Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 291 The Lion God who was tricked, Fuudazaemon’s awakening!


A whole set of combos was executed like a flowing stream, even Fuudazaemon felt a little tired.

The magnetic field power in the body was consumed a lot, and he stood there trying to regain his breath.

At the same time, his eyes were fixed on the smoke and dust in front of him.

Soon, the smoke dissipated.

On the moon, which was full of craters and had its entire plane cut off, a figure still stood proudly on the earth.


Looking at Shirahoshi, who didn't seem to be injured at all, even Feng Daizaemon's character almost broke through.

Bai Xing dusted off the dust on his shoulders and chuckled at the corner of his mouth.

Slowly walked towards Fuudazaemon.

"Is this all your strength? But it's not enough. Hurry up and use more strength! Otherwise, you will only die."

"Damn it!" Fuudazaemon clenched his fists. Only now did he truly feel the pressure of Shirahoshi's coming!

At the same time, I also understood why I was obviously not a timid person, but when I faced Bai Xing, I always felt a deep fear coming from the bottom of my heart.

When a thunderstorm erupted over the moon, the Lion God was attracted some attention.

In an instant, Inuyashiki seized the opportunity.

The Huangji Shocking Fist with the power of 100,000 horses immediately caused considerable damage to the Lion God.

"Fuck!" The Lion God was furious, Kuang Gu's own strength, lasers shot out in his eyes!

But his actions were restricted by his telekinesis. Damn it, Shin Seok-heon and Inuyashiki cooperated perfectly, causing the Lion God to suffer a lot.

However, anger and frustration caused the magnetic field power in the Lion God's body to continuously rotate. Under the stimulation of the power, genes that had not yet been developed and mastered were gradually activated.

to increase his strength.

The situation has improved, but due to lack of strength, Inuyashiki and Shin Seok-heon are still suppressed together.

At this critical moment, Shen Xixian's offensive slowly slowed down.

The Lion God laughed at first, then seized the opportunity and started to attack fiercely.

The continued fighting soon evened the gap between the two sides.

On the other hand, Shin Seok-heon's condition seems to be getting worse and worse.

It can't even activate the power of thought.

This made the Lion God feel as if he had broken free from his restraints, and his whole body felt indescribably comfortable.

There was even a breakthrough in strength, reaching 90,000 horses!

"Fucking old dog! Eat my 90,000-horse power and use the ultimate destruction fist!!"

——Boom! !

Inuyashiki resisted the punch and at the same time used the power of the magnetic field to contact Shin Seok-heon.

"How are you? Are you okay!"

Shin Seok-heon looked a little reluctant: "It's okay, it just stayed in space for too long."

Inuyashiki suddenly realized.

He did ignore this!

Since he himself is already a mechanically modified person, he doesn't need oxygen at all.

Even in the space environment, you can still move freely.

The Lion God is similar. The genes carried in his body give him the ability to fly and enter and exit the universe at will.

Can survive without oxygen at all.

But Shin Seok-heon is different.

Even if you can stay in space for a period of time with the power of magnetic fields and telekinesis, it is still limited.

Especially since he fought fiercely here!

The consumption is undoubtedly very huge!

It’s normal to not be able to hold on any longer.

But without Shin Seok-heon, Inuyashiki's current strength of 100,000 horses might not necessarily be able to defeat the Lion God.

Even if the Lion God has just been promoted to 90,000 horses!

After this confrontation, Inuyashiki has understood one thing.

No matter what adventures the Lion God had during this period of time, it has greatly increased his strength!

In addition to the power of the magnetic field, the body of the Lion God is also very powerful!

Much stronger than Inuyashiki's mechanically modified body!

"We must withdraw!"

"I can hold on a little longer."

"No! I can't just watch something happen to you, besides, Lion God won't be defeated so easily!"

After Inuyashiki learned the specific situation, he immediately formulated a strategy.

After avoiding the lion god's laser, he turned around and waved a palm! !

"Stupid cat! You have been rampant for long enough, come and try my latest trick!

Hum! You are proud enough to be able to let me use this life-burning blow.

Maybe after this time, my potential will be overdrawn and my life will be exhausted, but as long as I can eradicate this scourge like you, everything will be worth it! ! "

——Wow! !

As Inuya spreads his palm, infinite power blooms.

Faced with such power and Inuyashiki's words, even the Lion God immediately raised his vigilance to the highest level!

Immediately mobilize all the cells in the body, fully strengthen the defense, and lay down layers of magnetic protection all over the body.

At the same time, he struck out with all his strength and collided head-on with the shock wave formed by this palm.


