Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 241 Yan Shaohong, the magnetic field maniac, has a headache!

Looking up, he saw the corner of the building that had been hit by Fuudazaemon.

A huge gap was exposed, and the bent steel bars were exposed.

There was also a ravine on the ground that was plowed. I don’t know if I thought a meteor had fallen here.

It can be imagined how violent the attack would be if the environment could be destroyed like this, and how much damage Fuudaizaemon would bear as he endured all this head-on.

And the most important thing is that Fuudazaemon, who endured all this, seemed to be fine at all!

Nobuo Murotani, who was in shock, suddenly thought of another thing, and his heart felt even more horrifying.

Look at Fuudaizaemon's appearance just now, but he was hit and fell down.

What kind of existence can issue such a powerful attack? !

Could it be that there is such a powerful existence hidden among the demon stars this time? !


The next moment, the lion god appeared in mid-air with propulsion flames flashing behind him.

Looking down from a bird's eye view, neither Xuanye Kei or the others, nor the members of the Osaka team, were noticed by him at all.

He just stared at Fuudazaemon: Is this all you can do? Come and fight with me again!

Just now, Fuudazaemon was worried about Kenshi's safety and ignored the Lion God's entanglement.

But how could the Lion God let him go?

After chasing all the way, Feng Daizaemon was finally angered.

The first real fight between the two!

At this time, the strength of both of them was approximately less than 150,000 volts.

But after the fight, the Lion God was still superior.

In the final analysis, it is because the Lion God has the air superiority!

Being more mobile and flexible puts Fuudazaemon into absolute passivity.

Furious, Fuudazaemon jumped up and tried to knock him down from mid-air.

But he fell into the trap of the Lion God.

The Lion God may not be as good as him in close combat, but with his powerful machine, he can even beat him in a short time.

But Feng Daizaemon was too restricted in the air because he couldn't fly.

The Lion God took the opportunity and struck him hard!

Only then did the scene where Fuudazaemon burst out like a meteor appeared.

At this moment, hearing the arrogant tone of the Lion God, Fuudazaemon's fighting spirit was completely ignited.

He spit out a mouthful of blood.

His eyes became extremely sharp.

Okay! I haven't met an opponent like you for a long time, let's have a good fight today!

Kyono Kei wants to stop Fuudazaemon, after all, the most important thing now is to deal with those Youxing people.

But in a battle of this level, he simply couldn't get involved.

Fuudazaemon's burly body suddenly stepped forward and actually took the initiative to attack the Lion God!

The Lion God may have just gained the upper hand and was filled with pride, unaware of the terror of Fuudazaemon after gathering his fighting spirit!

Not only did he not retreat and distance himself, but he also followed suit!

The two sides punched hard to the flesh, accompanied by thunder and lightning, and bursts of muffled sounds were transmitted to the surroundings.

The air waves created by the aftermath of the battle blew the vehicles away.

Any place affected was instantly destroyed.

Cars have become a pile of scrap metal, and cement and concrete are like tofu dregs.

Such a terrifying power made the Osaka team, which was still arrogant and arrogant, stunned!

They originally thought that Fuudazaemon should be dealing with the leader of the Youxing people.

In their opinion, only the leader could create such great power.

Unexpectedly, his opponent turned out to be the Lion God!

The Lion God is really famous now, and most people in the entire island country now know about him.

It's just that before that, the people in the Osaka team didn't care much about him.

Even Shimaki and Nobuo Muroya scoffed.

But at this moment, I can really see the opponent and the power caused by the opponent's battle.

Only then did they realize that it was because they were ignorant and had become the frog in the well!

With this level of strength, even though they are all senior black ball warriors who have scored 100 points several times.

There is absolutely no way he can be their opponent!

Soon, the Lion God paid the price for his arrogance.

In close combat, he was no match for Fuudazaemon.

Especially after his fighting spirit was truly aroused, Fuudazaemon's voltage continued to increase.

In the blink of an eye, it has stabilized at two hundred thousand volts!

With a move of Iron Mountain, the Lion God was knocked away violently. With the sound of booming sonic boom, the Lion God smashed the billboard not far away into pieces, and the whole person instantly penetrated the building in front of him.

The aftermath of the spread destroyed the building, causing a dark hole about twenty meters in diameter to appear in the middle of the building!

Various wires and steel bars were exposed, and electric sparks continued to explode.

Such power made everyone present swallow their saliva.

But right after, Fuudazaemon suddenly shouted in a cold voice: Get out of the way!!

Then he jumped up, his figure suddenly rose up, he jumped hundreds of meters and disappeared from the spot.

The next moment, several electromagnetic cannons shining with blue light appeared from the dark hole and attacked quickly.

Xuanye Ji and others' pupils shrank suddenly, and the GANTZ suits on their bodies instantly entered an explosive state, showing the outline of hard muscles.

Greatly increasing the explosive power, he suddenly jumped out towards the outside, trying to avoid the explosion.

However, when the person was in mid-air, there was a violent roar behind him, followed by a shock wave.

It made him feel as if he had been hit by a train, and he couldn't help but spurt blood from his mouth.

Smoke and dust billowed, and the explosion caused severe ringing in the ears. Among the debris and rubble, Xuanyeji slowly opened his eyes.

