Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 232 The Ikebukuro incident shocked the island nation!

Sensing the arrival of Izumi Shiyin, the ghost star person also turned around.

Immediately afterwards, within the sight of Izumi Shiyin, he began to change.

His body suddenly grew taller, his arms turned into countless slit tentacles, his head was turned upside down, and long sharp horns protruded from his neck.

This is their true face!

The crowds passing by on the surrounding streets naturally saw this scene.

Everyone stopped and couldn't help but point and point. Some people even picked up their mobile phones and started taking pictures.

At this moment, one of them said, Why do I feel that he looks so similar to that parasitic beast?

This sentence immediately caused some panic among the people around him.

Originally they thought it was some kind of cosplay, or filming a movie or something.

But now as I was reminded, I suddenly remembered what I had seen on the news before.

Immediately, many people stepped back and wanted to leave.

But some people don't believe it.

Didn't the government say that the parasitic beasts have been wiped out?

What kind of parasitic beast? I think it's just something passed down through false rumors.

Yes, just the Xiehu uploaded on the Internet, and the original video has long been gone. I suspect these things don't exist at all.

Haha, you must be scared. Maybe that is the so-called parasitic beast in COS. You are really cowardly. This is all scary.


At this moment, the ghost star's upper body suddenly exploded!

Scattered pieces of meat splashed out, showering the heads and faces of several onlookers.

When this scene occurs, of course it is Izumi Shione who shoots!

After being slightly surprised at first, he immediately entered a fighting state.

And it is certain that although these ghost stars are somewhat similar to those parasitic beasts, they do not belong to the same species.

The people around him immediately fled in fear and screamed.

They did not see Izumi Shione because the members of the Black Ball Team would be blocked by GANTZ when performing tasks.

And this shielding function is connected to the suit.

As long as they are wearing battle clothes, they are invisible to ordinary people.

It will only be seen when something unexpected happens.

For example, the last time a team member was adjusting his suit, he was accidentally seen by Tae Kojima and even took a photo.

This eventually led to the incident where GANTZ ordered the pursuit of Tae Kojima.

However, according to past situations, those hunted aliens will also be blocked by GANTZ.

But this time, for some reason, the surrounding people were able to see the Ghost Star Man!

While Izumi Shion was deep in thought, a scene that surprised him happened.

I saw the ghost star man whose upper body was beaten to pieces, and his legs were trying to escape very fast!

How could Izumi Shion let the points he got just run away like this?

He immediately chased after him.

Soon he crossed a street and came to a square.

I saw more than twenty ghost stars standing here!

At this moment, everything has turned into its original form.

Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh!

The moment Izumi Shiyin appeared, dozens of tentacles had already burst the air and swept towards him!

Facing so many enemies, Izumi Shiyin showed no fear at all.

While easily dodging the attack, he held a cannon and shuttled back and forth around these ghost stars.

After a moment, the trigger was suddenly pulled.

The ghost stars that had been locked for a long time exploded instantly!

A large amount of blood and broken bones splattered, turning the entire square into a living hell in an instant.

The ordinary people who were hiding and watching curiously were frightened by this scene.

Ordinary ghost stars are not very powerful.

As long as you have some combat experience, don't mess up your position.

With the blessing of the GANTZ suit, you can basically defeat these guys easily using tube cannons or X-normal guns.

Therefore, it gave some people the illusion that these ghost star people were not very powerful at all.

There are so many of them, so it’s definitely a good opportunity to earn points!

It's just that the Ghost Stars are too scattered, and it's a waste of time to just deal with those mobs.

So I had an idea and decided to find trouble with the BOSS!

According to the radar, four people led by Inaba Kouki have arrived at the location of the Ghost Star boss.

Inaba Kouki was also killed by Izumi's purple sound gun during the Shinjuku Massacre, so he entered the black ball room.

It's just that this person has great ambition but little talent, and has high vision and low hand.

He doesn't have much ability, but he still imitates Fuudazaemon and doesn't like Kurono's plan and doesn't recognize his status as captain.

