Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 273 Gravity Slingshot, Inuyashiki and Shin Seok-heon team up!

Shin Seok-heon looked familiar to Inuyashiki, but when he heard the name, his expression changed instantly!

The whole body is stiff, and he is already on the highest alert. As long as something goes wrong, he will take action immediately!

This is not the place to talk. Can we find another place to talk?

Hearing this, Shen Xixian nodded.

Then he left with Inuyashiki.

After all, this place is too close to his daughter Shen Wei. If Inuyashiki has any bad intentions, it will easily affect her!

According to Shin Seok-heon, Inuyashiki is an alien who launched a military coup in the island country and has now completely enslaved the entire island country!

The many disasters that have occurred in the island country before are probably inseparable from him!

Such a dangerous person suddenly appeared here.

Shen Xixian was really at a loss.

My mind kept thinking about various possibilities.

And the two of them arrived at a deserted open space.

Inuyashiki turned around and said: Don't think blindly, I didn't come to you to harm you.

In addition, you seem to have a deep misunderstanding about the situation in the island country and my affairs.

With that said, Inuyashiki directly used electromagnetic waves to transmit a message to Shen Xixian's mind.

After all, it would take a lot of time to explain his affairs in words.

It is more convenient and faster to transmit it directly in the form of information.

After receiving all the information, Shen Xixian also fully understood the affairs of the island country and the identity of Inuyashiki.

So you're not an alien?!

Inuyashiki shrugged: Of course not, I was just an unlucky guy who was hit by an alien spacecraft and made some kind of investment by a fun man that can't be said to be good or bad.

Shen Xixian also said tsk, tsk twice. Compared with Inuyashiki's experience, his bizarre encounters during this period even seemed a bit boring.


Wait! You said the person who invested the magnetic field seeds in you was named Bai Xing?!

Inuyashiki nodded and said: Yes, besides me, there are others who have accepted his investment.

One of them is the Lion God Hao. Now he wants to exterminate the entire island country and is an extremely dangerous figure.

It is difficult for me to really stop him with my own strength, which is why I came to you.

Shin Seok-hyun was in shock.

After a long while, he slowly said: I have seen this white star!


Inuyashiki didn’t expect that Shin Seok-heon would also know Shirahoshi!

But he clearly didn't feel the magnetic field fluctuations on the other party's body!

Later, Shin Seok-heon told Inuyashiki all about his previous experiences.

Inuyashiki immediately grasped the key point: He said that you had to die because you were exposed to the radiation from that crystal?

Shen Xixian nodded and said, Yes, that's what he said.

Inuyashiki sighed, not expecting that Shin Seok-hyun only had about the last five hours left in his life.

As for resisting Shirahoshi, Inuyashiki has no such idea at all. He is very aware of Shirahoshi's terror!

Therefore, I felt very disappointed and thought that this negotiation would definitely end in failure.

He turned around and planned to leave: In that case, you should use the remaining time to spend time with your loved ones.


However, Shen Xixian called him out.

Don't you want me to help subdue that Lion God Hao?

Inuyashiki raised his eyebrows slightly, looked at him again, and said, That's true, but if you want me to help you fight against Shirahoshi, then I advise you to give up this idea as soon as possible.

Shen Xixian shook his head and said: It seems that my judgment about Bai Xing is not wrong, even you are so afraid of him.

Actually, this is not why I stopped you.

I can promise you, but you also have to give me a promise!

Inuyashiki didn't expect that things would turn around.

'oh? ’ He made a sound and said, “What a promise.”

Shen Xixian took a deep breath and seemed to have made a very important decision.

You should have seen it just now, that is my daughter, her name is Shen Huowei.

Inuyashiki nodded slightly, waiting for his next words.

Before you came to me, you should have investigated the things that happened to me and what I did, right?

After I die, no one can protect her, so I want to ask you to take her to live in the island country!

Guarantee that she will not be in danger, this is the promise I want, and it is also my reward for helping you!

Inuyashiki rubbed his chin. This request didn't seem to be difficult for him.

In the island country, he has become the emperor, the supreme ruler in the true sense.

