Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 239 Hundreds of ghosts walk at night, and all forces appear!

When reincarnators enter the plot world to perform tasks, they have a very big advantage, that is, they can know the plot in advance.

Low-level reincarnators can only know which worldview this time is after entering the world and slowly exploring it.

And if no one has seen the relevant works, the advantage of knowing the plot will be gone.

Just like the nightmare team last time.

If a newcomer hadn't recognized Inuyashiki and Shishigami, the seniors would have been faced with a dilemma.

But really high-level players, before entering the plot world, can receive the attributes and background information of the world they are about to enter in advance.

Then go and watch the corresponding works carefully to know yourself and the enemy and you will never be in danger.

This is the case for Yan Shaohong.

He was fully prepared for this promotion mission.

As soon as I entered here, I realized something was wrong!

Whether it’s comics or film and television works, this kind of situation seems to have never happened!

The most important thing is that there is also the mission target that rewards up to one million nightmare coins-White Star!

But there is no such name in the original plot at all!

These unknown things made Yan Shaohong feel confused.

In the end, he planned to lurk temporarily for observation.

After learning more about it, formulate your own action plan!

Just as he was thinking this, music started playing from the black ball in the center of the room.

It immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Xuanye Ji, Kato Sheng and others all looked serious.

The Lion God looked interested. He originally thought these people belonged to some secret organization.

Unexpectedly, they were all forced.

And the enemies are all various aliens hidden among the people!

This time there is another hunting mission, which means that aliens have appeared again.

I remembered the parasitic beast I had personally dealt with before, and the Reggae King I saw in the video later.

The Lion God also felt some expectations and excitement in his heart.

Everyone has their own thoughts in their hearts, while GANTZ performs his duties meticulously.

[You go and kill this guy now. 】

A picture appeared on the surface of the black ball.

He looked like a little old man, with very big ears that almost drooped to his shoulders.

[Name: Slider

Characteristics: Strong, smart, evil

Likes: cigarettes, tea

Catchphrase: Hundreds of ghosts travel in the night! 】

[Please kill all these aliens within the limited time. 】

The next moment, the information on the black ball was erased and turned into a countdown.

Everyone was immediately teleported again.

The little boy Jianzhi was teleported first.

Appeared in a dark alley.

Looking at the surrounding environment, I felt inexplicably scared.

Muscle Knight. Where are you?

Looking around, there was no one around, Jianzhi couldn't help but move forward.

At this moment, I suddenly heard a scream!

The sound was harsh, and it seemed particularly scary in the alley at night!

After all, Jianzhi was just a child. Even though he was wearing a GANTZ suit and had experienced a hunting mission, he still crouched down in fear.

The sound suddenly disappeared in the next second. When Jianzhi opened his eyes, he saw a bride in red appearing not far away.

Jianzhi looked suspicious at first, but when the bride came closer, it suddenly turned into panic!

The bride was wearing a red wedding dress, and she just staggered at first. After she got close to Jianzhi, she scurried towards her like a zombie that smelled of humans!

His whole body was deathly gray, and the nails on his hands were black, long, and sharp. The most important thing was his face.

Except for a big mouth, there are only twisted muscles, no eyes, and no nose.

The big mouth exudes an endless fishy smell, and the teeth in the mouth are even darker.

She is the black-toothed woman in the Night Parade of One Hundred Ghosts!

Jianzhi was so frightened that three souls flew away and two souls flew away, turned around and ran away immediately!

He ran, she chased him, but he couldn't fly.

Not far after running out of the alley, I came to a street.

Seeing this scene, passers-by could not help but point and feel curious.

Only a few people realized that something was wrong, but they did not choose to step forward to help Jianzhi.

Instead, he kept retreating and immediately left here if something went wrong.

Jianzhi tripped and fell to the ground, and was directly caught by the black-toothed woman behind him.

He held Jianzhi's petite body in his arms, fixed him with huge force, and then opened his exaggerated mouth to directly wrap Jianzhi's head!

He was about to swallow Jianzhi into his stomach.

In desperation, Jianzhi suddenly burst out with amazing power.

The young figure smashed through the air and directly pushed Black Teeth Granny away.


Black Teeth Woman fell to the ground, all the muscles in her body were torn, and most of her bones were broken.

Looking at Jianzhi's posture again, he is clearly the Tieshan Kou in Bajiquan!

It turns out that the last time Kenshi was hunting the Ghost Stars in Ikebukuro, Tokyo, Kenshi was with Kazaozaemon, and the two established some friendship.

Fuudazaemon was a bit indifferent to other people, but in fact he was cold on the outside and hot on the inside, so he lowered his guard against children.

The two got along quite well. In order to improve Kenshi's self-protection ability, Fuudazaemon even taught him the moves of Bajiquan.

It was as if he planned to accept him as his disciple.

And Kenshi also has great respect and admiration for Fuudazaemon, and calls him the Muscle Knight!

At this moment, with the blessing of the GANTZ suit, Takeshi suddenly broke out and used the iron mountain support he learned from Fuudazaemon.

With his small body, he actually knocked Black Teeth Po to death on the spot!

Just when Jianzhi was chased out of the alley by Black Teeth Po, the rest of the people also teleported over.

The bald Uncle Suzuki looked at the signboard not far away and was suddenly surprised.


Everyone looked at it and saw the words Dotonbori written on it.

Dotonbori is this Osaka?

