Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 233 Izumi’s plan, the lion god’s wrath!

the next day.

As expected, the entire Internet began to spread rumors about the incident in Ikebukuro.

Everyone is discussing what those things that appeared in Ikebukuro are.

And soon someone connected it with the parasitic beast that had appeared before.

Even officials came out to refute the rumors, saying that after examining the corpses of the ghost stars, they found that they were not the same species as the parasitic beasts.

Please don't panic, the general public.

The parasitic beasts have indeed been wiped out.

However, this rumor refuted by the government caused even greater panic!

Since it is not a parasitic beast, it means that there are many similar strange creatures in this world.

Last time it was a parasitic beast, this time it was a ghost star, so what will it be next?

Some people say that when you see a cockroach in your home, it means there is already a nest of cockroaches somewhere you can’t see!

This conjecture immediately aroused the recognition of the majority of netizens, and panic spread further.

Bai Xing was browsing the website and happened to see this scene.

A smile suddenly appeared, because this person was really right.

Various aliens have visited the earth many times, and the black ball room where GANTZ is located has also existed for a long time.

It's just that ordinary people like them don't know it at all.

Even those so-called evolutionary spaces, nightmare spaces, etc. have sent reincarnators to do tasks here.

Who knows if there were other dimensions before Bai Xing entered this world, and he also came here to do tasks?

It can be said that this world has been invaded like a sieve.

Rubbing his chin, Shirahoshi estimated that the time until Hyakki Yakou was almost here.

At that time, we can learn about the evolution of Hua Lao and whether there is an upper limit.

Besides Bai Xing, there was another person watching the fun on the Internet.

That is the Lion God.

Since he was transformed into a robot, he hasn't had much practice in using the power of magnetic fields.

I don’t know how long it will take to enter the realm of [Magnetic Field Rotation].

On the contrary, the various functions brought about by the mechanical transformation were clearly explored by the Lion God.

It is also as easy to use as an arm and a finger.

You have long been able to free your hands, display a virtual screen directly in front of your eyes, and swim freely in the Internet ocean.

Looking at the video playing in front of me, the content was exactly what someone shot with a mobile phone, the battle scene between Fuudazaemon and the Reggae King.


The Lion God suddenly became interested.

Both the Raigae King and Fuudazaemon showed great strength.

He has been unable to find an opponent since he killed Takita Masako last time.

I feel very empty and bored. Even because I have killed strong men, I don't feel much anymore when I kill ordinary people.

Previously, electromagnetic radiation was used to hospitalize all the family members of the victims. The original intention was to kill two birds with one stone and lure out the guy who was treating patients and saving lives in the hospital.

But I didn't expect that so many days had passed and there was no movement at all.

The Lion God was even more disappointed.

In this case, the discovery of Fuudazaemon was of course the greatest good news for him!

Browsing websites and forums, Shishigami tried to find out more about Fuudazaemon.

Then he discovered that this was actually an organized and large-scale collective action.

What they have in common is that they are all wearing tight-fitting black combat uniforms.

The Lion God looked at the battle scenes of some other people.

His eyes stayed on one of the long-haired, cold-faced handsome guys for two seconds, and he felt a little familiar.

But I can't remember where I saw it.

The Lion God found that most of them used special weapons. In terms of strength alone, there was a huge gap between them and Fuudazaemon.

Feeling disappointed, I stopped paying much attention to other people.

What he didn't know was that the person he felt a little familiar with was making a plan specifically for him.

This person is clearly Izumi Shion!

Izumi Ziyin did not come forward personally, he planned to use Antang's hand to complete all this.

After school, Izumi Shion quietly approached Antang. After some communication, Antang finally agreed to his proposed cooperation.

The next day, Antang came to the hospital and visited the families of the victims one by one.

At the same time, some media reporters were contacted to conduct interviews.

The families of the victims collectively claimed that the reason why they became sick was all caused by the Lion God.

On the same day, this interview immediately attracted the attention of many people on the Internet and caused some waves.

However, compared to existences such as parasitic beasts and ghost stars, the topicality is still much lower.

After all, for the people, it would be really scary if there were still many similar existences hidden in the city.

No one knows whether there are monsters lurking around them.

If you feel the threat personally, you will certainly pay more attention to it.

Afterwards, Antang found Izumi Shion.

Some worried: I see that the report is not very popular, and no one seems to be paying much attention to it.

