Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 274 I also want him to taste what it's like to lose a child!

When the Lion God reacted, he was already at an altitude of more than fifty kilometers.

Although he didn't know how Inuyashiki did it, he immediately guessed his purpose of doing it.

Damn it!

It seemed that Inuyashiki was not here to seek peace at all. He was just trying to distract and attract his attention.

Realizing that he had been tricked, the Lion God was filled with anger!

The first time blue flames shot out from his back, he planned to return to the ground!

But how could Inuyashiki get what he wanted?

Inuyashiki, who had caught up from below, immediately used all his strength.

The power of 70,000 horses! The Emperor's Shocking Fist!!

--boom! !

The Lion God had no choice but to resist this move.

In an instant, cracks appeared in the body, and some small fragments flew out.

And he himself was shot higher into the sky again due to the reaction force.

In the blink of an eye, we entered the middle layer, which is mainly composed of oxygen, nitrogen and a small amount of water vapor, carbon dioxide and other gases.

Because the density of gases drops sharply with height, the temperature also drops.

But for the Lion God and Inuyashiki, it has no impact at all.

As for Shin Seok-heon, who caught up with him, his physical body was always the weak point, and he could only use his mind power to cover his body surface to defend himself against the increasingly harsh environment outside.

The Lion God, who had just recovered from his injuries through 'Nano Reorganization', immediately saw the presence of Shin Seok-heon.

Then he understood that this should be the helper Inuyashiki found.

Fucking bitch! He's looking for help!

As a child, he didn't have many friends. His only best friend, Antang Naoxue, was also killed by him.

So he hadn't thought of asking others to help him before.

At this moment, seeing Inuyashiki calling in foreign aid, he felt extremely angry and extremely angry!

——Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The missiles flew out from behind, leaving white trails in the air, heading towards Shin Suk-heon from all directions.

Shen Xixian quickly controlled himself and ducked to avoid these missiles.

But I never thought that they all have precise guidance and tracking functions.

No matter how hard Shin Seok-heon evades, he will always come back to him.

There is no other way but to deploy mental protection to resist!

--boom! boom! boom! boom!

As the missile exploded, a series of expanding fireballs appeared in the sky, and smoke billowed.

After the Lion God released the missile, he no longer paid attention to Shen Xixian, but fought with Inuyashiki at high altitude.

Old dog, do you think you can defeat me just like this? You are wrong! For your stupidity, I will randomly massacre a city in the island country and let your subjects pay for your recklessness and mistakes!

Sixty thousand horses of power! The ultimate destruction punch! !

Do you think you still have a chance? Now that I have taken action this time, I am confident of absolute success!

There is no possibility for you to live any longer, because I will kill you today!

Lion God, you know, compared to your name, you are more like an arrogant and stupid cat who doesn’t know what to say! !

Seventy thousand horses of power! The Emperor’s Judgment Fist! !

——Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The difference in strength between the two is not that far apart. Now that they are fighting, there is no way to tell the winner in a short period of time!

A series of explosions continued to stir, and the shock wave made the air feel like a substance, forming gray-white airflow that overlapped like ocean waves.

While the two sides continued to fight, the Lion God finally caught an opportunity!

This is not an opportunity to attack Inuyashiki, but an opportunity to implement the plan!

The mechanical structure of the back is reorganized, and the missile slot changes into a muzzle.

Suddenly released the 'Magnetic Energy Light Killing Cannon'!

What was shot was not Inuyashiki, but high in the sky.


When the resistance is cancelled, the powerful reaction force directly accelerates the lion god's body!

Head towards the ground!

not good!

Only then did Inuyashiki realize that the Lion God had been cheating just now, and he still had not given up on the idea of ​​returning to the ground.

He wanted to stop it, but it was too late.

The power of the 'Magnetic Light Killing Cannon' was so powerful that it seized the opportunity that Inuyashiki was unable to take action immediately.

The force formed makes the Lion God's initial speed extremely fast!


At this critical moment.

There was a buzz in the air, and an invisible force pulled the rapidly descending Lion God!

It's Shin Seok-heon!

The power of telekinesis was outputted crazily, and the Lion God was held back by force.

The opportunity was fleeting, and the lion god's eyes were about to burst!

He didn't expect that despite all the calculations, he still underestimated this guy who suddenly appeared.

He didn't know Shin Seok-heon's background, but because the other party ruined his good deeds twice, he hated him even more!

The power of sixty thousand horses! The ultimate destruction fist!!

Suddenly he punched out and headed hard towards Shen Xixian.

