life with no end in sight.

Soon, the two arrived at their destination.

I saw that the headquarters was very majestic, with two stone lions sitting in front of the door, the bright red door, and a plaque above with three big characters flying like dragons and phoenixes.

It clearly says "Flying Eagle Gang"!

At this time, many Jianghu people who wanted to watch the battle came one after another, but they were all stopped at the door.

A little leader with a bad smile said: "As you all know, today is the day when Xu Zhuo, the Po Kongshou, challenges our gang leader.

Our gang leader’s status was something that I would have dismissed at first, but I didn’t expect Xu Zhuo’s arrogance to be so arrogant!

In line with his duty as a senior in the martial arts world, he agreed to give him some pointers.

If I can get guidance from my gang leader, I'm afraid I'll save myself ten years of hard work! Even if you just watch, you can benefit a lot, and at least you can save three years of hard work, don't you think so?

I think you are all here for this, but as the saying goes, there is no such thing as a free lunch. If you want to go in, please pay the admission fee of one hundred taels per person. "

As soon as this statement came out, it immediately aroused public outrage.

"Damn it! Are you, the Flying Eagle Gang, crazy about money? Are you charging for this?!"

"That's right, it's so shameless!"

"I have never seen such a shameless person!"

The little boss looked indifferent: "You can't even afford the entrance fee of one hundred taels. I advise you to go back to where you came from and stop messing around here."

"It's only a hundred taels of silver, but it's worth it to see 'Eagle Chuan Yun' Gang Leader Huo take action!"

One of the middle-aged men in Chinese clothes waved his hand and threw out a banknote.

The little boss immediately bowed and smiled and got out of the way: "Hey, it turns out to be the 'monument opener' Liu Daxia, please come in, please come in!"

The man known as Liu Daxia walked in with his head held high.

The rest of the people looked at each other, and finally had no choice but to pay to enter.

"Hey! Wait a minute!" When Bai Xing walked to the door, the little boss instinctively stopped him.

But when he saw Bai Xing's burly body, he felt a little frightened.

At this moment, Liang Nanfeng put her hands on her hips and glared: "What?! Do the people I, Liang Nanfeng, bring also need to pay?!"

"Yo!" The little boss immediately put on a smile and said hurriedly: "It turns out that Miss Liang is here in person. Hi! Look at what you said. Of course there is no need to pay. I was blind and didn't see you just now. Hehe. Please come in, hurry up. Please come in!"

After saying that, the little leader waved to the gang members inside and shouted: "Who is that! Give us Miss Liang some more."

After speaking here, he paused and looked back at Liang Nanfeng and Bai Xing.

Liang Nanfeng glanced at Bai Xing and said without revealing his identity, "Master Bai."

The little boss said quickly: "Yes! Yes! Arrange the best positions for us, Miss Liang and Daxia Bai!"

Following the gang members who led the way, Bai Xing and the two came to the school grounds together.

At this time, in addition to the surrounding spectators, there was already a young man waiting in the school grounds.

This man has a resolute face, a firm look in his eyes, and restrained murderous intent. He has adjusted himself to the best condition.

The fingers on both hands are long and hard, and it can be seen that they must be specialized in claw skills.

It seemed that Liang Nanfeng was right. This boy named Xu Zhuo did not come here just for a challenge.

He should be here to avenge his master!

Bai Xing had a smile on his face. Since he was having fun watching, he didn't act in a hurry.

He wanted to see what kind of confidence this boy had.

Being able to kill his own master uncle in someone else's territory.

And whether he can escape intact.

Soon, surrounded by many gang members, a middle-aged man with a sinister expression and a hooked nose came out.

"Honored God, he is the leader of the Flying Eagle Gang, 'Flying Eagle Chuanyun' Huo Tianyi!"

Now that Liang Nanfeng knew why Bai Xing was here, she immediately began to introduce him quietly.

In addition to Huo Tianyi, several big bosses from the Flying Eagle Gang were also present.

Among them was Huang Yuan, the ‘blood whip old ghost’ whom Bai Xing had seen before in front of the city gate!

"In addition to the five big bosses of the Flying Eagle Gang, there are also two hall leaders, both of whom are top-notch masters!

One of them is good at swordsmanship and is called "Kuai Dao Wuhen" Si Wenshun.

The other is good at physical protection and hard skills, and is known as the ‘Unparalleled’ Jin Chengbao! "

Bai Xing glanced around and saw the two people Liang Nanfeng mentioned.

Looking at these so-called masters on the spot, Bai Xing can sense that they all have energy in their bodies.

That should be what is called internal force.

The intensity of this energy itself does not seem to be particularly strong, but they can amplify it through special exercise routes and moves!

And everyone's internal strength is also strong and weak, and the gap is obvious.

Presumably this should be the result of their different internal skills.

For these martial arts masters, strength can be divided into two parts.

One is the strength of internal strength.

One is the power of the moves.

Internal strength will be affected by the year and method of practice.

The moves will also be affected by the depth of practice and the power of the move itself.

But for now, the strength of the warriors Bai Xing has seen is still too low.

It is impossible to determine what a more powerful martial arts expert will be like.

But at least one thing is certain, that is, the masters who go far on this road will definitely possess something similar to the 'complete realm'!

But having said that, even these guys who are not very popular in front of them, maybe due to the influence of the world environment, they themselves have at least the strength of [Current Propulsion] level master.

On the contrary, Bai Xing is looking forward to becoming a true martial arts master in this world.

For example, the ‘Xingye God’ Bai Xing mentioned by Liang Nanfeng!

And while Shirahoshi was thinking about it, the battle in the school grounds had already begun!

Jiang is worthy of being old and hot. From the beginning, Huo Tianyi completely suppressed Xu Zhuo.

His dangerous and ruthless Eagle Claw Kung Fu and fierce body skills are even more vividly demonstrated.

Xu Zhuo was beaten and could only parry, but had no possibility of counterattack!

Shirahoshi watched the battle while analyzing their strength.

Huo Tianyi's attack strength is already at the level of a [current push] 250,000 volt master.

And if a master of 250,000 volts who has never learned any martial arts moves goes to fight Huo Tianyi.

If you rely solely on your physical strength, you will probably lose ugly in front of Huo Tianyi!

Perhaps by being able to release electric current, some of the disadvantages can be remedied.

But in the end, Huo Tianyi still has a better chance of winning.

In addition, warriors also have strong control over their own strength!

This can be seen from the environmental damage caused by the battle between the two.

Except for some chips and scratches on the bluestone bricks in the school grounds.

It didn’t even cause any impact on the spectators in the stands!

The battle between the two lasted for about a stick of incense.

Huo Tianyi has basically stabilized the victory, leaving numerous wounds on Xu Zhuo's body.

“It looks like it’s about to end, ‘Po Kongshou’ Xu Zhuo is still too young!

However, it is already very good that he has been able to sustain himself in the hands of Huo Tianyi, a senior in the world, for so long! "

Liang Nanfeng expressed his thoughts and believed that it was a foregone conclusion that Xu Zhuo lost the duel.

Bai Xing suddenly said: "It is indeed coming to an end, but the winner is not Huo Tianyi, but Xu Zhuo!"

(Brothers, I feel a surge of power in my body, as if the seal that has been sealed for many years has finally been lifted. I heard that a geomagnetic storm occurred recently. Could it be quack! The power is fucking turning!) (End of this chapter)

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