Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 290 The second stage begins, the true form of the evil spirit!

Just when the Lion God fell into a trance.

Inuyashiki and Shin Seok-heon have noticed his presence!

The space is empty, without any obstruction, and the three of them want to get close to the moon, so they will naturally be exposed to each other's sight.

Although they were far apart, they could still be seen clearly.

When Inuyashiki and Shen Xixian noticed the Lion God, he also noticed the two of them belatedly.


As the saying goes, enemies are extremely jealous when they meet.

But compared to the killing intent that filled the heart of the Lion God, Inuyashiki and Shin Seok-heon were more surprised!

They had watched the Lion God self-destruct with their own eyes, but they never expected to see him here again today!


The Lion God jumped up and flew towards the two of them.

What?! Aren't you happy to see your old friends? I'm still alive and I've let you down!

Inuyashiki looked cold and said solemnly: Yes, I am surprised to see you are still alive, but I am not disappointed at all. If we can kill you once, we can naturally kill you twice!

Hahahaha!! The Lion God laughed loudly, and the terrifying murderous intent filled the air, becoming as thick as substance.

Kill me? Do these two idiots think I am still the same person as before?

Today I will completely kill you, and then destroy everything you hold dear!

Your country and people will all go to hell to be buried with you! !

The Lion God can't control the previous plan. Since he bumped into him, he will take revenge first!

One of the characteristics of those with a strong magnetic field is that they follow their heart and follow their true nature without any so-called forcing.

If the two sides disagree, they will start fighting!

Before the magnetic field power is increased to 500,000 horses, although it can freely enter and exit the universe, it will consume a lot of itself.

The average strong person simply cannot maintain it for long.

Especially the three of them, all under the power of one hundred thousand horses.

It would be nice to be able to break through the atmosphere and enter space, but fighting here is simply unsustainable.

But the reality is that none of these three guys are pure magnetic field experts!

Inuyashiki has been transformed by aliens and has a mechanical body, so he is naturally not afraid of the influence of vacuum.

Shin Seok-heon himself has telekinesis, and after being possessed by Nian Emperor, his body was transformed, and his telekinesis talent was also affected and increased significantly.

The magnetic field seeds were planted by Bai Xing again.

You can also move freely in a vacuum.

As for the Lion God, needless to say, as a half-machine and half-organism, he has a large number of special genes in his body.

Among them are genes that allow him to move freely in space and survive without even absorbing oxygen.

The ability to fly also comes from genes. There is no need to wait until the power is increased to 500,000 horses to enter the [Anti-Gravity Realm] to enter and exit the universe without any consumption.

The three of them came here to witness the battle between strong men, but unexpectedly their enemies met and a battle broke out immediately!

The power of 80,000 horses! The ultimate destruction fist!!

After the Lion God swallowed Brandon, not only his life evolved, but his potential was also developed.

Not only has the previous injury been fully recovered, but the strength has also been further improved, reaching 80,000 horses!

However, Inuyashiki is not easy to deal with. He understands the importance of strength and has not slacked off during this period.

The power of ninety thousand horses! The Emperor's Judgment Fist!!

Before entering space, Inuyashiki repaired the damaged Tokyo.

Being able to use the technique of 'molecular particle control' proves that his strength has reached 90,000 horses at this moment!

——Boom! !

When the two sides collided, even though the Lion God's power level was low, he had no intention of falling at a disadvantage.

This is because the strength of his body has already surpassed Inuyashiki's purely mechanical body!

The physical strength formed by the blessing of powerful genes is enough to make up for the gap of only 10,000 horses!

However, Inuyashiki is not alone!

Hey!! The power of 60,000 horses! Magnetic fist with telekinesis!!

The time it took for Shen Xixian to obtain the magnetic field seeds was much shorter than the two of them.

But as a body that has been transformed by Nian Emperor, its potential is definitely sufficient. With the help of powerful Nian power, and the selfless teaching of Inuyashiki.

The growth rate during this period is absolutely amazing!

--boom! boom! boom!

——Bang! Bang! Bang!

Shin Seok-heon and Inuyashiki joined forces to fight against the enemy, and for a while they suppressed the Lion God.

The battle is extremely fierce!


The Lion God gritted his teeth. He thought that he had grown up enough to take revenge.

Unexpectedly, the enemy also made great progress.

Although he was filled with hatred in his heart, he did not mess up the plan when he took action.

