Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 218 Passionate, confident, and dignified! (Please vote and subscribe!)

the other side.

The Lion God flew away, but encountered a crisis of energy exhaustion halfway.

The blue propulsion flames behind him were almost extinguished, and the attack the Lion God suffered before also made him feel unclear.

There seems to be a tendency to slip into a coma.

Damn it! I will definitely kill all of these guys!

But the next second, the propelling flames completely dissipated, and the Lion God fell directly from the sky.


With a muffled sound, it landed on a balcony.

The lion god, whose upper body was bare, smashed the concrete balcony into a crack, and at the same time there was a muffled vibration.

Awakening the people in the house.

After a moment, a petite figure was seen carefully opening the sliding door.

He glanced at the figure lying on the ground.

His eyes widened nervously.

She quickly picked up her phone and prepared to call the police, but at this moment, she seemed to have discovered something.

He stepped forward to check, and when he saw the face of the Lion God, his pupils shrank instantly.

The cell phone that was ready to call the police was also put down.

Early next morning.

The Lion God slowly woke up and felt his body recovered a little.

A waxy female voice sounded from the side: Um, do you still need water?

I saw a cute girl with slightly curly short hair sitting next to him and looking at him.

The Lion God looked around and found that this was a strange environment.

But he knew this girl.

I'm in the same class as him, his name is Watanabe Shion.

It's just that the two of them are not familiar with each other.

Because you always said water, water, etc. last night, and then I tried to pour you a glass of water, but you kept asking for it and drank a lot. So...

The power core of the mechanical body may contain some unknown advanced technology, perhaps controllable nuclear fusion, but the Lion God doesn't know much about it.

He only knows that enough fresh water can recharge himself.

No wonder he fell into a coma after running out of energy last night, but when he woke up, he felt nothing was wrong.

It turned out that Watanabe Shion fed him enough water last night.


Although it was just a simple thank you, Watanabe Shion felt a blush.

Yesterday, you helped Antang classmate fight off those school bullies. I thought you were so handsome.

Actually, I have something to tell you.

Do you have any clothes?


At this time, the Lion God had stood up, but the clothes on his upper body had long been torn to pieces, and even his pants had holes in them.

Watanabe Shion hurriedly went to the closet to rummage, then took out a set of clothes and said, Because my parents died of cancer before, and now I live with my grandma, so there are no new clothes. These are all from my dad. I hope you won’t dislike my old clothes.”

The Lion God didn't show any disgust, he just smiled and took the clothes and put them on.

Arigado. By the way, what did you say you wanted to do?

Watanabe Shion bit her lip, and finally plucked up the courage to say: Actually, I have always had a crush on you!

Oh? The Lion God looked at her with interest: Do you want to propose dating me?

Watanabe Shion shook her head sadly: No, I have a genetic disease, and I will probably get sick and die like my parents. I just feel that if I don't let Shishigami-san know my feelings before I die, then At once.

At this moment, the Lion God suddenly came over.

He held her arms with both hands, and then held her in his arms amidst her surprise and shock.


The progress bar fills up in the Lion God's vision.

The defective gene in Watanabe Shion's body was completed, and the genetic disease was cured.

Now that you are healthy, just think of it as repayment for saving my life last night.


Watanabe Shion was still feeling dizzy because of what just happened.

Hearing the words of the Lion God again, he didn't understand why his illness was cured just by hugging him.

But she suddenly remembered something important: By the way! Shishigami-kun, why did you appear last night?

Before she finished speaking, the Lion God's index finger had already been placed on her lips: There are some things it's best not to ask.

Watanabe Shion just nodded blankly.

Um, are you hungry? Do you want to eat something?

The Lion God looked around and found the socket in the corner.

Walk over and squat down, control the electromagnetic force, and the wires inside will automatically pop out.

Do you mind if I 'eat' some of this?


Before Watanabe Shion could stop him, the lion god had already pinched the wire with his index finger and thumb.

The next second, lightning filled the air and crackled!

The lights in the room also began to flicker on and off, and finally there was a crisp 'pop' sound.

Completely destroyed.

Watanabe Shion found that all the electrical appliances in her home went out.

The Lion God stood up and stretched.

Really, it actually tripped, is it because of the transformer? I'm just getting started, I haven't eaten enough yet, how can this be possible?

Originally, the Lion God felt that his strength was enough to be called 'God'!

Even the army of modern civilization may not be his opponent.

But all this was broken yesterday.

Those strange creatures, and those with special and powerful powers.

He must take revenge!

But with his current strength, he may not necessarily be his opponent.

So he wants to become stronger!

Water sources can only be used to charge energy.

But absorbing electricity can increase your own voltage, so that your body can be strengthened!

If. If I could reach the realm of [Magnetic Field Rotation], I could definitely kill them easily!

Inuyashiki feels great about himself now!

Ever since he rescued a little boy who turned into a vegetative state and returned to normal, he has fallen in love with the satisfaction of saving lives.

He continued to help patients in the hospital, and those who were suffering from cancer or seriously injured were all cured in his hands.

