Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 231 Izumi Shiyin, have some fun

Seeing Fuudazaemon again, Shirahoshi instantly saw through his cultivation.

At this moment, it has successfully entered the realm of [current push] and reached at least one hundred thousand volts.

This guy's talent is really good!

I didn't make a mistake at first.

However, all this today was indeed an accident.

Previously, Bai Xing had noticed the chase taking place outside.

With a little use of his spiritual power, he knew the cause and effect of the matter.

Bai Xing watched the show on the side.

Who would have known that it was such a coincidence that Xuanye Ji fell into his bedroom after being tricked.

Immediately after, Izumi Shione and others caught up, and Fuudazaemon felt the attraction generated by the magnetic field.

Shirahoshi never tried to hide it from the beginning to the end, just because the gap between him, Kurono Kei and Izumi Shion was too big.

It is difficult for the other party to detect his existence.

As for Fuudazaemon, he discovered Shirahoshi after a deliberate search because he also had the power of a magnetic field.

Faced with the questioning of the two people, Bai Xing would naturally not hide it, or play tricks to become the Riddler.

In fact, since the beginning of the demihuman world, he has not deliberately pursued behavior such as hiding behind the scenes.

You can call me Shirahoshi. He looked at Fuudazaemon and said, If you have any other questions, we can take the opportunity to ask them together. You must know that I am always quite patient with people who have potential.

Fuudazaemon's talent is very good, and he is in an environment like the black ball room that requires high-intensity fighting.

It can stimulate his potential even more.

Bai Xing feels that he still has a good chance of entering the realm of [Magnetic Field Rotation].

For such a big and thriving leek, Bai Xing certainly doesn't mind spending more time on it.

Is that thing called the magnetic field force in my body related to you?

Also, you appeared in the black ball room that day, but you were not in the Tokyo team. Who are you?

Fuudazaemon's words immediately caused shock to Kei Kenno and Izumi Shion.

You know, Kojima Tae just accidentally photographed a team member, and GANTZ immediately issued a ruthless pursuit order for her.

But the man in front of him had actually entered the black ball room before.

But now he is living well, and even GANTZ has never mentioned him.

For a moment, Xuanye Ji saw something called hope in Shirahoshi.

If Shirahoshi can survive, then Kojima Tae will definitely be able to successfully escape from this disaster!

I couldn't help but want to ask immediately.

At this moment, Shirahoshi had already answered Fuudazaemon's question.

The nature of magnetic field power needs to be understood by yourself.

The last time I went to the Black Ball Room, it was just a deal I made with GANTZ.


That's right, I got something from GANTZ, and the price is for you. He said, pointing to Fuudazaemon: Plant a magnetic field seed. It is precisely because of this seed that you can have a magnetic field. strength.

Izumi Ziyin's expression changed when he heard this. He had always been very conceited.

But this time after joining the Tokyo team, he encountered strong opponents one after another.

Xuanye's plan was pretty good, but in his opinion he was still no match for him.

The only one who truly qualified to make him feel a deep threat was Fuudazaemon!

Although he had never fought against each other, Izumi Shion's rationality told him that even he would not be a match for Fuudazaemon!

And now, he finally knows why Fuudazaemon is so strong!

The power of magnetic field!

If only I could get it too.

Thinking of this, Izumi Ziyin's eyes looked at Shirahoshi with a touch of fire.

Go up the first two steps: Mr. Bai, I am confident that I will never be worse than Fuudazaemon. If you still have that kind of magnetic field seed, please tell me how to get it!

Oh? Bai Xing raised his eyebrows slightly, but he didn't expect Izumi Ziyin to be so proactive.

Bai Xing is actually quite interested in this guy.

To achieve his goal, he would do whatever it takes, and it couldn't be more appropriate for him to be ruthless and ruthless.

Just because of what the little black ball said, there is not even 100% evidence to prove that it is true.

He dared to directly transform into a bloody executioner and carry out a massacre in Shinjuku, killing more than 370 people on the spot!

