Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 217 No! He's a master, everyone, please quit! (Please vote and subscribe!)



When the Lion God attacks Izumi Shinichi, Masako Takita, who has twin ponytails and a cute face, strikes out instantly!

Iai kills!

An extremely fast knife.

It was even faster and more powerful than the parasitic beast that waved its tentacle blade just now!

Directly slash the Lion God away.

One move succeeded, but Takita Masako's face still didn't look good.

As the protagonist of this world, Izumi Shinichi is also the target of their mission.

If you die, a large amount of evolution points will be deducted!

Once there are insufficient evolution points, they will be directly obliterated by the Lord of Evolution!

The guy in front of me is obviously not a parasitic beast, but he has great strength.

She even attacked Izumi Shinichi directly. Of course she couldn't sit back and ignore it!

But that knife just now

She clearly hit the target, but the feeling from her hand told her that it did not cause any effective damage to the enemy at all!

Kato took a step forward, bursting out with strong fighting spirit.

Terada, Nagasaki, you two protect Shinichi.

Kanda, let’s get rid of this guy first!

Faced with the threat, the Lion God, who had already grown up, instantly started fighting.


The arms open, revealing the barrel of the gun inside.

The electric light condenses at the muzzle and releases the electromagnetic gun!


Kato's expression changed, and he immediately forced the fighting spirit into Gu's body.

Fighting energy turns into shield!!

Form a shield in front of you.

--boom! !

A huge explosion occurs.

The house also developed cracks and was on the verge of collapse!

Just when the Lion God thought that the other party must be killed.

Two figures emerged from the smoke, one on the left and one on the right.

Surprisingly, it was Masako Takita holding a samurai sword, and Yuki Kanda wearing a suit.

Kill the God of Death with one strike!


The two of them understood that the strength of the Lion God should not be underestimated, so they used all their strength to attack!

The fighting consciousness of the Lion God was simply not comparable to that of such a senior reincarnator, and he immediately fell into passivity.

In desperation, the magnetic line was pulled, forming a shield in front of him.

Although it is hasty, it can be considered to have a certain defensive effect.

But this still couldn't stop the two men's attack.

Uh-huh! Bang!

The Lion God flew out, breaking the load-bearing wall, and the entire house began to collapse.

Kato and others had already escorted Izumi Shinichi to the street outside.

The Lion God was buried in the ruins.

Kato looked at the crowd gathered around him and the sirens that could already be heard.

Don't cause trouble, we should retreat!

If they were completely exposed to the public, their mission would be seriously affected.

So they planned to retreat immediately.

But some people are not willing to give up just like this.


The ruins exploded.

A figure stood there.

Astonishingly, it was the Lion God whose upper body clothes had been torn!

At this moment, he has completely entered a fighting state.

The arms are opened, revealing the muzzle, and the propulsion device and a large number of missile slots appear behind it.

What a fun day! But now you're all going to die!

The Lion God declares death.

The next moment, the missile from the back flew out.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The expressions of Kato and others changed.

No! It's a master, everyone, please retreat!

A large number of missiles, centered on Kato and others, carried out indiscriminate bombing.

Violent fire filled the sky, and raging fireballs exploded.

The people who were watching the excitement all ran away screaming in fear.

Some who ran slowly were devoured by the flames.

Those farther away were also directly lifted away by the shock wave.

The unlucky ones fell directly to death, or were pierced by sharp objects.

The luckier ones were also seriously injured with broken bones.

Izumi Shinichi was completely frightened. This level of attack was comparable to that of an army!

Fortunately, Kato and others helped Izumi Shinichi block most of the damage, and the remaining little right was enough to deal with it.

It turned into a biological shield to withstand the shock wave, and there were sharp blades connected to both sides to cut down some debris thrown by the explosion.

Shinichi, you must escape as soon as possible! The enemy is too powerful!

But Kato and the others.

Don't worry about them, they are very strong.

Izumi Shinichi kept struggling in his heart, and suddenly thought of his mother.

His mother was killed by a parasitic beast, so he planned to hunt down all the parasitic beasts to take revenge.

Kato expressed his willingness to help him.

But if he escaped first in such a critical moment, how could he be worthy of Kato and the others?

Remembering that the Lion God had just attacked him, Takita Masako immediately protected him behind her and counterattacked the enemy.

Izumi Shinichi gritted his teeth and roared: Xiaoyou, enter combat mode!

Sudden! Sudden!

Xiao You, who transformed into two sharp blades, extended out like a flexible tentacle.

A storm of sharp blades formed and enveloped the Lion God, sounding the first horn of counterattack.

Although the explosion just now was very powerful, it was still not enough to deal with Kato and others.

The five people who cooperated tacitly found it impossible to evacuate, so they had no choice but to fight!

With Izumi Shinichi as the center, everyone used their own strengths to launch a real attack on the Lion God!

Although Izumi Shinichi is just an ordinary high school student, Xiaoyou has a strong learning ability.

After observing the battle of Kato's five men, he quickly found tactical techniques that could cooperate with them.

Five people and one beast launched a siege against the Lion God.

Don't distance yourself from him!

Kato's whole body was burning with fighting spirit, and he attacked face to face with Masako Takita and Yuki Kanda.


Kanda's body became hard and blocked in front, creating an opportunity for Masako Takita to attack.

When the Lion God failed to take precautions against him, he suddenly spun his body and seemed to turn into a human cannonball.

It hit the Lion God hard, knocking him away and falling to the ground, plowing a ravine into the asphalt road.