He planned to kill Shen Xixian first to relieve the hatred in his heart!

Shen Xixian hurriedly adjusted his telekinesis to cope with the offensive.

After this delay, Inuyashiki reacted enough and came forward to join forces with Shen Xixian.

The two of them, one on the left and the other on the right, besieged the Lion God, putting him at a disadvantage for a while!

Hanguo, Seoul.

half an hour ago.

In a small alley outside Nanping Commercial Street.

A man in a black coat hurried past.

In his hand, he was also carrying a suitcase.

Maybe it's because there was too much commotion in Nanpyeong Shopping Street, or maybe it's because Shin Seok-heon, who killed countless people and even destroyed the Blue House, came from here.

In short, although the forced demolition of Nanping Commercial Street was stopped, no one dared to enter this area again.

Even some nearby residents moved out overnight.

This area looks more like a ghost town and more deserted than before.

It's hard to say whether the merchants here have succeeded or failed.

But these don't matter to the man in black, and it will even be more conducive to his actions after there are fewer people.

Following the route planned during the visit, the man went all the way to the thirteenth floor of a building, entered the women's restroom, and opened the window.

Taking off the black leather case, there were well-maintained gun parts inside!

He was very skillful in assembling it, and a sniper rifle took shape in a blink of an eye.

He set up a sniper rifle in front of the window and looked down through the scope, just in time to see Shen Xixian hiding in the dark and giving Shen Huwei a black bank card.

The crosshair locked onto Shin Seok-hyun's head, and the man took a deep breath.

His finger was already on the trigger.

His name is Jung Yong-seop, and he is a retired killer.

I found the love of my life and lived an ordinary life in a relatively remote town.

Unlike what was shown in the movie, the organization did not go after him.

Because there is a retirement mechanism in the organization, pensions will even be given to killers who have made enough contributions.

He and his lover gave birth to a lovely boy and named him Zheng Laihao.

Lai Hao is a person who is born with a strong sense of justice. For this reason, he suffered a lot in school.

But he never understood what it meant to back down. Even if his face was bruised and bruised, he would still stand up to the school bully next time he saw someone bullying him.

Jung Yong-seop did not teach his son his skills because he did not want his son to become like him in the future.

Zheng Laihao lived up to expectations and applied for the police college. After graduation, he was successfully assigned to Seoul as an explosion-proof police officer.

It's just that Zheng Yongxie never imagined that his son, who had a bright future, and who was on the phone two days ago, would be separated forever the moment he turned around!

Looking at the murderous demon in the crosshairs, Zheng Yongxie's heart was filled with determination!

He didn't know if he could kill this man. It was said that he was not even afraid of the army.

But one thing Zheng Yongseop knew, he had to do something!

And as a killer.

These were the last things he could do.

Regardless of whether he can succeed or not, whether he will die from it or not.

He has to do this!

Just when he was about to pull the trigger, a woman's cry suddenly sounded, which diverted his attention.

When he wanted to shoot Shen Xixian again, another person appeared in his sight.

And Shen Xixian left with him.

What was originally a good opportunity was fleeting.

But Zheng Yongseop was not discouraged. As a professional killer, he needed to find good opportunities to kill his enemies with one blow!

In order to find this opportunity, he had the experience of lying in wait for three days and three nights.

Patience is the basic quality that every killer needs to be equipped with first.

Zheng Yongxie adjusted his angle and looked at the source of the sound just now. It was a woman.

He was constantly crying for his father.

Jung Yong-seop, who had investigated the basic information, knew that she was Shin Seok-heon's daughter.

Shen Huowei!

And the father she was looking for had just left with someone.

Jung Yong-seop didn't know why Shin Seok-hun didn't show up to see his daughter.

But that has nothing to do with him. He just needs to continue to ambush and look for opportunities.

However, not long after, he suddenly saw an unexpected person in the scope!

A woman!

Beautiful beads.

It's his wife.

She is also the mother of Zheng Laihao!


Zheng Yongxie looked at the murderous Goo Mi-joo and her right hand in her arms.

Experience told him that there was definitely a deadly blade hidden in it!

He hurriedly put down the gun, quickly went downstairs, took out his mobile phone and dialed his wife's number, and ran towards the target location.

However, he came a step too late.

When he arrived, he saw only dilapidated streets.

Gu Meizhu was standing there holding a blood-stained blade.

And Shen Weiwei, who had just been crying for her father, was already lying in a pool of blood!

Seeing Zheng Yongxie coming, Gu Meizhu was not surprised, she just showed a miserable and twisted smile.