At this time, he even planned to challenge the BOSS directly, but he didn't know where he got the courage.

However, he was not completely reckless. At least he knew to find two more people to share the risk.

Three men and one woman arrived at the door of an underground shopping mall. They looked up and saw four people standing on the steps.

They can be called one king and three generals!

Except for the strongest BOSS reggae king, who has a slicked back hair, sunglasses, and a leather jacket, he looks exactly like the photo given by GANTZ.

There are three elite monsters around.

They are shape-shifting ghost generals who are good at shape-shifting.

A fire ghost general who is good at fire.

And the Rock Ghost General who can transform himself into a rock form!

Seeing the four people wearing GANTZ uniforms appearing, the Reggae King's eyes hidden behind his sunglasses showed a hint of interest.

Among the many aliens hiding in the city, the Ghost Stars are considered a relatively powerful group.

Naturally, we know that the GANTZ team is hunting aliens everywhere.

He has long wanted to meet these guys for a while!

It came quite quickly, who of you is the leader?

Inaba Kouki stepped forward confidently: I am the leader of the Tokyo team. You damn alien, come here and die immediately!

However, the Reggae King just looked at him and showed no intention of stepping forward.

On the contrary, next to him, the flame ghost, who was wearing a plaid shirt and was the thinnest among them, stepped forward.

Let me weigh in on you, the so-called leader of the Tokyo team.

Of course Inaba Kouki would not fight alone, he immediately called his teammates to attack at the same time!

However, the next second, fierce and surging flames swept across.

The fight lasted only a few seconds before the flames completely surrounded the four of them.

And they fired several shots in succession, but they couldn't hit the flame ghost general at all.


The GANTZ suit could not withstand the blazing flames, and the people inside were instantly burned to charcoal.

This is the result of not knowing the upgrade of the minion and coming directly to fight the BOSS.

Looking at the four people who had turned into charred ashes and scattered on the ground.

The Flame Demon General turned to the Reggae King and shrugged: It seems that he is not the leader of the Tokyo team.

The King of Reggae doesn’t care either.

He just waved his hand and said, Go ahead and let these guys taste what it's like to be hunted!

The three ghost generals can't wait to tear all these so-called black ball teams into pieces.

Then completely occupy this place and kill all humans.

But at this moment, two figures, one large and one small, appeared in the sight of the Reggae King.


The Reggae King also noticed that threatening gaze.

Turning around, he met Fuudazaemon's gaze.

As the fighting spirit increased, sparks of passion seemed to collide even in mid-air.

The other three ghost generals who were just about to leave also noticed something unusual about their boss.

Following his gaze, he immediately locked on Fuudazaemon.

The Flame Ghost stepped forward immediately. After easily killing Inaba Kouki and four other people, he was filled with contempt for these so-called black ball teams.

Seeing that two more people were about to die, of course they refused to let them go.

Fuudazaemon and Inaba Kouki have the same idea, they plan to go straight to Huanglong and kill the BOSS!

However, unlike Inaba Kouki, who has high ambitions and low abilities, he has absolute confidence in himself!

Those ordinary ghost stars simply couldn't get into his eyes.

He just wants to fight against the strong!

This was also his goal when he first came to Tokyo.

Seeing the strong man among the opponents coming forward, Fuudazaemon looked away from the Raigae King.

At the same time, he reached out and patted the little boy Kagishi on the shoulder.

Go and hide, protect yourself.

Although it is difficult for the little boy wearing the GANTZ suit to form a fighting force, he can at least protect himself from the aftermath.


Kaizhi didn't talk nonsense and ran away quickly.

On the other side, the Flame Ghost General has launched an offensive.


A flame gathered above his palm.

It continued to expand in a short period of time, and eventually turned into a huge fireball with a diameter of about three meters!

As the flame demon waved his hand and released it, the fireball quickly shot towards Fuudaizaemon like a cannonball.

I saw Fuudazaemon standing there, not moving at all.