At this moment, the infinite power dissipated, like glass that could break at the touch of a touch, or the moon in a pool of water.


The Lion God was stunned.

After real contact, he had felt the essence of this move.

Isn’t this Inuyashiki’s ‘Emperor’s Holy Power Palm’? !

And it wasn't Inuyashiki's full strength at all. It seemed that he only had about 50,000 horses.

And 40,000 of them were used for the appearance of power, making this palm a real embroidered pillow, which is good but useless.

In addition to looking very powerful, the power is just like shit!

The Lion God turned around and saw that Inuyashiki was no longer there, and even Shen Xixian on the other side had disappeared.

Feeling the magnetic field fluctuations of the two of them, the Lion God discovered that they had flown more than ten kilometers away and were heading towards the earth!

The Lion God immediately understood what happened, and endless anger surged in his heart!

His fists were clenched, and veins popped out on his forehead!

"Damn it!! Damn, damn bitch! How dare you play tricks on me!!"

What Inuyashiki said when he took action was simply a lie to him.

In addition, almost all the power is exerted only on the power of that palm.

The bottom line is that he wants to scare the Lion God!

Create an opportunity for the two of them to break away from the battle!

Shin Seok-hun's situation can't be dragged on any longer. Once the Lion God reacts and catches Shin Seok-hun and attacks him fiercely, even Inuyashiki may not be able to protect him.

And once Shin Seok-heon dies, if this gold medal assistant is gone, Inuyashiki alone will hardly be a match for the Lion God!

So he must rush back to Earth as soon as possible!

The Lion God had failed several times before and suffered several hardships because of his pride and carelessness.

Inuyashiki took advantage of his psychological weakness and deliberately deceived him.

Sure enough, the Lion God immediately became vigilant and responded with all his strength.

By the time he reacted, Inuyashiki had already run far away with Shen Xixian.

Sudden! !

The Lion God catches up at full speed and will definitely make them pay for their actions!

Feeling the lion god chasing after him, Inuyashiki pushed his power to the maximum.

The propulsion flames behind him sprayed wildly, leading Shen Xixian to rush towards the blue planet in front of him.

——Zizi! !

When they were on the verge of the atmosphere, the Lion God had actually shortened the gap between the two and was even able to launch a laser to attack them!

Inuyashiki's eyes flashed, he didn't expect the Lion God to fly so fast!

As a mechanical engineer, with propellers behind his back for assistance, Inuyashiki can fly very fast.

On Earth, most fighter jets can only fly at around Mach 1.5-2.5.

And Inuyashiki can reach Mach 6 when flying at full speed!

With the advantage of taking the lead and such a fast flying speed, he was caught up by the Lion God in such a short time.

And the distance between the two is still shrinking.

This means that the fastest speed of the Lion God at this moment can far surpass him!

Inuyashiki glanced behind him and said: "Damn it." He gritted his teeth and frantically mobilized his own strength, causing the flames behind him to spray violently again.

At the same time, he kept dodging to avoid the lasers coming from behind.

——Hoo ho!

Finally, before being completely overtaken by the Lion God, Inuyashiki and Shin Seok-heon entered the atmosphere first and felt the gravity from the earth.

At the same time, the fierce friction caused blazing flames to burn around the entire body.

"Fucking bitch! Look where you're going this time!!"

Just when Inuyashiki secretly breathed a sigh of relief, the lion god's roar suddenly sounded from behind.

"Ninety thousand horses of power! Magnetic energy light killing cannon!!"

After further shortening the distance, the Lion God decisively used his strongest long-range attack skill.

With both hands forward, he no longer needs the mechanical muzzle when releasing this move.

You can condense the light-killing cannon with just your flesh palm.

Violent light bloomed in the palm of the hand, and after being highly concentrated, it suddenly burst out!


The light killing cannon penetrated the air and approached Inuyashiki and Shin Seok-heon at extremely fast speeds.

In such a sudden and close range, there was no possibility for the two of them to dodge.

At this critical moment, several layers of twisted barriers appeared in the air, just like flowers blooming in the air.

"A thought blooms!!"

This move was used by Emperor Nian before.

But compared with the original move, this one really pales into insignificance.

But it is enough to resist the lion god's magnetic energy light killing cannon!

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The beam of light hit these mental barriers like blooming flowers, immediately causing a violent explosion.

After penetrating all the barriers, its power had been weakened by 99% when it reached the two people.

Inuyashiki waved his hand and defeated the remaining power.

"Brother Shen!"

After entering the atmosphere, Shin Suk-heon's condition finally recovered somewhat.

