Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 226 I still like your unruly look before.


The Lion God suddenly sat up from his sleep.

He turned to look out the window, his eyes cold.

However, apart from the branches swaying slightly in the breeze outside the window, there was only a crescent moon hanging in the sky.

Everything seemed very calm and nothing happened.

But the Lion God knew that his home had been surrounded!

People who have planted magnetic field seeds, whether they are at the most basic level [Bionic Power] or the advanced version [Current Propulsion].

They will all have the basic ability to manipulate magnetic fields just like real magnetic field experts.

However, most people are not able to explore this ability very well in the early stages.

At most, it's just like the movie version of Wan Iron King, controlling metal and the like.

In the demihuman world, someone like Sato who can skillfully control the electromagnetic force in the [current push] stage is considered a genius.

And the Lion God can do more than him!

Because of Sato's demi-human status, the best he can do is to prevent him from dying.

But the lion god's robot identity has a large enough auxiliary effect!

Even without magnetic field seeds, Lion God can still receive electromagnetic waves and invade the network at any time.

And now, he received an electromagnetic wave.

It was an encrypted radio belonging to the Special Forces.

It's just this so-called encryption that Lion God can completely ignore.

Feel free to invade the police encrypted channel and listen to all their conversations.

Any of their actions and arrangements are completely meaningless to the Lion God.

What the Lion God didn't expect was that in order to deal with him, these guys actually sent SAT to appear!

at this time.

In the dark night outside, a group of heavily armed SAT members were quickly and methodically surrounding the house where the Lion God was staying.

Suddenly, a flash of lightning flashed.

Halfway through, it disperses into smaller arcs.

Almost at the same time, these SAT members were hit.

Plop! Plop! Plop! Plop!

The small arc carries a voltage of up to hundreds of thousands of volts.

Instantly penetrated their body armor and penetrated their hearts.

Before even seeing the enemy, these so-called elite SAT members died on the spot.

In the command car, Sheriff Kawanishi also came as the person in charge.

At this time, he was watching the scene nervously.

But soon, he discovered something was wrong.

Captain Fujino! Captain Fujino! Please answer when you receive it!

Unfortunately, no matter how much he called, there was no response.

No need to shout, they are all dead.

A cold voice came from behind, and Sheriff Sichuan West felt a chill rising up his spine!

Turning around suddenly, he was shocked to see the lion god coming from nowhere, sitting there leisurely.

He immediately raised his pistol and pointed it at him: Lion God, you are under arrest! I advise you not to resist or struggle!

The Lion God showed a smile: You should know that thing is useless to me, what gives you confidence?

It's justice! You murderer, you have killed as many as double digits of people!

No matter what, I will bring you to justice!

Although the Lion God didn't know how the other party found him, it didn't matter.

He didn't think that these policemen could do anything to him. Even if the Self-Defense Forces were dispatched, they would not be his opponent.

That's very righteous, but I want to know even more what choice you will make next.

Sheriff Kawanishi was a little confused, and then the phone rang.

I picked it up and saw that the number displayed on it turned out to be the director of the Valley Headquarters!

The head of the Kyoto Prefectural Police Headquarters, Kenichi Taniya!

After getting rid of those SAT members, the Lion God did one thing.

He does have enough confidence in himself.

Especially after killing Takita Masako and taking revenge.

But he still has a dear mother.

If there was a real fight and his mother was injured or even killed by a stray bullet, he couldn't imagine what he would be like.

So he planned to nip the danger in the bud.

After connecting to the network, Lion God soon found his target.

At the police headquarters, as the head of the headquarters, Genya Tani is still working overtime.

Suddenly, I saw the computer screen in front of me flickering.

Then a human face appeared.

It is the lion god.

Hello, Chief of the Valley Headquarters, this is the first time we meet. I am Lion God Hao.

Gu Xuanyi was immediately shocked and said: How did you do it?!

The network firewall of the police station is certainly not a piece of cake. If it can be hacked so easily, then everyone in charge of network security can be fired.

This is also the reason why Gu Xuanyi was surprised when he saw the Lion God.

Taniya Genki, forty-five years old, took office as the head of the Kyoto Prefectural Police Headquarters three years ago.

His wife, Tani Risa, is 37 years old and works for Benimaru Co., Ltd. as the CEO.

Daughter Aika Yamazaki, 17 years old, is studying at Sakura High School. She has recently become very close to her classmate Toshima Yosuke, and their relationship was officially confirmed yesterday afternoon.

After saying this, the Lion God looked at Xuan Yi, who had fallen into a daze: Head of the Valley Headquarters, am I right?

Gu Xuanyi felt a chill in his heart.

He also knew a little about the murder case in Kodong District, and sending SAT to arrest the Lion God was also an order he approved and issued.

But now that the Lion God is safe and sound, one can imagine what will happen to those SAT members.

More importantly, the Lion God actually knows his family so well.

