Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 227: Fishing for law enforcement, coercion and inducement!

Since rekindling his passion and regaining his confidence and dignity, Inuyashiki feels that his life has undergone earth-shaking changes.

In the company, he suddenly became a respected section chief from an honest person who could be easily bullied by anyone.

He was even regarded as a confidant by the chairman of the board. The entire company, even the secretary who was above the top, did not dare to show any slight to him.

During the day, he visited major hospitals to save patients suffering from cancer or other incurable diseases from the disease.

Seeing their smiling faces as the pain disappeared, seeing their relatives and friends holding them in disbelief and crying with joy.

Inuyashiki felt extremely satisfied!

And when night comes, Inuyashiki will wander around the city, eradicating the evil hidden in the dark corners.

Every time those who were rescued sincerely thanked him, he felt as if a surge of energy had been injected into his body.

Even during this process, Inuyashiki found that he seemed to have really grown.

Not only is the current and voltage generated higher, but even the mechanical body seems to have become tougher.

Until this day.

At night, Inuyashiki receives various messy electromagnetic signals as usual, and then determines which ones need to be dispatched by himself.

Help! Don't kill me.

No, please.

These days, Inuyashiki is doing chivalry, but most of what he encounters are just fights or bullying.

Crime is, at best, robbery and petty theft.

There are still very few homicide cases.

It may also have something to do with the fact that it hasn’t been long yet.

In short, except for the last accident and the conversation when the evolution team was planning to attack Shirahoshi, I had never encountered any crime related to murder.

Hearing the voice in his ear, Inuyashiki couldn't help but tremble!

He hurriedly turned on the rocket booster on his back, soared into the sky, and used the electromagnetic line as navigation to head towards the crime scene!

In a remote alley, a woman looked horrified and couldn't help but step back.

A man was holding a short knife and approaching step by step.

At this moment, a figure fell from the sky!


He stepped forward and punched the man, sending him flying away.

The whole person hit the wall, and the short knife came out of his hand. Although the person was not dead, he couldn't help but cough up a mouthful of blood.

Since Inuyashiki started killing people, he would naturally not hesitate at all.

Of course I won't hold back against a guy like this who wants to take someone's life.

Not killing it directly was already a kind act.

But just when he turned around to ask how the woman was doing, a pistol was suddenly pressed against his head.

The woman who was still full of fear has regained her composure, holding a gun in both hands and staring at him with a frosty face.

It seems that the next second, the trigger will be pulled!


Before Inuyashiki could say anything in surprise, large groups of people appeared on both sides of the alley, each fully armed and holding a submachine gun, blocking him here.

Even a large barbed wire net was pulled up above the alley to prevent him from flying away.

Until now, Inuyashiki still doesn't understand that this is a trap specially set for him!

Put your hands up where we can see them!

The surrounding SAT members were approaching, and Inuyashiki looked a little nervous.

He could already tell that these people should belong to the police.

He wanted to escape, but in the end he made no move.

police station.

Inside the interrogation room.

Chief Hirama and Chief Kawanishi sat side by side, looking at Inuyashiki opposite.

Inuyashiki Ichiro, please tell me.

Inuyashiki's face showed a trace of struggle, but he finally said: I have not broken any laws, why do you want to arrest me?


Sheriff Kawanishi slammed the table: Have you not broken any laws? Didn't those members of the Touye Group die in your hands?!

Inuyashiki didn't expect that the other party already knew this.

Having been a social worker all his life and never having contact with an official figure, he obviously underestimated the power of the police.

Keke, those guys are scum! If I don't get rid of them, there will be more innocent people.

Before he finished speaking, Sheriff Hirama interrupted in a deep voice: No matter what they do, if they break the law, there will naturally be laws to punish them.

And if you use lynching, you are also violating the law!

I advise you not to be stubborn and to be honest, otherwise, the only way waiting for you is to be judged!

