
High in the sky, the three of them were still fighting fiercely!

However, Shin Seok-hyun, who returned to Earth, once again showed his strength and the effectiveness of his golden assistance.

Even if the Lion God broke through to the strength of 90,000 horses and kept attacking with anger, he could not get any advantage from the two of them for a while!

As time went by, Shen Xixian's strength actually increased.

From the original 60,000 horses, it has increased to 70,000 horses!


Inuyashiki struck hard with the 'Emperor's Shocking Fist' move. When the Lion God wanted to dodge, he only felt that the surrounding space was restraining him as if he was trapped in a swamp.

It took a huge amount of strength to move at all, and there was no way to dodge, and he was hit by Inuyashiki's punch!


With a heavy punch, even the Lion God would inevitably have blood spilling from the corner of his mouth.

"Get out of my way!!"

Boom boom!

The aura around him exploded, and frantic power continued to shoot out.

The telepathy arranged by Shen Xixian was torn into pieces like cloth.

As a result, he also suffered some backlash, and a trace of blood flowed from his nose.


The air exploded, and the Lion God punched out with anger and counterattacked towards Inuyashiki.

"Hey! Stupid cat, I already understand your interests. I know that even Brother Shen's telepathy cannot trap you. How can you be defenseless at such a close distance?

Look at me - Huangji Infinite Escape! ! "

In an instant, while facing the Lion God's punch, Inuyashiki's entire body suddenly turned into countless nanoparticles!


The Lion God's punch seemed to hit an empty space.

While avoiding the punch, the nanoparticles like black mist gathered behind the Lion God again.

"Take another punch from me! The power of a hundred thousand horses! The Emperor's Shocking Fist!!"

--boom! !

The Lion God never thought that Inuyashiki would have such a move. He was punched by Inuyashiki without any defense at all.

Hit in the middle of the back, the bones shattered in an instant, and a mouthful of blood gushed out!

"Wow!! You, you fucking bitch. I'm going to kill you, Zouya!!"

Inuyashiki's body is a mechanically modified human being. He developed the characteristics of 'nano reorganization' as early as after entering [magnetic field rotation].

This move, ‘Emperor’s Infinite Escape’, was created based on this.

However, this time it is not repairing the damaged body, but disassembling itself into countless nanoparticle states.

Use self-blurring to avoid enemy attacks and achieve unexpected effects!

In addition, it is also a very useful move in situations of avoidance and escape.

After Inuyashiki truly became the emperor of the island country and realized his true nature, his potential was fully developed.

In addition to being influenced by talent and emotions, a magnetic field man's ability to become stronger is also influenced by understanding his own true nature, achieving great enlightenment, and strengthening his will and belief!

From the beginning, Inuyashiki's potential and talent were not very good, he has gone all the way to the present, becoming one of the top masters in the world.

It’s not in vain that he killed his wife and son to preach!

"Okay! Damn Lion God, look how arrogant you are now?!"

Seeing the Lion God vomiting blood under Inuyashiki's punch, Shin Seok-heon screamed out in surprise.

But the next second.


The lion god said the cruelest words in his mouth, but his body was very honest.

He actually followed the example of Inuyashiki before, made a feint, and then immediately ran away.


Seeing the Lion God escaping, Shen Xixian was unable to react for a moment.

Immediately follow and plan to pursue!

But all he saw was an arm blocking his way.

Turning around, he saw that it was Inuyashiki.

He shook his head slightly and looked in the direction where the Lion God was escaping, with a deep look in his eyes.

"It's no longer necessary."

"Why? That kid has been seriously injured, and my strength has been increased to 70,000 horses. Coupled with your power, there is definitely a high chance of knocking him down this time!"

Shen Xixian seemed very unwilling.

Inuyashiki remained calm and said: "You have seen his speed, and in the battle just now, his magnetic field strength did not increase, but his strength increased twice.

I think it has something to do with what happened during the twenty-odd days when he disappeared.

And now, I have a feeling that he will break through the shackles at any time and reach the same strength of one hundred thousand horses as me!

If the fight continues, the consequences are unknown and both sides may suffer losses! "

After hearing this, Shen Xixian thought carefully and felt that what Inuyashiki said made sense.