He took action in time and blocked the Lion God's shot.

This made Inuyashiki very happy.

"It's not okay here yet, don't slow down!"

Inuyashiki only felt that his body was wrapped in a layer of telekinesis, which reduced the friction resistance between himself and the air.

It's like applying a layer of oil, it's very smooth and the speed increases immediately.

On the other side, the Lion God was furious when he saw that his move failed!

"Gah! You two cowards, don't run away if you have the guts!!"

Inuyashiki and Shen Xixian did not respond, but just rushed down.

The Lion God was furious, and his power kept turning.

There are faint signs of breaking through to 100,000 horses.

The genes in his body are also constantly being activated, making him faster!

"Die! This time I will see if you can still hide away. Those who only know how to escape are not qualified to continue to live in the world. This time I will definitely kill you all to take revenge!!"

Sudden! Sudden! Sudden! Sudden!

The Lion God kept waving his hands, and what was surprising was that every time he waved, there was a terrifying wave.

One after another, beams of light broke through the air, shooting towards Inuyashiki and the two of them, covering them in the blink of an eye!

Each of these light beams contains a 'magnetic energy light killing cannon' with the power of 90,000 horses! !

"Damn it!"

Inuyashiki's body tensed up. He didn't expect that the lion god was so ferocious that he could execute such killing moves continuously.

Even he couldn't produce such a large output at once!

"What on earth has this stupid cat gone through? How could he have grown so much?!"

Surrounded by a large number of 'magnetic energy light killing cannons', the two had no choice but to stop their bodies and respond with all their strength.

--boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

As soon as the violent explosion subsided, the voice of the Lion God sounded.

"Keep running! Why don't you run? Hahaha!! Damn it, you two guys will die for me now!"

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Lion God had already caught up.

Inuyashiki and Shen Xixian looked at each other and did not retreat.

Although it was still at a high altitude at this time, it was completely enough.

Shin Seok-heon is no longer affected by the vacuum of space and has regained his combat power.

At the same time, ‘cell reorganization’ is used to repair the trauma just suffered.

Then, together with Inuyashiki, they attacked the Lion God!

Above the moon.

——Bang! Bang! Bang!

Fuudaizaemon was like a ping pong ball bouncing around.

Unexpectedly, Shirahoshi was nowhere to be seen. All he could see was that Fuudazaemon was repeatedly hit hard, and then ejected, only to be hit hard again before he even hit the ground!

Shirahoshi's speed was so fast that it was difficult for Fuudazaemon to catch him.


The blood at the corner of his mouth continued to overflow, but Fuudazaemon had no time to wipe it away.

In the process of being continuously hit hard, his original anger gradually subsided, and his former strong enemy Feng Wuxiang could not help but appear in his mind.

He had learned many principles from this peer with strong martial arts talent.

This includes not being allowed to get carried away by anger at any time.

You must maintain rational judgment so that you can have a chance to turn defeat into victory!

His mind gradually calmed down, and the thunder swirling around him continued to defend him. At the same time, he gave up catching with his eyes, but used his heart!

His mind instantly enveloped the moon, and the dense magnetic lines in the universe were all over the place. They were originally chaotic, but now they became his eyes and ears.

With this, he finally caught a trace of the white star.

"Got you!"

Fuudazaemon suddenly opened his eyes. The rock-like black muscles all over his body were tense, and the red lines all over his body were even more radiant.

A brazen punch was thrown.

"The power of 460,000 horses! Five thunder fists!!"

——Bang! !

This punch collided with Bai Xing's fist.

Even if Fuudazaemon was knocked out by the backlash, he fell hard into the moon's surface, creating a huge crater.

But it’s still considered a success!

Shirahoshi hovered in mid-air, looking down at him: "Fuudazaemon, you always bring surprises to me! The more you act like this, the more reluctant I am to let you go! Hahaha! Come on! Come, fight with me for another three hundred rounds! But don’t be proud of this, if you can’t continue to break through the power, you may really die on the moon!”

Fuudazaemon stood up and spit out a mouthful of blood.

Eyes fixed on Bai Xing: "You are indeed a madman! But you are right about one thing. For me who is committed to pursuing the peak of martial arts, if I am afraid and don't even have the courage to fight with my fists, what qualifications do I have? As a strong man, how can you continue on the path of martial arts? Very good! Since you want to fight, then I will help you. Next, I will try my best to fight with all my strength until the end. I'll slap you down hard, you little bitch! I'll let you taste the taste of failure and let you pay the price for your actions!" (End of Chapter)

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