After a few seconds, he calmed down a little and hurriedly checked the status of his teammates.

Fortunately, Yufeng Daizaemon reminded him in time, and Kato Masaru and the others were all fine.

As for the Osaka team, they are more unlucky.

Because there were so many people, a few unlucky ones were killed on the spot.

However, the real masters also successfully avoided the explosion.

In terms of per capita strength, the Osaka team is far better than the Tokyo team.

Scoring 100 points is relatively rare among the Tokyo team.

But among the Osaka team, it can only be regarded as ordinary.

There are several people who have scored 100 points twice or even scored 100 points three times.

As the captain, Nobuo Murotani has scored 100 points four times!

As for the lone wolf, Okahachiro, who always comes and goes without a trace, is known as the strongest contemporary black ball warrior.

He even scored 100 points an astonishing seven times!

--boom! boom! boom! boom!

After suffering losses in close combat, the Lion God put away his arrogance.

Turning on the thrusters behind him, the whole person was suspended in mid-air.

The arms spread open, revealing the mechanical device inside.

The electromagnetic cannons were released one after another, continuously bombarding Mikaze Daizaemon.

The Dotonbori area is a bustling commercial district with many high-rise buildings.

There are various office buildings and shopping malls around.

Fuudazaemon was like a bolt of lightning, traveling no less than a few hundred meters at a time, even walking on the wall felt like walking on flat ground.

Shuttle back and forth between these office buildings, dodging the lion god's bombardment.

——Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Although Fuudazaemon successfully evaded all of them, those buildings were all damaged.

Various violent explosions erupted, with flames shooting into the sky and smoke billowing.

During this period, countless innocent citizens were affected and died.

Seeing this, Kato Katsu couldn't help but grit his teeth and clenched his fists fiercely.

But he was helpless against two people with such terrifying combat power.

I can only stand here and stare.

Lion God, do you want a kennel for Inuyashiki?

Yan Shaohong frowned slightly. After listening to Izumi Shiyin's detailed explanation, he finally remembered why he felt familiar when hearing the name Lion God.

Isn't this the anti-human middle school boy in the kennel!

But the world he entered was obviously a murderous city plot, so why did he mess with the characters who came into the kennel?

Rubbing his chin, Yan Shaohong recalled what the captain had said before.

It seems that similar things have actually spread among high-level Nightmare players.

In a plot world, other plot stories are encountered.

This even opens up side plots or hidden plots, thereby earning considerable rewards.

But that was all possible because the appearance of the Nightmare players caused deviations in the plot.

This time, Yan Shaohong had just entered this world and had not done anything yet, so it was a bit strange to encounter such a thing.

In the end, Yan Shaohong could only blame all this on the man named Bai Xing.

Looking at not far away, a fierce battle broke out, affecting the Lion God and Fuudazaemon who were shattering the surrounding buildings.

Yan Shaohong asked in confusion: You mean, Fuudazaemon's power comes from that person named Shirahoshi?

Izumi Shiyin nodded.

He was also very nervous about the mysterious man in front of him.

Perhaps the murderer's perception is sharper, Izumi Shiyin can clearly feel that the lives harvested by this mysterious strong man in front of him will never be less than his own!

And he doesn't value his own life at all, and he may take it away at any time.

It was just because of some special reasons that he didn't show any real intention to kill him.

But even so, Izumi Shion did not dare to be careless at all!

Because he has discovered that even if his strength increases, there is no room for struggle in front of the other party.

Suffering from strong men one after another, and experiencing the feeling that my fate is not in my control, Izumi Shion felt a great blow!

At the same time, it also inspired the tenacity in his character!

What did you call that power?

Magnetic force!

Yan Shaohong took a deep breath and his expression became extremely ugly.


Yan Shaohong also heard about several special power systems such as magnetic field rotation, spiral force, Getta ray, and Son of the Sun in the nightmare space.

They are all guys who are not easy to mess with!

Especially those who practice magnetic field rotation, most of them are crazy.

No wonder Nightmare gave out a reward of one million, and his opponent turned out to be a magnetic field maniac!

Yan Shaohong felt a headache.

In the end, he decided to complete the main mission first. As for the side missions, it depends on the situation.

At this moment, a short demon star with brown skin appeared in their sight.

But it didn't notice the two of them, and instead staggered away in one direction.

Yan Shaohong's eyes flashed slightly and he immediately followed quickly.

Without Yan Shaohong's instructions, Izumi Ziyin would not dare to escape on her own.

We can only continue to follow him.

Soon the two of them came to a covered bridge. Looking forward, they saw that the water surface of Dotonbori Canal and its surroundings were densely covered with monsters with the same appearance as the one just now.

At this moment, they were continuously bowing in one direction.

Izumi Ziyin was also stunned by the scene in front of her and looked in the direction of their worship.

On the high platform, there were three imposing demon star figures standing impressively!

The one on the left is a tall, red-colored Daitengu.

The one on the right is an Inugami wearing a white robe, with an expression as cold as ice and a formidable temperament.

But the one standing in the middle was just a little old man with a plain appearance.

Izumi Shion recognized his identity at a glance, Hua Lao!

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