Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 269 Do whatever you want, target the Blue House!

Do whatever you want!

Now, in Shen Xixian's mind, only the words Bai Xing said before leaving were left.

Now that life has entered a countdown, it has the power to subvert the entire country.

So what if you do whatever you want? !

At least, before dying, all obstacles in the way of daughter Shen Weiwei must be cleared away!

Send all those who want to harm her to hell!

In fact, what Executive Hong said is not wrong. This is how society is.

Shin Seok-hyun, who has been involved in the industry for decades, understands this deeply.

For this reason, after attending his ex-wife's funeral, he immediately persuaded Shen Weiwei to go with him.

Get out of this vortex of right and wrong!

But Shen Huowei still maintains the passionate impulse of young people!

Coupled with the hatred for his father's 'escape'.

We must fight to the end even to the death!

But resistance comes with a price.

If you fight against society, you will be crushed to pieces, and you will die without a whole body!

However, now, he, Shen Xixian, has the capital to resist stubbornly, and even has the power to overturn the oppression of the entire society with one person!

Okay, let me overthrow the entire damn society, damn class oppression, and let those guys who are destined to win from birth also taste the taste of failure and taste the pain!!

This was Shen Xixian's answer to Executive Hong.

This is the third item he chose!

--boom! !

The figure flew out and unleashed a series of sonic booms.

The white air flow visible to the naked eye surges outward, forming a sonic boom tunnel!

People on the surrounding streets stopped to watch.

The police station is about ten kilometers away from Nanping Commercial Street, but this is nothing to him.

In the blink of an eye, they were all crossed.

Looking down at the scenery below, I could only see riot police officers in black uniforms everywhere.

They ran rampant everywhere, and once they caught those merchants, they immediately beat them hard with the rubber sticks in their hands.

He will not be taken away until he is beaten until he is unable to move and loses the ability to resist.

Collusion between government and businessmen, disregard of human life, everyone deserves to die!!

--boom! !

Shin Seok-hyun's figure suddenly fell and he landed hard among the crowd of explosion-proof brigade.

Along with a roar, the entire ground collapsed downwards, and those who were closer to him were shocked until their flesh and blood burst out!

The blood mist mixed with the dust raised above the ground, spreading in a vast manner, and drifted into the distance with the strong wind.

Those farther away also flew away directly due to the shock wave.

In an instant, all kinds of exclamations and wails resounded.

Some people on the periphery were immediately frightened by this amazing change.

Especially reporters who venture into forced demolition areas.

The camera immediately focused on the scene.

Shin Seok-hyun walked out of the blood mist and dust.

His appearance is obviously ordinary, and there is nothing outstanding about his clothes.

But the terrifying aura shrouded in blood mist still made everyone who saw him feel cold in their hearts!

A minute ago, President Min was still arrogantly commanding the explosion-proof brigade, extremely arrogant.

He threatened to root out all those stubborn households that resisted.

He even yelled and pointed fingers in front of the captain of the explosion-proof brigade, asking them to deal with these ignorant guys.

At this moment, when I saw Shen Xixian suddenly appearing, I was so frightened that I almost peed!

Especially when Shin Seok-heon appeared, there was a piece of meat scattered around, as well as some broken arms and legs further out, the blood stained the ground red, and even the Shura scene gathered into a gurgling stream!

It made him feel weak all over, and he felt like he was finished!

Executive Hong told him that he would take care of Shen Xixian.

But now that Shen Xixian appears here, doesn't that prove that Executive Hong is done? !

Just when President Min was about to take advantage of the chaos and run away quickly, a scorching gaze suddenly locked onto him.

Immediately afterwards, a huge suction force came from behind.

There was no ability to resist at all, and he was pulled directly.


President Min's neck was strangled tightly by an iron hand.

A low, hoarse voice sounded with full murderous intent.

Say! Where is my daughter?!


President Min really couldn't hold on anymore this time, and he peed right out!

Crying: I don't know, I really don't know!

Trash! Shen Xixian's face turned cold.

I said, if you dare to come again, I will tear you into pieces!


The force of his mind ripped him apart, directly tearing President Min into pieces!

Shen Xixian looked around, and there was only chaos everywhere, and there was no trace of Shen Huwei at all.

He remembered that last night, he could sense the situation in the shopping street when he was at his residence.