However, compared to Fuudazaemon, who was more talented in fighting, Shirahoshi thought he was still a little behind.

After all, magnetic field seeds are limited, so Shirahoshi only planted one for Fuudazaemon.

But now I meet these guys again by chance.

And this guy also showed a desire for magnetic field seeds.

Shirahoshi's eyes flashed with amusement, and he said, I thought what you did in Shinjuku last time was interesting, but it wasn't enough.

Since you can do those things just because GANTZ asks you to.

So now, I will also make a request to you.

As long as you can do some big things again, let me have fun watching it.

How about I fulfill your request?

Shirahoshi's words made Izumi Shion's heart tremble.

He always felt that when Shirahoshi killed him, he had the same purpose of following Daizaemon and his super-powered master and apprentice.

To stop him!

But now it seems that is not the case at all!

The other party doesn't take those human lives seriously at all!

The Shinjuku Massacre shocked the entire island nation and even attracted international attention.

To him it was just a matter of fun!

And not yet feeling satisfied.

Izumi Shiyin's mind was wandering, but in order to gain strength, he still nodded seriously: Okay, I understand, I hope you will also remember your promise!

At this moment, a burly figure came in front of him.

Fuudazaemon looked down at him.

He said in a low tone with a not so good tone: Did you do the Shinjuku Massacre?

At this moment, Fuudazaemon finally knew why he had some mild hostility towards Izumi Shion.

It turns out that this guy is the culprit of the Shinjuku Massacre!

And he also died under the opponent's gun, so he entered the black ball room!

Izumi Shion knew that after Shirahoshi said those words, his true identity could no longer be concealed.

He said without fear: What? Do you want to take action against me now? Are you planning to take revenge, or are you afraid that I will be able to threaten you after I gain this power?

As he spoke, he glanced at Bai Xing intentionally or unintentionally.

Bai Xing suddenly felt interesting.

Izumi Shione's move was obvious. She not only wanted to confirm whether Shirahoshi would protect him, but also reminded Fuudazaemon that she had just reached an agreement with Shirahoshi. If she wanted to take action against him, it was best to be wary of Shirahoshi's existence.

At the same time, he also used the provocative general technique on Feng Daizaemon.

Although the method of pulling a big flag into a tiger's skin is despised, it does have some effects, and Izumi Shion does not have any psychological burden when using it.

Bai Xing had a smile on his lips but made no statement.

Fuudaizaemon clenched his fists. He wanted to avenge himself and those innocent people, but he also had concerns about Shirahoshi.

In the end, he just snorted coldly.

Didn't take action immediately.

Okay, nothing happens, just get out of here.

Bai Xing waved his hand and directly issued the eviction order.

Xuanye Ke hugged the overwhelmed Kojima Tae tightly, feeling hesitant in his heart.

At this time, Fuudazaemon came to him and nodded slightly to him.

Xuanyeji felt a little relieved, and the three of them left the room with the rest of the team members who had already fallen into panic and didn't know what to do.

Standing on the dim street, when Xuanye Kei and others looked back, the windows and glass that he had smashed had unexpectedly returned to their original state.

It was as if everything that had just happened was like a dream.

The difference is that at this time, Fuudazaemon, who was originally a neutral faction, was already on his side!

All Izumi Shion can think about now is how to fulfill the agreement with Shirahoshi.

As for Tae Kojima

Before he gained strength, he had no intention of confronting Kaze Daizaemon head-on.

After seeing the power of the magnetic field, he knew that he would never be his opponent.

At the same time, he also felt a little anxious in his heart. He had to complete the agreement as soon as possible and gain strength, otherwise Shirahoshi's intimidation would not be able to keep Fuudazaemon in check.

What's more, Shirahoshi didn't express his position at all, and he also had a feeling in his heart that if Fuudazaemon killed him, Shirahoshi would only feel indifferent.

I will never take action for him!

After taking a look at Fuudaizaemon who was standing in front of Kei Kurono and Kojima Tae, vaguely blocking the two of them, Izumi Shion knew that today's mission was impossible to complete.