Seeing that he didn't even dodge, the flame ghost pulled a contemptuous smile from the corner of his mouth.

He was sure of victory, but he didn't think that this human being could catch his fireball!

But the next second, something shocking happened.


I saw Fuudazaemon punching out brazenly.

It directly smashed the fireball into pieces, and violent air waves wrapped in flames spread out in all directions.

And in this curtain of fire, the figure of Fuudazaemon rushed out fiercely, leaped into the air and punched the Flame Demon General!

The flame ghost general immediately understood the enemy's strength and did not dare to push forward any further. While retreating quickly, his hands continued to wave flames.

However, these high-temperature flames, which can melt gold and boil iron, cannot pose any threat to Fuudazaemon at all.

With a wave of his hand, the wind and waves formed extinguished the flames.

Although he is obviously tall and powerful, his speed is not slow at all.

Especially the sharp steps contain profound professional fighting skills.

In just the blink of an eye, he was on his way.

A punch hit the flame ghost general hard.


With a violent muffled sound, the flame ghost spurted blood from its mouth, and its sternum collapsed.

Realizing that something was wrong, he immediately turned his whole body into flames, trying to blend into some of the surrounding flames ignited by the battle.

Fuudaizaemon did not give him this chance. He stepped heavily on the ground, and in an instant, with him as the center, the electromagnetic pulse spread outward.

The flame ghost general was immediately forced out.

Before he could make another move, a fist grew from small to large within his sight.


The head deflated immediately, the two seemingly hard horns on the head instantly shattered into pieces, and the body was thrown away.

He fell heavily to the ground, and blood continued to flow out.

The confrontation between the two was short and fast.

In just about ten seconds, the powerful Flame Ghost General died in his hands.

Such a scene immediately made the deformed ghost generals and rock ghost generals collectively change their expressions!

They were very aware of the strength of the Flame Ghost General, but they didn't expect that they could only last less than ten seconds in the hands of the man in front of them!

A cruel sneer appeared on the corner of Reggae King's mouth: It seems that you are the leader of the black ball team.

Fuudaizaemon looked at him: Do you mean the captain? I'm sorry, I'm not.

Even the Reggae King was slightly startled.

Unexpectedly, Fuudazaemon, who showed such great strength, was not even the captain.

It seemed that the strength of this black ball team was beyond his expectation!

Go together!

The Shapeshifting Ghost General and the Rock Ghost General did not choose to come up one by one and kill them, but they all went out together!

How could Fuudaizaemon be afraid of them? He still refused to dodge and punched the nearest transformed ghost general.

However, at this moment, the deformed ghost general's body seemed to be made of rubber. Following Fuudazaemon's fist, the whole body sunk and became flat, turning into a big cake and wrapping directly around his chest. On half the body.

Showing extremely tough characteristics, it entangled him completely.

Fuudazaemon also didn't expect that the opponent actually had this ability.

At this moment, the Rock Ghost General took advantage of this opportunity and restored his true form.

The whole body is composed of blue-gray rock, which is extremely hard, and the height has become nearly three meters tall.

A real rock giant!


Taking advantage of Fuudazaemon being entangled, he punched him in the back.

His whole body flew out immediately, like a cannonball, directly knocking a big hole in the wall of the supermarket not far away.

The whole person fell into it, and the metal shelves suffered impact, instantly deforming and twisting like plasticine.

The Rock Ghost will know that this attack alone cannot kill it so easily, and immediately plans to continue the offensive.

But Fuudaizaemon rushed out of the already messy supermarket at a faster speed than him.

In the middle of the journey, the person's whole body was filled with electric light, and he roared angrily.


The deformed ghost wrapped around his body will be torn into pieces!

The powerful force coupled with the fatal electric shock, even the extremely tough and invisible shape-shifting ghost general cannot withstand it.

As he screamed, the deformed body returned to its original shape, blood flowed, and turned into a corpse on the ground.

Fuudazaemon, on the other hand, rushed in front of the Rock Demon General at an astonishing speed before he could react.

Damn it!