The Lion God now is no longer the Lion God of the past.

The combat experience is much richer than before!

With his strong body, he withstood Shin Seok-hyun's punch, and the Lion God's heart suddenly moved.


Two lasers suddenly burst out from his eyes.

He planned to deal with Shen Xixian first!

This guy's magnetic field power is nothing to the Lion God, but his powerful telepathy is really quite annoying!

Because of the invisible and ubiquitous mental obstruction, he had missed several opportunities to counterattack Inuyashiki in the previous battle.

As a result, he received several more punches!

Fortunately, his powerful body was strong enough to withstand a few punches from Inuyashiki without much injury, and he didn't even need to use cell reorganization.

But if we continue like this, it will inevitably add up to a lot!

So the lion god's attention secretly shifted from Inuyashiki to Shin Seok-heon!

He planned to cut off this wing first, and once he lost the help of Shen Xixian, he believed that Inuyashiki alone would never be his opponent!

Faced with the lasers bursting out from the Lion God's eyes, Shen Xixian was really caught off guard.

A mental barrier was immediately placed in front of him.


The laser shot hit the barrier and only withstood it for a second before penetrating it.

After adding the power of the magnetic field, the power of the laser has been greatly enhanced!

In addition, the attack is concentrated enough, so the effect of breaking the surface is achieved!


The laser immediately shot at Shin Seok-heon, causing him to show a painful expression.

The whole person was even pushed back.

Brother Shin!!

Old dog! You should take care of yourself first!! After the Lion God attacked Shen Xixian, he attacked Inuyashiki again without hesitation.

It was as if he had predicted Shin Seok-heon's outcome, or had absolute confidence in himself!

When Inuyashiki was concerned about Shin Seok-heon, he had already punched out!

Damn it! Why aren't you dead, you ignorant bitch?

Inuyashiki let out a furious roar, using all his strength to unleash his strongest blow!

The power of ninety thousand horses! The Emperor's Shocking Fist!!

In his opinion, something like the Lion God, which only knows killing and destruction, has no survival value at all.

Without any belief or perseverance, living will only bring pain and destruction to others. You cannot be called a strong person at all!

The island nation has been reborn under his leadership, and everything is moving in a good direction.

But because of the reappearance of the Lion God, tens of millions of lives were lost at once!

It has caused a head-on blow to the development of the island country!

This made him feel endless anger from the bottom of his heart!

After finally joining forces with Shen Xixian to kill him, he unexpectedly resurrected again and became much stronger than before!

Thinking of his own experiences and inner beliefs, coupled with the trauma suffered by Shin Seok-heon, the anger in Inuyashiki's chest surged out uncontrollably!

--boom! boom! boom! boom!

Every punch was filled with rage, and every punch was filled with all his strength.

The more we fight, the angrier we get, and the angrier we get, the more we fight!

The power in the body couldn't help but start to rotate crazily!

Until it reaches the top!

“Fucking power, give me a surge!!

One hundred thousand horses of power! Huangji shocking fist! ——Hmm! !

——Boom! ! !

A punch that contained terrifying power, even the current Lion God did not dare to strike directly.

With a look of surprise on his face, he crossed his arms in front of him to resist.

Immediately after the huge power burst out, the steel-like body of the Lion God was unable to resist.

The moment it flew out, blood could not help but flow out from the mouth and nose!

To make matters worse, Shin Seok-heon, who was sent flying out earlier, has also returned.

The power of mind and magnetic field merged with each other, taking advantage of the opportunity of the Lion God being injured.

Take action immediately with all your strength!

Sixty thousand power! Magnetic energy arc slash!!

When Inuyashiki and Shin Seok-heon teamed up to fight the Lion God, Shirahoshi had already felt their presence on the moon.

With a loud punch, he shattered the thunder and lightning released by Fuudaizaemon. He galloped forward, performed the 'Fighter Soaring Step' at his feet, and took advantage of the situation to get closer and exploded with another nuclear blast!

Among the people I have invested in, although each one has their own circumstances and changes, you are the only one who has grown the fastest!

I have to say that my vision is not wrong, and my expectations for you are not in vain!

Accompanied by violent explosions and endless particle flows, these words rang in Fuudazaemon's ears at the same time.

The Bagua composed of fine currents covering the whole body is constantly rotating to remove this power.

