Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 272 Deadlock and a way to break it!

In desperation, the Lion God released all the missiles in the missile slots!

The missiles that emit white smoke also have tracking functions, reducing the possibility of being dodged by the enemy.

The power is also extremely powerful. Although the weight and volume of each missile are not large, because it is born from the power of magnetic field combined with alien technology, its lethality is definitely not small!

--boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

The missiles soon surrounded Inuyashiki from all directions and then exploded.

In an instant, fireballs rolled and smoke filled the sky.

The Lion God looked at it intently, but still did not let down any vigilance.

The slap from Inuyashiki just now made him know that even if he broke through the [Magnetic Field Rotation], he would not be able to compete with him for a while.

as expected!

Among the flames and smoke, Inuyashiki's figure rushed out quickly, seemingly unharmed at all.

I don't know the so-called dog breed! Do you think this little trick like missile bombing will be useful to me who has become a strong magnetic field?!

If you dare to massacre my subjects, you will have only one end, and that is - death! !

Electromagnetic waves don't lie. The lion god can clearly feel his rage and heartache at this moment through the electromagnetic waves released by Inuyashiki.

His eyes flashed slightly, and the thrusters behind his back sprayed blue flames, trying to avoid Inuyashiki's attack first.

But Inuyashiki kept chasing after him and used his unique skills one after another.

Strive to completely kill the Lion God here!

Seventy thousand horses of power! The Emperor's Judgment Fist!

Seventy thousand horses of power! The Emperor's Judgment Leg!

——Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

After the missiles and electromagnetic guns released by Lion God posed no threat at all, they could no longer stop Inuyashiki's approach.

Various moves were used in turn, and the lion god who was hit directly had no power to parry!

The tricks that the Lion God had relied on before now lost their effect.

In fact, he had already noticed this when he and Izumi Shion teamed up to fight Inuyashiki.

Whether it is missiles or electromagnetic guns, they can only be used to torture people, and they will pale in comparison against real masters!

It’s just that habits cannot be corrected in a short time.

But this time, he was full of anger and murderous intent, and wanted to eradicate the entire country.

But being ruthlessly interrupted by Inuyashiki made him realize this cold fact even more.

Realizing that not only is his strength inferior to Inuyashiki's, but his fighting ability is also lacking!

The supercomputing core, equipped with the amazing wisdom of the magnetic field man, began to operate at full capacity.

The scene when he fought with Daizaemon and the moves he used kept popping up in his mind.

And the moves of Inuyashiki in front of him were also marked and analyzed by the supercomputer core.

Didi didi!

Just when Inuyashiki punched out again, he was about to arrive in front of him.

The Lion God finally, with the help of the supercomputer core, analyzed the opponents and integrated combat experience.

Calculated a unique trick of his own!

Do you think I don't have any moves? Old dog, today I'm going to show you that I, the Lion God, am not weaker than anyone else!

Fifty thousand horses of power! The ultimate destruction punch! !

Skill and power are combined with the murderous intention unique to the Lion God, and the moves created also have unparalleled killing intent!

Like a stormy sea, it rushed toward his face, slightly weakening the holy power wrapped around Inuyashiki's fist.

The two fists collided with each other, and the sound of explosions tearing through the air bloomed in the night sky.

The terrifying aftermath formed into huge waves, pouring in all directions.

Bulldoze all the ruins caused by the explosion!

However, the lack of absolute power still puts the Lion God at a disadvantage.

His whole body flew out immediately, but at the same time, Inuyashiki also regressed for the first time.

Even though he was more seriously injured, the Lion God still laughed happily.

And Inuyashiki's complexion became even more ugly!

Old dog! Your boring rule should end here. This country is already hopeless.

Let me destroy it and remove these harmful garbage from the earth!

——! Shut up, you bastard!!

You are just a bitch who doesn’t know what the so-called dog breed is! Just getting a little strength will act recklessly and self-righteously.

You were like this in the past, and you are still like this now!

You have not grown at all, and as the culprit of all the tragedies that have happened to you, you have no responsibility or courage!

From the beginning to the end, you are a bully who only bullies the weak and shirks responsibilities to others! pity! insect! !

Hey!! Stop talking! You old dog! You already have a way to die!!

The lion god's eyes were red, and he was completely angered by Inuyashiki's words.

The death of his mother Yuko came to mind again.

Especially when he suffered so much humiliation and torture before his death.

The Lion God is indifferent to strangers. Killing a living being is as senseless to him as crushing an ant.

But he has deep feelings for the people he values.

