Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 235 Hey! I don't want to hear his screams, I don't want to see his cruel w

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Da da da! Da da da!

The police officers, who could no longer bear it any longer, immediately used their firearms to vent their anger and fear.

Even Antang, who was not dead yet, ignored him.

Perhaps for him, it would be better to be killed directly by a firearm than to continue to suffer pain!

Sheriff Sano next to him wanted to stop him, but it was already too late.

Of course, it wasn't that he didn't want to hurt the Lion God, nor did he want Antang to continue to suffer.

But I am worried about Sheriff Hirama who issued this order!

According to regulations, the hostages are not dead yet, and their safety has not yet been determined.

As the leading police sergeant, he must not directly issue such an order that disregards the safety of the hostages!

Regardless of the outcome, this alone is enough to punish Sheriff Hirama!

But at this time, Sheriff Pingma already hated the Lion God in his heart.

A series of blood debts, plus watching Antang howl in pain.

He had already asked Sheriff Hirama to put these things aside, and now he only wanted to do one thing.

That is to kill the Lion God immediately and stop all this completely!

The bullets formed a barrage and shot toward the Lion God.

However, this level of attack had no effect on him at all.

The power of the magnetic field was activated, and all the bullets were stopped in mid-air.

With a crisp sound, they all fell to the ground.

It didn't cause him any harm at all.

If the Lion God hadn't planned to keep them, they would continue to watch Antang's fate.

All he had to do was return the bullets where they came from, and he could easily kill a large number of police officers!

the other side.

Izumi Shione was always paying attention, and when she saw this scene, her heart felt hot!

No matter what the background of the Lion God is, his strength is obviously beyond the ordinary black ball warrior.

If he could obtain the power of the magnetic field, he might be able to achieve such great strength.

This is an absolutely irresistible temptation for him who has always pursued killing and power!

At this time, Antang's body had been twisted into a ball, and the overall volume was only about half of its original size.

The pain radiating from his body made him feel as if he was in hell, suffering constant torture.

It was clear that reality only passed for a second, but to him it seemed like a century.

If there is a limit to pain, then this must be the limit!

But he still retains his thoughts and can even speak!

Gah!! Kill me. Kill my mouth and teeth quickly!!

The Lion God laughed loudly: Hahaha, Xiaozhi, you are still the coward without a seed!

This is just the third level of pain and you are begging for mercy. So how do you survive to the tenth level of pain? !

If you cannot endure extreme pain, how can I allow you to die?

Cheer up for me, Xiaozhi! Have you forgotten your beliefs?

If you don't want me to achieve my goal and be a shock to those guys, then don't ask for mercy and give me more backbone!

Antang was almost turned into a ball of flesh, but he still maintained his thoughts and could clearly feel the increasing pain.

Haowuwu. I was wrong. I shouldn't have done that to you!

Please let me die, I am just a coward, a worthless coward, a dead mother who only obeys externally and punches hard internally!

Please spare me! Wow! !

It was like slaughtering a thousand pigs at the same time. The pain radiated around and infected everything.

Even Izumi Shion, who was watching all this with a telescope on the rooftop a kilometer away, could still hear the tragic wail of pain.

As a butcher who slaughtered human lives like butchering dogs, he was cold-blooded and ruthless, causing the tragic death of more than 370 people.

Hearing this sound at this moment, I can't help but feel cold sweat!

I put down the telescope and tried to suppress it with all my concentration, but my body still couldn't stop trembling!

At this moment, the pain has reached the eighth level.

Antang has completely become a spherical object, with the overall volume only slightly larger than a basketball.

The head has long shriveled up, like a sculpture inlaid on the 'basketball'.

The extremely distorted face is more like an evil ghost crawling out of the abyss of hell than a human face!

Please, this is Izumi and Izumi Shione's idea, not me!

It's all his fault, it has nothing to do with me! Just kill me! Woohoo——!

The Lion God's eyes flashed: Oh? Izumi Shion?!

He didn't expect that there would be an unexpected harvest!

He had vaguely noticed something was wrong before.

This series of events happened too fast, and the change was too fast.

Therefore, the Lion God instinctively felt that Antang alone should not be able to do this.

And now it seems that there is indeed a driving force behind this!

