Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 271 This filthy and filthy country has no need to exist anymore.

The two finally climbed over the window and entered the house.

The searchlight swept around and could still see some messy furniture and dried blood on the ground.


Little Fatty Toshima's voice began to tremble.

Even Muroi felt a little hairy inside at this moment.

But when he glanced at the screen, he saw a surge in the number of people online and more and more barrages.

Many people even started giving him gifts.

The excitement overshadowed the fear.

He forcibly stabilized his mind to prevent his voice from trembling.

Said: What are you afraid of! Hold the searchlight steady! Let's take a closer look here.

Toyoshima had no choice but to stay as close to Muroi as possible and try not to look at those things.

As the two of them went deeper, the barrage continued to roll like a waterfall.

くそったれ! It looks scary, anchors should be careful!

Look, there are bloody scratches on the wall, as if they were left by someone when they struggled desperately!

Tsk tsk. Just from these traces, you can see how miserable that woman was back then.

What are you looking at these for? Quickly look for any alien spaceships or something like that!

That's right! That woman totally deserves it! Raising an alien murderer is simply a sinner of the Yamato nation! It's a pity that she is dead now, otherwise I would like to participate too!

Are you crazy?! Today's emperor is probably an alien of the same species as the Lion God. If those guys from the Royal Special Mobile Team find out what you said, your end will probably not be any better than that woman's. go!

Who said they were together? Why did I hear that the Lion God was killed by the Emperor?

How did I hear that it was those Black Ball warriors who killed him?

I heard he was killed by other aliens!

I suddenly thought of a terrifying thing. Tell me, is that alien murderer still there?

Hiss! Take a deep breath, host, please wish yourself well!

While exploring the surroundings, Muroi watched the barrage and interacted with the audience.

Naturally, I also saw the conjecture and paused involuntarily, feeling cold in my heart.

At this moment, Toyoshima next to him suddenly exclaimed.

Muroi was so frightened!

After reacting, he said angrily: Baga! Do you want to scare me to death?! Why are you yelling!

I saw Toyoshima pointing in one direction tremblingly, with a look of horror on his face.

There seems to be someone there!


Not only Muroi was shocked, the entire live broadcast room was boiling!

The barrage kept refreshing, and most of them encouraged Muroi to take a look.

Someone even promised to give Muroi a carnival as soon as he passed by.

Muroi, who was blinded by fame and fortune, forced himself to calm down.

He coughed and said: You guys are always startled. If you keep acting like this, I won't bring you with me next time!

Look, I'm going to check it out now and let you know, there's nothing here! You are just scaring yourself!

As he was about to step forward, Toyoshima tried to stop him, but it was useless.

Muroi walked to the middle of the room and carefully shone his flashlight.

I saw a person sitting there!

A, living person!


He originally thought that Toshima was timid and too nervous, so he was wrong.

Who knew there would really be someone here!

Even Muroi couldn't hold himself any longer. He screamed strangely and turned around to run away!

But the next second.


The man who was sitting there just now had already come to him.

With just one kick, he was trampled to the floor!

Toyoshima saw all this completely from behind, especially when he saw the man's face, he collapsed to the ground.

I was so scared that I didn't even have the courage to escape.

I'm really still alive!!

half an hour ago.

After the Lion God returned home, he saw the dilapidated house and environment, as well as the traces in the house.

Then he knew that his mother might have been poisoned.

The grief in my heart was like a blowout, and my whole body felt like I was in a hurricane, slowly being torn into pieces.

Sitting alone in the house, where he and his mother used to rest, he fell into deep pain and couldn't extricate himself.

However, in this case, two little mice came to disturb him!

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

The arrival of the two men seemed to have touched some mechanism, reactivating the lion god who had been as silent as death.

But now, like the reborn Lion God, his whole person is filled with endless hatred.

Driven by this extreme pain and hatred, the power of the magnetic field rotates crazily.

It actually allowed him to break through to the realm he had dreamed of!

——[Magnetic field rotation]!

The price is just too high!

Bang! Bang!

Accompanied by two explosions.

Muroi and Toshima were forcibly degaussed, and their bodies exploded!

There was only a cold look in the Lion God's eyes, and he vowed to make everyone pay the price!

And first.

He saw the mobile phone left on the ground, which was still live broadcasting.

After the incident, the heat in the live broadcast room became even more explosive!

A large number of viewers came in, and the number has exceeded five figures!

