Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 230 The Tokyo team is divided, Shirahoshi takes action!


On the roof, before Xuanye Ji took off, the chimney next to him suddenly exploded!

The bursting gravel hit him, but Xuanye immediately used his body to protect Tae Kojima.

To prevent stones from hurting her.

At the same time, his eyes became sharper!

The people in the protection faction are all veteran members of Xuanye Ji, but they are weaker and smaller in number.

The strategy just now was for them to hold back Izumi Shiyin and others to give Xuanye a chance to escape.

According to Xuanye Ji's idea, as long as he can escape from the mission area, the mission will be considered a failure.

Everyone can teleport back to the black ball room, and the price they pay is just to clear their points.

But obviously, the hunting faction headed by Izumi Shiyin is not willing to bear such a price.

At the same time, Tae Kojima is also a good opportunity for them to score points!

A little girl who has no power to tie a chicken is worth 30 points.

It’s definitely a rare find!

While running, Xuanye Ji took advantage of the situation and turned his head to look back.

I saw that several members of the Tokyo team had already caught up.

Most of them are holding X-SHOT GUN, which is an enhanced ordinary gun and can also be called a barrel gun.

If ordinary guns are compared to pistols, then barrel guns are compared to rifles.

The chimney exploded just now, and it was caused by one of them shooting.

Be careful, now is not the time to explain!

Holding Tae Kojima tightly, Kei Xuanye firmly believed that no matter what, no matter what the price, he would not let his woman be harmed!

These guys caught up and proved that the few team members on their side were probably in danger.

But Xuanye Ji had no intention of thinking about that at this time. He had to run desperately to avoid being chased!

These ordinary team members who caught up were actually not a big threat to him.

After all, they had just joined the Tokyo team not long ago, and their combat experience and use of GANTZ weapons were not as proficient as their own.

Even though he was holding Tae Kojima in his arms, which seriously affected his combat power, he wasn't too worried.

What really made Xuanye Ji feel uneasy was the man who did not show his body, but was definitely lurking in the dark preparing a fatal blow.

That murderous maniac, the cold-blooded butcher who caused massacres!

Izumi Shione!


Speaking of Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrived just when Xuanye jumped on the roof and was in mid-air with no way to use his strength.

Izumi Shiyin, who had identified the flaw, suddenly jumped up from below, holding a nano-sword in hand, and slashed towards him fiercely.

Whether it's Tae Kojima or Kei Xuanye, they are all within his attack range!

At the critical moment, Xuanyeji's eyes widened with anger and he even forcibly twisted his body.

He took Izumi Shion's knife with his back.

Protected Tae Kojima.

But the whole person was also thrown away.

He fell hard from mid-air and broke a telephone pole on the side of the road.

Fortunately, the quality of the GANTZ suit was quite good and it was not scrapped due to this.

Kyono Kei immediately checked whether Kojima Tae was injured.

Looking up again, he saw that the five team members chasing him had surrounded him.

Not far away, stood Izumi Shiyin holding a sword, looking down at him with cold and ruthless eyes.

Xuanyeji's eyes were calm, he held a cannon and suddenly jumped forward!

Kojima Tae wanted to reach out, but only one sentence from Xuanye Kei sounded in her ears: Hide yourself first.

When the five team members saw Xuanye Ji rushing out, they immediately showed a ferocious smile and planned to attack.

Only Izumi Ziyin's eyes narrowed slightly and he realized something was wrong.


Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Five explosions were heard in succession.

The five team members all exploded!

Some had their legs broken off, some had their arms broken, blood flowed violently, and one's head exploded instantly!

The other two people were also blown away directly, and their GANTZ suits were immediately scrapped!

It turns out that in the chase just now, Xuanyeji was not just running away!

He also made his own counterattack!

The barrel cannon he holds has a function that can lock multiple targets in advance and then attack them uniformly.

This can cause a scene where multiple targets are hit at the same time.

Just like this scene today!

Izumi Shion's face showed a serious look: In that situation, you can still target the five of them without revealing anything, Kyuno Kei, you really did not disappoint me!