And the person he values ​​most is undoubtedly his mother who has worked hard to raise him with her own hands!

That's why he vented his anger on the entire island country and was bound to wipe this country off the face of the earth!

But in his heart, he has been avoiding the truth.

That is, the person who caused all this is actually himself!

At this moment, Inuyashiki was ruthlessly exposed, and his defense was immediately broken!

Raising his arms, the mechanical parts automatically assembled together.

Forming a huge muzzle!

Strength of 60,000 horses!! Magnetic energy light killing cannon!!

The ultimate emotional driving force actually made him climb to a height of 60,000 horses in a short period of time!

It even changed its body, merging the electromagnetic cannons on its two arms to reconstruct a more powerful weapon.

Magnetic energy light killing cannon!

A blazing light bloomed, and a terrifying beam of light burst out from it!

not good!!

Inuyashiki's heart tightened, and he realized that the power of this cannon was by no means comparable to those of the previous electromagnetic cannons!

With his strength, he could still avoid or circumvent the main force of this cannon.

But that means that the city behind will be further damaged!

The subjects he swore to protect would be killed for this!

So he can't hide!

You can only use that move!

The terrifying power surged within the body and focused on one point.

The power of 70,000 horses! The Emperor's Shocking Fist!!

——Boom, boom, boom! ! !

Terrorist explosions resounded throughout Tokyo, white light shone in the sky, and those who didn't know thought it was daytime.


The blazing bombardment was blown away by a punch.

Countless white lights fell on the sky, like the stars turning upside down, but the ultimate danger lurked in the shocking scene.

Inuyashiki's punch was not finished yet, and he hit the lion god boldly.

He was immediately blasted from mid-air into the ground.

It was like a meteor falling to the ground, causing waves to hit the ground.

Centered around the fall point, a huge pit appeared, and any material inside was shattered into pieces.

The Lion God's body was severely damaged, but he didn't expect Inuyashiki to have a backup plan. He had to admit in his heart that this old dog had really turned into a wolf king at this time.

He knew that if he continued, he might not be his opponent.


Use 'Nano Reorganization' to recover your damaged body, and push forward the flames from behind.

The whole person immediately fled towards the distance!

The method of 'nano reorganization' has been seen by Shishi God on Inuyashiki. In addition, after entering [Magnetic Field Rotation], Shishi God also understood the method of 'cell reorganization'.

It is natural to apply this method.

Even when his Magnetic Energy Light Killing Cannon was created, part of it was extended from this method.

Seeing that the Lion God was about to run away, how could Inuyashiki just give up?

This time, he was determined to eradicate it!

Chase after him immediately!

The two have similar strength. Although Shishigami is no match for Inuyashiki, he will not be able to easily catch up with him.

Even while flying while blocking Inuyashiki, it caused great damage to the city below.

Inuyashiki was immediately furious.

Damn you bitch! If you dare, stop and fight. What's the point of running away!

However, the Lion God keenly observed Inuyashiki's anger.

Combined with previous findings.

His eyes sparkled, and his hands formed a huge muzzle again.

But he didn't fire at Inuyashiki, but at the bustling city center!

Sixty thousand horses of power! Magnetic energy light killing cannon!

There is no doubt that if this cannon continues, the entire city center will be completely destroyed!

The number of casualties is incalculable, and the blow to the entire country will be severe.

At this moment, the island country, which has suffered many disasters and has been tortured, can no longer withstand several twists and turns.

Inuyashiki will never allow his subjects to die in front of him again!

He immediately ducked and blocked the shot.

He punched with all his strength to defeat the power of the magnetic energy light killing cannon.

Seeing this scene, the Lion God burst into laughter.

Old dog, old dog! What qualifications do you have to speak against me?

Didn't you tear off a rusty iron chain and replace it with a gold chain?

After all, you are still an old dog who can’t bear to be on a leash!

With worries and constraints, how can you be my opponent?

snort! Old dog, I'm warning you now, don't follow me again!

Otherwise, I think you can help them block a few shots! !


Inuyashiki's eyes were about to burst, but his speed slowed down a bit.

But he didn't give up and kept biting the lion god's back.

One of them ran away and the other chased, but they were both afraid of each other and did not act rashly.

Everyone in the island nation became hostages, making Inuyashiki afraid to approach the Lion God.

Likewise, the Lion God cannot accomplish his goal of killing everyone in the country!

The two sides fell into a stalemate.

Inuyashiki has been looking for opportunities, wanting to find a way that will no longer cause damage to the island country and its people.

Then completely eliminate the scourge of the Lion God!

