Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 224 Fatal bombing! Revenge of the Lion God!

Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium.

At this time, red and blue police cars flashed outside and kept coming.

A large police force surrounded the place.

Divided into three parts, three police sergeants led a team to block the entrance and exit.

The leader was Sheriff Hirama, who was holding a walkie-talkie at this time.

Chief Yamada, Chief Kawanishi, how is the situation over there?

So far, everything is calm. No movement can be seen inside.

Damn it, these damn parasitic beasts are so rampant, we must catch them all this time!

Sheriff Hirama stared at the dark gym entrance not far away, as if it was the passage to hell.

I couldn't help but have some bad premonitions in my heart.

I'm afraid this mission will be more dangerous than I imagined!

And his feeling was not groundless.

Before that, Sheriff Hirama had been tracking down the matter about the parasitic beast.

Already know a lot about them.

Although we don’t know where these guys come from, they are obviously the natural enemies of humans.

Not only can it parasitize in humans, occupy magpie nests, but it can also feed on humans!

However, under normal circumstances, parasitic beasts do not show much ability against thermal weapons.

Except for a few extravagant ones, it can be seen that the action plan of most parasitic beasts is to take advantage of parasitism and completely hide among the crowd.

This will bring great inconvenience to the police search!

Therefore, before this, Sheriff Hirama had always regarded how to identify parasitic beasts as an important research direction.

Unexpectedly, in the past few days, the parasitic beast seemed to have suddenly changed its nature, showing a completely different action strategy from before.

Instead of focusing on hiding and blending in, they began to hunt wildly!

At the same time, the number of parasitic beasts exceeded Sheriff Hirama's judgment.

I don't know if they were all hidden originally, which gave Sheriff Hirama the illusion that their number was not too large.

Or indeed, within just a few days, the number began to increase dramatically.

In short, the situation suddenly became out of control!

Everything has two sides, there are bad things and good things.

The good thing is that the parasitic beast suddenly acted aggressively and exposed more flaws.

Within a few days, the police traced the real hideout.

This is the magnificent stadium in front of you.

No one expected that this gymnasium had been silently occupied by parasitic beasts!

Considering that there may still be a large number of innocent people in the stadium, the police did not immediately launch a storm.

Instead, three heavily armed reconnaissance teams were dispatched from three entrances.

As a result, after waiting for a full twenty minutes, there was no news from these three teams!

It was like a mud cow entering the sea, without even causing the slightest splash.

Sheriff Hirama felt even more uneasy.

But at this time, the Metropolitan Police Department has issued an order to eliminate the threat of parasitic beasts at once.

There was no other way, Sheriff Hirama could only lead his men into the gymnasium himself.

After entering, even as a senior police chief, he was stunned by the scene before him.

The gymnasium seemed to have become a nest of some kind of special creature, with all kinds of things scattered and some unknown slime attached.

The surroundings seemed dead silent, and from time to time, some shocking blood stains could be seen on the floor and walls.

Just then, a shadow flashed across the darkness.

Sheriff Pingjian and others were immediately on full alert and were waiting with guns in hand.

The next moment, a sound broke through the air.



The tentacles are connected to biological blades, and the riot helmets worn by the police officers have no effect at all.

His head was split in half by the blade in an instant!

The body fell to the ground, and the other police officers immediately opened fire in the direction where the tentacles appeared.

At the same time, put the explosion-proof shield in front to resist the continued attack of the blade.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Da da da! Da da da!

With the real exchange of fire, Sheriff Hirama discovered that the opponent's number was greater than he thought!

Most importantly, the strength of these parasitic beasts was very inconsistent with the information I had collected before.

The strength they displayed was obviously stronger. Not only were they physically strong and extremely fast, they could even fly over walls and fly over walls.

The hands and feet have turned into the claws of some kind of beast, and the main body is still in the head, but both the attack power and attack speed have been increased!

Even the body is covered with a fine carapace.

It protects bullets to a certain extent.


Another police officer was stabbed through the heart with a knife!

As he went deeper, Sheriff Hirama became more and more shocked.

At the same time, the police officers around him are also constantly reducing their numbers.

There was no other way, Sheriff Hirama could only issue an order to retreat.

But at this time, more parasitic beasts attacked!

Ever since Takita Masako injected a biological injection and became the Queen of the Monsters, she has targeted the parasitic beast.

Starting from Xiaoyou, obtain the genes of the parasitic beasts, and then control the entire group of parasitic beasts.

Become the queen of the parasitic beasts!

It was precisely because of her existence that the parasitic beast changed its previous action strategy.

Not even Tamiya Ryoko could stop her decision, and she took him under her wing.

Later, Takita Masako summoned all the parasitic beasts in Tokyo!

and modified and strengthened them.

It occupies the gymnasium as its lair, constantly grabbing more humans to use as food.

Even Takita Masako has the ability to give birth to more parasitic beasts after replenishing enough energy.

This is also why Sheriff Hirama feels that the number of parasitic beasts has increased significantly.

The large number of police forces that entered from three directions were basically wiped out.

Only a few, including Sheriff Hirama, managed to escape.

The large-scale police operation immediately attracted the attention of major media.

At this time, many media reporters have come to the periphery, scrambling to report.

The scene where Sheriff Hirama led the disgraced people to escape from the gymnasium was naturally filmed.

This made him feel very unhappy, but there was nothing he could do about it.

The matter could only be reported to the Metropolitan Police Department, which immediately attracted the attention of the upper management.

The National Guard was even deployed for this purpose.