Without saying a word, he turned around and left, quickly disappearing into the night.

The remaining members of the Hunting Faction looked at each other, feeling very confused about what had just happened.

But now that Izumi Shione has left, they are not confident that they can defeat Kurono Keka and Feng Daizaemon.

In the end, I also chose to give up.

When everyone left, Xuanye Ji couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Holding Tae Kojima in my arms, I felt a sense of joy in surviving the disaster.

He looked at Fuudazaemon and said sincerely: Thank you.

Suzuki Middle School.

Several days passed, and Izumi Shiyin had no clue.

This made him feel very irritable!

With his ability, even with the GANTZ suit and firearms in hand, it is still not that simple to cause something bigger than the last Shinjuku massacre.

And even if he re-enacts the last Shinjuku Massacre, even if he chooses a place like Shibuya or Ikebukuro that is as prosperous as Shinjuku, he may not be able to meet Shirahoshi's requirements.

But he remembered what Bai Xing said at that time. As long as some big things happened and he had fun watching, his request would be satisfied.

Izumi Shion accurately captured the key word - fun!

Maybe the Shinjuku Massacre is a qualified entertainment for Shirahoshi, but since it has already happened once, if it is just a simple reenactment, it definitely cannot be regarded as a qualified entertainment.

Damn! What on earth should I do.!

In addition to her desire for power, Izumi Shion is also under threat from Fuudazaemon.

When school was over yesterday, he saw the other party appearing at his school gate.

Although nothing was done.

But invisibly, it put a lot of pressure on Izumi Shion!

Oh, by the way, I have to mention here that whether it is Izumi Shion or Fuudazaemon, strictly speaking, they are still middle school students.

That's right, Fuudazaemon, who has a beard and often shows two strong arms with bulging muscles, was able to defeat more than 20 street gangsters armed with weapons with his bare hands when he first arrived in Tokyo.

He is such a person. He is actually less than twenty years old, and according to his age, he is still a middle school student.

Proficient in various thermal weapons.

He is such a person, and he is also a middle school student.

After all, middle school students in island countries understand everything.

Jingle Bell! !

The bell rang for the end of get out of class.

Izumi Ziyin was thinking in her mind while walking out with the flow of people.

At this moment, he saw a figure walking in front of him. He was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes suddenly lit up.

An idea suddenly came to my mind!

Seeing that the other party was about to disappear at the end of the corridor.

Izumi Ziyin hurriedly caught up.

Lion God Hao!

The person Izumi Shion saw was none other than Lion God Hao.

This guy who has been in the limelight recently.

It is said that one man has defeated monsters that even the police and Self-Defense Forces cannot deal with.

In Izumi Shion's imagination, those monsters should be aliens.

The equipment used by Lion God Hao seems to be more advanced than them!

I just don’t know why, but I haven’t seen this person in the Black Ball room.

He even dared to show it in public.

It seems that he is not afraid of the trouble that will come after being exposed.

In fact, it has been so many days since the gym incident, and the heat has slowly subsided, but he still seems to have encountered no trouble.

This made Izumi Ziyin very curious.

So he set his target on Lion God Hao.

The Lion God is now praised as a superhero by many people on the Internet.

If he could be pulled down from the altar, or even create a disaster, this dramatic reversal should satisfy Shirahoshi, right?

And the destructive power displayed by the Lion God is also in line with Izumi Shion's requirements.

As a member of the Black Ball Team, it is true that Shione Izumi can use GANTZ equipment, but those equipment basically only have single-target attacks.

There are no weapons of mass destruction.

But the Lion God is different!

Being able to cover most of the stadium with bombing was enough to prove the ferocity of his firepower.

As long as he can complete his vision, in addition to satisfying Bai Xing, he can also achieve another goal.

That is to take the opportunity to find out the details of the Lion God!

Does this guy have anything to do with GANTZ?

Or is it that the team that deals with aliens does not stop at the black ball room?

So, could the Lion God belong to a being even more powerful than the Black Ball Room?

After all, the weapons he is equipped with look much more powerful than those provided by GANTZ!