As long as he drinks water, he can replenish his energy and continue his great project of saving lives.

Sitting on a bench in the park next to the hospital, browsing the website on my mobile phone.

It was discovered that his continuous rescue of patients has even gained a certain degree of fervor on the Internet.

Although more netizens still choose not to believe it and even make sarcastic remarks, Inuyashiki doesn't care about that.

Just then, the phone rang.

When he saw the caller ID, Inuyashiki suddenly got excited.

Because the person calling was his boss!

As soon as I got through, there was a lot of yelling!

Hey! I mean Inuyashiki! What did you do? You've been absent from work for several days, are you not going to do it anymore?!

Inuyashiki then remembered that he had been obsessed with fighting crime and treating diseases and saving people these two days, so he forgot to go to the company.

Didn't even take time off.

The boss's scolding seemed to trigger a switch, causing him to subconsciously return to his original social status.

He quickly apologized humbly.

After the boss scolded him, he ignored him and hung up the phone.

If you don't come again, you won't come here anymore!

Toot toot.

Listening to the blind tone on the phone, Inuyashiki hurriedly picked up his briefcase and rushed towards the company.

After arriving at the company, his boss was even more furious when he saw that he looked intact.

I'm talking about Inuyashiki! What do you think of the company? You won't come if you don't want to. You are also an old employee, how can you be so willful?!

I'm sorry. I'm really sorry that I've been having a hard time lately.

I don't care what's wrong with you, you're fired! An old loser like you shouldn't be here. Now take your things and get out of here right now!

Inuyashiki suddenly became anxious: Please! Please don't fire me! I will compensate my salary as a loss to the company. Please let me work until retirement!

But his boss had no intention of giving him another chance, and said arrogantly: You old guy, you can't create value for the company, you are completely like a parasite. Keeping you in the company is the greatest disrespect to the company! You If you don’t leave, I will notify the security to kick you out!”

Just when Inuyashiki was so anxious that he didn't know what to do, a voice suddenly came: Let's see who dares to drive him out!

The boss looked up and saw that the visitor was also an old man with gray hair, but his temperament was completely different from the submissive Inuyashiki in front of him.

Full of energy, just the aura he exudes makes his boss feel weak in the knees.

Fujino. Chairman Fujino!

He heard that the chairman was receiving treatment in the hospital because of his old age and liver cancer. He didn't expect that he would be back at this moment.

And it didn't look like he was ill and about to die as rumored. Although he was curious, he was more scared because of what he just said.

Inuyashiki didn't expect that the chairman would appear at this time.

Chairman Fujino stepped forward, looked at Inuyashiki up and down, and suddenly laughed twice.

He patted him on the shoulder and said, You are very good.

Then he said to his boss: Inuyashiki has always been the mainstay of our company. He has made so many contributions to the company over the years, and you actually fired him right away? Are you the chairman, or am I the chairman?!

The boss was so frightened that he lowered his head and admitted his mistake: I'm so sorry! Chairman, you... of course you are the chairman.

Very good, now I appoint Inuyashiki as the new section chief, and you, go and take over Inuyashiki's work.


The boss was stunned.

Later, the chairman said to Inuyashiki: Come to my office later.

Amid the surprised and shocked looks of all his colleagues in the office, Inuyashiki arrived at the chairman's office looking a little overwhelmed.


Unexpectedly, the chairman enthusiastically stepped forward and held his hand.

The person who saved my life in the hospital was you!

Inuyashiki was also stunned for a moment, hesitating and trying to deny it.

The chairman said directly: There is no need to deny Inuyashiki. Although I am old, my eyes are not beautiful! You must be an angel on earth! Thank you very much for saving my life, even if you give the company to You can use it as a thank you gift!

Inuyashiki waved his hand quickly: No, no, no.

The chairman continued: It is my great honor to have someone like you working in our company. Don't worry, from now on, your status in the company will be the same as mine! No one can yell at you anymore Yell!

Coming out of the chairman's office, Inuyashiki still felt dazed.

Hello, Chief Inuyashiki.

A beautiful woman greeted him respectfully.

This secretary has always been a high-ranking person in the company because of the favor she received.

Not to mention taking another look at this little transparent guy like him.

But today he actually took the initiative to say hello to him.

Even Inuyashiki was shocked!

He quickly returned the gift.

But he soon discovered that on his way back to his work station.

Almost everyone greeted him very politely when they saw him.

His respectful attitude was a complete reversal from the previous time when he was completely ignored and treated as a transparent person!

This feeling made Inuyashiki feel as if he was stepping on clouds, and his whole body felt drifting.

Especially his boss who had arrogantly criticized him before

No, now I have become his boss!

Now he is crying and apologizing in front of himself, slapping his face repeatedly and begging for forgiveness.

Accompanied by the crisp applause and the envious eyes of the people around him.

Vaguely, Inuyashiki felt that something he had dropped on his body had been picked up again.

That is something called ‘dignity’, a very precious thing that is born as a human being!

After his passion and confidence, Inuyashiki once again picked up the dignity that had been abandoned for countless years! (End of chapter)

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