Early next morning.

Shin Seok-hyun stood at the door and stretched.

It's a nice sunny day again, and the morning sun feels warm on my body.

But Shen Xixian's mood was not relaxed.

If Shirahoshi hadn't been notified of his death, he could have made money by performing magic shows and maybe even going on tour.

But now, he has no time.

In order to prevent Houwei from having a difficult time after he left, he thought about it all night last night and decided to abandon the bottom line.

Use your abilities to do something not so good.

After all, I have already experienced killing, and I don’t have much time left. What bottom line can I abide by?

If he had to resort to illegal means, with his current power, it would be very easy to get a huge amount of money quickly.

However, at this moment, Boss Jin, who was resisting the demolition team together, walked over quickly.

Lao Jin, good morning.

Good morning, Brother Shen. Oh! By the way, someone is looking for you outside!

Someone is looking for me?

Shen Xixian was also stunned. He really couldn't figure out who else would come to him at this time.

But no matter what, it’s better to go and have a look.

Walk to the street intersection with Boss Jin and climb to the defense line piled with debris.

He used telekinesis to do this. It was higher than the previous defense line, seven or eight meters high!

Looking down from a high position, he saw a car parked on the side of the road. Two men waved to him and said, Hey! Are you Shin Seok-hyun?

Shen Xixian still didn't know what was going on, so he nodded and said, I am.

One of the men took out his ID from his arms: We are the police. The nightclub where you work called the police and reported that you often stole things there and caused a lot of losses. We are here to find you to assist in the investigation.

Shen Xixian was confused because he had not worked in the nightclub in the past two days, and he had never stolen anything.

Is there any misunderstanding here?

The man who claimed to be a policeman said impatiently: Just leave with us! Why is there so much nonsense? Even if there is a misunderstanding and someone else reports the case, you have to cooperate with our police and accept the investigation. Do you understand?!

Shin Seok-hyun didn't expect that something like this would go wrong, but if he refused to cooperate, he might be pursued by the police.

At that time, Shen Huowei may even be implicated.

I thought to myself that I had never had dirty hands and feet, so as long as I went over to cooperate with the investigation, I could at most make a record.

You should be good to go, right?

He waved his hand to Boss Jin and several other merchant owners who came after hearing the news not to be nervous.

Let's do this, I'll go with them, and you guys can help me take care of Haw Wei first.

Wearing handcuffs, he got into the car with the two police officers and headed back to the police station.

But what Shen Xixian thought was that he did not see the owner of the nightclub at the police station.

The police didn't seem to want to conduct interviews or take notes.

He was just imprisoned in a temporary cell and ignored.

Shen Xixian felt more and more that something was not right!

at the same time.

In Nanping Commercial Street, Shen Houwei has learned that her father was taken away by the police.

His expression suddenly changed: Not good!

Before she could say anything more, the next moment there was a 'rumbling' sound outside.

Many shop owners quickly climbed onto the defense line and looked forward from a high position.

Their expressions changed instantly!

I saw a large number of riot police appearing around the corner, wearing black uniforms and helmets.

He held a riot shield in one hand and a rubber baton in the other.

And in the middle of the team, a huge excavator drove up!

The ‘rumbling’ sound is the sound of the excavator driving!

In the police station.

Just when Shen Xixian was hesitating whether to break out or not.

A civilian police officer came to him.

Shen Seok-hyun, someone wants to see you.

Shen Xixian was stunned and quickly asked him when he could leave.

But the police officer remained silent until he was taken to a room.

He closed the door and left immediately.

Seeing that Shen Xixian couldn't ask anything about him, he had no choice but to look inside the room.

I want to see who is looking for me.

Immediately, the target was locked on a beautiful woman with long black hair and straight hair sitting behind the table.

She is fashionably dressed and has a sweet and beautiful appearance. In terms of appearance, she is at least two levels higher than his daughter Weiwei.

Shen Xixian couldn't figure out what he had to do with her, and he didn't know this woman at all.

Sit down. Seeing Shen Xixian come in, Executive Hong smiled.

After Shen Xixian sat down, Executive Director Hong continued: Anihasay, I'm from Taishan Construction. Just call me Executive Director Hong. I'm a big shot you don't usually come into contact with.

Shen Xixian frowned slightly. Of course he had heard of this company.

Taishan Construction is the group that wants to forcibly demolish Nanping Commercial Street. The compensation given is very low, otherwise the merchants would not resist desperately.

It's you.

Executive Hong said with a smile: That's right, he is the culprit behind catching you here and trapping you.

