Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 240 Your Tokyo team is over the top!

Walking north along the Dotonbori Food Street, you can reach the Shinsaibashi business district.

This is a shopping paradise for Osaka people.

Developed around the Shinsaibashi-suji shopping street with arcade facilities, it is also a permanent symbol of Osaka.

Large department stores, century-old stores, and various small shops for ordinary people are lined up here.

The stone-paved sidewalks, British-style street lamps, and rows of brick buildings are so elegant that this area is nicknamed the European Village.

Even though it was already after ten o'clock in the evening, there was still an endless stream of pedestrians coming and going.

At this moment, pedestrians on the road suddenly smelled a foul smell.

Hey, do you smell it? It stinks!

Yeah, it smells like rotten eggs.

Are you kidding? This is nothing comparable to rotten eggs. I feel like my rhinitis is going to be cured.

Hey! What are you doing?

I want to see where this stink comes from.

It's the canal! The smell comes from the canal!

Do you think it was possible that the body was thrown into the canal and left to rot?

Don't make such a joke, you bastard! It's not funny at all!

Damn it. Look what that is!

More and more people were attracted by the smell, and passers-by looked around curiously.

Someone found the source of the stench and stood on the edge of the bridge looking toward the canal.

In an instant, his complexion became extremely different!

The whole person was frozen in place, not daring to move!

His companion not far away didn't know what happened, and asked him in confusion: What's wrong with you?

Follow him and follow his gaze towards the canal.

The pupils suddenly narrowed, revealing an unbelievable look.

I saw all kinds of strange creatures pouring out of the dark canal!

They have a strange shape, emit an indescribable low roar, and a foul smell also emanates from them.

Look what that is!

Wow! Help!

Don't come here!!

A beast-like red demon star man quickly approached them.

This thing has sharp claws and hard scales on its body.


The claws cut through the air as if cutting through tofu.

He could easily scratch that man's head.

Bliss! Bliss!

The monster star stretched out its long tongue and licked the blood and brain from the fingertips.


The passers-by were instantly frightened to death and fled in panic!

However, there are too many of these demon stars.

A short, monkey-like monster with thick body hair appeared.

Jumping on the shoulders of a passerby, he tore his face and throat into pieces in a short time.

Another green, cow-like monster appeared, its huge size overturning the fleeing crowd.

Then he lay on the ground and ate without restraint.

Just when a monster with a huge head and long red hair attacked passers-by.


Directly exploded to death.

Kato Katsu appeared with a cannon in hand.

Also following were Kei Xuanye, Uncle Suzuki, the super-powered master and apprentice, and others.

Looking at the radar, Kei Genno said with a serious face: The number of Youxing people this time is even greater than the number of Oni Star people that appeared in Ikebukuro last time!

Master Sakata Kenzo, one of the super-powerful masters and disciples, said: They are much more difficult to deal with than those ghost stars. Didn't you notice? These monster stars are very consistent with the monsters in Hyakuki Night Walk!

Xuanye Kei remembered the goal given by GANTZ when he was in the black ball room.

That is the leader of these demon star people, Hua Lao!

It seems to be the same big monster in the Night Parade of One Hundred Demons.

Kato Katsuya nodded in agreement and looked at the red-haired big-headed demon star who was killed by him.

This thing is called the red monster in Hyakuki Yakō.

As he spoke, he pointed at the other monsters that were wreaking havoc not far away.

There are also the Jing Mole Cricket, the Soldiers' Headquarters, and the Naked Man!

These are documented monsters!

Everyone opened fire, killing the monsters raging around them and rescuing innocent passers-by.

These ordinary demon stars are not very powerful in combat, and they can still be brutal against unarmed ordinary people.

When encountering members of the GANTZ team, they have no power to resist.

Especially among the team, there is Kei Kurono who has experienced hundreds of battles, and Masaru Kato, who has a good fighting talent.

And a super-powered master and apprentice with super-power blessings.

For a time, a large number of demon stars died under their guns.

Give me my fields! Give me my fields!

While they were fighting fiercely, roars came from under the bridge.

The next moment, a huge shadow covered them.