Just as he stood up, Kato's offensive was already approaching!

After all, the Lion God still lacks combat experience.

He fired missiles continuously, but failed to hit the target. Instead, he suffered multiple injuries.

As a mechanical body, he has strong hardness and can also use energy to strengthen his body.

However, every time the body is attacked, it will also passively consume energy.

The Lion God's talent is indeed very good.

He even learned to control the magnetic force in the line for protection during the battle.

Control surrounding metal for remote combat.

But his enemy is a senior reincarnator who has rich combat experience, is good at various systems, and has many methods and tricks.

Moreover, it is the kind of team that cooperates seamlessly with each other and has a tacit understanding.

In the end, he was beaten and gradually fell into a disadvantage.

The most important thing is that the energy is running out!

Before this, he had killed many people.

I haven't replenished my energy since school.

After being besieged, they continued to fight and launch missiles and electromagnetic guns.

Leading to intense energy consumption!

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!


As the saying goes, take advantage of your illness to kill you!

It seems that he saw the weakness of the Lion God.

The five men and one beast accelerated their attack.

The coordinated attacks fell like raindrops.

The Lion God's vision flashed with red light.

Without energy, the body's protection has also dropped significantly.

If you continue, you may be crushed to pieces by the other party!

Even though he was unwilling to do so, the Lion God knew that with his current strength, he was no match for these guys.

call! call!

The thrusters behind it released blue flames.

After throwing out a punch and knocking Kato away, he found an opportunity to fly into the sky!

Kato and others looked at the Lion God who turned into a stream of light and quickly disappeared, their expressions still looked very heavy.


Looking around, the streets and several houses along this stretch were severely damaged.

There were still many places on fire, and the police car that arrived first was overturned by the aftermath.

But more police cars and fire trucks are coming soon.

We can't stay here for long, let's leave quickly!

Parasite beast?!

In the villa, Bai Xing 'saw' the battle between five people and one beast and the Lion God.

The expression is slightly weird.

He has been paying attention to these two guys since he planted the magnetic field seeds for Inuyashiki and Shishigami.

Unexpectedly, there was an unexpected gain.

This is not only the world of kennels, but also parasitic beasts? Is it a biological invasion?

Reminiscent of the information obtained from the heads of the previous group of aliens.

An alien warship in the universe is about to arrive on Earth.

And the reincarnation team appeared out of nowhere.

Tsk tsk. Why is this world so leaky like a sieve? How come all the monsters and monsters have invaded?

With a thought, Bai Xing randomly selected one of the members of the reincarnation team.

Read his memory.

Knew it

Just as he thought.

This team is not from the same dimension as the one we met last time.

Bai Xing remembered what kind of nightmare space it was last time.

But this time, it is called evolutionary space.

Could there be reincarnation space, blood space, death space, hell space, main god space and the like behind the fucking space, right?!!

Just when Shirahoshi was thinking this.

On the other side, Kato and others have retreated to a safer location with Izumi Shinichi.

Preparing for post-war review.

After all, the appearance of the Lion God really broke their cognition.

I plan to ask the Lord of Evolution what is going on.

We are clearly entering the world of parasitic beasts, so why would there be such a powerful existence that has nothing to do with parasitic beasts?



One of the members, Yuri Nagasaki, suddenly collapsed!

The body disappeared in an instant like quicksand.

Kato and others' hairs stood on end instantly, and their heartbeats increased rapidly.

As veterans, they are all too familiar with this method of death.

That is the state that occurs only after being obliterated by the Lord of Evolution!

What. What's going on?!

What happened!

Why was Nagasaki erased!

Lord of Evolution! Answer me quickly!

The remaining four people were shocked, and a prompt box appeared in front of them.

[The evolver ‘Yuri Nagasaki’ leaked the evolution space information and was obliterated! 】

[Emergency tasks are now released:

Urgent mission ①: Eradicate the Lion God Hao, successfully reward 10,000 evolution points, A-level side plot. Failure will deduct 10,000 evolution points, and insufficient evolution points will be erased.

Emergency mission ②: Eradicate Inuyashiki Ichiro, successfully reward 10,000 evolution points, A-level side plot. Failure will deduct 10,000 evolution points, and insufficient evolution points will be erased.

Emergency mission ③: Eradicate the White Star, successfully reward 10,000 evolution points, A-level side plot. Failure will deduct 10,000 evolution points, and insufficient evolution points will be erased. 】

The successive prompts caused all four of them to freeze on the spot, with cold sweat breaking out on their bodies!

The lion god Hao was already very difficult to deal with just now, and there were actually two more people.

Wait! I finally remembered! Inuyashiki Ichiro and Shishigami Hao are characters from another anime!

What anime?

Kenken! A relatively niche anime, the background is probably the story of two people, Inuyashiki and Shishigami, who were transformed by aliens and became robots.


But what?!

But I don't remember that there is a person named Shirahoshi in the anime!

While releasing the mission, the Lord of Evolution also thoughtfully marked the location of the three people on the map.

Looking at the three red dots above, Kato's expression became even heavier.

You must know that when they were on a mission to hunt parasitic beasts, they were not treated like this!

This further illustrates how difficult these three target characters are to deal with!

“Captain, whether it’s the Lion God or Inuyashiki, they have all been transformed into powerful robots.

On the contrary, I think this white star that appears inexplicably may be a good entry point!

Well, you are right. Let's go and 'visit' this Shirahoshi tomorrow!

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