Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 225 The storm is coming, police action!

Masako Takita was strengthened after absorbing the genes of the parasitic beast.

But the lion god is definitely not the Amon of Wu Xia in the past.

When Takita Masako rushed towards him, the Lion God's arms suddenly expanded.

The mechanical weapon was exposed, and a ball of lightning condensed from the muzzle.

--boom! !

The electromagnetic gun was fired with such power that a large crater nearly twenty meters in diameter was created at the bombing site.

The scorched earth exploded and white smoke spread upward.

But it did not hurt Takita Masako. Her body shape began to change due to her extremely fast speed, as if countless fleshy whiskers were combined together.

He twisted and jumped, successfully avoiding the electromagnetic gun.

And once again narrowed the distance with the Lion God.

After the Lion God entered the attack range, Takita Masako's back suddenly opened, and countless flesh tendrils extended out like a huge flesh wing.

The end was connected to a blade, and it swung towards him like an overwhelming force.

The Lion God released an electromagnetic barrier to block the blade, but Masako Takita had already arrived in front of him.


The blade flashed in his hand.

Kill the God of Death with one strike!


The superb sword moves are difficult for the Lion God to avoid.

But fortunately, his body has already been strengthened and he can withstand this attack.

His eyes changed slightly, and the Lion God knew that using guns and cannons would not be very effective against such a master.

Even if the power of the electromagnetic gun is huge, there is nothing you can do if you can't hit it.

It will also consume energy intensively.

So the Lion God changed his strategy.


I'll let you have a taste of what I have achieved over the years! Two hundred thousand volts!

Lightning flashed on his fist, but the Lion God did not widen the attack distance as Takita Masako imagined.

Instead, he took the initiative to get close to him!

The powerful body allows the entire body of the Lion God to be used as a weapon.

The electric light flashed, clashing head-on with Takita Masako's blade.

After the close combat, the Lion God even felt an unprecedented pleasure in his heart.

It seems that this kind of physical fighting is the best way to express one's fighting spirit!

Even the voltage in the body increased by hundreds of volts under the influence of this emotion.

This surprised the Lion God.

He has been devouring electricity to increase his strength, but he didn't expect it to grow on its own!

The noise in the gymnasium had already attracted the attention of the military police outside.

He cautiously entered the dilapidated gymnasium, and then saw the two figures fighting on the original playground.

The strength shown by the two people immediately made everyone present couldn't help but be stunned!

Among them, Sheriff Sichuan West showed a strange look of horror after seeing clearly the appearance of the Lion God.

The Lion God gets better and better as he fights. He is already extremely talented, and now he directly pinned Takita Masako to the ground and exploded the hammer!

Takita Masako's own strength is not as good as the Lion God, and it has only been a few days since she obtained the bloodline of the 'Queen of the Thing'.

It is still in the first stage and has not yet developed its real power.

Naturally, he is no match for the Lion God.

With a loud boom, he was sent away with an electromagnetic cannon fired by the Lion God.

So far, the evolution team has been completely wiped out!

Watching the pieces of meat explode and smell burnt, falling from the sky like rain.

The Lion God felt relieved for a while, and the unhappiness accumulated after the last time was wiped away.

The rocket thruster on its back ejected blue flames, and the Lion God rose into the air, looking down at the military police who had surrounded him.

Looking at them holding firearms and looking nervous, they didn't know whether they should attack.

The Lion God had no intention of coming forward to communicate.

Turn around and fly away.


What happened at the Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium is like a big bomb!

It exploded directly across the entire island country.

In an instant, there was an uproar on the Internet.

The Shinjuku Massacre, in which the death toll reached a horrific number of more than 300 people, had just passed not long ago.

This is another piece of big news!

And the most important thing is that unlike the Shinjuku Massacre, which was caused by humans, what appeared in the Tokyo Stadium this time were all non-human creatures!

Whether it was the parasitic beasts or the lion god who appeared at the end, netizens asked whether this was a movie or real? !

The impact of all this on ordinary people is really great.

Many people find this unbelievable.

But soon, some insiders disclosed more things about the parasitic beast on the Internet.

After all, at the beginning, there were a lot of parasitic beasts, and the initial camouflage ability was not very good.

In fact, even if Takita Masako hadn't been accelerating, it wouldn't be long before everyone knew about the parasitic beast.

These things cannot be hidden.

Information about parasitic beasts, which can host humans, occupy magpie nests, and even feed on humans, is revealed. They will also target the host's family and friends as the first prey.

It immediately caused panic among the people.

Immediately afterwards, the Metropolitan Police Department issued an announcement stating that all parasitic beasts had been basically eliminated after this battle.

Even their queen has been successfully killed.

If people feel hatred and panic towards the parasitic beast, then they feel reverence for the birth of the lion god.

Although the Lion God doesn’t look like a human being, more like a robot, he is so handsome!

