Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 234 I will give you the ultimate pain!


One of the busiest areas in Tokyo, along with Shinjuku and Ikebukuro.

Antou walked straight ahead and stood under the statue of the loyal dog Hachiko, looking at the busy Shibuya intersection not far away.

This is known as the largest intersection in the world.

Known for its chaos, 3,000 people pass through the road at the same time at peak times, and nearly 500,000 people pass through it every day. It is also a must-visit place for overseas tourists.

It is a real flow of traffic and people.

At this time, Antang was looking around, with a trace of doubt written on his face.

He suddenly received news that Izumi Ziyin told him to meet here.

Ever since the Lion God went on a killing spree and became a wanted criminal, Antang has been restless.

I felt even more guilty for those who died in that disaster.

Whether it was the relatives of the victims, the people who marched later, or the police.

They all died indirectly because of him!

But he didn't know what to do.

So when Izumi Shion found him again, he instinctively wanted to rely on Izumi Shion.

So he came in a hurry.

Unexpectedly, after waiting here for a long time, I still didn't see Izumi Ziyin.

There is too much traffic at Shibuya intersection, and all kinds of people are constantly passing by.

It is even more difficult to find Izumi Shion among them.

At this time, Antang realized belatedly that he did not even have contact information with Izumi Ziyin.

Every time Izumi Ziyin contacts him, she uses a disposable phone card.

The longer he waited, the more Antang felt a little restless.

As if something bad was about to happen.

Just when he decided to leave here immediately, a black spot quickly flew over from the sky!

Lion God!

Antang's pupils suddenly shrank and he exclaimed.



The Lion God suddenly fell to the ground, making an obvious depression in the hard ground.

Fine cracks spread around like spider webs.

When he saw the cold eyes of the Lion God, a ball of fear suddenly arose in Antang's heart!

Hao! You should stop committing murderous crimes and turn around!

The Lion God said coldly: You know? Ever since the last battle with that woman in the gymnasium, I am no longer interested in killing ordinary people.

It's you! Someone who is both cowardly and full of cheap morals is instigating things behind his back.

Those people didn't have to die originally, but now they are all killed by you!

Antang burst into tears: I don't want this either, but... I just want you to see the consequences of those sins you do.

Those people are not cold numbers, they are living lives!

Why can't you understand me!

I'm doing this all for your own good, but you are so guilty now. Your sins are too serious.

Although I still want you to look back, I know that you can no longer look back.

I know what you are here to do today. Just kill me.

But please promise not to take another person's life after you kill me. Please stop killing! !

How great. The Lion God only sneered at Antang, who was in tears, broke free from his initial fear, and already had a death wish.

I gave you the last chance last time and also warned you.

You can do anything, but the first thing you have to think about is the consequences of doing so!

They've paid their price, and now, it's your turn!


With a muffled sound, the Lion God came to Antang in an instant, and at the same time pressed his chest hard with his palms.

Put your five fingers together and clasp it tightly.

You want to die, but I won't let you die so easily!

Since you are going to sacrifice yourself, do one last thing.

I have been issued a wanted order and will inevitably have a fight with the government.

It is impossible for me to stop, but there is still some hope for them to stop.

This is not my hope, but your hope!

I will give you extreme pain!

Just use your pain to warn those guys.

If they don't stop, fear and pain will befall each of them next time!

As the Lion God continued to exert force, Antang felt a cramping pain coming from his chest and quickly spreading throughout his body!

——Ah!!! What on earth do you want to do to me?!

When the Lion God appeared, people around him noticed something unusual here.

When Antang began to scream, everyone immediately recognized the Lion God.

As a result, many were so frightened that they fled, but there were also many who were brave enough to hide in the distance and secretly take pictures with their mobile phones.

The originally bustling Shibuya intersection immediately erupted into a huge commotion.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of police officers appeared. In addition, major media also arrived at the scene.

In the past, the police would be late every time there was an accident. Perhaps the incident happened too suddenly and lasted for a short time.

As a result, the police force cannot be assembled in a short period of time, but it also shows that the police efficiency does need to be improved.

So why were the police so quick this time?

There is only one answer!

They had already laid an ambush around them in advance.

Not only the police, but also the media.

And the driving force behind all this is Izumi Shione!

At this time, he was standing on the edge of the rooftop of a building not far away.

Watch this scene quietly using a telescope.

He made an appointment with Antang in Shibuya, and he anonymously notified the police and media in advance.

Even choosing the location in Shibuya was a deliberate decision by him!

After these days of planning, today, he plans to push this whole thing to a climax!

As the three most prosperous districts in Tokyo.

Shinjuku experienced the carnage he brought.