The more he thought about it, the more excited he became, Izumi Shiyin lowered his head and suppressed his twinkling eyes.

Follow the Lion God quickly.

Now that you have chosen your goals and thought about the results you want to achieve.

So the only difficulty now is how to achieve all this!

The Lion God should be very strong, Izumi Shion was careful, he needed to know more about him first.

Only then can you find flaws and make plans for your own goals!

Just after leaving school, Izumi Shion noticed a person approaching the Lion God quickly.

The other party was hostile, and there was unconcealable anger in his eyes!

Izumi Shiyin has rich experience and hides herself not far away, so that she will not be discovered by the other party and can hear their conversation.

The one who came to find the Lion God was none other than Antang Naoxing!

I saw him rushing forward angrily, staring at the Lion God and saying: Did you do those things!

Hidden in the darkness, Izumi Ziyin's eyes flashed slightly, and he vaguely felt that this might be an opportunity for him to seize a breakthrough!

And the conversation that followed did not disappoint Izumi Shion.

Over there, facing Antang Zhixing's questioning, the Lion God looked calm: Xiao Zhi, is something wrong?

Antang was breathing heavily, his chest rising and falling.

The family members of the victims have all been sick and hospitalized in the past few days, and some have even been diagnosed with cancer and leukemia! The doctor said that they were exposed to severe electromagnetic radiation, which caused such symptoms!

But almost all of them have no way of being exposed to excessive electromagnetic radiation in their jobs!

The most important thing is that the time when you got sick was after the parade at your house, and what a coincidence, all the people who went to the parade that day got sick!

This absolutely cannot be a coincidence! Hao, you really can't continue like this!

Secretly, Izumi Ziyin, who heard all this in her ears, was constantly surging in her heart.

The brain is running at a high speed, processing the complex information contained in Antang's words.

Faced with Antang's question, the Lion God suddenly sneered.

Xiao Zhi, when did you get involved with those people and know so much about their affairs?

Oh~~I see, you told them those things, right? Is that why they went to demonstrate outside my house?

Antang Zhixing's face instantly became extremely ugly.

After he learned that something had happened to the families of the victims, he immediately thought of the Lion God. He was so angry that he ran to the Lion God to ask questions without thinking about the consequences. Unexpectedly, he was directly hit by a gun.

This question is equivalent to him not asking for it himself!

Suddenly he was speechless and speechless.

The Lion God gently patted his shoulder and said, Xiao Zhi, I grew up with you, you should understand me.

As I said, you are free to call the police or anything else, but any consequences will be caused by you and them.

So, do you understand?

Antang Zhixing stood there blankly, his body stretched straight and his hands clenched unconsciously.

However, the Lion God ignored him and turned around to leave.

Looking at the back of the Lion God, Antang finally couldn't help shouting: Hao! Everything I do is for your own good!!

It's a pity that the Lion God didn't talk any more nonsense to him, didn't show any expression, and just gradually disappeared from sight.

Izumi Shion did not continue to follow the Lion God, but instead focused on Antou.

Although he also studied in this middle school, he was not familiar with Shishi Shenhao and Antou Naoyuki before this.

I know that Lion God Hao is famous because of him. As for Antang Zhixing, I have never heard of him.

Therefore, Izumi Shione did not show up immediately. He needed to figure out some things first and find out the relationship between Shishigami Hao and Antou Naoyuki.

Only when you are ready can you start taking action!

Izumi Shion is not a simple high school student.

In school, he is just an aloof male god, but he also has various paths of his own outside of school.

Otherwise, how could he have obtained those firearms and grenades during the last Shinjuku Massacre?

Soon, Izumi Shion learned detailed information about the families of the so-called victims through her own connections.

Also in school, I found out about the relationship between the Lion God and Antang, and discovered that they were friends who had known each other since kindergarten.

He even asked hackers to decipher the group chats created by the victims' families and obtain previous chat records.

I saw all the causes and consequences of Antang betraying the Lion God in the group.

Sitting in front of the computer, Izumi Ziyin raised a smile on her lips.