So I reminisced about that feeling again, followed by my mind power spreading throughout the area, forming a radar survey map in my mind.

It’s even in 3D mode!

All personnel distribution can be clearly seen!

Soon, he found the location of Shen Huowei and other merchants.

They were on the top floor of a building two hundred meters away. They could no longer hold up the door and were about to be invaded by the explosion-proof team!


With a muffled sound, the door was violently knocked open.

Lao Jin, who had no time to escape, was almost crushed under the collapsed door.

The grinning explosion-proof brigade swarmed over with rubber batons, waving them to greet him.

But in the next second, an amazing scene happened.

All the merchants actually floated into the sky.

Even they themselves didn't know what was going on and seemed very helpless.

Then they all floated out of the window.

The explosion-proof brigade hurriedly ran to the window and watched those people drifting further and further away, and were soon blocked by other buildings.

Shen Weiwei was panicked at first, but soon she seemed to have thought of something.

It's dad!

Although no one saw him, Shen Houwei knew that it must be her father who acted secretly!

So he shouted and warned other merchants not to panic.

Sure enough, under the influence of this force, they flew all the way out of the shopping street.

Landed in a relatively open and safe area.

Dad! Dad!

Shen Huwei shouted around, but the imaginary Shen Xixian did not appear.

Because he is still in the shopping street at the moment, and now that he has no worries, he has to get down to business!

Originally, the explosion-proof teams were still marveling at the merchants who had just flown away.

The next moment, they themselves flew up uncontrollably!

Axiba! What's going on?

I don't know, Smecta!

Is it a supernatural incident?

I heard that the superiors are cooperating with private companies. What we have done is detrimental to our morality. Is the Earthbinder coming to punish us?

Xiba! How is that possible! We are just following orders!

Flying out of the window, they realized that they were not the only ones flying.

In the entire shopping street, all the explosion-proof team members, as well as the demolition team members sent by the developer, all took off together!

There are hundreds of people in the crowd!

The reporters and cameramen did not fly with them, but stood there and looked up at this shocking scene.

I was stunned and didn't know what to do.

The camera broadcast all this scene, which shocked the entire Seoul.

And it quickly spread to the entire South Korea on the Internet!

Just when people have not recovered from the shock of hundreds of people ascending collectively.

Those people who were controlled by Shen Xixian and flew hundreds of meters into the sky lost control and fell straight down!


As the first person fell to the ground, he immediately turned into a piece of bloody mince.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Like dumplings, people kept falling from the sky howling.

The entire area was immediately filled with all kinds of broken limbs, blood and minced meat.

The howls of terror spread even more, making everyone outside feel terrified!

The entire old neighborhood instantly turned into a purgatory on earth!

Since starting the killing spree, Shen Xixuan has stepped step by step into the abyss from which it is difficult to turn back.

And because of his short lifespan and external pressure, he finally let go of his hands and feet and completely felt true freedom!

At this moment, Shin Seok-heon detected that his daughter was approaching quickly.

Seemingly worried about his safety, he ran back regardless.

Shin Seok-hyun didn't want her to see what he looked like now, nor did he want her to see the tragedy at the scene.

He immediately used telekinesis to send her back to the merchants again, and at the same time put her to sleep temporarily.

Shen Huwei's move dispelled Shen Xixian's idea of ​​seeing her one last time.

Counting the time, he didn't have much left.

You must use this limited time to complete what you must complete!


Before the police sent more people, Shin Suk-heon soared into the sky.

The target is directly at the Blue House!

Shin Seok-heon's ability is amazing.

There was already an uproar on the Internet at this time.

Especially after what happened in the island country next door.

Cheong Wa Dae attaches great importance to this!

When the satellite detected that Shin Suk-heon's flight path was heading towards the Blue House, the highest alert was immediately raised!

The President of Cold Country was sent directly to the safe house, and real military forces were dispatched to intercept him.

Before Shin Suk-heon could reach the Blue House, he had already hit several missiles head-on!

Regardless of whether he was in the urban area or not, the Blue House, which was in panic, held the belief that Shin Suk-heon would be eliminated at all costs.

Never allow yourself to follow in the footsteps of the island nation!

--boom! boom! boom! boom!

The precision-guided missile collided with Shin Suk-heon in the air.

In an instant, a violent explosion echoed through the sky.

