Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 293 The destruction of the United States and global catastrophe!

"The power of 480,000 horses! The universe is thundering!"

His body transformed into a bolt of thunder, and his speed was unbelievable!

"Good boy! First, he used a thunderstorm to confuse my sight, then he took the opportunity to get close, then he suddenly accelerated and then struck a fatal blow!

Now, let me see what kind of power your long-charged trick contains! "

Black and white thunder brewed in the hands of Fuudazaemon.

"I will never let you down!

Under this move, even if you are strong, you will not be able to escape easily. Next, it will be my home court!

Bai Xing, you are indeed very strong, but you are too careless!

As a warrior, carelessness will pay a price, and are you ready to bear this heavy price? ! "

——Zizi! Zizzi! !

The sword power formed by the black and white thunder surged in a crazy flash, and came to the front of Bai Xing.

"Hey!! The power of 480,000 horses! The Yin and Yang Five Thunder Strikes!!"

This is not the first time Shirahoshi has seen this move.

Just before, Fuudazaemon had used it to deal with the Four-Eyed Starman's mothership.

The extremely huge mothership, with a length of more than two thousand kilometers, carried tens of millions of Four-Eyed Stars.

It has extremely thick armor, advanced technology, and a solid defensive barrier.

But he was still killed by this sword!

Completely collapsed and turned into countless cosmic garbage!

The black and white thunder sword power contains two polar attributes, which complement each other and restrain each other.

Once used, it will continue to flow until the enemy is completely strangled!

Bai Xing became very interested after seeing this move, and now he was even more surprised when he actually faced it!

"What a good move! The person who created this move is definitely a real genius.

However, I see that your two sets of unique skills are different. One of them should not be created by you, right? !

Although you are very familiar with this unique skill of making good use of lightning, you still feel unfamiliar when using it. If my guess is correct, it should be this skill that was not invented by you!

And now, I want to teach you a truth. If you don't fully master the martial arts, you can't go too far when you use it! ! "

Zizzi! !

The surge of black and white knife power has completely enveloped Bai Xing and started cutting crazily!

As Fuudazaemon said, even with Shirahoshi's strength, he would not be easily defeated by this move, but it would not be easy to escape.

Once it is contained, then Kazaozaemon will have the upper hand in output, and the balance of victory will also tilt!

But how could Bai Xing be restrained so easily?

"The power of 480,000 horses! The immortal body of gods and demons!"

Shirahoshi still uses the same level of power as Fuudazaemon, and relies on the power of faith to activate the secret skill he received from Magneto - the 'Indestructible Body of Gods and Demons'!

The strong defense immediately resisted the erosion of the black and white sword power.

Bai Xingfu Zhixin, after this period of fighting, has made up for the unique skills that were still lacking during the previous retreat.

Although it is still a little short of heat, it is definitely more than enough for the current situation!

"Let me use my newly learned secret skills to defeat your trick!

Four hundred and eighty thousand horses of power! Solar wind! ! "

--boom! boom! boom! boom!

The endless stream of high-speed charged particles forms a violent storm, bursting into bright white light.

The extreme high temperature swept through, and all substances were destroyed in it.

Including the black and white sword power that was splitting all the time!

Because the speed of its division is not as fast as the speed of annihilation!

When Bai Xing faced this move, he didn't use any tricks to deal with it.

Rather, simply use powerful force to fight head-on and defeat ten enemies with one force! !

Just like the real solar wind coming, the violent particle flow washes away everything.

After all the black and white sword power was annihilated, half of the moon and Fuudazaemon were completely enveloped!

Such a spectacular sight can be seen clearly even from the earth.

At this moment, Inuyashiki and Shin Seok-hyun, who were cleaning up the remaining four-eyed stars everywhere, were all attracted by this amazing scene.

Couldn't help but look up.

"So strong!"

On the other side, Izumi Shion, who has escaped from prison and is planning how to take revenge.

Suddenly feeling this shocking power, I couldn't help but look up.

His eyes burst into astonishment.

"What happened?"


As soon as the lion god waved his hand, the "magnetic energy light killing cannon" released wiped out several war robots.

Killed to pieces!

But he had no joy at all in defeating the enemy, just because he had no choice but to escape in the hands of Inuyashiki and Shen Xixian.

This was an unbearable shame and humiliation for him!

And just before that, he was still chasing Inuyashiki and the two, taunting them for their escape.

Now these words seemed to bounce back to him.

It made him feel extremely angry!

The resentment in my heart also superimposed to a higher level.

