Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 267 The heartbroken and helpless ‘Korean Captain’!

Dead people!

Not only the merchants and demolition teams, but also the instigator Shin Suk-heon himself was completely confused!

Hurry! You two, hurry up!

At this time, there was a sound outside.

It turned out to be one of the merchants. When the demolition team first arrived, he immediately ran to find the police.

At this time, two police officers were being dragged to tell them to leave quickly.

Of course the police officers know what is happening here recently, but this kind of trouble is really difficult to deal with.

Naturally, they didn't want to be around, but since someone came to report the crime, they couldn't ignore it.

Reluctantly, I walked slowly and slowly.

I had just arrived at the shanty, but I was suddenly shocked by the scene in front of me!

How is this going?!

Looking at the tragic death of the strong man who was forcibly demolished, especially the bloody and broken right arm.

Even the two police officers felt sick to their stomachs.

Eventually, everyone at the scene was taken back to the police station by the police.

After all, a human life was involved, and no matter what the reason, everyone needs to take notes.

Shin Seok-heon, who was still in shock, even forgot to escape and was also taken to the police station.

At the police station, President Min finally came to his senses and immediately reported that the murderer was Shin Seok-heon.

When Shen Huowei saw this, she suddenly felt bad and shouted that the demolition team broke into their place and beat them.

It was a chaotic time and I had no idea how the person died!

The merchants also agreed that no one betrayed Shin Suk-heon.

The police officer who took the notes looked at President Min and Shen Weiwei who were arguing constantly in front of them, and felt that one was bigger than the other!

Combined with the actions of the demolition team and the two police officers who rushed to the scene, it was confirmed that Shin Seok-heon was far away from the deceased at that time.

In the end, he was not sentenced, but he and Xini confused the matter.


Shen Xixian followed everyone back to Nanping Commercial Street, but still couldn't help but feel lingering fear.

At the same time, a worry was brewing in his heart.

Before this, his telepathy was not that strong at all!

At that time, he just wanted to use his telekinesis to make the strong man let go of his hand and leave his daughter's side.

Unexpectedly, the strong man's entire arm was twisted and exploded!

The person was even shot out and died after being pierced through the body by the protruding long stick!


Shen Huowei also felt very scared and even more curious about her father.

Just as he was about to ask aloud, Shen Xixian interrupted: Houwei, listen to me first!

Shen Xixian took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

He now understood that what that man said was true!

His telepathy suddenly became so much stronger, eighty times as he said, it was enhanced a hundred times!

At the same time, it also means that he will die in twenty-four hours!

When he thought of this, Shen Xixian couldn't help but feel sad.

Looking at the face of the daughter in front of me, there was endless reluctance.

Houwei, you should leave here now. I will find a way to get some money as quickly as possible. It should be enough for you to use in the future. I.

However, Shen Huowei took two steps back and looked at him with alienation in her eyes.

You want to run away again, right, Dad.

With that said, he turned and left: No matter what, you should hide first, those people may not give up.

As for me, you don’t have to worry. I have lived a very good life without you for so many years.


Shen Xixian felt his heart hurt like a knife, but he couldn't open his mouth to explain the situation to Shen Huowei.

In the end, I had to leave the shopping street for the time being.

But before leaving, he blocked the street intersection with old appliances and furniture donated by various merchants.

Prevent those demolition teams from entering here again.

Walking in the street.

The moonlight shone on his shoulders, making him feel very cold.

Unknowingly, he had returned to his residence.

Lying in a messy room.

There was a feeling of loneliness in my heart.

Looking back on the past ten years, he wanted to return to his daughter every moment.

In fact, he has never left the city and has been secretly watching his daughter grow up.

But he didn't dare to come forward to meet him.

She was afraid that her mother and daughter would be implicated in her own affairs.

But now, his ex-wife passed away suddenly, leaving him with his only daughter.

Thinking of the hateful faces of those demolition teams, I also thought of Bai Xing's playful smile.

and his words.

In the last twenty-four hours, increase your strength a hundred times, and then do whatever you want

But what should I do?

Along with Shen Xixian's thoughts and his reluctance to let go of Shen Huowei, his mind power automatically expanded and spread.

It actually made him sense the situation in Nanping Commercial Street in the distance!

Immediately afterwards, he discovered that the demolition teams had appeared again!

This time they didn't make as big a move as they did during the day, but planned to sneak in quietly during the night.

Even the defensive line he placed cannot completely block it.

Looking at the demolition teams with evil expressions on their faces, Shen Xixian felt extremely anxious!

Worried about the same situation happening during the day again!

But he was already far away from Nanping Commercial Street at this time, and even if he drove back now, it would be too late!

What's more, he doesn't even have a car!

Suddenly he remembered the telepathy he had unleashed during the day.

After trying it, my whole body instantly soared.


His head hit the ceiling hard.

If it hadn't been for the last moment when a mental shield automatically appeared on his body, he would have suffered a bloody head injury!

But he soon forgot about it, because he found that his vision came true!

I can fly now?!