Izumi Ziyin didn't care too much and still smiled lightly.

After all, some time has passed since the gymnasium incident. If it weren't for the appearance of the ghost star being somewhat similar to the parasitic beast, maybe the popularity of the Lion God would be even lower now.

But it doesn't matter, it was just a dessert before the main meal, and now it has served its purpose.

Antang looked confused: What do you mean?

Izumi Shion did not explain for him: Just wait until I notify you.

Then he turned around and walked away.

Antang looked at his back and vaguely felt that this was an extremely dangerous person.

I felt a little scared inside, and I didn't know if working with him was the right choice.

But no matter what, he has no retreat now.

Clenching his fists, Antang kept cheering himself up: Cheer up, Antang! You are doing the right thing. You must stop the Lion God from continuing to kill innocent people!

The next few days.

Antang was still wondering why there was no movement from Izumi Shion.

But if this is the case, there is no way to achieve the goal.

Those interviews only stirred up a little bit of enthusiasm, and soon disappeared.

It has no impact on the Lion God at all.

But then, when Antang was checking his cell phone, he discovered such a report.

The blogger described the characteristics of the parasitic beasts and ghost stars vividly, as if he understood them very well.

And claimed that all of them are aliens, and there are definitely more aliens lurking on the earth.

This kind of rhetoric instantly touched the inner worries of many people.

So the article became very popular!

This self-media blogger also instantly harvested a large wave of traffic.

Immediately afterwards, he dropped a bombshell!

Claiming that the lion god Hao, who was previously regarded as a hero, is actually an alien.

No one said that aliens can only be made of flesh and blood!

Moreover, the technological level displayed by the Lion God far exceeds that of human civilization.

He also listed in detail the comparison between the military affairs of some countries and some information displayed by the Lion God.

It immediately gave some netizens a sense of identity.

This set off a trend, and more bloggers and self-media began to follow suit.

Discussions about aliens are the most popular nowadays, whether it is for some special reasons or simply following the trend.

All in all, this statement was quickly settled.

What followed was a series of shouting matches.

Netizens who believed that the Lion God was also an alien launched a fierce scolding war with some legitimate customers and fans of the Lion God.

The heat is soaring again!

After the time was almost up, the previous interviews with the victims' family members were naturally dug up.

As the saying goes, pull out the carrot and bring out the mud. As this matter fermented, the previous case of extermination came to people's attention again.

Immediately afterwards, the murderer's cruelty and inhumanity aroused the anger of most people.

Then some people questioned why there were no traces of thermal weapons at the crime scene, but there were traces similar to those caused by the Lion God fight in the stadium incident.

Why did the victim's family members collectively fall ill from electromagnetic radiation after marching to his home?

If Lion God is really a superhero, then why was he not present when aliens appeared in Ikebukuro?

As people think more and more about their fears, their anxiety about aliens in recent days seems to have found an outlet.

Public opinion on the entire Internet against the Lion God was instantly overturned.

Even the most loyal fans find it difficult to fight against the army of condemnation at this moment.

The Lion God, who was originally revered as a superhero, suddenly became a genocide criminal and murderous alien that was despised by the whole people!

And the person behind all this is Izumi Shion!

At this moment, he was standing on a rooftop, looking at an exquisite villa not far away.

There is the new home of the Lion God.

The Lion God, who can change the balance of his bank card at will, will certainly not commit any so-called moral problems such as mysophobia.

In the past, he had used this method to get a lot of money, and he had been looking for a suitable new home.

Recently, I finally found it, and my mother, Yuko, quit her job.

Feel at ease in this newly purchased villa and enjoy life.

But even the Lion God himself didn't expect that his reputation would plummet in a short period of time.

Not only was he considered the murderer of the family genocide, he was also regarded as an alien!

Realizing that something was wrong, the Lion God used his own methods to conduct a search.

I only found interviews about the family members of the victims, and Antang should be the one behind it.

But can Antang alone do all this?

Or is it really just a coincidence?

The Lion God did not have time to investigate more carefully, because this network storm had already begun to affect reality!

The angry people gathered together again and protested outside Lion God's house, asking him to stand up and give a reasonable explanation.

But among the crowd, there were a few gangsters hiding among them.

Of course, they are not guys with a strong sense of justice. The reason why they are here is purely because someone hired them.

Come and add fire to this chaos!