Now, he plans to continue with his original plan.

To occupy the United States, he must defeat Inuyashiki and Shin Seok-heon to complete his revenge!

And it still beats them in all aspects!

Whether it’s strength or power!

The first step to occupying the United States is to kill all those aliens who don’t know what they call shit!

At this moment, he also felt powerful fluctuations from the sky.

Although it cannot be seen directly, as a person with a strong magnetic field, he can naturally sense what is happening with such violent fluctuations.

Even if it is transmitted to the earth, it still contains such powerful fluctuations. It is hard to imagine how powerful this move will be!

The Lion God clenched his fists tightly, and his steel teeth almost crushed him!

"Damn it! You all wait for me!

I, the Lion God, am the strongest!

just me! Only then can he be qualified to become the only God in this world! ! "

Looking back at the moon.

Even though White Star did not target the moon itself, the satellite still suffered severe damage.

And because of its implication, the earth not far away has also changed.

Just as Inuyashiki had worried before, when the moon is damaged, the change in tides is enough to set off a tsunami on the earth.

It's just that it's not serious yet, and it hasn't attracted widespread attention.

The eyes of everyone and the country are all focused on space at this moment, on the two people fighting on the moon!

While the changes on the earth are still brewing, the turmoil on the moon has begun to subside.

White Star stands tall on the earth, its majestic body carrying absolute oppression and a strong aura that cannot be defeated.

Cold eyes looked at a burnt black body in the distance.

That's right!

Fuudaizaemon was washed away by the fierce 'solar wind', and his whole body was scorched black, and he looked seriously injured!

"Fuudaizaemon, I warned you that you should not go too far when using moves that you have not yet fully mastered.

Otherwise, even in the face of large-scale destruction on my scale, it would be difficult to resist, and we would end up like this! "

After Bai Xing's experiment with the 'Black Hole Fist' failed, he entered the enlightenment dojo for retreat, intending to create a new secret technique.

It can replace the "Nuclear Explosive Fist" which is gradually losing its power.

There was not just one new move he created.

But two!

But before it was perfected, due to the invasion of the Four-Eyed Stars, it had to be released early.

In the process of fighting with Daizaemon, he certainly did not gain nothing at all.

One of the two moves, 'Solar Wind', allowed him to initially master it and use it at the critical moment.

The power is really good, and the effect is outstanding. One blow violently broke Fuudazaemon's "Yin Yang Five Thunder Slash"!

However, this move is a ranged AOE attack. When used against masters, because the power is too dispersed, it does not actually pose a fatal threat.

It is mainly used to maximize its effectiveness when faced with siege by large-scale enemies.

But Feng Daizaemon had just used the 'Yin Yang Five Thunder Slash', just when the old power had gone and the new power had not yet arisen.

In order to hit Shirahoshi hard at once, he didn't leave any room for himself.

Only then did he hit him by mistake, and was severely injured on the spot by this area-of-effect killing move!

Kaka! Kaka!


A strange movement occurred. Shirahoshi raised his eyebrows and saw that the scorched black layer on Fuudazaemon's surface was cracking and peeling off bit by bit!


Shirahoshi can feel that Fuudaizaemon seems to be undergoing some kind of transformation. Perhaps when he stands in front of him again, he will become even stronger!

But he didn't immediately stop it.

If he wanted to kill Fuudazaemon, he would have done it long ago.

He just took a fancy to this guy's potential, so he has been fighting with him until now.

At this time, Wakafaze Daizaemon can really break out of his cocoon and be reborn, and he is truly qualified to be called Shirahoshi's opponent!

The power is growing!

In a short period of time, Fuudazaemon's power has grown to 490,000 horses!

But it still didn't stop!

--boom! !

Half a million horses of power!

After Shirahoshi, Fuudazaemon finally crossed that threshold.

Successfully entered the [anti-gravity realm]!


Countless charred fragments exploded, and Fuudazaemon stood in front of Shirahoshi again.

He is three meters tall, and his muscles are all black, shining with an indestructible sheen like top-grade alloy.

Thin and dense red lines filled the whole body, and the bloodthirsty luster burst out from them.

Like an ancient demon god, standing on the spot, exuding endless killing intent towards Bai Xing!

"You shouldn't have given me a chance to grow up!"


At this moment, a full week has passed since the 'Four-Eyed Star Invasion Incident'.

This invasion was an anticlimax, even though the powerful war robots and four-eyed alien soldiers showed an overwhelming advantage over the earth's human army.

But it soon fell into decline.