Both Kyono Kei and Kato Katsu showed weird and horrifying looks.

Couldn't help but look up.

A huge figure climbed up directly from under the bridge.

Standing on the ground, he is more than ten meters tall!

It can be called a giant.

The whole body was filled with disgusting slime.

It is exactly the Nitianfang mentioned in the record.

According to legend, an old man lived as a farmer in the North and died after buying a field.

After his death, his son did not like to work and was idle all day long. He even sold the land left by the old man for money.

The angry old man turned into a mud farm. When his lazy son wanted to drink and have fun at home, he showed up and yelled at his lazy and dissolute son to work faster and not to waste farming.

And every night when the moon shines, he will go to the farmland that has passed into the hands of others, and only his upper body will be visible.

While waving his three-fingered hands, he shouted miserably: Give me my fields! Give me my fields!

In this night march of hundreds of ghosts, the demon stars who appeared can be roughly divided into four levels.

The first is the ordinary demon star person.

Whether it was the black-toothed woman who was killed by the little boy Takeshi with an iron mountain support, or the red monster who was easily killed by Kato Masaru with one shot.

They are all demon star people belonging to this level.

The next level up is the elite level.

There will be a qualitative improvement in strength!

Nitianfang is at this level.

After that comes the real top end power.

A cadre-level demon star!

There are only three demon stars of this level.

They are Inugami, Daitengu and Ushiki.

Further up is the leader.

This is also the goal given by GANTZ when it issued the mission.

——Slippery scoop!

Facing the huge Nidabo, Kei Xuanye, Kato Masaru and others also saw that the other party was not someone to be trifled with.

He immediately became extremely vigilant and did not show any contempt for the weakness of those demon star people before.

Just when Xuanye Ji was planning to assign tasks and formulate tactics as usual.

Suddenly, two humanoid monsters appeared in the other direction, blocking their way back.

The one on the left has a fierce look and a sad face, and his name is Prajna.

The sexy and evil one on the right, with a cold smile, is named Momotaro.

Unlike the other weird monsters, both of them are in human form.

And there is a long knife hanging from his waist!

Although its body size is much smaller than Nitianfang, its momentum is more intense and dangerous!

Xuanyeji's heart tightened, the secret channel was broken!

Hannya and Momotaro are both elite level demons, and their strength is unmatched by ordinary demons.

At this moment, Xuanye Ji and others are blocked by three elite demon stars, and the situation is not optimistic!

Nitianfang took the lead in launching the offensive, and Momotaro and Hannya also took the opportunity to draw their long swords and attack from the left and right.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The mud on Nitianfang exploded, but the cannon and X-gun did not do much damage to it.

On the other side, Momotaro and Hannya showed extremely strong physical skills and easily avoided the gunfire.

He quickly came closer.

Everyone had already cooperated with each other tacitly. Kei Xuanye and Kato Masaru drew out their nano swords at the same time and faced them head-on.

As for the super-powered master, apprentice and others, they will continue to face Nitianfang.

For a moment, just above Shinsaibashi, the crisp sound of weapons clashing and the explosion caused by firearms could be heard all the time!

After a fierce battle, Nitianfang was finally eliminated by the super-powered master and apprentice.

He came back and helped Kato Masaru and the others kill Hannya and Momotaro.

The sword skills of these two guys are quite high!

Even Kyono Kei and Kato Katsu could only remain undefeated, but they were completely beaten and fell into a disadvantage.

If it weren't for the super-powered master and apprentice and others to come back in time, I'm afraid it won't be long before they even lose this battle!

After such a fierce battle, everyone's physical strength was greatly exhausted, and some even had their uniforms scrapped.

However, it rained all night, and before everyone could take a breath, they saw another huge demon star appear at the corner of the street not far away.

It has a snake-like lower body that snakes along the ground at extremely fast speeds.

It is about seven or eight meters in length. Its upper body is similar to a human body, but its two arms are like giant scissors.

It's exactly the same thing!

The strength may not be as good as Momotaro and Hannya, but it is more difficult to deal with than Ni Tianfang.

