Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 228 Antou’s backstab, Inuyashiki in pain

Suzuki Middle School.

It was morning at this time, and school students were entering the campus one after another.

The Lion God walked into the school wearing a suit-style school uniform.

Suddenly it attracted a lot of side glances from the surrounding teachers and students.

Is that the Lion God?

Really handsome!

Yeah, it would be nice if I could get an autograph from him.

Do you think he is really a mechanical warrior secretly transformed by the state?

No, I heard that he is a young genius who can create various mechanical armors by himself!

What? How did I hear that I mutated because I accidentally ingested some experimental drug?

You guys have watched too many superhero movies! I think it's just spreading rumors.

How do you explain the bombing in the stadium and the video released by the media?

Of course it was the police. Those monsters don't look simple. I saw even the Self-Defense Forces were dispatched. As for the Lion God, huh, those videos on the Internet have been taken down now. I didn't see them anyway. I don’t believe it either.”

I think you are just jealous. He is handsome and powerful, but what about the real superheroes? Not the ones in the movies, but the ones that really happen around us!

Imagine that we are classmates with Spider-Man. Oh my god, I feel so excited just thinking about it.

The video in the media did not circulate for long and was soon taken down by the authorities.

Although it only lasted half a day, with the speed of Internet communication, many people still knew about it.

But some are skeptical, while others imagine the Lion God to be the kind of superhero in the movie.

If you think about it carefully, it makes sense that they would have this misunderstanding.

Superhero movies are very popular recently, and the appearance of monsters has caused people to panic.

The video released by the media showed that even the police and self-defense forces were unable to deal with the monsters called parasitic beasts.

In this situation, the Lion God's divine soldiers descended from the sky and killed all the parasitic beasts.

What a perfect movie plot!

It's no wonder that many people assume him to be a superhero.

In the corner, a figure stared at the Lion God.

My heart is full of confusion and confusion.

He is none other than Antang Naomichi!

Looking at the classmates who worship the Lion God, and the discussions about the Lion God on the Internet.

Antang felt uncomfortable for a while.

It was a feeling that everyone was drunk and I was alone.

In his opinion, everyone is confused by the appearance of the Lion God, and only he knows the essence of the Lion God!

That brutal executioner, an inhumane demon!

Whenever he saw someone praising the Lion God, he had the urge to expose it!

He wanted everyone to recognize the true face of the Lion God and not be deceived by him.

But it is foreseeable that even if he really tells the truth, those deluded people, those who worship the Lion God, will definitely not believe it.

Antang is now extremely conflicted. He is unwilling to report the Lion God, but when he sees that the Lion God is not wanted, but has become a superhero-like figure and is worshiped by others, he feels very unhappy.

Damn it. What should I do!

For the whole day, Antang fell into this contradictory mentality.

I didn't listen to anything in class, I just fiddled with my phone in boredom.

Suddenly, he saw a post.

The poster is a relative of the victim of the Massacre. Many days have passed since the Massacre.

But the police have never given an explanation.

So these people plan to protest in their own way.

What they did was to organize all the relatives of the victims to march in front of the police station!

Uncontrollably, Antang joined the group chat according to the number they left.

At this time, messages are popping up continuously in the group chat.

It turned out that they were talking about their respective experiences and remembering their dead relatives.

The entire group chat was filled with sad emotions. They were talking about the characters of their sons, daughters, grandsons, nephews, friends, etc., etc. and memories of past interactions.

On the other hand, they are also comforting each other and encouraging each other.

Even Antang couldn't help but be immersed in this spirit of perseverance in suffering.

Those who died gradually became no longer just a cold number, but had a concrete concept in his mind.

Yes, those are all living human lives. They also have their own lives, their own stories, their own lovers, their own joys and sorrows, their own ideals and careers.

Some old people are not good at typing, but send voice messages. The tearful and choked voices reflect the sadness even more.

The entanglement and pain in Antang's heart even overflowed from his chest!

He clearly knew who the real murderer was, but he was just here watching those people fall into pain.

Apparently their son, daughter-in-law, and even their grandson were killed, and the originally happy family was torn apart, but there was nothing they could do, not even the police could count on them.

Gradually, Antang pressed the keyboard by accident.

Type a line and send it.

I know who the murderer of your loved ones is.

When he reacted, it was already too late.

The whole group was silent for only two seconds, and then it was as if a bomb had detonated.

Everyone is crazy about @him.

Antang was so frightened that he quickly turned off his phone.

But the message prompts of ‘ding dong’, ‘ding dong’ and ‘ding dong’ still kept sounding.

It was people in the group chatting with him privately.

What am I doing? But

In my mind, I couldn't help but recall the life stories of the victims shared by those in the group chat.

He looked up again and saw the Lion God surrounded by Yingying Yanyan, asking for his autograph.