Even as a father, he didn't know about his daughter Aika Yamaya's falling in love at school.

But the Lion God can know such details!

What do you mean!


Gu Xuanyi responded with a muffled sound.

After being stunned for a moment, Gu Xuanyi turned his head and looked to the side.

A clear bullet hole suddenly appeared on the wall!

It only missed him by a millimeter, and it hit his head!


This was the first thing Gu Xuanyi thought of.

But he quickly ruled out this possibility.

Because of the location of the office, it is absolutely impossible for a sniper to target him!

Then there is only one possibility.

His eyes returned to the screen.

I saw the index finger of the Lion God's right hand pointing forward and his thumb raised, forming a pistol gesture.

Zheng smiled: Don't disturb my sleep again, otherwise, the next time you hit me, it will be my head.

Oh, by the way, there are still three heads.

Gu Xuanyi immediately understood what he meant.

This is not only threatening his life, but also threatening the lives of his entire family!

But the Lion God did not give him a chance to speak again.

The connection was directly disconnected.

Looking at the computer that had restored its original interface, Gu Xuanyi felt panic and anger in his heart.

Damn it!!

His eyes returned to the command vehicle.

Sheriff Sichuan West received a call from Gu Xuanyi.

Order him to retreat immediately. This case needs long-term consideration.

Then, regardless of Sheriff Sichuan West's questioning, he hung up the phone.

The gloomy-looking Sheriff Kawanishi looked at the Lion God again. Although he really wanted to shoot, he knew that it was all in vain.

That the higher-ups would choose to back down was something he didn't expect.

Even if he fired, he couldn't hurt the Lion God at all, which made him feel powerless.

In the end, they could only order the remaining police officers to leave.

Why are you leaving now? Sheriff Kawanishi, I still like your unruly look just now.


In response to the Lion God, there was only a cold snort.

The Lion God didn't stay any longer and returned home directly.

In the original work, the Lion God is just a middle-school boy with anti-human tendencies.

His narrow vision and low intelligence made him act recklessly when things happened.

The massacre was exposed and the police came to the door without even knowing whether the other party had any concrete evidence.

Just choose to run away and resist, and kill the police.

Now there is evidence even if there is no evidence.

Later, after her mother died due to Internet violence, Watanabe Shion was also implicated by herself.

He directly chose to go crazy, thinking that he and the island country were completely hostile, so there must be no one between them.

The method chosen was even more unbelievable. It turned out to be to kill civilians every day through electronic screens.

Although the island country is not large, it still has a population of more than 100 million.

If he kills like he does, he will kill until the end of the year of the monkey.

And now, after being planted with magnetic field seeds by Shirahoshi, the Lion God finally has what a strong magnetic field possesses - world-shattering wisdom!

After discovering that the police had begun to launch an operation against him, he immediately grasped the correct entry point.

Directly using his own abilities, he searched for detailed information about Gu Xuanyi and his family.

and threatened him with death.

If that's not enough, the Lion God doesn't mind threatening the Prime Minister.

Let them know the consequences of provoking them!

Standing on the street, I watched them collect the bodies of those SAT members and take them away.

After a while, it was as if nothing had happened here.

Sure enough, the police are just some idiots who don't know what they are talking about, so they can get rid of it so easily.

Turning around, the Lion God had not returned home.

Instead, he turned into a nearby house.

After killing all the sleeping family.

The Lion God came out stretching.

Why does it feel so much lighter? Is it because I have killed strong men before, so I don't feel the same when I kill these lowly things like ants?

Showing a look of helplessness.

I don't know where else to go to find a strong person with that kind of strength.

While muttering to himself, the Lion God returned home.

——Bang! !

In the police station conference room.

Sheriff Hirama looked at the report in his hand and slammed it on the table.

“It’s simply unreasonable! It’s unreasonable!!”

Last night's action could be described as the ultimate failure!

Not only did they lose a team of SAT members, they were also severely slapped in the face.

The new murder case discovered in the morning was obviously the work of the Lion God.

This is a provocation to them!

It's really too arrogant!

All the police chiefs looked gloomy. What the Lion God did was no different from sitting on their heads and shitting!

But they had no choice at all, because the orders from above prevented them from acting rashly.

At this moment, Chief Sano said: Last time I went to investigate the case where all the top executives of the Touya Group were killed.

I found some suspicious places, and I think they may be the entry point to solve the Lion God incident.

Sheriff Hirama and Sheriff Kawanishi's eyes suddenly lit up: Oh? Let's talk about it!

“The deaths of the senior members of the Touya Group were very close, but some of them were far apart.

It is impossible to arrive in a short time, but the time of death does not lie.

Moreover, there were some traces found at the death scene. I couldn't understand it at the time, but after comparing it with the scene of destruction caused by the Lion God, I found some similarities.

Are you saying that the members of Touya's group were also killed by the Lion God?

No, I think there is probably more than one person like the Lion God! (End of Chapter)

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