He took out a homemade Molotov cocktail from his arms, lit it, and then quietly threw it into the Lion God's house during the chaos.

——Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

With a burst of explosions, the flames suddenly rose.

People marching outside felt a sense of astonishment, not knowing why the fire suddenly started.

The next moment, a figure suddenly appeared from it.

The Lion God holds his mother Yuko in his arms.

First he glanced at the burning house, and then at the crowd gathered outside.

His eyes had turned cold.


However, he did not take action immediately, but took his mother away from here first.

Seeing the Lion God escape, the crowd became even more excited, but there was nothing they could do.

After all, the Lion God flies, and they can't catch up.

In their eyes, the Lion God's move was undoubtedly an attempt to escape, and they became even more convinced of their suspicions.

At the same time, I am also convinced that the Lion God is a soft persimmon who can be easily manipulated.

After a while, the crowd gradually began to disperse.

After all, the rightful owner has left.

There is no point in staying here any longer.

The police officers maintaining order have also arrived at the scene.

At this moment, a figure returned in the sky.

Surprisingly, it is the Lion God!

The expression of Sheriff Sichuan West who rushed to the scene to maintain order changed instantly.

He had a premonition of what the Lion God was planning to do.

This ruthless murderer actually doesn't care about whether he will be exposed or not.

He also showed up directly at the gymnasium.

Later, when faced with the siege of SAT, he slaughtered them all without mercy!

The police have not yet taken action against him, mainly because if the action fails, it will cause irreparable losses.

And the Lion God has not made any big moves recently.

On the other hand, they are stepping up their research on Inuyashiki, striving to crack the technology on Inuyashiki.

At the very least, we must find a way to restrain the Lion God.

But obviously, it's too late!

No!! Lion God, we can talk!!

Although Sheriff Kawanishi really wants to arrest the Lion God, he also understands that now is not the time.

It's a pity that the Lion God has already regarded these ordinary people as ants and doesn't care at all.

Even if his reputation on the Internet changed, he was not too angry.

But now, these people actually took action against them.

Maybe even hurt his mother.

Then the Lion God's reverse scale was touched!

Completely ignoring Sheriff Kawanishi's call.

The Lion God opened his five fingers, and electric light flashed on his fingertips.

Micro electromagnetic gun!

--boom! boom! boom! boom!

Streams of flowing electric light fell from high in the sky.

It exploded directly among the crowd.

The people gathered here died tragically in an instant!

The corpses were all in pieces, making it difficult to maintain their original appearance.

Not only those marching, but also the police officers headed by the Chief of Police in Western Sichuan who came to maintain order were not spared.

The Lion God is still the merciless Lion God. After getting angry, he doesn't care about the many things and directly kills everyone.

And all of this was completely visible to Izumi Ziyin, who was hiding on the rooftop not far away.

A smile of success suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Everything that happened was completely recorded with a high-definition camera.

After the Lion God left, Izumi Shion took another look at the scene that had turned into scorched earth.

The desire in my heart to become stronger is even stronger!

That afternoon.

It was on the news that all the demonstrators and the police were killed in the explosion.

It also caused an uproar on the Internet!

Many people believe that the lion god is responsible.

began to denounce him.

Immediately afterwards, the release of a video confirmed the matter.

It is clearly visible in the video that it is the Lion God who is in mid-air, using a miniature electromagnetic gun to bombard the crowd below.

In an instant, the popularity of this matter was immediately pushed to a new level!

The police could no longer keep the lid on, so they had to immediately issue a wanted order for the Lion God!

The Lion God returned to his old home because his new home was burned down.

After comforting her mother Yuko first.

I went online and saw all this.

Immediately afterwards, the Lion God noticed the video.

It was obvious that someone was hiding aside to take the photo, and the angle was just right, so the photo was very clear.

It was probably prepared in advance!

So the Lion God followed this video as a clue to investigate.

As a result, his eyes became cold again.

Go straight to Antang!

The mobile phone that sent the video belongs to Antang, and the account is also the account registered by Antang.

Xiao Zhi, Xiao Zhi, maybe you think you are hidden enough, but you don't understand at all. On the Internet, nothing can escape my eyes!

The Lion God maintains his own strength and is not afraid of Antang calling the police.

But I didn't expect that this guy would always do some tricks behind his back.

This time I succeeded in irritating him! (End of chapter)

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