Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 238 The Lion God enters the black ball room, the confused nightmare player!

After the Lion God took care of Inuyashiki, he flew all the way towards the target location.

Sure enough, after getting closer, I immediately felt a different magnetic field fluctuation.

His eyes sparkled, and he knew that he was not in the wrong place!

On the other side, after Izumi Shiyin was planted with magnetic field seeds, she returned to the abandoned building through the portal.

After gaining power, he learned all the information about the power of the magnetic field.

Bionic powers

Current push

And the magnetic field rotates!

He didn't know what stage the Lion God was currently in, but he could release thunder and lightning at will.

It should be in the [current-driven] state.

The same goes for Fuudazaemon.

The last time he was hunting Ghost Stars in Ikebukuro, he watched the entire battle between Fuudazaemon and the Raigae King.

It can be clearly seen that the electric current released by Fuudazaemon is extremely powerful.

But he is still in the stage of [Bionic Superpower].

Although this has greatly improved his strength, he even has some special abilities.

Such as the strength of a bear, the speed of a leopard, the eyes of an eagle, the hearing of a bat, the shock sensor of a spider, the adsorption ability of a gecko, and the thermal vision of a rattlesnake.

It makes Izumi Shion feel that even without wearing the GANTZ suit, she can compete with her previous self.

But because of the pressure brought by the Lion God and Fuudazaemon, he did not fall into joy.

Instead, a greater sense of crisis arose!

The improvement was so obvious in just the first stage.

So how powerful should they be when they are in the realm of [electricity push]?

So far, he has only observed the battle scene between the Lion God and Fuudazaemon from a third perspective.

I haven't really fought against them, so I can't personally experience how powerful they are.

At the same time, Izumi Ziyin's heart felt hot again.

Just the first two stages have such a big improvement, once you enter the third stage.

How to become stronger after successfully reaching the realm of [Magnetic Field Rotation]?

Can't you become invincible in the world!

At this moment, Izumi Ziyin suddenly felt a tingling sensation, which was an instinctive warning!

Izumi Ziyin's expression changed instantly, and she was about to rush towards the room where Yuko was detained.

But it's too late.

--boom! !

The kinetic energy of the strong wind is compressed and stirred up, forming a violent wind.

Like a knife, it cut holes of different depths in the walls of the rough room.

And in the direction where the explosion occurred, it was completely shattered, revealing the darkening sky outside.

Smoke and dust filled the air, and a figure appeared there.

Izumi Shiyin protected her body with her hands. Even though her body had been enhanced and protected by the GANTZ suit, she still felt a splitting pain.

Without giving him time to savor it, alarm bells rang in his heart!

Rich combat experience allowed Izumi Shione to predict the Lion God's movements in advance.

The figure retreated quickly!

Sure enough, the next second the Lion God appeared where he was just now.

Unfortunately, escaping this move can be considered a fluke.

After the Lion God became serious, Izumi Shion had no chance of winning at all!


The next second, Izumi Ziyin felt a huge force coming from the front.

The GANTZ suit on his body didn't hold up for even a second, and the ring on it spurted out thick black liquid, and was beaten to pieces!

Izumi Shion tried his best to resist, but all the bones in his body still trembled under the huge impact.


He smashed through the wall behind him, broke through several walls in a row, and penetrated the entire building.

Shoot out.

After falling to the ground, it plowed out a long ravine before stopping.


Izumi Shiyin desperately tried to struggle to get up, but her body only moved a little before spitting out a large mouthful of blood.

Horror bloomed in his eyes.

He was already prepared for the gap between himself and the Lion God.

But after the actual fight, the huge gap like a chasm still caught him off guard.

In fact, if he hadn't been wearing the GANTZ suit, he would have gained the power of a magnetic field.

In addition, the Lion God was concerned about his mother's safety and did not take full action.

Just that punch was enough to kill him instantly!

On the other side, the Lion God made a strong appearance and punched Izumi Shione away, then immediately broke through the door.

I saw my mother Yuko who was imprisoned here.

Seeing that she was okay, I felt relieved.

What followed was rising anger.

Now that I'm sure my mother is fine, I don't have anything to worry about.

In his heart, Izumi Shion has already been on the must-kill list!


Like a storm, the Lion God caught up with Izumi Shione who was struggling to escape.

He grabbed it and said with a cold smile: Do you also want to feel the pain?!

Just when the Lion God was about to repeat his old tricks, inflict absolute pain on Izumi Shione, and then kill him with his own hands.

A scene that surprised him happened.

I saw that the head and waist of Izumi Ziyin began to shrink.

And gradually spread to the whole body.

Immediately afterwards, the Lion God found himself in the same situation.

He could still feel his body, they hadn't left.

But the location doesn't seem to be here.

In other words, he was teleported!

The moment he felt the teleportation, Izumi Shion let out a deep breath of relief.

Unexpectedly, at the critical moment, GANTZ actually issued a mission.