He immediately used his best move in Bajiquan.

It is also an extremely powerful move.

——Boom! !

With a loud explosion, the rock ghost's hard body that could withstand the bombardment was directly blasted to pieces!

It turned into countless pieces of gravel and scattered, each one like a bullet from a sniper rifle.

Cutting through the air, it made a 'whoosh' sound.

It had only been two or three minutes since Fuudazaemon appeared.

The Flame Ghost General, the Transforming Ghost General, and the Rock Ghost General are the strongest elite monsters among the three ghost stars.

He was killed on the spot in a devastating way!

Not his enemy at all!

The King of Reggae stood not far away with a serious look on his face, knowing that he would be an absolutely formidable opponent!

And it's on top of the building in the distance.

A man wearing a black windbreaker also stood quietly on the edge of the rooftop.

Watch it all.

There was a hint of appreciation in his eyes.

As a fighting genius, Fuudazaemon also studied Bajiquan intensively.

Perhaps after obtaining the power of the magnetic field, there is no development of scientific methods for magnetic field manipulation.

But the complete realm is very promising!

After all, the power of [Magnetic Field Rotation] itself is in line with martial arts.

The path that Fuudazaemon took happened to be the most suitable.

And the combat power shown did not disappoint him.

This time, Shirahoshi came out specifically to observe with his own eyes the growth of Fuudazaemon during this time.

When Fuudaizaemon dealt with the three great ghost generals, he did not use his true strength at all.

Based on this estimate, even the most powerful Reggae King would probably not be his opponent.

Sure enough, at the scene, the Reggae King had shed his disguise of a human appearance and walked slowly in front of Fuudazaemon.

At this time, the Reggae King had red skin all over his body, his hands were shaped into claws, and there were several ferocious bone spurs on his back.

The whole person looked like a demon crawling out of hell!

His body has also become very tall and strong, on par with the Rock Ghost General, about three meters tall.

There was caution in the eyes that looked at Fuudazaemon.

I just saw that you can use the power of electricity?

Fuudazaemon is now in the [current push] state, and cells rub against each other to create biological currents.

The overall physical quality will improve as the voltage increases.

And by manipulating the magnetic field, you can activate the current. After all, electromagnetism is indistinguishable.


Without answering the King of Reggae, a flashing arc of electricity filled the surface of Fuudazaemon's body.

Very good, I can see that your electric current is quite powerful, but if that's all, then you should be careful.

Because you will truly see what the power of thunder is!

In front of my thunder, this small current is nothing more than an insignificant thing!


I saw the Thunder Ghost King suddenly waving his hand, and a bolt of thunder fell from the sky.

Extremely fast!

Fuudazaemon felt a threat and immediately ducked away.

A huge crater was instantly created on the spot by the thunder.

With a flash of light in his eyes, Fuudazaemon realized that the lightning that the Raigae King could control even exceeded him in terms of instantaneous voltage!

The power is not bad!

Immediately I also mentioned caution!


The speed of the Reggae King is as fast as thunder.

Came in an instant.

Fuudazaemon immediately raised his fist to fight!

——Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The two figures kept intertwining, and the muffled sounds of punches to the flesh were mixed with various crackling and booming sounds of thunder and lightning.

Spread far and wide.

the other side.

Izumi Ziyin also came here after killing the mobs all the way.

Those ordinary ghost stars can form an overwhelming posture when dealing with ordinary people.

Once faced with experienced members of the black ball team, they will probably be at a disadvantage.

At most, they can rely on their numerical advantage to provide more support.

But when facing a senior black ball fighter like Izumi Shione, it has no effect at all.

Even if he is surrounded by a large number of ghost stars, he can easily break out of the siege.

After fighting all the way, Izumi Shione came nearby and heard the sound of the battle between Fuudazaemon and the three great ghost generals.

So I followed the sound all the way.

Just in time to see the scene where the shapeshifting ghost general and the rock ghost general died tragically at the hands of Fuudazaemon.