The powerful power and cool guns have an unparalleled appeal to boys.

For girls, the cold and handsome appearance of the Lion God can arouse their lust for power.

Suddenly, the Lion God's fame on the Internet suddenly soared!


While the Lion God was eating, he was actually watching major websites and forums.

A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth involuntarily.

He is very satisfied with the praise and admiration on the Internet.

Although there will be some bullies who will question it, it is completely insignificant to him.

He somewhat liked the feeling of being admired, which also made him feel that he was still a human being.

Hao, why are you so happy? Tell me and share it with your mother.

Noticing her son's micro-expression, Lion God's mother Yuko also smiled.

He asked.

Huh? It's nothing, I just remembered some things from school.

Mother Yuko is busy with work and has no habit of watching the news.

And the stadium incident has just passed, and it has not yet completely fermented.

So Yuko didn't know that her son was already a celebrity on the Internet.

The Lion God has not yet figured out how to explain to his mother that he is already a machine-turned-human being.

My Hao, isn't he in love? I don't know what kind of girl she is. I think she must be the kind of girl who is very gentle, considerate and cute, right?!

The Lion God quickly waved his hand and said: No, it's not that kind of thing. Stop guessing.

But for some reason, Watanabe Shion's face came to mind involuntarily.

Yuko covered her mouth and smiled, then said: Okay, okay, no more joking, let's eat.

While eating, Yuko said in a deliberately relaxed tone: By the way, starting from next month, you can go live with your father.


As the Lion God stopped moving, the originally relaxed atmosphere also became somewhat solidified.


Yuko sighed slightly. She had simulated how to tell the Lion God about herself many times.

The atmosphere was good just now, so she planned to tell the Lion God directly.

But still.

You will know about this sooner or later. Mom, I just checked out.

As he spoke, he handed over a hospital examination sheet.

Lung cancer.

Yes, it is in the advanced stage, it should only be about a month.


Anyway, your father misses you too, and you get along quite happily with your younger siblings.

It's okay. I believe your life will be better after you go there than it is here.

I'm sorry, Hao, it's my fault that my mother has made you suffer a lot with me these years.

As he spoke, the Lion God had not shed any tears, but Yuko was the first to cry.

She wasn't afraid of death, but she just couldn't let go of her only concern, the Lion God.

Over the years, as a single mother with little education, I could only find a job as a kitchen helper.

He works hard every day to support the Lion God and go to school. Perhaps this cancer is also related to overwork and the fume environment in the kitchen.

But no matter what, she never regretted it.

The Lion God also burst into tears.

Perhaps when dealing with irrelevant people, he will have no feeling at all and be extremely indifferent.

But when it comes to his relatives and friends, those whom he recognizes, he attaches great importance to feelings.

The Lion God is such an awkward person.

At this time, hearing Yuko, the woman he valued most, cry, made his heart twist like a knife!

But fortunately, he is not an ordinary high school student.

He has the power to change destiny!

He suddenly stepped forward and hugged Yuko tightly.

The power of the magnetic field penetrates into Yuko's body, drives away the cancer cells, and uses cell reorganization to restore the damaged lung tissue.

In just two seconds, Yuko, who had terminal cancer, was cured by him.

The feeling of recovery emerged in the heart of the Lion God, and he once again felt the importance of strength.

If he doesn't have the power, then he can only watch his most cherished mother die without being able to do anything!

at the same time.

Inside the Tokyo Police Station.

The conference room was still filled with smoke.

Sheriff Hirama and others sat in their seats.

But everyone said nothing and smoked silently.

a long time.

Sheriff Hirama said in a deep voice to Sheriff Kawanishi: Are you sure?

Sheriff Sichuan West nodded solemnly: You can't be wrong!

He has always been responsible for the family murder case in Jiangdong District.

The investigation has been going on for some time.

After investigating the bullies of Suzuki Middle School, we found some clues.

At the same time, comparison was made based on the surveillance video of Jiangdong District during that period.

It is basically certain that Lion God Hao is the major suspect in the family extermination case!

But I didn’t expect that the incident in the gymnasium would happen!


It is precisely because of the incident in the gymnasium that I am even more convinced that the case of massacre was done by Lion God Hao!

Just imagine, how could he, an ordinary high school student, kill families continuously and not even be able to identify the murder weapon?

After showing up at the gymnasium, the doubts in our hearts were directly solved.

Although it is a bit incredible, the machines and guns on his body are obviously the same as the traces left at the scene of the massacre!

He is too dangerous and cannot be dealt with by us. We must apply for a higher level of power!

Deploy the SATs! Only they can deal with monsters of this level!

“For now, that’s all we can do.”

I didn't expect that just after the problem of parasitic beasts was solved, more troublesome things appeared. Alas.

At least we are not blinded. Let's prepare ourselves. I hope nothing will go wrong again.

Yeah (end of chapter)

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