Even the glass of the building below was shattered.

The crashing debris fell, affecting many innocent passers-by on the street.

There were screams for a while!

After all, Shin Seok-heon has never really faced off against modern military power.

As soon as I came up, I encountered a missile, and I was a little panicked.

Relying on instinct, he attached a layer of mental protection to his body, but it was still blown away by the power of the missile explosion.

Falling from the sky.

Bang! Bang! Bang! boom!

Like a marble, it bounced back and forth between several tall buildings.

The wall was directly smashed by him, and a large number of building debris fell from the air.

Shin Seok-hun himself ended up falling to the ground, smashing an unfortunate car into a discus.

A huge pothole appeared on the spot.

Shaking his head, Shen Xixian gradually recovered from the dizziness.

A stream of blood flowed from his forehead down his cheek.

His power was forcibly boosted by Bai Xing, and his control was really poor.

But even so, despite being bombarded by several missiles, he was still not seriously injured, only bleeding a little.

Standing up, his eyes flashed with determination, and he only had one idea now.

That is to humiliate the entire country with one person's power!

It's not to become the new emperor like Inuyashiki next door, it's just to force those who are born to win to bow their heads and admit their mistakes, and to promise that they will never touch Shen Kuwei again.

Even if he disappears by then, it will be enough to act as a deterrent.

Let Shen Houwei spend the rest of her life peacefully!

There was the sound of vehicles driving around, followed by armored vehicles blocking the front and rear.

More heavily armed and heavily armed special forces surrounded him.

There was no unnecessary nonsense at all, and no efforts were made to persuade them to surrender.

They appear for one purpose only.

Kill Shin Seok-heon!

--Da da da! Da da da!

--boom! boom! boom! boom!

This special force is the famous black beret, with excellent combat capabilities.

Deployed in an orderly manner and launched fire suppression on Shen Xixian.

At first, Shin Seok-heon could only hold his head in defense. Although the bullets could not really hurt him, the powerful firepower still posed some threat to him.

However, under the pressure of this powerful external stimulus, it also successfully accelerated Shin Suk-heon's mastery of his own telekinesis.

The mental protection became more and more perfect under his control. From the beginning, Shen Xixian could only hold his head in defense and slowly stood up straight.

But before he could do anything, several grenades were thrown over.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Not only grenades, but also flash bombs!

Caught off guard, Shen Xixian felt as if he was momentarily blind and in a daze.

The special forces used more modern military weapons to conduct experiments to see how they could restrain this powerful monster!


Unfortunately, these modern weapons are ineffective when facing Shin Seok-heon, who has been amplified by White Star.

Whether it's poison gas or gas, whether it's electric shock or sniper fire.

It couldn't hurt him at all.

Under the control of his mind, the scattered cars around him instantly disintegrated.

It turns into countless sharp metal parts and rotates and accelerates with Shin Seok-heon as the center.

——Shua! Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh!

Countless metal parts exploded like the sharpest blades.

Even armored vehicles were cut with wounds, and people who were accidentally hit were instantly dismembered even if they were wearing advanced body armor!

The entire street was in a mess, and the surfaces of the surrounding buildings showed deep marks.

It looked like it had been severely chopped out by some sharp weapon.

After Shen Xixian adjusted himself and further mastered the power of telekinesis, he was no longer suppressed.

It didn't take long at all to complete the counterattack.

Even the elite black berets can't stop him.

After killing everyone, Shin Seok-hyun immediately planned to fly into the sky again.

But as soon as he looked up, he saw several more black spots appearing in the sky.


This time it is not in mid-air, but in a real urban location.

Obviously, Cheong Wa Dae has completely ignored it.

If Shin Suk-heon alone showed great strength, maybe they wouldn't be so excited.

The key is that all the things that happened in the island country are still vivid in our minds, so it’s no wonder that the Cheong Wa Dae side is completely crazy!

But the Shin Seok-hun at this time is no longer the Shin Seok-hun just now.

Concentrating and holding his breath, he waved his hands towards the sky.

The power of thought created a barrier to block the missile bombing.

It exploded far away from him.

But the surrounding buildings suffered.

The explosion's flames and shock wave caused one of the nearest buildings to tilt.

The load-bearing wall was destroyed by the shock wave, and countless people inside were in absolute danger! (End of chapter)

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