At this time, the extremely terrifying Thunder Ghost King seemed to be helpless against him.

Looking at the momentum created by the two people during the fight, the terrifying destructive power.

Izumi Ziyin clenched her fists subconsciously.

There was an unconcealable look of longing shining in his eyes.

If...I can also obtain this power

Izumi Shiyin took a long breath, knowing that he had to do it as soon as possible.

After this mission is over, take action immediately!

At this moment, Izumi Shiyin suddenly discovered something.

Because Fuudazaemon's battle with the Raigai King caused too much damage.

The entire ground was full of potholes, burned and scrapped vehicles were everywhere, and most of the shops on the roadside were reduced to ruins. Some were even ignited and started to catch fire. Thick smoke kept coming out of the windows.

Many people died tragically due to the impact.

And some of the luckier ones were wailing and fleeing for their lives.

There were also many people running towards Izumi Shion's location.

To his amazement, these people could actually see him!

How can this be?!

Previously, Izumi Shion was surprised that the Ghost Stars could be seen by the public.

But now, even he can be seen by the public.

Isn't GANTZ afraid that the information about the black ball room will be leaked? !

Regarding these, Izumi Ziyin was just surprised in his heart, and then directly forgot about it.

No matter what happened to GANTZ and why the rules were changed.

His most important task now is to fulfill the agreement with Shirahoshi.

Especially when he really saw with his own eyes the powerful strength of Fuudaizaemon who was using all his strength!

When the massacre was carried out in Shinjuku, he had fought against Kaze Daizaemon.

I also know that this guy has good fighting skills.

But at that time, Izumi Shion had a firearm in his hand, and he could kill him directly at a small cost.

But now, Izumi Shion felt that even if he was wearing a GANTZ suit and fully armed, he would not be a match for Fuudazaemon.

This thing called magnetic field power is really too strong.

For him, it is too tempting!

Just when Izumi Shiyin was concentrating on watching this battle.

The situation in the war has gradually changed.


Fuudazaemon seized the opportunity and suddenly hit the Raigae King with a 'Tetsuzan Kou'!


The protruding bone spurs on his body were all broken, and the Reggae King was seriously injured at this time.

One arm was twisted into a twist, hanging weakly to the side.

There was blood flowing out of his body and face, and there were multiple wounds on his tough skin.

He reluctantly stood up, breathing heavily.

Looking not far away, although his suit was scrapped, he was not affected at all by Fuudazaemon.

He also didn't expect that this human being's strength would be so terrifying!

At the beginning, the Reggae King was able to gain a slight upper hand by virtue of his faster speed than Fuudaizaemon and his higher-attack thunder.

But soon, he was figured out by Fuudazaemon.

With his superb fighting skills, he quickly found the Reggae King's flaw.

Cracked his advantage in speed.

Then, he got angry and the suit was scrapped.

But Fuudazaemon himself was still not affected in any way.

Launching a more violent offensive, the Reggae King's arm was disabled.

Your speed and attack are indeed good, but there is only one thing that is too weak, and it also dooms you to defeat!

That's your defense!

In fact, the reggae king is also physically very strong.

Even facing a hail of bullets, it can only be regarded as scratching an itch.

If you hit the rocket head-on, you won't even step back.

But in a real battle between masters, defense, which is far inferior to speed and attack, will become an absolute weakness and the biggest flaw!


The Raigae King, who was already at an absolute disadvantage, had no power to resist Fuudazaemon's next attack.

In the end, he broke his neck and died tragically on the spot!

At this point, the ghost star's hunting mission ends.

Xuanye Ji and others had just cleared away the ghost star soldiers in other places.

After hearing the noise, Kankan rushed here.

GANTZ's transmission began, and soon everyone returned to the black ball room.

They left, but Ikebukuro, as a battlefield, remained in ruins and a mess.

Especially the Ghost Stars and the Black Ball Team appeared in front of people.

There is no need to wait for tomorrow, just tonight, the incident in Ikebukuro will be destined to shock the entire island nation! (End of chapter)

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