Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 266 A hundred times the power of thought, Bai Xing’s temptation


As the political, economic, technological, educational and cultural center of South Korea.

The city has a population of 9.41 million and is one of the major financial cities in Asia.

There is no doubt that this is a modern metropolis full of entertainment and entertainment.

However, behind the prosperity, there is always some unknown darkness and the tears of the times.

Longshan District.

As an old city, most of the buildings here still retain the style of the last century.

It doesn’t have the glamor of high-rise buildings, but more of the human touch of fireworks in the city.

However, now this human touch has been covered by the dust in the sky.

Construction sites can be seen everywhere, and the entire area has been under development in recent years.

It seems like you are about to put off your old rags and blend into the prosperity of Seoul.

Nanping Commercial Street has a superior geographical location and was awarded the development rights by Taishan Construction.

But now they have encountered a problem. The shops in the shopping street are unwilling to be demolished.

They organized themselves to fight against the demolition team!

As Bai Xing walked on the shopping street, he could see the dilapidation visible to the naked eye.

Due to the mutual pull between demolition and resistance, the shopping street that was originally very lively has no customers at this moment.

Almost every house has its doors closed, and some people have smashed the signs and glass in front of the door.

Some businesses and enthusiastic residents gathered together to discuss countermeasures.

Looking around, Bai Xing saw the target he was looking for this time.

It was a middle-aged man who looked plain-looking, standing on the street at the moment.

While smoking, he kept making phone calls, but no one answered, which made him feel anxious.

Oh? It's you.

Bai Xing thought, and a blue map appeared in his mind.

There are not many shining red dots left, and the nearest one almost overlaps with the white star.

He is Baixing’s target for this trip, Shin Seok-heon!

At this moment, Shen Xixian was in a irritable mood and kept smoking.

Called his daughter Shen Huowei.

But no one ever got through.

Shin Seok-hyun divorced his mother when Shin Haw-wei was ten years old.

Since then, she has never come back. This time, due to forced demolition issues, Shen Huowei's mother Quan Zhenxi died unexpectedly.

That's why he returned for the funeral.

Then he discovered that his daughter actually planned to stay and guard the fried chicken restaurant co-founded by mother and daughter, and fight to the death with the demolition team!

Shen Xixian immediately had a headache, fearing that Shen Huwei would follow in his mother's footsteps.

Just as he was getting more and more anxious, he saw a dilapidated van slowly approaching at the corner of the street.

The short-haired girl driving the car was none other than his daughter Shen Weiwei.

Seeing that she was fine, Shen Xixian breathed a sigh of relief.

After she parked the car, she immediately walked forward.

I've called you many times, but why haven't you gotten through?

Shen Huowei glanced at him and said reluctantly: I was driving and didn't hear it.

Shen Xixian pursed his lips, he didn't quite believe this statement.

But in the end, he didn't say much.

Because he knew that Shen Houwei had always been resentful of his leaving that year.

It's normal to feel dissatisfied at this moment.

But then I thought about the ability I had just acquired recently, and I immediately became excited again.

Xiaowei, let me tell you, I now have a magical power.

Before he finished speaking, Shen Huowei interrupted impatiently: What exactly do you want to say? Could you please hurry up? I still have a lot of things to do.

Shen Xixian looked at the other merchants not far away, and then said: Well, come with me and let's talk alone!

The two of them walked to a small shop selling jewelry not far away. Shen Houwei said bluntly: What is going on? What do you want to talk about?

Shen Xixian pondered for a moment and said, Houwei, how long do you plan to stay here?

Previously at her mother's funeral, Shen Xixian had already discussed similar issues and wanted to persuade Shen Huowei not to confront the demolition teams head-on.

Shen Houwei's attitude was very clear and firm, so when she heard him mention this matter again, she suddenly felt impatient, and even looked a little disdainful.

Dad seems to be able to make some money. I will be responsible for making money. How about you go back to school to study?

Saying that, Shen Xixian took out a tie from his pocket, eager to show off his latest ability to his daughter.

Look, it's a tie.

Under his control, the tie was like a snake, constantly circling flexibly.

It's like coming to life.

If it were anywhere else, it would definitely arouse people's amazement.

But at this moment, in Shen Huowei's eyes, this guy who was showing off his teeth and claws and playing happily with a tie was simply a clown who didn't know what he meant!

That's enough! You disappeared for more than ten years and you just went to learn magic?!

Houwei. This is not the point. Your mother has passed away. You can't do it on your own. Come and live with your father. I will take care of you.