Haha. There was a hint of coldness in the corner of his mouth, and the Lion God had already remembered this name in his heart.

On the other side, Izumi Shion was also completely confused.

He miscalculated!

He never expected that the Lion God would not kill Antang directly as he expected.

Instead, slowly torture him!

Under the catalyst of this pain, Antang told everything incoherently.

He even betrayed him!


Cold sweat broke out all over his body, and his heart was trembling.

Now he can only hope that this time the fun can really come to Bai Xing's eyes and satisfy him.

As long as you can get that power, you won't be afraid of the Lion God!

But once you can't.

Even Izumi Shion felt cold all over when thinking of the consequences!

If there is no way to obtain the power of the magnetic field, and with Antang's lesson learned from the past, he can only kill himself before the Lion God comes!

Only in this way can we avoid Bu Antang's footsteps and suffer the same tragic fate as him!

Izumi Shion herself is very determined, cold-blooded and ruthless, and her distance is relatively far away.

But even this is unbearable, let alone those who are closer.

The police officers could no longer maintain their formation, and everyone covered their ears and collapsed to the ground.

He kept screaming: Don't let him scream anymore! Kill him quickly!

Gah! I can't stand it anymore, I can't stand it!!

Sergeant Hirama, kill him! Damn it, kill them quickly!!

Wow!! It's so miserable, so miserable!!

The screams and the sound of grinding bones and flesh were loud, and the police officers who were closer could hear blood bursting from their orifices!

What's more, they directly pierced their eardrums with their fingers to escape the miserable howl.

These police officers are all the elite of the police force. Each of them is well-trained and strong-willed.

But even if they all behaved so badly, how could those citizens and reporters on the periphery who had not left yet endure it?

He has long been acting like a lunatic and talking nonsense.

Gah!! Kill him quickly! I...I don't want to hear his screams, I don't want to see his cruel words!!

Wow!! I don't want to see it!!

The reporter, whose will was completely broken, went out of his way to gouge out his own eyes in order not to see this tragic scene!

The situation is similar for videographers.

As for the camera, even though it fell to the ground, it still worked tenaciously.

All this scene was broadcast live.

In an instant, similar scenes were playing out across the entire island country.

At this time, Antang had completely turned into a twisted mass of flesh.

His original appearance was completely unrecognizable, but he was still alive and maintained his thoughts.

The screams that broke out could no longer be described in words.

I already know that I was wrong. For the sake of our past friendship, please kill me. Wuwu.

Antang's vocal cords were intact on the mass of flesh that had long been difficult to distinguish between his body and head.

Still begging for mercy.

The Lion God looked at the scene around him and felt that his goal had been achieved.

Looking at Antang again, a hint of unbearability flashed in his eyes.

The Lion God is indeed cruel and ruthless towards strangers. He is even more terrifying than Izumi Shion!

Izumi Shion always kills with purpose, and when he does it, it is just a simple killing.

There is no such thing as torture.

However, the Lion God was able to happily discuss comics with others after killing his entire family.

His indifferent character makes him completely unconcerned about the life and death of people who have nothing to do with him.

But on the other hand, those who are recognized by him as one of his own will receive special attention from him!

As friends who have played together since kindergarten, Antang Naoxue naturally enjoys this treatment.

It's a pity that he himself pushed himself step by step to be the opposite of the Lion God!

But now, the Lion God has relented again.

In the end, he still did not force Antang to the tenth level of pain.

A flash of lightning in his hand completely ended Antang's life.

Gone with the wind, at the end of his life, Antang sincerely expressed his gratitude to the Lion God.

Thanks to him for sparing me the pain, I could finally end it all.

No more killing was done because it was no longer needed.

The propellers behind the Lion God unfolded and soared into the sky.

He has one more thing to do now.

That is searching, what Antou said - Izumi Shione!

And the person he was looking for was lying on the top of a tall building not far away.

The muscles all over his body were sore and his clothes were completely soaked with cold sweat.

It took a long while before I slowly regained my composure.


Breathing heavily.

But fear kept rising in his heart.

Because this was not the result he expected.

He set up such a scheme and finally set the location in Shibuya because the large number of people here could create greater chaos.

Increase viewing and fun.