In Ikebukuro, the number of innocent passers-by affected and killed by the ghosts was no less than the Shinjuku Massacre.

The only place that hasn't been hit yet is Shibuya!

So Izumi Shion chose the location here.

Through research and observation, he determined that the Lion God was a fool.

Even if he seemed to have intimidated the police through some means before, the police did not dare to take action against him.

But as long as he is angered, he will become a fool again.

Originally, Izumi Shion had planned Plan B and Plan C in case her plan failed.

Unexpectedly, just one set of combos made the Lion God really angry.

This is also thanks to the lion god's arrogance, which resulted in assists.

If he had been more cautious, he would not have fallen into the trap so easily.

The former superhero turned into a family-killing demon who killed entire families and was wanted by the police.

There was even a battle with the police in Shibuya, resulting in the tragic deaths of countless people.

Such news will not only cause a sensation in the island country, but will definitely arouse widespread attention even around the world!

Izumi Shion is confident enough that this level of fun has surpassed the Shinjuku Massacre that he brewed with his own hands.

It must be absolutely possible, and it must be able to satisfy Shirahoshi, right? ! !

Stop!! Lion God Hao! Let go of the hostages and raise your hands to surrender immediately!!

The police, headed by Chief Hirama and Chief Sano, have surrounded the place.

But each of them looked nervous and did not dare to act rashly.

Not only because of the hostages in the hands of the Lion God, but also because the Lion God’s strength has already been learned by them!

Especially Sergeant Hirama, who has served in the police force all his life. Although his official position has not been promoted, he has a wide network of contacts.

Through his own channels, he learned some experimental data on Inuyashiki in the special service base.

Do you know what kind of powerful and destructive weapons this kind of mechanically modified human body possesses!

While he was afraid of the Lion God, Sheriff Hirama hated him even more.

Not to mention the innocent citizens who died in the hands of the Lion God, just talk about the Sheriff of Western Sichuan who was killed by him last time.

He is Sheriff Hirama’s best friend!

Facing this inhumane demon, he even wished he could directly launch missiles to blow him up.

But he doesn't have that right, and the Lion God's position is really sensitive, so launching missiles is simply unrealistic!

Faced with the siege, the Lion God didn't care at all.

In his opinion, these ordinary people are like ants, not worth mentioning.

Whether it's the police or the Self-Defense Forces, it's useless even if SAT comes.

Last time he had easily massacred a group of SAT members.

So facing this scene, the Lion God didn't have any fear in his heart, and he was even satisfied.

Because he just wanted these people to see with their own eyes how he dealt with Antang.

Let them be afraid of themselves, let them be full of awe of themselves!

Just killing is not enough, he needs some means and some shock!


Antang never stopped feeling pain and screaming.

The position held by the Lion God formed a vortex, affecting every muscle and nerve in Antang's body.

Antang only felt that countless muscles throughout his body were trembling and countless nerves were twitching.

This level of pain is tens of thousands of times more painful than directly extracting the nerve of a tooth without anesthesia.

Because what hurts Antang is all the nerves in his body!

But unfortunately, while he was hurt, there was a special force protecting him.

Keep him from dying of pain or passing out.


This is not protection!

But a greater torture!

Coma is a protective mechanism of the human body.

When suffering unbearable great pain, the body will automatically turn on this protective mechanism.

Putting people into comas to escape pain.

But now, Antang even falling into coma has become a luxury.

He could only clearly feel the intense pain all over his body, bit by bit, gathering like a river, constantly washing back and forth on him!

The Lion God has not yet entered the realm of [Magnetic Field Rotation], and may not be able to use magnetic field locks and cell reorganization.

But he is not a pure magnetic field strongman, he is a mechanical transformation man born from alien technology!

Human transformation can cure any human disease, which is even more perfect than cell recombination.

At this moment, the Lion God is using the magnetic field power and healing ability to lock Antang's life.

To achieve an effect similar to a magnetic field lock.

Then he activated the power of the magnetic field to continuously twist and rotate his body.

Center on the place you grabbed and continue to compress.

This process was set very slowly by the Lion God, just to allow Antang to carefully experience every inch of pain.

Muscles are torn, bones are broken, and nerves are in constant throbbing pain.

Such a miserable howl made the police officers watching this scene, the citizens watching the excitement outside, and the people of the entire island country who were paying attention to all this through the reporter's live broadcast, all felt a chill!

As Antang's bones, flesh, and internal organs twisted, rubbed, and compressed, his limbs spread out irregularly, shrinking toward his body in a spiral shape.

The bones are bursting and the flesh is being torn apart, but people can survive.

And clearly feel all the pain.

Even Chief Hirama, as a veteran policeman, could no longer bear it.

Fire!! Fire!! (End of this chapter)

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