She directly admitted the suspicion in Shen Xixian's mind.

Sure enough, it was not the owner of the nightclub who reported the crime, it was just an excuse!

Shen Xixian's heart sank, and at the same time he stared at Executive Hong, wanting to see what she was stirring up!

Manager Hong ignored his look, spread his hands and said, My time is very precious, so I'll get straight to the point.

As she spoke, she stretched out her hand and imitated the gestures made by superheroes in movies when they use their powers.

Your super power must have been acquired recently, right?

Shin Seok-hyun nodded.

Ha, my guess is indeed correct, it must be because of this that you feel at a loss, right?

That’s why they are not mentally normal. There are also people like this among my friends. What kind of medicine should I take after being mentally abnormal? I have panic disorder and the like.”

Shen Xixian was silent and did not speak.

Manager Hong continued: Although it is magical, you have to know that your ability is very dangerous. I heard that someone in our demolition team was killed by you, right?

Shen Xixian immediately said: That has nothing to do with me, I don't know what's going on.

Executive Hong smiled and said: The vigilance is not bad, but it is wasted here.

All in all, I can see that uncle, you are actually kind-hearted. You don’t want this power to turn you into a scumbag, right?

In fact, your initial idea was quite good, using magic to make money.

But after all, it's just a small fuss, and your talents are completely wasted in that kind of place.

I think there should be a lot of things that I can use my uncle for in our Taishan construction.

Compared with the bunch of bastard laborers we currently employ, you have incomparable talents!

Shen Xixian sneered: A group that is not even willing to pay normal compensation for demolition is worthy of others working for it?

Executive Hong laughed out loud: Uncle Axi, you are really

Uncle, you may not know, but your daughter will be arrested today.


Nanping shop.

“What you are doing is an illegal protest, please leave immediately!

Let me reiterate, what you are conducting is an illegal protest.”

——Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

In order to resist forced demolitions, many merchants have made a lot of preparations.

In addition to stacking defense lines, Molotov cocktails were also prepared.

At this time, they were standing on the defense line and throwing Molotov cocktails downwards.

Block the approach of the riot police.

The fire burned, and the heat wave hit my face.

For a moment, those anti-explosion police officers did not dare to approach!

However, at this moment, there was a rumbling sound.

The excavator was already on the verge of the defense line.

In front of this huge construction machinery, the power of an individual seems extremely small.

Ignoring the flames burning on the ground, the huge bucket swung forward.

It was easy to destroy the defense line that had been built up with great difficulty.

Many merchants such as Shenhuowei had no choice but to make an emergency evacuation.

Without the defensive line, a large number of anti-riot police officers wearing black uniforms and holding rubber batons rushed in like wolves and tigers.

Go after those merchants.

Once they catch up, regardless of age or sex, they will immediately greet them with the baton in their hands.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Raindrops of batons fell on them, causing them to scream in agony!

Shen Houwei and others were forced to hide in a building.

Inside the police station.

Executive Hong looked at Shen Xixian without fear.

Superpower uncle, let me tell you a cruel truth.

In this society, the truly capable person is neither me nor you, uncle.

But those who are destined to win from birth!

Do you know what those people are capable of? Turtle style qigong?


It's South Korea, the country of the underworld!

The country itself is their ability!

I, or uncle, are just slaves of this society.

But why do you go beyond your duty and refuse to admit it?

Uncle, your daughter will have to learn this after being arrested.

After Executive Hong finished speaking, he couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Looked at the time.

Then he concluded: “Well, I’ll give you two options.

First, because of this dangerous superpower, he has become the target of everyone's vigilance.

Together with his ex-convict daughter, he spends his life worrying about his livelihood.

Or use super powers to commit crimes and then be shot dead by the police, leaving the poor daughter to live alone in this world.

Second, it is not too late to acknowledge your status as a slave.

Then quietly do what I tell you to do and support your ignorant daughter.

To be honest, I still value you, uncle. Maybe in a few years, you can use this ability to earn wealth that you have never seen in your life.

This choice is not difficult, right?

Seeing that Shen Xixian still didn't express his position.

Executive Hong showed a surprised expression: Huh? Is it really difficult?

Then let me add another option for you.

Third, trigger a military coup, and you, uncle, enter the Blue House yourself.

Just like the Inuyashiki Emperor next door, uncle, you can live your life as you please.

See Shen Xixian showing a serious expression.

Executive Hong suddenly burst out laughing: Hahaha! Uncle, you are so funny!

Don’t you think it’s really possible?

The so-called emperor came from aliens. Now the island country has been occupied by aliens. Could it be said that you are also an alien?