And the Lion God has been thinking of ways to improve his strength as soon as possible. Otherwise, it will be detrimental to him to continue the stalemate.

After daylight broke out, Inuyashiki stopped chasing because he knew that the Lion God would never dare to leave the island country.

As long as he is on the island, if there is any change, he can rush there as soon as possible.

As for continuing to kill people on the Internet, Inuyashiki also has ways to deal with it.

He himself could completely stop the Lion God with the power of the magnetic field, but in order to avoid any omissions, he directly ordered as the emperor to shut down network base stations across the country.

Even if this will cost you a lot, it seems insignificant in the face of life.

As long as they can survive the current crisis, Inuyashiki believes that the island country, under his leadership, can definitely defeat the United States that is riding on their head!

In the Kyoto Imperial Palace, Inuyashiki has been thinking hard about how to completely eliminate the scourge of the Lion God.

Suddenly, he discovered that there was another big news in the world recently!

The place of occurrence was not far away, in the cold country next door.

There are people like him who are fighting against the entire country on their own.

At this time, we are almost arriving at the Blue House!

Oh?! It's interesting!

Inuyashiki's eyes sparkled, and he did not feel the magnetic field fluctuations, which proved that this person should not have much to do with Shirahoshi.

Rubbing his chin, Inuyashiki looked at the scene in front of him and judged the strength of this man named Shen Xixian.

I think he is quite good and should be able to use it for himself.

Perhaps a third party is needed to break the deadlock between me and the Lion God!

Hanguo, Seoul.

There are only the last six hours left.

But everything Shin Seok-hun can do has been done.

He massacred troops, demolished the Blue House, and broke into underground safe houses.

The president was dragged out like a dead dog and forced to sign an amnesty for everyone in the Nanping shop.

Now even the wanted order against him has been withdrawn, and the state has subsidized him with a large amount of money.

After promising all kinds of benefits, I almost knelt down to him.

The main reason is that he is afraid that like Inuyashiki next door, he also wants to be the president for fun.

At this moment, Shin Seok-heon deeply realized the power of personal strength.

People like Executive Hong are already unattainable big shots for ordinary people.

But in front of the entire country, he is still just a little slave.

However, when he has enough power, he can easily override all powers and the entire country!

Become a god who can truly control people's life and death!

It's a pity that the days of his 'god' are numbered.

It's not that Shin Seok-hyun has never thought about fighting Baixing to the death after the time limit comes.

Maybe he could be killed instead, so that he wouldn't have to die and could protect his daughter forever.

But this idea was abandoned by him just after it arose.

Bai Xing also has the ability to control telekinesis, and is countless times more powerful than him!

Shen Xixian tried. He can now raise a telekinetic storm to destroy a city, but there is no way he can use his telekinesis to influence gravity and build a gravitational field like Bai Xing.

Even to the point of tearing apart space!

Moreover, Shirahoshi can easily increase his power, which shows that he has enough confidence.

Even if he cannot be deprived of his power at will, he must have the strength to absolutely suppress him.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t do these unnecessary things.

Shin Seok-heon has not been dazzled by victory and strength, which also benefits from his many years of life experience.

If he were a young man full of energy, he might be ready to fight Bai Xing right now!

In addition, one of the things that Shen Xixian is most worried about is that if his resistance angers Bai Xing, not only will he be killed, but his daughter Shen Huiwei may also be implicated.

Maybe the probability is very low, but he doesn't dare to bet!

He owed his daughter too much.

Standing on the street, hidden to one side.

Shin Seok-heon used his mind to control a black card given to him by the government and sent it to the store where his daughter was.

Not long after, as expected, Shen Weiwei was seen running out with a black card in her hand and a look of nervousness and expectation.

Shouted: Dad! Dad! Where are you? Come out quickly!

However, Shen Xixian just watched without any intention of showing up.

Seeing that Shen Xixian never showed up, Shen Huowei cried in despair.

Dad! I know it's you! Come out!!

Two lines of clear tears streaked down Shen Xixian's cheeks.

But he knew that he, with his hands stained with blood, and that his time was running out, should not appear in his daughter's life again.

Just let everything go with the wind and let it end like this.

With infinite grief, Shen Xixian planned to turn around and leave.

However, at this moment, he suddenly noticed a figure standing not far behind him.

He immediately raised his guard and asked, Who are you?!

The man just looked at him, and then glanced at Shen Weiwei who was still calling Dad in the distance.

He smiled slightly and said, Let me introduce myself. My name is Inuyashiki Ichiro.

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