Those sharp arms can break through the defensive GANTZ suit and cut off the members of the Black Ball Team in just one move!

It’s also an elite monster!

After seeing the crowd, he seemed to have seen prey and swam quickly towards him.

Xuanye Kei and Kato Masaru immediately tensed up their muscles. Regardless of the pain and fatigue on their bodies, they were about to enter a fighting state.

At this moment, a scene that surprised them appeared.

In the darkness behind the network cutter, another team walked out.

Each of them is wearing a GANTZ suit, holding an X-gun, a cannon, or a nano-battle knife.

There were even people driving unicycles, with cigarettes dangling from their mouths, and their expressions were unruly, as if they didn't care about the raging demon stars at all.

The network also noticed them.

Perhaps it was the aura they exuded that attracted Wan Qie, causing him to give up hunting Xuanye Ji and the others, and instead change direction and head towards them.

Kato Masaru hurriedly stepped forward, wanting to remind them of the power of this demon star.

But I saw Nobuo Murotani sitting on the unicycle, just walking down indifferently.

He raised the strange firearm in his hand and pointed it at Net Cut, who was rushing towards him.

Pull the trigger.


The circular gravity field pressed down instantly!


The net was directly crushed into a pool of blood!

Instant kill!

Such a scene immediately shocked everyone in the Tokyo team.

No one expected that such a powerful elite demon star person would be instantly killed by a guy who suddenly appeared.

who are they?

Why are there so many people?

What is that strange firearm in your hand?

Why is it so powerful?

A series of questions appeared in their minds.

Xuanye Kei stared closely at the weapon in Muroya Nobuo's hand, and he could roughly guess what it was.

In the black ball room, if you can get 100 points, you can choose one of three options.

They are to resurrect a dead teammate.

Exchange for a powerful weapon.

And cleanse the memory, leave the black ball room and become an ordinary person again.

Once upon a time, Izumi Shion had her memory wiped away and returned to ordinary people.

But he still couldn't forget the killing and bloodthirsty. In the end, in order to return to the black ball room, he committed the shocking murder of the Shinjuku Massacre!

And what Nobuo Muroya uses should be a powerful weapon that can only be redeemed after reaching 100 points!

After pulling the trigger, it can lock onto the enemy and form a small gravity field, directly crushing the enemy to death.

This is extremely lethal to carbon-based organisms!

Just when Xuanyeji was thinking this.

The Osaka team, headed by Nobuo Murotani and others, has also arrived in front of them.

Where did you guys come from?

Xuanye Ji quickly said: We are from Tokyo.

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by a slightly darker-skinned Osaka team member named Shimaki.

Come from Tokyo? Are you a hunter like us? Humph! GANTZ is so boring.

As he said that, he looked at Xuanye Ji and the others with contemptuous eyes.

He said in a warning tone: Hey! I said you guys, step aside later! This is the territory of our Osaka team, and all prey belongs to us! If you find that you dare to snatch our prey, be careful if we don't You’re welcome!”

Xuanye Ji and others looked at each other. They had never thought that there were black ball rooms in other cities.

At the same time, I didn't expect that meeting the black ball team from other cities for the first time would be like this.

Just when you don’t know what to say.

Suddenly there was a roar in the mid-air in the distance!

——Bang! !

The electric light flashed, and a figure crashed through the air like a meteor, severely knocking a large gap into the corner of a building.

Along with a large amount of smoke, dust and gravel, he was also thrown out again.

What a coincidence, that flying figure happened to land not far from them.

He smashed the entire hard stone floor into pieces and plowed a furrow into the ground.

Gliding to the middle of the confrontation.

Only then did Xuan Yeji and others see clearly who he was.


He hurriedly stepped forward and helped him up.

On the other side, Osaka's Shimaki and Nobuo Murotani and others looked at the damage caused by each other.

Then he looked at the GANTZ suit that Fuudazaemon was wearing.

As well as Xuanye Ji and others who helped him up.

I couldn't help but be stunned.


I originally thought that the Tokyo team was all rubbish.


Hello! Isn’t the strength you are showing a bit beyond your limits?

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