But the annoyance in my heart has not diminished, especially when I think of the scene when the Lion God was chasing him all the way.

Fighting in space had a great impact on him.

If Inuyashiki hadn't desperately led him to escape, he might have been buried in the void of the universe at this moment.

But now that the matter is a foregone conclusion, he can't say anything more.

He could only say angrily: "Damn, this guy is really getting an advantage!"

Inuyashiki raised his eyes and looked at the sky.

He said slowly: "In comparison, I am actually more concerned about the battle on the moon."

Shen Xixian said doubtfully: "Neither Shirahoshi nor Fuudaizaemon have any grudges or conflicts of interest with us.

At the same time, they have never shown any ambition to dominate the world.

Although they are strong, even if one of them wins, it won't have any impact on us, right? "

Inuyashiki was silent for a moment, and then said: "I haven't had much contact with Fuudazaemon, but I have met him once and learned some things.

He was the one who defeated Lion God in Osaka before.

It's just that at that time, he was still in the [current push] state.

Even if later, according to data analysis, he entered the realm of [Magnetic Field Rotation] during the battle against Hua Lao, it was definitely not such a powerful force!

In such a short period of time, it has grown to the current terrifying level. What happened to him is absolutely extraordinary!

As for White Star

This person has always been shrouded in mystery. Even if I was one of the first people to come into contact with him, I couldn't see through him at all.

Moreover, all our magnetic field power comes from him. If something happens to him, it's hard to say whether we will be implicated! "

As soon as this statement came out, Shen Xixian was also stunned because he had never thought about this problem.

Zeng's experience of being possessed by Emperor Nian without realizing it told him that there is no such thing as a free lunch in this world. If you gain something, you will inevitably lose something.

Thinking of this, even Shen Xixian couldn't help but feel cold sweat!

"But what should be considered most at the moment is not these."

Shen Xixian looked at Inuyashiki and said, "What else?"


Inuyashiki said seriously.

"The moon is a very important partner to the earth!

The two of them fought fiercely on the moon. If it affects the moon more, or even blows up the moon, the earth will also be greatly affected!

The gravitational effect of the moon helps maintain the earth's stable rotation and revolution cycles, which can make the climate on the earth relatively stable.

But if the moon disappears, the earth's rotation and revolution cycles may fluctuate greatly, leading to chaos in climate patterns, extreme weather, violent fluctuations in global temperature, and other phenomena!

In addition, the plate movement inside the earth may also cause chaos, leading to volcanic eruptions and major earthquakes, bringing huge disasters to the earth!

At the same time, the rotation speed of the earth may also change, leading to changes in the length of day and night, changes in the magnetic field, and other problems!

Even if the moon is not completely destroyed, even if it is only damaged, it will cause tidal phenomena on the earth.

This will cause huge fluctuations in sea levels. In severe cases, storms and floods will occur around the world! "

After hearing this, Shen Xixian suddenly broke into a cold sweat!

As a person with a strong magnetic field, he is certainly not afraid of these natural disasters.

But Han Country is just a small land with an area of ​​about 100,000 square kilometers!

Once disasters such as tsunamis, earthquakes, and floods occur, the country of Han is likely to be destroyed directly!

This will completely nullify his previous efforts!

This is something he absolutely cannot accept!

"Then what should we do now?!"


After a long time, Inuyashiki sighed feebly and said: "There is no way, now I can only hope that they will decide the winner as soon as possible!"

Shen Xixian thought of Inuyashiki's worry about the consequences of who would win between the two, and he couldn't help but open his mouth, but in the end he didn't say anything.

Regarding the battle between Fuudazaemon and Shirahoshi, no matter what, it seems that it will develop in a not-so-good direction!

This also made Shen Xixian feel helpless in his heart.


Inuyashiki patted his shoulder.

Encouragement: "Don't be too pessimistic, maybe things will turn around!"

--boom! !

Inuyashiki's worries are not without reason.

At this time, things are developing in a really bad direction!

Because now Fuudaizaemon's strength has improved again, and he can already exert a power of 480,000 horses!

With a fierce punch, even Bai Xing couldn't help but pay attention.

"Sure enough, I read it right. Your power should not only be what you exert.

Then keep coming! Let me see where your limits are! "

Facing the increasingly powerful Fuudaizaemon, Shirahoshi was not afraid at all.