The mothership was defeated first, and the remaining troops were successively destroyed by the strong.

However, before the surviving people could react to the joy of surviving the disaster, new problems began to arise.

The first is that the United States is occupied!

As an international hegemon and a powerful country with one of the strongest military capabilities on earth, the United States was forcibly occupied, which was enough to cause an uproar in the entire world!

What is shocking is that it is not the Four-Eyed Stars who occupy the United States, but just one person!

Lion God Hao!

This guy who was classified as an alien finally showed his real fangs.

Taking over the entire country with one person's power and completely declaring the United States a thing of the past.

From now on, the territory he belongs to has only one name.

That is - the True God Religion!

And everyone needs to believe in Him as the only true God!

No matter how outsiders view this matter or think of the Lion God.

Americans have a very contradictory attitude towards the Lion God.

The mechanical weapons and biochemical weapons of the Four-Eyed Stars that previously ravaged the entire United States were no match for the ordinary police and military. Even if the Four-Eyed Stars' mothership was bombed, they could still easily occupy the entire United States with medium-sized spaceships as supplies. , and raised all Americans in captivity, treated them like pigs and dogs, slaughtered them at will, and made them into rations.

It's the Lion God!

With his own power, he killed all the four-eyed aliens and even left behind a large number of alien high-tech weapons and spaceships, which can be studied by scientific researchers. This will definitely significantly increase the level of science and technology in the United States!

For many Americans, the Lion God, who killed all the four-eyed stars, is like a savior!

But there is opposition, and there are still many people who believe that the Lion God is no different from those four-eyed star people.

The Four-Eyed Stars regard humans as food, and the Lion God may not be much better.

It also warns others not to forget what the Lion God did in the island country and what he was called!

There are also some people who believe in the law of the jungle, admire the power of the lion god, and are willing to kneel at his feet.

Some outsiders plan to commit themselves temporarily and wait for the opportunity.

There are also many people trying to escape this desperate country.

In addition, there are a large number of Christians who resolutely oppose the Lion God for their own beliefs!

But this matter is also easy to solve.

After the Lion God personally went to the Vatican and went on a killing spree, the current Pope personally announced that the Lion God was the incarnation of the Lord and the only true God walking in the world!

As for other sounds in the United States, it doesn't matter to the Lion God.

Opponents, kill!

Those who are dissatisfied will be killed!

Obstructors, kill!

Protesters, kill!

kill! kill! kill! kill! kill! Rape!

For seven days, the Lion God killed corpses all over the North American continent, and blood flowed like rivers!

Success added the word "old" in front of the United States.

There is no longer the United States on earth.

There is only - the True God Religion!

And as time passed, it was seven days later.

The impact of the Battle of the Moon on the Earth also began to appear.

The tidal influence causes the sea area to begin to roll, and huge waves are like furious beasts, raging in the ocean.

The tsunami is like a silver wall, hitting the breakwaters of coastal cities, swallowing up everything in its way instantly.

People screamed in panic and fled, but the speed of the waves far exceeded the people's escape.

Countless houses and vehicles were involved, bumping with the ups and downs of the waves, and finally disappeared into the vast sea.

At the same time, typhoons are also raging around the world.

The wind was as strong as a knife, uprooting trees and blowing houses to the point of collapse.

The heavy rain seemed to submerge all the land in the world of water.

Dark clouds cover the sky, lightning flashes and thunder, as if the end of the world is coming!

People trudged forward in the wind and rain, trying to find a safe haven.

They huddle together cautiously to keep warm, but even if they escape natural disasters, they may die in man-made disasters.

The more disaster strikes, the more intense the internal struggle and chaos among human beings becomes.

In order to fight for and cherish survival resources, strife with each other can be seen everywhere.

Not to be outdone, earthquakes unleash their power deep within the earth.

The tremors of the earth's crust plunged the entire world into panic.

High-rise buildings were crumbling in the earthquake, and countless cracks spread on the ground.

People screamed in panic, trying to escape the impending collapse of the world.

In the face of these natural disasters, human beings appear so small and helpless.

The prosperity of the city disappeared in an instant, people's homes were destroyed, and countless lives were lost in this disaster!

(ps: In this book, no matter it is the subhuman world, the mutant world, or the invaded world now, as long as it is on the earth under the modern background, a certain mysterious ancient country in the East exists in a high dimension and cannot interfere or directly. Vision, indescribable, indescribable.

So no matter what kind of disaster these people cause to the earth, they will not affect it in the slightest. Hope everyone knows. ) (End of this chapter)

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