Just get out of here and enter the black ball room to avoid the Lion God.

Unexpectedly, the Lion God was also teleported in the next second.

This caused Izumi Shion to fall into great panic.

Nothing like this has ever happened before!

Involuntarily, Izumi Ziyin remembered the anomaly that occurred during the last mission to hunt the Ghost Stars.

Ordinary people can see the black ball warriors and aliens.

Now, even the Lion God, who is not a black ball warrior, has been teleported in.

This made Izumi Shion convinced that there must be something wrong with GANTZ!

But now is simply not the time to think about those things.

The Lion God followed him into the black ball room, and he really had nowhere to escape!

Soon, the two disappeared.

Reappeared and entered the black ball room.

The Lion God did not continue to attack Izumi Shiyin because the teleportation just now and the unfamiliar environment around him made him feel wary.

The first thing is to understand what is going on!

Izumi Shion's injuries have completely recovered after being teleported by GANTZ.

At the same time, he looked around and saw that in addition to Kurono Kei, Fuudazaemon and others, several new people appeared in the room.

In addition, there is also Kato Masaru, an old friend who was resurrected by Kurono after the last mission!

When everyone saw Izumi Shiyin, they had no reaction, but when they saw the other person who was teleported with him, they were immediately shocked!

Lion God Hao?!

Xuanye Ji's exclamation revealed the identity of the Lion God.

As the most talked-about male protagonist in recent times, everyone in the room certainly recognized him.

The Lion God looked around and saw their identities after seeing the tight-fitting black combat uniforms they were wearing.

In the last Ikebukuro incident, the black-clothed warriors who appeared had killed a large number of ghosts.

It should be them!


The Lion God's eyes were fixed on Fuudazaemon.

Fuudazaemon suddenly felt a pressure, and immediately after, a strong fighting spirit arose in his heart!

The Lion God wants to fight a real strong man.

This is especially true for Fuudazaemon. His purpose in coming to Tokyo is to challenge the strong!

At this moment, he could clearly feel the power from the same source in the other party, as well as the surging fighting spirit!

Seeing that the two of them were about to take action at any time, Xuanyeji hurriedly wanted to speak out to dissuade them.

With their strength, if they take action in this black ball room, everyone will suffer!

At this moment, a voice sounded.

Baga! What are you bastards doing? Where's the camera? Some kind of variety show?

A burly man wearing purple clothes and a gold necklace stepped forward.

While spitting out the fragrance, he turned his head and looked around, as if trying to find the hidden camera.

You dare to play tricks on me, do you know where I am?


When Xuanye Ji was about to step forward and explain to him.

The Lion God has already taken action in advance.

An arc of electricity pierced directly through his skull.

The body fell to the ground.

Looking around at the crowd, the Lion God stood proudly.

Now, can someone please explain to me what exactly this place is?

Kei Xuanye looked at the body that fell to the ground, and grabbed Kato Masaru, who had a sense of justice next to him and was about to rush forward for a theory.

Let’s briefly talk about the black ball room.

After hearing this, the Lion God was also surprised!

He really didn't expect that there would be so many aliens hidden in the daily world!

The parasitic beasts that were killed in the gymnasium came to mind, and they should be classified as aliens.

At this moment, Shishigami was attracted by the secret of the black ball room and Feng Daizaemon.

But he forgot all about Izumi Ziyin.

This made Izumi Shion couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief again.

I am even more determined in my heart, I must become stronger as soon as possible!

And just when everyone in this room had their own thoughts.

In the corner.

A man with a strong body took everything in his eyes.

At the same time, a flash of doubt flashed through.

Hiss! Something's wrong! Kurono Kei and Kato Masaru actually exist at the same time.

Izumi Shione is not dead either, but on the contrary, the big star Reika is not here.

And Fuudaizaemon shouldn't have this level of momentum, right?

The most important thing is that Lion God Hao, why does it sound a bit familiar? What on earth is this?

Yan Shaohong frowned and thought, and at the same time looked at his task panel.

As a veteran player of Nightmare Space, this is his promotion mission world.

Because it can only be entered by individuals and is related to promotion matters, generally this kind of mission world will be more dangerous.

Yan Shaohong is also ready.

I just didn't expect that the world of this mission would be dangerous, but unexpected and strange events would follow one after another!

I looked at the two tasks on the task panel.

In the main mission, if you successfully kill Hua Lao, you will get 50,000 Nightmare Coins. Every time you kill a demon star and protect a Tokyo team member from death, you can get corresponding nightmare coin rewards according to the situation.

In the side mission, if you successfully kill White Star, you will get 1,000,000 Nightmare Coins!

It's embarrassing, the rewards for side missions are higher than those for main missions, and much higher! This is the first time I've seen it.

But who can tell me who this Bai Xing is? Isn’t this the mission world of Killing City?

Why do so many inexplicable guys appear? Why do the plot seem to have changed when I just came here? ! (End of chapter)

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