Shen Xixian waved his hand quickly.

In recent times, the topic of aliens has reached an extremely high level of sensitivity around the world.

In some small countries, people may even report that their neighbors are aliens, and then the officials will directly arrest and imprison them without even providing evidence.

Executive Hong smiled and took out a business card.

Now, this is my business card. If you decide on the answer, please contact me.

With that said, he stood up and planned to end the conversation.

When he walked to the door, he suddenly turned around and said, Oh, by the way, you should keep your business card well, it's very precious.

Outside, there are people who will do anything to get this business card.

After saying that, he opened the door and walked away.

After Executive Hong left, Shen Xixian moved his eyes to the table and picked up the business card.

His eyes were solemn, and the words that Executive Hong just said echoed in his mind.

Are you going to use the same method you used to deal with me to deal with Hao Wei? I will never allow this to happen!

At this time, the door was opened.

The same police officer from before was coming to take him back to the cell.

Shen Xixian ignored him. He must return to his daughter immediately and will never allow anyone to dare to hurt her!

Hey! What do you want to do!

The police officer finally spoke, but this time it was him who got no response.

Shen Xixian walked out of the room and went to the large office outside, only to see the police officers watching TV with their faces raised.

Real-time news was playing on the TV, and the content was about the Nanping Commercial Street being suppressed by the anti-explosion brigade and forced to be demolished!

Stop! Go back to the cell, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!

The furious police officer chased him from behind, which also attracted the attention of others to Shin Seok-heon.

Quickly turn off the TV.

But that's too late!

The police officer coming from behind was frozen in place while his cell phone floated out of his pocket.

It automatically fell into Shen Xixian's hands and he opened the web page to check the news.

Suddenly I realized that I was wrong, and a big mistake!

He originally thought that when Executive Hong said that Wei Wei would be arrested today, he meant that he would be framed like himself.

Unexpectedly, Taishan Construction has joined forces with the government to violently demolish Nanping Commercial Street!

He even saw in the video that Shen Weiwei was almost crushed to death when the excavator forcibly bulldozed the obstacle!

boom! !

A ball of raging anger suddenly exploded in his heart!

Put your hands up! Squat down and hold your head! Come on, I only say this once!

Shen Xixian's behavior immediately angered the police in the room.

He pulled out his gun and pointed it at him, threatening him in a bad tone.

A fierce look flashed in Shen Xixian's eyes.

He saw that the pistols pointed at him were slowly deflecting.

Under the incredulous looks of the policemen, their hands were completely out of control and they pointed their guns at themselves.

Then pull the trigger.

--boom! boom! boom! boom!

Several gunshots were fired, and four or five police officers immediately fell into a pool of blood.

The other police officers were immediately shocked!

No one expected that such a thing would happen, let alone that Shin Seok-hyun had such a powerful ability!

But before they could react, the guns were already floating again.

--boom! boom! boom! boom!

Just shoot randomly at the surrounding police officers who are trying to dodge and escape!

Immediately, several more corpses were added.

Downstairs at the police station, Executive Hong had arrived at the parking lot and was about to get in the car and leave.

But I only heard a huge explosion behind me!

--boom! !

She was immediately startled.

Turning around, I saw a big explosion happening around the seventh floor.

You can even see some human body parts flying out from inside.

Immediately afterwards, a figure jumped out of it.

It grew from small to large and landed not far from her.


A pit appeared directly on the ground, covered with cracks.

The shock wave pushed surrounding cars several meters away.


Executive Hong didn't know that his death was imminent, so he couldn't help but exclaimed in amazement when he saw the power caused by Shen Xixian.

Shen Xixian stared at her and took out the business card from his pocket.

I choose three.

What? Executive Hong hasn't reacted yet.

Shen Xixian was seen slowly clenching his fist, and as the strength increased, the business card was also compressed and wrinkled.

What is surprising is that as the business card was squeezed, Executive Hong's body changed simultaneously!

Click! Click!

The hands and feet were folded in strange postures, making movements beyond the limits of the human body. Flesh and flesh burst and bones were broken.

The crunching sound kept ringing.


Executive Hong's eyes widened, exuding an expression of extreme horror and fear.

His throat kept rolling, but he couldn't howl out.

Phew! Phew!

Muscles squeezed, blood vessels burst, and blood shot out like a high-pressure water gun.

As Shin Seok-hyun clenched his fist, the business card had completely turned into a ball of waste paper.


A ball of rotten meat was squeezed into a ball and fell to the ground.

Red blood continued to flow along the ground. (End of chapter)

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