Dad now has a weird ability and is currently performing magic shows in nightclubs, which will definitely earn him living expenses and tuition fees.

Let’s start over, Hawvi.”

Shen Huowei sneered: As expected of you, Dad, you always choose to run away every time something happens!

What? Shen Xixian was stunned by Shen Huowei's words.

Still pretending? Didn't you run away? When I was a child, you abandoned me and my mother and ran away alone!

Houwei. I did have some difficulties at that time!

At that time, I acted as a guarantor for a friend, and as a result, I owed a large amount of debt. If we didn't get divorced, you and your mother would have a harder time!

Is it just because of this?

Seeing Shen Xixian take a deep breath and stop talking.

It's really irresponsible. When you left quietly that early morning, did you remember looking at me?

Shen Xixian couldn't help but feel pain in his heart.

Of course he remembered it, and he would never forget that look for the rest of his life.

Looking at Shen Houwei in front of her, she couldn't hold back the tears in her eyes and cried out.

Shin Seok-hyun looked at his daughter's tears, and his heart felt as painful as a knife!

I couldn't help but want to step forward and hug her.

However, Shen Houwei retreated slightly, avoiding him, and her eyes regained their determination.

I will not leave, I will protect my and my mother's fried chicken shop, and I will try my best to find a way to defeat all this, defeat those demolition teams, and defeat all unfairness!

I, Shen Huowei, will never just want to escape when facing difficulties!


After saying these words, Shen Xixian was speechless!

When Shen Xixian was silent, Shen Huowei no longer paid attention to him.

He strode out of the store.

Shen Xixian wanted to reach out, but finally opened his mouth but didn't know what to say.

He just squatted on the ground helplessly and took out a cigarette from his arms.

Lit it, like the smoke inhaled into the lungs, it can also bring out the worries in the heart.

Just then, a shadow covered him.

Huh? Haw Wei.

Shen Xixian thought it was Shen Huwei coming back again, so he quickly stood up and turned around.

At the same time, he stamped out his cigarette.

But the person who came was not Shen Houwei, but a tall man wearing a black windbreaker.

Who are you.

Looking at the man in front of him, Shen Xixian felt a chill in his heart for some reason.

It seems that the arrival of the other party means something bad will happen.

But he was like a little white rabbit facing the Tyrannosaurus Rex, with no power to resist at all!

Bai Xing smiled slightly: Let me introduce myself, my name is Bai Xing.

As for why I came to you, you must be able to guess the answer yourself, right?

Shen Xixian raised his eyebrows and recalled recent events in his mind.

The target was quickly locked on.

Mind power!

Are you here because of my magical abilities?

Bai Xing snapped his fingers: Correct answer!

Just some time ago, a meteorite fell in the mountains and forests.

The meteorite breaks into pieces, and the radioactive material in it flows into the mountain spring, and you accidentally eat it.

Remember that spring water with a particularly weird taste?

Shin Seok-hyun never knew where his abilities came from, but when he heard Baixing's words, he showed an expression of surprise.

Then he looked at Bai Xing warily: Then what do you want?

Bai Xing still kept smiling, but the words he spoke were extremely cold.

I regret to inform you that because you gained this telekinesis, I must kill you now.

Shin Seok-hyun was stunned at first, then showed an expression of disbelief, and even smiled to hide fear and guilt.

Are you kidding? Murder is illegal!

Bai Xing shook his finger: No, I'm serious.

The smile on Shen Xixian's face visibly faded, and he couldn't help but take a step back because he realized that the other party was not joking.

But he still had the courage to say: I'm warning you! Don't mess around!

As he spoke, he even wanted to activate his telekinesis.

This is an instinctive reaction when facing an enemy, showing one's strength to make the opponent fearful.

Just like wild animals growling and showing their sharp teeth during a confrontation.


At the same time that Shen Xixian activated his telekinesis, the surrounding objects were pulled and trembled continuously.


Psychic power? It just so happens that I can also play with it.

Bai Xing didn't care at all. He opened his palms and a small gravitational field was formed directly.

The high-intensity mental power changes gravity, making the space seem to be distorted. Black arcs appear and disappear, and even the surrounding light sources seem to be swallowed up by it.

Looking at all this, Shen Xixian could not help but feel a chill all over his body, and he was dripping with cold sweat!

It's also all about telekinesis, and his behavior is as ridiculous as if he were just playing tricks and dancing a machete in front of Guan Gong.

Axiba! Who are you! Why do you want to kill me! Why!

Shin Seok-heon collapsed!