At this time, Xuanye Ji had already rushed in front of him.

I will never allow anyone to hurt Da Hui!!

Izumi Shion laughed: It's a good belief, but the ability you have shown is not enough!

The two instantly fought together.

In the close combat state, the cannon could not exert its power. Kei Xuanye chose to do the same as Izumi Shion and enter hand-to-hand combat with a sword!

Izumi Shion's strength should not be underestimated. Even though Xuanye Ji had experienced some growth, he was not his opponent for a while.

Even fall into the disadvantage!

If this continues, if nothing unexpected happens, Izumi Shion will be very confident that he will be able to defeat the Xuanye Plan.

But he was not satisfied with this. With a flash of his eyes, he made a feint at Xuanye Kei and launched his attack towards Tae Kojima, who was shivering not far away!

Xuanye Ji was really shocked and revealed a fatal flaw!

He hurriedly attacked, but at the critical moment, Izumi Shion made another backhand move.

Hitting the flaw in Xuanye's plan, he was immediately knocked away.

Feeling the pain coming from his body, Xuanye estimated that the suit on his body could withstand one more blow at most.

It will be completely scrapped!

At this moment, Izumi Ziyin paused slightly because he felt a touch of hostility.

Turning around, he saw a tall and muscular figure standing on the roof not far away.

Astonishingly, it was Fuudazaemon!

Although he is a neutral, it is obvious that he still can't understand Izumi Shion's despicable behavior.

Whether it is to attack an ordinary person like Kojima Tae mercilessly, or to use Kojima Tae to disturb Kurono's mind and then launch a sneak attack.

They can all be called despicable!

Especially the other party's temperament and ruthless murderous methods made Fuudazaemon feel a little familiar.

And some inexplicable hostility arose!

Although he didn't really take action, he released his momentum a little, which still attracted Izumi Shion and made him feel fearful.

Xuanye Ji naturally seized this rare opportunity.

He turned around and hugged Tae Kojima, and started to escape again!

Unfortunately, those in front of you are not the only ones who want to hunt down Tae Kojima.

In addition to the five people who have lost their ability to fight, there are also some people who choose to stand on the opposite side of Xuanye Ji.

Among these people there are even teammates who have performed two or three missions together!

But in the face of interests, he chose betrayal without hesitation!

Coupled with the hot pursuit of Izumi Shiyin, Xuanye Ji was finally forced into a desperate situation!


Take a shot.

Xuanye Ji flew out, smashed the glass, and fell into a large room.

Black viscous liquid has flowed out of the ring on the suit, which means that the suit is completely scrapped and has lost its function.

Without his battle clothes, but the enemy was so powerful, Xuanye Ji instantly turned pale and fell into despair.


Several people, headed by Izumi Ziyin, had already entered this spacious room.

Izumi Shiyin held a sword and pointed the blade at Xuanye Kei: No need to struggle anymore, otherwise you will end up like her.

Xuanye Kei glared angrily, but his body that blocked Tae Kojima did not waver at all.

At this moment, a burly figure also appeared in the room.

Izumi Shion's eyes showed fear, and she looked at Fuudazaemon: What? Do you have a conscience and want to be my enemy, or do you think you can just wait for the mantis to catch the cicada and the oriole behind, and compete with me for points at this last moment? ?”

Fuudazaemon ignored him at all.

For him who has already entered [Electricity Push], neither Izumi Shion nor Kyono Kei is very strong.

And there is only one reason why he appears here.

Ignoring Izumi Shione, Fuudazaemon stared in another direction.

He said in a deep voice: You are the person who appeared in Black Ball's room that day.

Although it was written in a question, the tone was very firm!


Both Izumi Shion and Xuanye Kei were shocked!

Because they didn't even realize that there was someone else in the room!

At this time, after being reminded by Fuudazaemon, he looked over there.

I saw a strong young man lying on a big chair.

Look at them with a playful expression.

He seemed to have always been there, not hiding at all.