It is a dictatorial rule, and no one can disobey his orders.

If he brought Shen Weiwei back to the island country, it would be too simple for him to just ensure her safety.

Okay! I promise you! If things work out, I will accept her as my goddaughter and let her enjoy princess-like treatment in the island country!

After getting Inuyashiki's promise, Shin Seok-heon couldn't help but show an expression of relief.

Although he only met this person for the first time, he read various messages from Inuyashiki.

I felt an inexplicable familiarity with him, as if I had known him for a long time.

And feels that Inuyashiki is the best person to entrust his daughter.

Besides, he really had no other choice.

Even if he shocked the entire Han Country, it was hard to say how long this shock would last after he disappeared.

He had been troubled by this problem before, but there was no particularly good solution.

Until the appearance of Inuyashiki, it became his best choice at present!

Both sides get what they need.

For Shen Xixian, whose time is running out, helping him kill someone is not an unacceptable thing.

It doesn't matter even if you die in battle.

For Inuyashiki, who controls the entire island country and has the greatest power, just taking care of one person's safety is even easier and a trivial matter.

The two of them hit it off immediately, and there was no need to stay or delay any longer.

He soared into the sky and headed towards the island country.

After the two people left, a figure appeared in the same place.

Bai Xing put his hands behind his back and looked up at the direction the two left.

Even he didn't expect that Shen Xixian could be related to Inuyashiki.

When I thought of Inuyashiki looking for foreign aid, he teamed up with Shin Seok-heon to fight against the Lion God.

A smile appeared on Bai Xing's lips.

Interesting, things are really getting more and more interesting.

Because Shin Seok-hyun's remaining time was limited, the two of them did not delay any further.

It was only on the way back to the island country that we decided on the action plan after a brief exchange.

Inuyashiki's strength is already greater than that of the Lion God. The reason why he can't be defeated is mainly because of the rat-proof weapon.

And now with the participation of a third party, Shin Seok-hyun, as long as he can help him lead the Lion God to a no-man's land, he can free up his hands and feet to really fight the Lion God!

It is not difficult to find the Lion God. He is currently in Tokyo.

Yes, he returned to Tokyo.

Since there is no way to leave the island country, it is naturally better to stay in the most densely populated place.

This will provide a good deterrent to Inuyashiki.

In particular, most of the dignitaries of the island countries are in Tokyo. Once fighting breaks out, all those dignitaries will be affected and killed.

The Lion God does not believe that Inuyashiki alone can manage such a large country!

You must know that conquest and management are never the same thing.

After Inuyashiki became the emperor, he kept Shinzo Yamayama as prime minister for the same reason.

In the top-floor room of a luxury hotel, the Lion God was sitting cross-legged at the moment.

Carefully feel the power of the magnetic field surging within your body.

I want to accomplish my goal, I want to take revenge by killing Fuudazaemon and Inuyashiki, I want to completely destroy this damn country.

You must work hard to become stronger and stronger!

Now, the Lion God has deeply understood the importance of strength.

However, increasing the power of the magnetic field does not happen overnight.

Excluding idealism and relying on practice to become stronger, even those with extraordinary talents cannot make great progress in one day.

It all needs to be accumulated and polished bit by bit.

The Lion God was irritated. The feeling of wanting to destroy everything but being held down all the time made him extremely frustrated!

When facing Inuyashiki before, he was beaten up and ran around, and he could only temporarily force the opponent back by threatening him, which made him feel extremely humiliated!

Once upon a time, when he first had this power, he even called himself a 'god'!

He believes that there is nothing in this world that can threaten him, and no one can compare with him!

As a result, in just a short period of time, powerful people appeared one after another.

Even the disgusting old Madonna dog climbed on top of his head.

The more he thought about it, the more angry and aggrieved he felt, which instead stimulated his strength and accelerated his rotation!

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

If you want to rely on hard training, you must at least calculate the time on a monthly basis, and it is possible to increase it to 70,000 horses.

But now it is infinitely approaching 70,000 horses!

This discovery surprised the Lion God!

Just as the state of mind changes, the speed of magnetic field rotation also slows down.