The barrage keeps popping up like a swipe on the screen.

In one thought, the Lion God stirred the magnetic line and invaded the live broadcast room.

Seeing all those barrages in his eyes, even though there were many, they couldn't trouble his core that had been transformed into a super-computing brain.


In the live broadcast room, the lion god appeared.

There are more barrages.

It's really the Lion God!

He is indeed alive!

Where's that prophet just now? I'm about to kill him!

Damn alien killer! I'm afraid the anchor has been killed by him!

The way you look at him, wow! He's so vicious! Does he want to kill us too?

Hahaha! Could he follow the network cable to kill us? This piece of trash should die with his mother!

That's right! It's just a pity that the anchor has become cold now.

Looking at the rolling barrage in the live broadcast room, the Lion God's eyes became colder and colder.

You all should go and be buried with my mother!

The Lion God's words caused another stir in the live broadcast room.

In a certain rental house, a fat man was half lying on the bed, watching the live broadcast on his mobile phone.

Hearing this, he immediately laughed out loud, took out the last potato chip, put it in his mouth, and licked his fingers.

Then he skillfully started typing on his mobile phone.

Baga, you stupid alien murderer, what nonsense are you talking about? If you have the ability, come and kill me? Can you find me? Hahaha, look at how stupid you are. When your mother was tortured, you Why didn't you come out and now you come here to say some harsh words? I really don't know what to say.

Clicking send, Fatty grinned and laughed, while turning around to open another bag of potato chips.

When he turned around, he suddenly found that the live broadcast interface seemed different.

The lion god inside was staring directly at him.

It felt like you could really see him through your phone.

Immediately afterwards, the Lion God raised his right hand and made a pistol gesture.

Baga, what are you doing?


With a muffled sound.

There was a blood hole directly on Fat Man's head!

Lying on the bed, I couldn't be more dead.

The family outside heard the sound and quickly opened the door and came in to check.

When he saw Fei Zhai's body, he immediately covered his mouth and screamed in fear!

At the same time, everyone watching the live broadcast had experienced something similar to Fat House.

All of a sudden.

Even the barrages in the live broadcast room have dropped dramatically.

Only some people who have just entered the live broadcast room still don’t understand what is going on.

What's going on here? There are so many people, why doesn't anyone send a barrage?

I'll go! Look who the anchor is, it seems to be the Lion God!

Really or not? I heard that he has left the earth.

What? I heard that he was arrested and executed a long time ago!

Looking at the intermittent barrages, the Lion God raised his right hand again with no expression on his face.

--puff! puff! puff! puff! puff!

In less than a minute, tens of thousands of people were killed by the Lion God across the Internet.


The power of the magnetic field was released, and the entire house collapsed completely and turned into ruins.

It was like burying the lion god's past and completely severing his last link with this country and this world.

Lifting into the sky, he looked at the bustling night view of Tokyo.

This filthy and filthy country has no need to exist anymore.

Control the magnetic cable to connect to the network, and electronic devices all over the island country are instantly invaded.

Whether they are using mobile phones, operating computers, or watching TV.

Everyone was shocked to find that the screen in front of them changed uncontrollably.

Then the face of the Lion God appeared with the starry sky as the background!

Those ruthless eyes seemed to penetrate directly into everyone's heart, making them feel a chill in their hearts.

All of you are going to die!

As soon as he finished speaking, the Lion God raised his right hand.

--puff! puff! puff! puff! puff! puff! puff!

Almost at the same time, tens of millions of heads were exploded at the same time!

The population of the entire island country dropped by one-tenth in an instant!

Kyoto Imperial Palace.

As the emperor's palace, the decoration here is extremely luxurious.


A punch was thrown out, bringing up strong winds.

The muscular lines on his strong arms are perfect.

Even late at night, Inuyashiki was still in a training state.

Since entering [Magnetic Field Rotation], his original old appearance has also changed.

The whole body shows strong muscles.

But this is not actually a muscle, because Inuyashiki is no longer a carbon-based creature.

As the strength of the magnetic field becomes stronger, his body is also being strengthened.

The change in external human form disguise is the most intuitive manifestation of this enhancement.

After becoming the emperor, Inuyashiki did not indulge in power and pleasure.

Instead, he worked harder to exercise his strength!

He understood that his talent in magnetic fields was not too high.

So I had to hope that hard work would make up for my weakness.