Interesting, really interesting.

It turns out that the so-called superhero is actually a serial murderer.

And Antang, a friend who grew up together, betrayed the Lion God's information.

These twists and turns hidden under the surface, in Izumi Shion's view, only need a little catalyst to form a huge fun!

I believe that Shirahoshi will be very satisfied, right?

After understanding all the information, a plan gradually took shape in Izumi Shion's mind.

And as long as he succeeds, he can exchange it for powerful power from Bai Xing!

I immediately felt excited in my heart!

However, before he could actually start implementing it, something unexpected happened suddenly!

GANTZ is releasing a new mission again!

Soon, the body was teleported back to the black ball room.

As soon as he stood still, Izumi Shiyin felt two sets of eyes coming towards him.

One of them is Feng Daizaemon, and the other one is Kyono Kei.

Izumi Shion ignored their gazes and began to look at other new people.

This time there are a few new people, and even a panda.

One of the children, after entering, locked his eyes on Fuudazaemon.

Not long after, GANTZ started playing music and at the same time gave the target of this hunting.

A picture appeared on the surface of the black ball.

This man has a slicked back hair, sunglasses, and a black leather jacket.

[Now please start setting off to hunt this guy down. 】

[Target: Ghost Star Man

Characteristics: Strong

Likes: Women, sweets, ramen

Dislikes: Strong guys

Catchphrase: I won’t give up halfway! 】

Looking at the pictures on GANTZ, everyone got into discussions.

This looks like a human being.

It's not human, it just looks like a human, or it can disguise itself or something like that.

That's right, didn't you see the label? He is called a Ghost Starman, and he is obviously an alien!

GANTZ didn't give everyone much time to discuss and started the transmission directly.

It was dark at this time, but when everyone observed the surrounding scenery, their expressions suddenly changed.

This seems to be Ikebukuro?

Yes, it's Ikebukuro. I just ate here during the day.

Damn it, why did GANTZ teleport us here? What if we accidentally injure people?

Ikebukuro is the most prosperous neighborhood on the Yamanote Line in Tokyo after Shinjuku and Shibuya.

The entire neighborhood stretches from Ikebukuro Station to the east and west, and has about 1 million people every day.

It is especially popular among young people who pursue fashion.

At night, it is the time when the flow of people is the largest.

Xuanye Ji took out the radar and was even more surprised to find that there were many red dots on the radar.

Each of these red dots represents an alien.

That's so much?!

This number of aliens has almost never been encountered in previous missions.

Moreover, the locations of these aliens are also scattered and not gathered in one place.

Xuan Yeji's heart sank, and he immediately knew that this hunting mission was definitely not easy!

As the captain, Kei Xuanye immediately formulated a battle plan: Since the mission time given by GANTZ is limited, and the number of aliens this time is both large and scattered, I decided to split up and work in groups of two!

Everyone must pay attention to safety. If you encounter aliens that you cannot deal with, immediately seek help from the nearest companion!

Everyone divided into groups, and Xuan Yeji and the bald man were in a group.

The others also found their teammates.

Among them, Izumi Ziyin didn't want to be dragged along by her side, so she simply chose to be with the giant pandas.

At this time, the giant panda was sitting there innocently, as if he didn't know what was happening.

And it is actually wearing a GANTZ suit, and it fits the body very well.

It was obviously specially prepared for it by GANTZ.

Although he didn't understand why even animals entered the black ball room, Izumi Shion didn't care too much.

On the other side, there was Fuudazaemon who was in a similar situation to him.

As a strong man who has full confidence in himself, he has no habit of forming a team with others.

But there is a helpless little boy Kasushi among the crowd. No one wants to be with him, and they all regard him as a drag.

In the end, Fuudazaemon chose to team up with him.

This unsmiling muscular man is actually a cold-hearted person.

After being dispersed, Izumi Shiyin abandoned the giant panda without any psychological burden.

Following the radar alone, I quickly found an alien.

Just looking up, that person turned out to be just like an ordinary human being! (End of chapter)

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