Instead, he became even more excited.

He was like a heavy hammer, constantly beating the fine iron of Fuudazaemon.

Hammer out his impurities and integrate all the information he has accumulated in various parallel worlds over the years.

And as Fuudazaemon became more and more pure, his power also increased steadily.

In his fist, Bai Xing read his experiences over the years and all his joys and sorrows.

I even read the "Evil Demon Heavenly Art" created by him and the "Five Thunder Heavenly Heart Secret Codex" created by Feng Wuxiang!

There is no doubt that these two guys are true martial arts geniuses.

Bai Xing can also benefit a lot from fighting against such a talented person. His unique skills, which were still just a step away from creation, have actually inspired him to become even more perfect.

"Do you think you can continue to be so arrogant?! If you do the stupid thing of not letting me go and not killing me in advance, I guarantee you will regret it, extremely regret it!!"

After Fuudaizaemon became serious, he showed amazing fighting power and fighting spirit.

With the 'Evil True Body' activated, he is nearly three meters tall!

Even though Bai Xing has a tall figure of nearly two meters, he still looks very petite in front of him.

Both palms came out, and a large amount of electric light dispersed crazily, turning into a sea of ​​thunder and washing away the white stars.

"The power of 480,000 horses! Thunderstorm in Tianxin!!"

"Stupid! Knowing my strength, you still use such scattered power to deal with me. How can it be effective?

Wasting your strength will only make you fail faster!

It has not reached 500,000 horses. Fighting on this moon is not a small load for you, right?

If it doesn't grow to 500,000 horses before I can't hold on anymore, I will be very disappointed! "


Bai Xing was right.

Although Fuudaizaemon absorbed energy and transformed himself due to the powerful magnetic field and the massacre of thousands of peers.

It allows him to ignore the oxygen-less environment.

But just like Shin Seok-heon, it's okay for a short time, but if it takes too long, it will be too much!

Shin Seok-hyun was weak and could only hold on for less than half a day.

And Fuudazaemon can last at least five days!

But if you can't make plans in advance, when facing Shirahoshi, there won't be much difference between five days and half a day!

His eyes flashed slightly. Of course Fuudazaemon knew this, and he already had a plan to deal with it!


When a thunderstorm occurs, the figure seems to blend into the thunder and lightning, appearing everywhere and making it difficult to find a trace!

Five Thunder Heavenly Heart Secret Technique·Five Elements Thunder Escape! !

Blasting the enemy with thunder and hiding in the thunder, even Bai Xing found it difficult to capture his position for a while.

The next moment, fists, palms and legs continued to appear from different positions and angles.

"The power of 480,000 horses! Lightning and flint palms!"

"The power of 480,000 horses! Five thunder fists!"

"The power of 480,000 horses! Thunder and lightning legs!"

--boom! boom! boom!

——Bang! Bang! Bang!

At this moment, Shirahoshi not only had to defend against the huge thunderstorm falling from the sky, but also carefully defended against Fuudazaemon who appeared at any time.

"You are so small, do you think you can stump me like this? Compared with me, you are far from good enough!!

Four hundred and eighty thousand horses of power! Knife of Hell·Ten Thousand Thorns! ! "

Sudden! Sudden! Sudden!

In an instant, countless sword powers poured into the ground, followed by changes on the moon's surface.

The matter is changed, and then turns into a sharp blade that rises from the ground. After being hardened by the force of the magnetic field, it can cut mountains and break mountains.

Countless blades rise and fall one after another, just like the rumored sword mountain hell.

Countless sword energy penetrated the sky, smashed the thunderstorm, and forced Fuudazaemon who was hiding in it to come out!

——Buzz! !

"The power of 480,000 horses! The sound of thunder is shocking!!"

Fuudaizaemon, who showed his figure, did not panic, but actually emitted a special wave starting from himself.

Wow! Wow!

The blade of thorns rising from the ground was shattered.

And where he was at the moment, he was very close to White Star.

It was carefully selected to ensure that Shirahoshi would not be able to react immediately.

It seems that when he used the 'Tianxin Thunderstorm', he had expected that his move would be cracked by Bai Xing.

Everything before was just a cover!

Just for this moment! (End of chapter)

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