After tightening control, Shin Seok-heon jumped out of the window.


A sound broke through the air.

There was a bit of swaying at first, but soon Shin Suk-heon got used to it a lot.

Increase the power and fly directly towards Nanping Commercial Street at supersonic speed.

Of course, this scene was also fully visible to Bai Xing.

When he made the deal with Shen Xixian, Shen Xixian's telekinesis was just able to control objects.

But in fact, he has great potential!

The main reason is that although he did not receive telepathy crystal radiation at close range like Kenzo Sakata and Andrew in the original play.

But he accidentally drank water containing radioactive material inside the crystal.

In terms of potential, he is even stronger than Andrew!

Even without White Star to amplify it, he can quickly master the flying skills.

White Star is a hundred-fold increase based on his maximum potential.

So now, this is just the beginning of him showing off his strength!

Soon, Shen Xixian returned to the sky above Nanping Commercial Street.

Only the sound of the engine was heard below.

Those demolition teams have already begun to retreat!

According to common sense, the demolition team spent a lot of effort to break through the obstacles.

They should take advantage of the cover of night to continue the violent eviction.

This didn't last long, how could he retreat like this?


Shin Seok-hyun landed on the ground, immediately startling a shop owner next to him.

After seeing clearly that it was him, she patted her chest with lingering fear, and then said to him: Dad Wei Wei, please think of a way! Wei Wei was captured by those guys!


Shen Xixian was suddenly shocked!

I didn't expect these guys to be so bold and dare to kidnap his daughter!

In which car?

The shop owner quickly helped him identify it. At this time, the red van was almost around the corner.

That's that car. I can't catch up now. No matter what happens to these hateful guys, Dad Wei, let's call the police first!

Before he even finished speaking, the shop owner was instantly shocked by the sight in front of him!


Shen Xixian jumped up and flew directly at a low altitude.

In the blink of an eye, he caught up with the red van.


It fell to the ground, blocking the van's path.

The person sitting in the passenger seat of the car was President Min, and the driver was his most loyal long-haired fat boy, Yu Youxi.

The two of them were also startled by Shin Seok-hyun who suddenly fell from the sky in front of them.

Xiba! What is it?!

President Min also raised his head and looked up: Did you just see it? Did it come down from above? Right! I think I saw it fell down! Xiba. Is he really Superman?!

President, what should I do? Do you want to stop?

President Min slapped Yu Youxi on the head: Are you sick? With his condition, do you think we can be his opponent?

Hurry up and follow Executive Hong's instructions and take Shen Huowei away first!

But we kidnapped Shen Huwei to lure out Shen Xixian. Now he's out.


Before he finished speaking, he received another slap on the head.

Xi Ba! You are as stupid as a pig! There are only a few of us, can we possibly stop him?

Of course, we need to lure him to our home court so we can target him properly!

Manager Hong is very interested in this guy. If things go wrong, I'm afraid both you and I will be left with nothing to eat!

Seeing that Yu Youxi stopped talking, President Min patted him on the head again.


What are you doing standing there?! Drive right over! I don't believe he won't avoid it!

At this time, the van was only ten meters away from Shin Seok-hyun.

Seeing that the van not only did not slow down, but also increased its speed.

Shen Xixian looked serious, suddenly activated his ability, and stretched his hands forward.

I saw the entire van levitating directly!

Inside the car, both President Min and President Min were completely confused and frightened.

Shen Xixian controlled the car door to open, and Shen Huowei, who was still unconscious behind, floated out automatically.

President Min wanted to reach out and grab it, but it was too late.

Shen Huowei floated in front of Shen Xixian and was held in his arms. After checking, he found that she was fine.

Then he breathed a sigh of relief.

He looked up at the floating van again, with a sharp look in his eyes.


The whole car fell sideways and made a loud noise.

The car windows were shattered by the shock, and President Min and Yu Youxi inside were also thrown to pieces.

The van behind stopped and seven or eight thugs armed with baseball bats got out.

Shen Xixian suddenly waved his hand, and these guys were instantly thrown away as if they were caught in a typhoon.

If it flew more than ten or twenty meters, even if it didn't die, it would probably break a few bones.


The door of the red van was torn apart by an invisible force. President Min felt as if he was being held by something and flew out of the van.

Soon he came to Shen Xixian.

He was greatly frightened and fell to his knees.

Please don't kill me!

Shen Xixian stared at him closely: If you let me see you near here again, especially near Hau Wei, I will tear you apart, do you understand?!

Looking at President Min and others who seemed to be running away, Shen Xixian took a deep breath.

Then he looked at Shen Weiwei who was held in his arms.

I don’t know why, but after my strength becomes stronger, there is always a surge of hostility in my heart.

This is especially obvious when it comes to Shen Weiwei's safety issues!

When he faced President Min just now, he was not simply threatening him.

But for a moment, there was a strong impulse in my heart, wanting to tear the other person into pieces!

And, he really has the ability to do it.

Just a thought will do!

Fortunately, he quickly regained his composure.