With his own strength, Fuudazaemon Qiangya shouted angrily: Who the hell are you, and why did you do this? Don't try to fiddle with me again with those answers you don't know!

As soon as Bai Xing succeeded, he immediately launched a more intense pursuit.

——Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Hahaha! I don't know what it means? I have always followed my own rules!

Investing in those worthy guys and then observing their changes and impact on the world is like watching the TV series Magnetic Fields, but it's a lot of fun!

And when a guy with potential appears and is qualified to fight with me, I have never hesitated to fight!

Whether it is watching the magnetic field series or fighting, it can make me feel happy. This is my purpose, and this is the answer you want!

But you feel you don’t know what to say? how about you? ! He keeps saying that he wants to defeat all the powerful men in the world and reach the pinnacle of martial arts.

Why do you always want to escape when facing me who is stronger than you? !

Are everything you said just lies to yourself and others? Hurry up and use all your strength to fight.

Let my happiness double! !

Being completely suppressed and unable to form a counterattack, Fuudazaemon could only passively withstand the attack, feeling depressed in his heart.

A surge of anger brewed in his chest.

When Bai Xing was questioned, this anger burst out instantly and turned into a raging fighting spirit!

Fuck! Okay! Since you want to be happy, then I will give you happiness! And when you are defeated in my hands and insulted, I hope you can still maintain this mentality!!

Four hundred and sixty thousand horses of power! ! The true form of the evil spirit! !

——Boom, boom, boom! ! !

The violent power spread out from Fuudazaemon's body, forming a violent air wave.

Suddenly, sand and rocks flew within a radius of dozens of kilometers, and countless materials were swept up into the sky.

Even the lunar bases set up by some countries were affected and were destroyed by the storm in an instant and turned into powder!

I saw that Fuudaizaemon's figure became taller, but his muscles were no longer as exaggerated as when he was in the 'Red Blood Judgment'.

On the contrary, it looks smoother and more powerful!

The skin is no longer the red color full of explosive power.

Instead, it turned into stone-like black, with blood-red lines covering the surface.

It's like he really transformed into a demon king, with his eyes all red and his whole body exuding terrifying power!

In the unique skill Sha Demon Ten Kung created by Fuudazaemon.

There are two transformations in the first stage.

One is the 'Red-Blooded Extreme Evil' who is prone to strength and explosion.

One is the 'Xuan Bing Yin Sha' who is inclined towards defense and attribute damage!

There is no order of distinction between these two transformations, but they have different tendencies.

When Fuudazaemon discovered that even if he turned the 'Red Blooded Ultimate Sha' to its limit, it was no match for Shirahoshi, he gave up on transforming into the 'Black Ice Yin Sha' and directly started the second stage of transformation!

At the same time, it is also the most popular transformation move in Shamo Tian Gong.

——'The True Body of the Evil Demon'!


After entering the second stage, Fuudazaemon's strength instantly increased dramatically! A sudden increase! Strong growth!

--call! !

With a wave of his hand, boundless waves of fire rolled in.

The blazing heat is enough to burn gold and boil iron, and the material on the moon's surface instantly turns into glass.

Four hundred and sixty thousand horses of power! The burning fire! !

Bai Xing's eyes flashed: It's interesting!

After blocking Shirahoshi with fire for a moment, Fuudazaemon took advantage of the situation and launched his own counterattack!

The lightning and thunder converged on themselves, continuously flashing, causing the entire body to be enveloped in thunder.

The universe is thundering!!


Fuudaizaemon's speed was greatly increased, like a bolt of lightning.

He instantly appeared behind Bai Xing and punched out with a brazen punch.

It hit Shirahoshi right in the back of his mind.


Bai Xing's whole body shot out directly, plowing a deep ravine on the moon's surface!

Before he could stop, Fuudazaemon was already above him.

Thunderstorm in Tianxin!!

--boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

Just like the soaring thunder disaster in the rumors, countless thunder and lightning shining with blazing light struck fiercely from top to bottom.

For a time, it completely covered several kilometers in radius.

Large and small thunder and lightning chopped down, and countless materials were reduced to debris.

Smoke and dust filled the air, thunder flashed, and its power was so powerful that it not only attracted the attention of the three lion gods fighting in the distance, but also attracted the attention of humans on the earth.

They all looked up at the sky without knowing why, looking at the shining thunder that burst out from the moon.

Fall into deep horror! (End of chapter)

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