But for some reason, to Izumi Shion and Kenno Kei, it was as if he had just lost his invisibility. No, that was a method even more difficult to detect than invisibility!

Before Fuudazaemon spoke, the two of them completely ignored his presence, as if everything was normal.

This sudden change left both of them at a loss.

At the same time, Izumi Ziyin was shocked because he recognized Shirahoshi.

During the massacre in Shinjuku, Shirahoshi appeared in the end and killed him directly.

Afterwards, Izumi Shione successfully entered the Black Ball room, but Shirahoshi's terror was still fresh in his memory!

Facing such a dangerous person, Izumi Shion would certainly not take action casually.

But there just happen to be people who don't understand the situation and do some stupid things.

One of the team members named Ueda Yiji stepped forward.

During the previous battle against the Ring Stars in Roppongi, it was he who hid on the side and fished secretly.

While testing the frequency of the suit, I was accidentally photographed by Tae Kojima.

That's why GANTZ was triggered to issue a mission to hunt down Tae Kojima.

I saw Yoshiharu Ueda walking forward with a cannon in his hand: Hey! You've seen us too, right?

Now that they have seen us, they will definitely be wanted by GANTZ. Why don't I kill you now so that I can harvest the points! Ha ha!

Kojima Tae is obviously already the prey of Izumi Shion, and Ueda Yoshiji has no guts to snatch it from him.

At this moment, I suddenly saw that there was a man at the scene. I immediately stood up and planned to kill him first!

Izumi Ziyin's eyes flashed slightly, but he didn't stop him. He also needed a fool to test Shirahoshi.

Although Shirahoshi had shown powerful superpowers at first, Ueda Yoshiharu was wearing a battle suit and holding a cannon in his hand!

Xuano Kei wants to stop it, but his current primary protection target is Tae Kojima.

Treating others is already powerless.

I saw that Ueda Yiji had already raised the cannon in his hand and pulled the trigger directly at the man.

But as time passed, nothing happened to the other party.

Huh? Is it broken?

Ueda Yoshiharu, who did not believe in evil, pulled the trigger several times in succession.

The muzzle of the cannon is bright and there is a sound at the same time, which means that the cannon is not broken.

The launch has been successful.

But the other party is still sitting there unscathed!

Yawning, Bai Xing felt the feeling of being hit just now.

There is a force that wants to penetrate into his body and cause an explosion from the inside!

This force is special because the inside is where a living thing is most vulnerable.

No matter what kind of armor is on the outside, how tough the muscles and bones are.

Internal organs are always fragile.

The characteristic of this force is to attack this weakness.

This is also the reason why many aliens with strong defenses will die from the guns provided by GANTZ.

No matter how high the external defense is, it is useless. One shot will detonate directly from the inside!

Unfortunately, this force cannot penetrate the magnetic field force that automatically adheres to the surface of the white star.

Even if Bai Xing didn't take the initiative to defend himself, he couldn't do anything about it.

After experiencing the attack of the tube gun, Shirahoshi stood up. At the same time, Ueda Yoshiji's whole body exploded!

The battle clothes on his body had no effect at all. The whole person's flesh, blood and bones splashed outwards with the explosion, and turned into countless powders in the middle of the process and completely dissipated.

It was as if this person did not exist at all. Apart from the cannon that fell to the ground, there was no trace of his existence!

Such a terrifying scene immediately shocked everyone present.

Fuudazaemon's muscles all over his body were tense, and arcs of electricity even appeared on his body surface!

Bai Xing said helplessly: I said, you forced your way into my house in the middle of the night, and now you still look like a victim. Did you make a mistake?

Who are you! Fuudazaemon and Izumi Shion's questions sounded almost at the same time.

However, their tone was completely different.

Fuudaizaemon remembered that he had met Shirahoshi in the Kuroball room, and then he didn't know anything about it.

After waking up, I suddenly found that I had an extremely powerful power!

The power of magnetic field!

So I suspect this matter has something to do with Bai Xing.

And Izumi Ziyin is just out of fear of the unknown and fear of the strong! (End of chapter)

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