Inuyashiki's lips trembled, and finally, under the coercion and inducement of the two men, he told all his experiences.

Listening to Inuyashiki's words, the two police chiefs couldn't help but fall into shock!

In fact, they had already investigated the traces of Inuyashiki, but they were not 100% sure yet.

That's why the previous fishing law enforcement was implemented, and it was easier to catch the person directly, which would be more conducive to the subsequent interrogation.

With the Lion God's lessons learned, they were well prepared before taking action, and were even ready for a desperate battle.

But I didn't expect everything to go so smoothly.

Even though Inuyashiki has changed a lot, the mentality of being a social animal for decades cannot be completely changed in a short time.

When I see these armed forces representing the government, I can't help but feel frightened!

After interrogating Inuyashiki, Sheriff Kawanishi and Sheriff Kaimama knew that this was not a decision that they and others could make.

He immediately compiled it into a report and submitted it to the top.

Gu Xuanyi has been having trouble sleeping and eating since he was threatened by the Lion God.

No one can bear it, and there is always a Sword of Damocles hanging over his head.

Especially since the Lion God actually committed another murder case after that incident.

It is really extremely arrogant!

But there is no way, the strength shown by the Lion God is too incredible.

It's simply not something they can handle.

Until he watched the report submitted below.

His eyes suddenly lit up!

Alien mechanical transformation. Technological level far exceeding the earth's

In an instant, Gu Xuanyi thought of a lot in his mind.

In particular, the family background investigation and personality profiling of Inuyashiki made him very satisfied.

This made him feel that Inuyashiki was like a treasure mountain!

If it can be fully explored, let alone a threat to the Lion God.

It might even benefit the entire island nation!

If we could apply that kind of powerful technological weapon to the military.

He can even directly overthrow their beautiful father and become the master of his own family!

When I think of the American military bases stationed on the mainland of the island country, and the Americans who show off their power.


This is a thorn in the hearts of many islanders!

This is also their contradiction.

Since I admire the power of the United States, I can't help but lie on the ground and lick my toes.

At the same time, he is very ambitious and always wants to get rid of control and overthrow it.

This kind of ambivalence of fanatical admiration when facing a strong man, but also full of ambition and the thought of backstabbing at any time, is the biggest characteristic of their nation!

This has always been the case since ancient times.

And now, Gentani sees hope in Inuyashiki!

Report to the superior immediately and notify the Prime Minister as soon as possible!

Inuyashiki was transferred from the police station that day.

When he found that the place he was sent to was getting further and further away from his home, he immediately realized that something was wrong.

Where are we going?

Unfortunately, no one could answer his question.

When can I go home? I have said everything I can say, you can go home!

But the answer to him was still dead silence.

As the vehicle drove, Inuyashiki became more and more uneasy.

Look at the handcuffs on his hands and the alloy guardrails inside the vehicle.

This kind of precautionary measure might be fine for ordinary criminals, but for him it was just like paper.

Especially this kind of treatment made him even more doubtful.

If it weren't for the decades-old social beast's deep-seated awe for the judicial organs and some fear of the birth of his wife and children.

Even Inuyashiki couldn't help but escape from here.

And Gu Xuan got this kind of character right.

It was moved from an ordinary police station to a more tightly guarded special service base.

Inuyashiki was led to undergo a thorough cleaning and disinfection before standing naked in a room.

Soon a group of people in white coats walked in, groped him and used various instruments to examine him.

The assistant is recording the data nearby.

How can Inuyashiki still not understand that the other party wants to study him?

After everything was over, Inuyashiki was arranged in a simple white room.

There was nothing else except beds, quilts, tables, and some daily necessities.

His expression suddenly changed. Looking at this situation, the research was not temporary, it seemed to be a long-term project!

Unable to bear it any longer, Inuyashiki immediately turned to the staff and shouted: You can't just put me under house arrest like this!!

With that said, he was about to walk out.