What's going on? Our previous teleportations were all within Tokyo!

Why did you come to Osaka this time?

Everyone was shocked.

Fuudazaemon discovered that Takeshi was missing!

Some anxiety arose in my heart, and I immediately went to look for it.

But his way was blocked by someone.

I'm very curious about your strength. Tell me, how did you obtain it?

The Lion God felt the magnetic field fluctuations from Fuudazaemon's body, which seemed to come from the same source as his own magnetic field power.

In addition, I had long wanted to fight against a master like Fudaizaemon, so I couldn't wait to stand up at this moment.

But Fuudazaemon was anxious to go find Kenshi, but when he saw that the way was blocked by the Lion God, his brows suddenly furrowed.

Get away!

Fuudazaemon doesn’t know if the Lion God is an alien, but he definitely has a bad impression of him!

Even worse than treating Izumi Shion, the murderer who once killed him!


But how could the Lion God let him leave like this, even if he directly attacked him!

However, Fuudazaemon nimbly dodged and swung a punch at the same time.

It hit the Lion God right in the abdomen and knocked him away.

Fuudaizaemon did not pursue, but turned around and left quickly.

He had a hunch that this mission might be more dangerous than the last one.

If Jianzhi is separated by himself, the situation will not be good if he encounters powerful aliens!

Fuudazaemon did not use all his strength, and the Lion God's body had already been strengthened.

This punch did not cause him any real harm.

I just didn't expect that as soon as they fought, I would be at a disadvantage!

This was somewhat unacceptable to the Lion God.

Feeling that Fuudaizaemon was dodging and punching at the critical moment just now, Shishigami wanted to continue to cause trouble for him.

He immediately chased after him.

On the other side, Izumi Shiyin immediately left the team after being teleported over.

He needs to stay as far away from the Lion God as possible now!

Already possessing the power of magnetic field, in his opinion, he will be able to grow up.

Only when you are strong enough can you be unafraid of the threat of the Lion God.

But this also requires a process.

Until then, he needs to avoid the Lion God as much as possible.

Fortunately, the other party's attention was completely attracted by Fuudazaemon, allowing Izumi Shion to escape by chance.

The figure quickly moved between alleys and small streets.

After running a certain distance, Izumi Shiyin stopped.

He gasped twice.

He immediately looked around and realized that this was Dotonbori.

Dotonbori is a canal in Osaka City, famous for its proximity to theaters, businesses and entertainment venues.

It is very prosperous. Although it is not as prosperous as Ikebukuro, Shinjuku and Shibuya in Tokyo, it is also one of the most prosperous commercial areas in Osaka City.

With his eyes darkened, Izumi Shion realized that this hunting mission might not be easy either.

GANTZ has been really abnormal lately!

First, the battlefield was set in the bustling commercial area of ​​Ikebukuro, and then all the shielding between them and the aliens failed, exposing them to the public.

And now, I even left Tokyo and came to Osaka.

Izumi Shion walked forward while thinking secretly in his heart.

It seems that in this mission, in addition to dealing with the Lion God, we also have to be wary of aliens at all times.


Just when Izumi Ziyin walked around a corner, the petite body originally hidden in the shadows suddenly grew larger.

It formed a tall monster covered with red hair, opened its bloody mouth and bit down hard on his head!

The mouth was like a black hole, filled with a fishy smell, and mucus was constantly dripping.

There is no doubt that this one bite can bite off the head of an ordinary adult and swallow it whole!

This demon star person is called Jian Yue entering the Tao!

Under normal circumstances, the body shape of a Jingoe is about the same as that of an ordinary person, or even a little smaller.

It likes to hide in the shadows around corners and pop out when someone appears.

And its body quickly grew in size, opening its bloody mouth, biting off the heads of passers-by and eating them.

Unfortunately, this time he chose the wrong target.

Izumi Shion's own strength is not simple, and she also possesses the power of magnetic field.

He may be vulnerable to the Lion God, but he is still able to deal with ordinary monsters like this.

Even though he was caught off guard, he still reacted quickly and kicked Miyue into the body as a preemptive strike.


The huge force directly kicked him away.

Before he could see Erudo struggling to get up, Izumi Shiyin had already stepped forward with a nano sword in hand.


Its head was instantly harvested.

Just when Izumi Ziyin was planning to find a place to lie down and carefully study the magnetic field power in her body.

See how you can enhance it.


He felt someone approaching!


Be the first to take action!

Izumi Shione, who was always vigilant, attacked with all his strength, and the nano-sword cut through the air.

There were bursts of sharp airflow.

However, the next second, a scene that horrified Izumi Shion appeared.

Zheng! !

Accompanied by a metallic shudder.

The visitor actually easily caught his blade with just two fingers!

Yan Shaohong looked at Izumi Ziyin with a chuckle and said, Don't be nervous, I just want to ask you something.

Izumi Ziyin recognized this person. He was a newcomer who had just entered the black ball room and had never seen him before.

But I didn't expect that this was another master who was hiding deep inside!

After Yan Shaohong released his fingers, Izumi Ziyin quickly retreated a few meters away.

He looked at him vigilantly and said, Who are you! What do you want to ask?!

Yan Shaohong said: I see that you seem to be very afraid of that person named Lion God Hao, so I want to ask about the relationship between you and him.

And I hope you can tell the truth about everything that has happened to you during this period of time.

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