Bai Xing said with a smile on his face: Don't be so excited. As compensation, I will give you powerful power for twenty-four hours.

Hmm. How about increasing your telekinesis a hundred times?

During these twenty-four hours, you can do whatever you want and do whatever you want.

But after that, I will take your life.

Shin Seok-heon thought that he was about to die soon, but he didn't expect that there would be a turning point!

But when I heard that my life had only been extended by twenty-four hours, I immediately felt very unwilling.

He raised his head and was about to speak, but saw that the man named Bai Xing in front of him had disappeared.

After being stunned for a long time, Shen Xixian tried to shout: Are you still there?

But he didn't get any response.

Rubbing his face, he was very confused by this sudden incident.

I don’t know whether I should believe Shirahoshi’s words.

At this time, Bai Xing had already left the shopping street.

Find a luxury hotel nearby to rest.

However, his eyes never left the shopping street.

Because he had a hunch that something interesting might happen soon.

Ever since I learned the secret of the telepathy crystal in Seattle.

Bai Xing began to collect these crystals on a global scale, as well as those with telekinesis abilities born from their radiation.

He is not a cold-blooded professional killer.

Even if you go around killing people with a purpose, it won't be as simple and clean as finding the target, killing them, and leaving.

Time is meaningless to him. He has enough energy and time to spend it and do something that he thinks is meaningful.

Such as now.

Shin Seok-heon is a very contradictory character. His nature lacks blood, but in order to make up for his daughter and the guilt in his heart, he may do many things that go against his nature.

Coupled with the intensification of the external conflict between the demolition teams and nail households.

Shirahoshi feels that if his power is strengthened a hundred times, it will definitely be fun to watch!

It was a worthwhile trip.

In addition, Shirahoshi did not do this just for fun.

He had a premonition that once the strength of the host of the telepathy crystal radiation exceeds a certain level, it may attract the attention of the being behind the scenes.

It's like those people who have been planted with magnetic field seeds. Once their strength grows to a level that interests Shirahoshi, he doesn't mind tasting their power himself.

Bai Xing wanted to experiment with Shen Xixian and find out what the guy behind this was!

Compared to 'system' and 'space', the existence of telepathy crystals is undoubtedly much more mysterious to Shirahoshi!

the other side.

Seven or eight vans drove into Nanping Commercial Street.


A large number of violent demolition team members wearing white hard hats and holding baseball bats got out of the car.

It had only been a short time since the last fatal incident, when Shen Houwei's mother died.

The funeral had just been held.

But these guys immediately increased their intensity without any scruples.

Even more people than were sent last time!

Fortunately, the merchants were well prepared and retreated to the shanty towns in time.

Taking advantage of the terrain here, various tables, chairs and benches were used to block the main road.

Prevent those demolition teams from invading.

But after all, they still underestimated the destructive power of these people.

Picking up baseball bats and smashing them randomly, the defense line built by those merchants quickly collapsed.

The unarmed merchants, men, women, old and young, came into contact with the demolition teams and were immediately suppressed to an absolute disadvantage!

Be careful, don't cause any more deaths!

The leader, President Min, shouted, asking his subordinates to pay more attention.

It saves them from getting into any more trouble, and at the same time it is equivalent to telling them that as long as no one is killed, it doesn't matter what they do!

For a time, there were sounds of smashing and yelling everywhere in the shanty.

Shen Weiwei wanted to stop it, but as a woman, she was no match for those powerful demolition team members.

A strong man grabbed his hair and laughed ferociously: Bitch, you want to die like your mother, right?!

At this moment, a figure ran quickly not far away.

It was Shin Seok-heon who came out of the shop with doubts and worries, then heard the sound of smashing in the shanty and hurriedly came to check the situation.

Stop it!!

The first thing he saw was the strong man from the demolition team holding his daughter's hair with a ferocious smile on his face.

Immediately my eyes were about to burst!

In desperation, he unintentionally activated his power!

The next moment, there was only a crisp sound of 'click'.

The strong man's arm was instantly twisted into a twist, and then exploded into a bloody mist!

The strong man himself also flew out directly, knocking over all the baskets, tables, chairs and other debris along the way.

It happened to hit a stick and pierced the body!

Blood stained the stick red and dripped onto the ground.

The strong man never understood what happened to him until his death!

Finally, his neck tilted and he completely lost his voice!

In the entire shantytown, both the demolition team members and the merchants were all shocked!

Everyone was petrified on the spot, and many people actually had no idea what happened! (End of chapter)

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