The secret service officers outside were armed with guns and aimed at him instantly.

But Inuyashiki was not afraid at all.

At this moment, a voice came: If I were you, I wouldn't be so excited.

Genya Ya came in person and appeared in front of Inuyashiki.

He waved his hand and asked the staff and special agents to leave.

There were only two people left in the room, Inuyashiki and Genyi Taniya.

Let me introduce myself, the head of the Kyoto Prefectural Police Headquarters, Genki Tani.

Inuyashiki was shocked, he had never seen such a big official before!

But the resentment in his heart was still there, but the momentum when he spoke was weaker.

I have told everything I know, you can't just put me under house arrest like this!

House arrest? Guanyi chuckled: It seems that Mr. Inuyashiki has not recognized the reality yet.

Before he came, he had carefully studied Inuyashiki's background information and his personality profile conducted by professional psychologists.

In addition, there is also police investigation and evidence collection, as well as his own oral statements, which combine to form detailed information on a series of things he did after he was transformed by aliens.

Aside from the fact that killing gang members was a bit over the top, everything else proved to be a good guy.

Good people are of course easier to deal with than bad people.

Especially good people with weaknesses.

Although the Lion God also has weaknesses such as his parents, with the ruthless methods he shows.

No one can guarantee what kind of outcome he will face after making him angry.

Even the Prime Minister issued an order that before getting something from Inuyashiki that can balance the Lion God, it is best not to cause irritation to him again.

To avoid extraneous branches.

Mr. Inuyashiki, you have been convicted of murder. No matter who the other party is, you must bear legal responsibility since you killed someone.

Coco, they are all.

I know what you want to say, but it also needs to be judged by the law. Otherwise, if everyone uses lynching on their own, wouldn't this country be doomed?

By the way! I also treated many people in the hospital!

First of all, on behalf of the patients you have treated, I would like to express my most sincere gratitude to you.

But from the standpoint of the country, we still need to apply one code to the other. Your treatment of illnesses and saving lives is indeed extremely noble and your merits are immeasurable.

But this does not negate your crime of murder. Otherwise, wouldn't those doctors be able to save people during the day and kill at night?

This doesn't make sense, don't you think?

Inuyashiki sat down on the edge of the bed, despair flashing in his eyes.

At first, I just wanted to protect my family and not let the gangs threaten me again.

In line with the concept of eliminating evil, kill all those people.

But I didn’t expect that such a huge hidden danger would be laid!

At this moment, Gu Xuanyi stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder.

“If you were just a regular guy, you’d be in jail right now.

But given your special nature, we decided to give you another chance.

As he spoke, he took out a portfolio from his arms.

I have a confidential contract here. Take a look at it and sign it if you agree.

Inuyashiki looked up at him: Confidential contract?

Gu Xuanyi nodded solemnly: Yes, it is a major matter related to national security!

After Inuyashiki read the contract, he suddenly fell into silence.

Gu Xuanyi continued: Actually, this is the best choice for you.

As long as you cooperate fully, if we can crack your technology, the technological strength of the entire island country will definitely make a qualitative leap!

You will be the biggest hero of the island country and will be recorded in history!

And your relatives and friends will be proud of it.

On the other hand, if you refuse, we will arrest you for murder.

At that time, the only solution you will face is the death penalty.

Just imagine, your wife will be heartbroken and in tears.

Your daughters and sons will be denounced as the children of murderers.

Can you bear to let them endure such pain?

What's more, if you sign this contract, we can pay you 10 million yen every month.

This amount of money is enough to significantly improve your home situation.

As far as I know, you have just moved to a new home, and you are still worried about the mortgage, right?


Inuyashiki swallowed hard.

Because Gu Xuanyi spoke directly to his heart and severely grasped his weakness!

In fact, he can also understand that these are the other party's methods.

But I also understood another thing.

That means he has no choice! (End of chapter)

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