The original police became auxiliary.

A new round of attack continued.

Although the National Guard is stronger than the police and equipped with sufficient thermal weapons.

But the parasitic beast has also been greatly strengthened due to the existence of Takita Masako.

These parasitic beasts can quickly recover from injuries by eating, and even continue to become stronger!

The corpses left by the police in the past have become materials to make them stronger.

Many of them were dragged to Takita Masako, where the newly born parasitic beasts took over their bodies.

Added new combat capabilities.

Although the Self-Defense Forces' offensive was very intense, the final outcome was only injuries to both sides.

Still couldn't really break through this gym!

As the delay gets longer and longer, public opinion on the Internet also begins to become raging.

The top leaders of the Metropolitan Police have lost their patience.

And according to the information obtained from entering the gymnasium several times before, there seemed to be no living creatures inside.

Either become the food of the parasitic beast, or become a member of the parasitic beast.

So discussions began about whether to use large-scale thermal weapons for bombing.

But this is not a decision that can be made in an instant.

After all, this is Tokyo. Once large-scale thermal weapons are used, there will be too many implications.

Just when the Metropolitan Police Department has not yet come up with a result.


Sheriff Hirama only heard a violent explosion.

--boom! boom! boom! boom!

The entire stadium seemed to have been bombarded by multiple missiles!

Some buildings collapsed visibly to the naked eye, fireballs rose, shock waves spread, and smoke billowed instantly!

Reporters on the periphery were frightened when they heard the explosion, but they continued to report diligently.

Various cameras were focused on the stadium, and they had a premonition that the climax of this big news was about to happen!

Different from their excitement, several police chiefs including Hirama and Kawanishi fell into astonishment.

Because the higher authorities have not yet passed the proposal to release high-power weapons of destruction.

At this moment, Sheriff Sichuan West suddenly pointed to the sky in horror.

Pingjing, look quickly!

The two looked up and saw a figure looming above the gymnasium amid the thick smoke and dust.

He looks like a human being, but he has some unknown technology behind him, and he actually shoots out propulsive flames.

Allowing it to fly in mid-air without falling!

At the same time, the reporters also saw the man's presence and became even more excited.

A person who can fly in mid-air is definitely huge news!

This person is the Lion God!

Since the last time he was besieged by the evolution team, the Lion God has learned a lesson.

Start looking for ways to become stronger.

And the method he uses is also very simple, which is to swallow electricity!

Masters in the realm of [Current Propulsion] can use current stimulation to accelerate their cultivation.

But under normal circumstances, this behavior will be more dangerous.

Electric current stimulates cells, which not only tests one's mental will, but can also easily harm one's body if it is not controlled well.

But as a machine that transforms humans, the Lion God has a special advantage in this regard.

By directly swallowing electricity, you can increase your cultivation and strengthen yourself!

Although it is not unlimited, in terms of safety and speed, it is indeed much better than ordinary [current push] masters!

After this period of growth, the Lion God felt that he had enough strength to take revenge.

Although the police handled the matter in the gym confidentially.

But he couldn't hide it from the Lion God, and he quickly came over.

It's not the same as in the original work. He only knows how to use finger guns.

After learning from the police channel that this is a parasitic beast's den, and that there are a large number of parasitic beasts.

The Lion God directly launched a wave of long-range bombing to wash the ground!

The micro missiles stored on the back are quite powerful.

After one round of bombing, most of the 30,000-square-meter stadium was instantly reduced to rubble.

A large number of parasitic beasts, even after being strengthened by Takita Masako, would not be able to survive such a bombing!

However, under the huge base, there are still some who survive by chance.

The Lion God landed on the ground and stood in a clearing of ruins.

Tiny sounds came from the surroundings, and the next moment, a large number of figures were seen emerging from every corner.

Although their bodies still generally maintain human outlines, their heads have almost all changed into different weird shapes.

Looking at this familiar scene, the Lion God knew that he was not in the wrong place.

You are really disgusting creatures. Let me purify you.

On the ten fingers, lightning suddenly condensed.

This is a new move he developed during this period of time when he was seriously getting stronger.

Micro electromagnetic gun!

There is no need to activate the combat status of the hands at all. It is an upgraded version of the previous finger gun.

While ensuring good lethality, it can also reduce energy consumption as much as possible.

The last time the energy was exhausted, it cast some shadow on the Lion God.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

There was a muffled sound.

These enhanced parasitic beasts cannot even get up close.

They were all killed on the spot by the micro-electromagnetic cannon that could automatically guide them!

No need to let these miscellaneous fish come to die, I know you must be here.

Let us calculate the accounts from last time today!

Facing the provocation of the Lion God.

Takita Masako knew that he had to take action himself!

At this moment, after her development over this period of time, her strength has grown significantly.

A layer of biological armor like a warrior's armor appeared on his body.

A long knife extends from his right hand.

Slowly appeared in the sight of the Lion God.

Ah you are.

The Lion God looked at the greatly changed Takita Masako in front of him, and he took a moment to recognize that this was one of the people who besieged him.

Where are the others? Tell them to come out and die together.

Takita Masako's voice was cold with a hint of hoarseness.

They are all dead, but to deal with you, I am enough!

The Lion God didn't expect that all those people would die!

In his opinion, those guys are absolutely good.

He certainly wouldn't die at the hands of incompetent police officers.

So who is it that has the ability to kill them?

Just when the Lion God still wanted to ask.

Takita Masako has already taken the lead in launching the offensive! (End of chapter)

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