Everything he has now comes from strength.

Therefore, he understands better that strength is the foundation of everything. Only strong strength can ensure that he will not lose his dignity and self-confidence again.

Fist is power!

As long as he has unrivaled power, those with evil intentions will not have any chance, and he can protect his subjects from harm.

To this day, although there are still some stubborn elements in the island country who still want to oppose him.

But many people have already recognized his existence, recognized his status as emperor, and even worshiped and respected him!

This admiration comes from the fact that after he established the Emperor's Special Mobile Team, he caught and sentenced to death those profiteers who were unkind, various second-generation tyrants, and corrupt officials!

In the past, even though many people knew that some corrupt officials were ruthless about human life and some profiteers were evil, but because there was no evidence, coupled with the fact that officials protected each other and officials and businessmen colluded, there was nothing that could be done against them!

But when Inuyashiki became the Empress of Heaven, he didn't care about that at all!

As long as the guilty person is identified, there is no need for any process and the death penalty will be executed immediately!

As for unjust, false and wrongful convictions, they will not exist at all, because ordinary people cannot lie in front of Inuyashiki!

While enjoying this admiration and trust, Inuyashiki will also fulfill his duties as the emperor and protect them.

But now the world has changed greatly, and there are turmoils in all directions. He has even heard some rumors about the end of the world.

Coupled with the power caused by Bai Xing's previous battle with Yue Ming, it still makes him feel scared and difficult to compete.

So there was always a voice in his heart urging him to become stronger and stronger as soon as possible!

Only in this way can he protect everything he has now!

However, just when Inuyashiki finished his work, he suddenly felt a strange electromagnetic wave.

Huh?! It's Lion God Hao!!

Inuyashiki immediately realized who was causing trouble.

At the same time, I understood better what he was doing.

not good!!

Inuyashiki's expression changed drastically!

But it was too late to stop it.

In just an instant, the population of the entire island country dropped by one-tenth.


Anger surged out crazily, magnetic field power surged wildly, and it also connected to the network, using all its strength to block the Lion God.

It makes it impossible for him to continue killing people in the same way.

Saved the lives of the remaining people.


Inuyashiki's figure flashed and soared into the sky.

Rush towards the location of the Lion God.

The terrifying power was released, and this time he was determined to kill the Lion God!

Get rid of this scourge!

Driven by this anger and strong will, the magnetic field force finally broke through successfully.

Achieved a power of 70,000 horses!

On the other side, the Lion God felt that he was blocked and wanted to mobilize his power to break through the blockade.

But it's a pity that he, who has just entered the realm of [Magnetic Field Rotation], is no match for Inuyashiki.

Even if the Internet connection is cut off, it still cannot stop the Lion God's determination to kill all the people on the island.

The missile slot on the back opened, and a dozen small missiles flew out in the next moment.

Carry out bombing in an area of ​​more than 80 square kilometers with him as the center!

--boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

Fireballs rose up instantly, and the shock waves spread, and their power was not inferior to the missiles of modern armies.

The most important thing is that relying on the power of the magnetic field combined with the alien technology on his body, he can directly stimulate the power to continuously produce this kind of missile.

It's like there is a small arsenal inside the body.

——Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

--boom! boom! boom! boom!

Keep producing and keep re-launching.

In an instant, there were multiple bombings within an area of ​​80 square kilometers.

There were flames and ruins everywhere, and the cries and sounds of pain from the remaining people resounded throughout the night sky!

Feeling the loss of life and the destruction of everything, the Lion God felt a little better.

However, at this moment, an extreme killing intent locked onto him.

The Lion God suddenly opened his eyes, he knew who was coming!


Damn it, if you want to destroy this country, let's start with you!

At this time, the Lion God has also entered the realm of [Magnetic Field Rotation] and has confidence in Inuyashiki.

--boom! !

Inuyashiki came very quickly, without any nonsense at all, and printed it instantly with one palm!

The power of 70,000 horses! The Emperor's Holy Mighty Palm!!

The Lion God raised his hand to focus the electromagnetic gun, but there was no time.

Only five micro-electromagnetic cannons can be released.

But all of them were annihilated under this palm.


A palm filled with panic and holy power hit him directly in the chest, knocking the Lion God away.

After crashing into a building, the back thruster stopped its retreat.

Before he could stabilize his body, Inuyashiki's attack was already coming! (End of chapter)

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