What are you doing?!

I also want him to taste what it's like to lose a child!

Jung Yong-seop was not interested in the defenseless Shin Hau-wei. He just wanted to kill Shin Suk-heon, the culprit, to avenge his son.

But obviously, Gu Meizhu didn't think so.

Looking at Shen Houwei's body, Zheng Yongxie knew that it was useless to say anything now.

There was even more noise around, and other shop owners heard the sound and rushed over.

Zheng Yongxie quickly took Gu Meizhu's hand and planned to leave here.

But was blocked by the bosses.

When they saw Shen Houwei's body, they were all shocked!

Holding weapons at the same time, he planned to leave the two of them behind.

It's a pity that even if there are many of them, even if there are Gu MiZhu around, they will be dragged down.

As a retired killer, it is not difficult to break out of the tight encirclement.

Soon, Zheng Yongxie left the shopping street with Gu Meizhu.

Only a few male bosses who were knocked to the ground were left, and they couldn't help but scream in pain.

Only then did the boss ladies dare to come out and help them up.


Boss Jin looked at Shen Weiwei lying in a pool of blood and didn't know what to do for a moment.

Quick! Contact Brother Shen quickly!!

at the same time.

Shin Seok-hyun is trying his best to exert the power of his thoughts on the Lion God.

This force is powerful enough to twist a steel column ten meters long and 40 centimeters in diameter into a twist, or even tear it into pieces!

But for the Lion God, it only caused a little hindrance in movement.

Shin Seok-heon, who originally thought he was very strong, finally realized that the strongest among the strongest!

The terrifying fighting power of the Lion God and Inuyashiki deeply shocked him.

But fortunately, when fighting against the Lion God, he only needs the main assistant, trying to find and fill in the gaps to prevent the Lion God from returning to the ground.

Ensure that the battlefield is always fixed at an altitude of 60 to 70 kilometers.

The main output is Inuyashiki!

However, at this moment, Shen Xixian suddenly felt a palpitation in his heart.

Something bad seems to have happened!

sudden! sudden! sudden! sudden!

My heart sped up a lot inexplicably, and my mental power even increased.

what's the situation?!

Shin Seok-hyun was confused about this and had no idea what was going on.

In Han State, Lao Jin was calling him and trying to contact him, but he still couldn't get through.

That's because the battle between Inuyashiki and the Lion God disrupted the magnetic field, causing Shin Seok-heon's mobile phone to be unable to receive signals normally.

After strengthening his telekinesis, Shen Xixian's output became larger.

The Lion God was really caught off guard and was hit by Inuyashiki one after another.

One arm was directly blown out, and the body was damaged in many places!

However, as a magnetic field man, it is not easy to kill him.

'Nano reorganization' allowed the damaged parts to recover, but the arm was blown away and could not grow back in a short time.

He was already at a disadvantage, and now he was still missing an arm.

This puts the Lion God into a situation where he is passively beaten, with no room for counterattack at all!

With the two of them joining forces, Inuyashiki really saw the possibility of successfully killing the Lion God!

Time passed little by little, and the battle lasted for more than two hours!

Until the end, the Lion God was finally convinced that he could not make a comeback and could not escape.

Damn! Damn old dog, even if you kill me, you won't have a chance to live a good life!

Even if I die, I will drag you two along with me! !

The supercomputer core continued to rotate and stimulate its potential, so that the Lion God finally succeeded in breaking through to 70,000 horses.

However, the body was severely damaged, and even with a breakthrough in strength, it was still difficult to reverse the decline.

The Lion God was furious, and combined with his combat experience, he used the supercomputer core to deduce more powerful moves.

A move that can lead to death together!

The power of 70,000 horses! The sky magnet disintegrates!!

The Lion God first used turbocharging to accumulate the magnetic field power in his body to a certain level.

And then release it completely without any hesitation.

Inuyashiki looked serious: No! Back away!

Shin Seok-heon also felt the threat of death, with a look of horror on his face.

Kuang Gu's mental power formed a spherical protective shield.

--boom! ! !

Terrifying explosions sounded high in the sky.

Air waves surged, fireballs exploded, and lightning filled half of the sky.

The clouds below were impacted and dissipated, and people in Tokyo also felt the changes from high in the sky.

They all looked up and saw the clouds parting, as if the entire sky was torn apart.

Immediately afterwards, a ball of extreme light shines, like the sun falling.

Some people who were looking directly screamed.

Crouching on the ground, tears of blood flowed from his eyes! (End of chapter)

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