And when he deliberately recalled it, looking for that anger and pain.

But he can no longer enter the state just now.

damn it!!

The lion was so angry that he was only a little short of entering the 70,000-horse category.

He has the same level of power as Inuyashiki, but he is stuck here.

It made him feel even more uncomfortable!

At this moment, the Lion God suddenly opened his eyes, and a ball of light bloomed within them.

What is this old guy doing here?!

It turned out that he felt Inuyashiki approaching quickly.

However, there is no hostility in Inuyashiki's magnetic field fluctuations, and he does not seem to be here to fight.

Soon, Inuyashiki arrived outside the building and stood suspended in the air.

The Lion God thought about it secretly, and finally did not choose to escape immediately, but went out to see what the old guy wanted to say.

Although his power at this time failed to break through to 70,000 horses, it was still a little stronger than before.

Besides, this is Tokyo. As long as the old dog still cherishes his status as emperor and indulges in the supreme power, he will not allow the people of the island country to continue to die.

After all, in the past several disasters, too many people in the island country have died, and the population has simply plummeted.

The Lion God flew out of the room and also came outside to confront Inuyashiki Volley.

Old dog, you came here now, what's the matter?

Inuyashiki stared at him: Lion God, there is really no need to continue the stalemate.

I can send you the people who hurt your mother, but you must promise to leave the island country and never come back!

A sarcastic smile appeared on the corner of the lion god's mouth: So you are here to seek peace. Haha, old dog, your sincerity is not enough!

How about this? Not only do I want to kill those damn guys, I also want to sit in your seat!

How about letting me become the new emperor and rule the island country so that I won't destroy this country again?

Seeing Inuyashiki's gloomy expression, the Lion God sneered: What? Don't you love those people very much?

So that they can let me continue to stay in Tokyo, but now I'm silent?

Inuyashiki said in a low voice: You know this is absolutely impossible! I will not give up the power in my hands, but at the same time I will also shoulder the responsibilities that power brings!

Then there's nothing to say! The Lion God waved his hand: Let's go, let's see now, who of us can grow faster and become stronger, and break this deadlock between you and me!

Inuyashiki did not leave, he still just stood there.


The Lion God looked at him and suddenly noticed something was wrong!

Unfortunately, it's too late!

——Boom! !

Huge force came, and the Lion God felt that his body was completely out of control.

Rapidly ejected towards the sky!

Look at the Lion God who flew tens of thousands of meters into the sky in just a blink of an eye.

Inuyashiki's eyes narrowed and he rushed forward together.

Along with him, there is Shin Seok-heon!

In fact, Shin Seok-heon arrived earlier than Inuyashiki, but he did not have the power of magnetic field and did not attract the attention of the Lion God.

When Inuyashiki lured the Lion God out and delayed time, Shin Seok-heon only did one thing.

Build a gravity slingshot!

This was the inspiration that Bai Xing brought him.

Since Bai Xing can use his mind power to change gravity and control gravity.

Then he should be able to!

Especially after overusing telekinesis last time, which caused a nosebleed, he found that his telekinesis had actually strengthened.

He did not control gravity, but borrowed the power of the earth's gravity to form a gravitational slingshot.

While Inuyashiki attracted all the lion god's attention, he quietly enveloped him.

After the build is complete, launch directly.

Treating the Lion God as a projectile, he was forced to launch it high into the sky.

Rapidly passes through the troposphere and reaches the stratosphere.

It reached a height of about fifty kilometers above the ground.

This was the countermeasure that Inuyashiki and Shin Seok-heon decided upon after discussion on the way back to the island country.

It is not an easy task to lure the Lion God out of the island country, even into sparsely populated mountains and ocean areas.

The Lion God will soon notice something strange and be alert.

And if the war starts in Tokyo, even with the help of Shin Seok-heon, the Lion God can be completely taken down in the end, but before that, a large number of innocent people will still be affected and die!

So the two of them thought of high altitude!

Just in an instant, the Lion God can be ejected into the sky above the stratosphere, and then fight.

We are not afraid of affecting the people below!

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