As a result, after the Lion God arrived, he only killed Antang Naoyuki alone.

No fight broke out with the police officers.

Izumi Shion is not sure whether this counts as fulfilling Shirahoshi's request.

If it doesn't count, then he may not have the chance to re-plan the next big thing.

The Lion God learned his name from Antang's mouth.

Will definitely find it myself!

Once found, the best outcome waiting for Izumi Shion is death!

As for the worst.

Antang Naoxing had already demonstrated it to him.



He punched the concrete floor hard, causing cracks in the cement floor.

Wearing the GANTZ suit, coupled with his already outstanding strength, he is not afraid of ordinary people, even professional mafia organizations.

But if he faced the Lion God, Izumi Shion couldn't see any chance of winning!

What on earth am I supposed to do?!

Thousands of thoughts are running through my mind.

Izumi Shiyin suddenly flashed a spiritual light!

Got it!

Pursing his lips, Izumi Shiyin's eyes gradually returned to calm and sharp.

Although this move is risky, this is the only way to gain wealth and honor through danger!


Unparalleled fear spread across the island country at this moment.

Because of the accumulation before, after the Ikebukuro incident, the topic of aliens completely exploded on the Internet.

Then the Lion God, a guy who was previously considered a superhero, was involved.

Following the serial killings, the incident was pushed to a new level!

This resulted in that when the Lion God appeared again and the media started live broadcast, many people who cared about this matter were watching simultaneously.

Immediately afterwards, Antang's tragedy was witnessed by everyone.

Even across the screen, many people were frightened to the point of splitting their livers and gallbladders, causing them to pee and pee!

As the saying goes, when fear reaches the extreme, it is anger!

After the general public calmed down a little, they couldn't wait to vent their anger!

But they did not dare to vent their anger on such an evil god as the Lion God.

I am afraid that I will be the next one to suffer the same treatment as Antang.

Naturally, the island government became the first target for them to vent their anger and dissatisfaction.

And with this as the center, it spread outwards, and everyone who has anything to do with the Lion God has become the target of their venting.

Relatives, friends, classmates, teachers

Among these people, the first to bear the brunt is the mother of the Lion God, Yuko!

Ever since she learned that her son had become a cybernetic, Yuko had been feeling very sad.

He even blamed himself for being busy with work and neglecting to care for the Lion God.

So I have been paying extra attention to these things lately.

Looking at the negative comments about Lion God on the Internet, this mother, who has barely been online and is not used to the keyboard warrior style of trolling, is angry and helpless, and often sheds tears alone.

Later, the Lion God was wanted, and he was convicted of killing people.

It almost made him cry at home.

But now, having become the target of the keyboard warriors to vent their anger, Yuko only felt helpless.

Sin and guilt invaded her like a tide.

She still didn't understand why the good boy in her eyes suddenly became like this!

Just when she was at a loss, a figure appeared behind her.


Knock Yuko unconscious directly.

As Yuko fell down, the true face of the person who came was revealed.

Surprisingly, it is Izumi Shion!

Instead of hiding away and facing an unknown fate.

Izumi Shion prefers to take the initiative!

With his strength, as long as he is found by the Lion God, he will definitely die!

Now that the Lion God has been offended to death, of course there is no need to worry about anything anymore.

So Izumi Ziyin played a trick of darkness under the light.

When the Lion God was searching for his traces, he never imagined that he would take the opportunity to sneak into his home.

Kidnap his mother Yuko!

As long as Yuko is in hand, Izumi Shion has a trump card!

Regardless of whether this trump card is of great use or not, it is still much better than having no cards at all!

Transfer Yuko directly.

At night, the Lion God returned home, only to find that his mother was missing.

Immediately, eagerness arose in my heart.

Electromagnetic waves control surrounding streets for surveillance and investigation.

He discovered that the person who kidnapped his mother was not the police, but a handsome man with long hair and a slender figure.

The other party obviously had a strong sense of counter-reconnaissance and deliberately avoided most cameras.

But the Lion God still controlled a car and saw the picture he wanted to see from the driving recorder.

The Lion God felt a little familiar with this person, and after thinking for a while, he finally remembered his identity.

The person who goes to the same school as me, Izumi Shion!

Seeking death!! (End of this chapter)

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