The look in his eyes couldn't help but become a little firmer.

Turning on the phone again, he revealed the identity of the Lion God to the group.

Although the families of these victims are already a little anxious, they are even preparing for demonstrations.

But it’s not like if just anyone suddenly says who the murderer is, they will immediately believe it.

But now, Dang Antang points the murderer at the Lion God.

And according to some of the case information they learned, plus rumors that the Lion God seemed to be some kind of mechanical transformation person.

Although there is no 100% evidence, it does not prevent them from confronting it!

As a result, the entire group chat was completely boiling! !


Inuyashiki was naked and standing in an empty room.

The water sprayed down from above kept pouring on him.

It seemed to be gradually cooling down the hot blood in his heart that had just been burning for a short time.

The cold reality taught him a hard lesson!

The passion at the beginning was exchanged for being behind bars now.

He could clearly feel that there were many people behind the wide one-way glass, looking at him with scrutinizing eyes.

But he, like a real robot, was at their mercy.

Soon, the water flow stopped, and Inuya Shiki showed off his abilities bit by bit under the command broadcast.

That kind of puppet-like feeling made him lose his self-confidence.

The most important thing is the feeling of being naked and being watched and manipulated at will.

The dignity he had finally picked up was trampled on again.

No, worse than the previous trampling.

It was as if it had been smashed, torn into pieces, thrown into the mud, and stepped on hard.

And his dignity fermented with time and merged with the smelly mud.

It’s hard to tell each other apart anymore!

But there was nothing he could do!

Because he has signed a confidential contract prepared by Gu Xuan for him.

Now he is mainly responsible for cooperating with the research. In addition to exonerating him, the most important thing is that he can send 10 million yen to his wife every month.

I believe that this money can make them live a good life.

In the past, his wife would despise him for being mediocre, and his daughter was still very attached to him when she was young. But since she grew up, she has also begun to despise him for not being as rich as other people's fathers and for not being able to give her a good life.

Even the youngest son Takeshi gradually distanced himself from him and showed disdain for the head of the family.

Therefore, Inuyashiki felt that with this money, they should be able to live a good life.

It also lets them know that dad is not a useless person.

Although I have to endure unbearable torture here, in order not to let my family down, it is worth it no matter what!

Inuyashiki kept trying to persuade himself in his heart.

Use this to numb your own will and allow yourself to accept it all.

However, it is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality.

When he enjoyed the feeling of confidence and being respected.

At this moment, when he faced himself who had been completely reduced to an experimental subject, a self who had no dignity at all and was like a puppet.

The kind of pain that comes from the heart is a thousand times better than the physical pain!

Yuko walked lightly on her way home.

She had never been so happy as she was now.

Originally, according to the doctor's orders, she needed to go to the hospital for a review today.

Unexpectedly, the reexamination results not only surprised her, but also the doctors found it incredible!

Her cancer cells mysteriously disappeared!

I couldn't find it at all, as if I had never been sick.

She asked doctors about this situation, but they didn't know what was going on.

Just tell her that similar things have happened many times in the hospital recently.

There are many cancer patients who have even reached the advanced stage, but inexplicably recover their health.

Many people believe that the gods must have heard their prayers and helped them realize their wishes.

Treat patients and give them another chance to live.

Yuko herself was stunned. She was already prepared to die, and even talked to the Lion God to let him live with her father.

And now, not only does she no longer have to die, but she also no longer has to be separated from the Lion God. This is simply the best news for her!

No words can describe this feeling of being lost and found.

She couldn't wait to go home and share the good news with the Lion God.

But on the way home, Yuko saw a group of people marching outside the police station holding signs.

After a few glances, she discovered that the signs actually had the words Lion God Hao and Mechanical Transformer written on them.

Suddenly I was shocked and hurried over to find out what was going on.

Many people gathered nearby to watch, and the police also sent out teams to maintain order and disperse those demonstrating.

Yuko could see more clearly and quickly asked the people next to her what was going on here.

You don't know yet?

Passers-by looked surprised.

Yuko shook her head in confusion.

You must have heard about the serial massacres, right? Let me tell you, these people marching are all relatives of the victims.

It has been quite some time since the case occurred, but the police have made no progress at all.

Now insiders have revealed that the murderer is likely to be related to the so-called mechanical super soldier who has been in the limelight in recent days.

So they are all clamoring for an explanation from the government!

Haha, I just said, there are no superheroes in this world, that guy must be the work of some evil scientist!

Maybe those monsters called parasitic beasts have something to do with him!

Yuko was confused by what he said.

After she learned in detail what happened during the recent period.

The whole person suddenly froze on the spot, his wide-open eyes showing deep shock.

She is usually busy with work and family and has no time to pay attention to the news and other things. She really didn't expect that so many incredible things would happen recently.

The most important thing is that these things are actually related to his own son!

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