After warning the other party, he let them go.

the other side.

President Min and the other two didn't even bother to deal with their wounds and returned to Taishan Construction.

Executive Hong has long hair and is a fashionably dressed young woman.

He looks to be about twenty-five years old and has a very sweet and beautiful appearance.

Wow! You two, what happened?

Seeing their messy and dusty clothes and the blood stains on their heads, Executive Hong let out an exaggerated cry and asked curiously.

President Min wiped the blood from his forehead and told the truth about everything that had just happened.

After listening to this, Executive Hong's big shining eyes were even more full of curiosity and interest.

Superhero, Captain Korea? That sounds interesting.

President Min bowed and said: I'm sorry, Manager Hong, it's our incompetence in doing things.

Manager Hong said: After all, the opponent is the 'Korean Captain', so it's normal that you can't beat him.

Hearing this, President Min secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but he never thought that Executive Hong would change the topic: But, you are not going to confront him head-on this time, are you? You can even fail to kidnap a little girl. I say you guys This guy is really useless!

Standing Manager Hong

President Min quickly bowed and apologized again, but Executive Director Hong waved his hand and said: Forget it, let's not talk about this anymore. The biggest obstacle to the development of Nanping Commercial Street now is this guy, right? If you can get rid of him, how long will it take for you to do it?

President Min quickly said: One day! Just one day is enough!

Manager Hong nodded with satisfaction: Very good, this is also the last chance I give you.

If you can't take down Nanping Commercial Street tomorrow, you should know the consequences.

President Min couldn't help but shudder!

Then Shin Seok-heon.

Executive Hong said with a smile: You guys are all about muscles. We are legal citizens and we must make good use of the weapons of the law. How can we think about how to make people disappear every day? Besides, with what he has shown, With power, it doesn’t seem easy to make him disappear, right?”

President Min quickly nodded in agreement: Yes, yes, yes.

Nanping Shopping Street.

The merchants couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when they saw Shen Houwei being rescued.

And Shen Huowei was also awakened by the silence. When she opened her eyes, she felt a warm embrace. Looking up, she saw Shen Xixian's eyes full of care and reluctance.


Houwei, you're awake.

Put her down quickly.

Shen Huowei understood what had just happened amidst the explanations from everyone around her.

Unexpectedly, those guys dared to kidnap me, and I suddenly became furious!

Houwei, and all of you, don't worry. I've warned those guys and they shouldn't dare to come again.

Although Shen Xixian said this, the surrounding merchants were still not reassured.

Shen Xixian didn't care anymore. The biggest problem for him now was how to explain to Shen Huowei that he didn't have much time left.

Because of what happened just now, Shen Xixian did not leave again, but returned to the place where he lived with Shen Huowei.

Have some tea.

Looking at Shen Houwei who went to pour tea.

Shen Xixian calmed down and finally summoned the courage to say: Actually, I

Unexpectedly, Shen Weiwei also said at the same time: Dad, that kind of magic of yours.

After realizing that the other person was speaking, they both stopped at the same time.

Shen Xixian quickly raised his hand to signal Shen Huowei to continue.

Walking back with two cups of tea, Shen Houwei continued: Is your ability really magic?

Shen Xixian shook his head and said: No, this is a kind of telekinesis. According to a strange guy, I gained this ability by drinking mountain spring water containing radioactive substances.

Radiated material?! Shen Houwei immediately became nervous.

Then have you gone to the hospital for a physical checkup?!

Shin Seok-hyun smiled and waved his hand: No, there's no need.

Why don't you use it? That level of ability will definitely damage your body, right?

Besides, radiation generally has no benefits. It sounds scary at first sight.

No, you have to go to the hospital for a checkup!

Suddenly, Shen Xixian had an idea and thought of a good excuse.

Actually, I wanted to tell you during the day. I may not be able to accompany you anymore, but I can quickly help you get a sum of money, which can still support you to study. In fact, I have cancer. I may be twenty years old. In four hours, no, it should be about twenty hours, I will die!

Seeing Shen Xixian talking incoherently, Shen Huowei said: Dad, what nonsense are you talking about? How could you suddenly get cancer and die within twenty hours?!

As the saying goes, the birth of a lie must be compensated by thousands of lies.

Shen Xixian didn't want Shen Huwei to know about Bai Xing, because he felt that this person was too dangerous!

If Shen Huowei knew about it, it would probably put her in danger.

As a father who owes his daughter so much, this is the only way he can protect her.

It's radiation! Yes, it's radiation!

My cancer was caused by radiation.

In short, don't worry about it.

Since you want to continue here, you can, anyway, those guys should not dare to come again.

I will get some money tomorrow, which will be enough for your future life.

When he thought that his daughter had just lost her mother, and now even he, the father, had to leave her, he felt a sharp pain in his heart!

Especially when he made up his mind to make up for the debt he had suffered for more than ten years.

But he learned that he only had twenty-four hours left.

It was even more difficult for him to accept.

But there is nothing we can do, only deep helplessness and pain remain! (End of chapter)

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