Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 216 The first battle, the Evolver Team

Walking down the deserted streets.

The cold moonlight fell on the lion god's shoulders.

In the end, he didn't take action.

Maybe there is still a trace of family affection between him and his father that connects him.

The Lion God's character is so awkward. His attitudes toward people he cares about and strangers are completely opposite.

Just like now, in order to relieve the depression in his heart, the Lion God decided to find the feeling of being a human being.

A house was randomly selected. The code lock on the door didn't even need to be touched. It could be cracked easily with just a thought.

Walking into this strange house, you may have heard the voice of the hostess coming from the kitchen when the door opened.

Is Nako back? Dad and brother are taking a bath. Please wait a moment. Dinner will be ready soon.

After waiting for a moment, the hostess did not receive a response.

Feeling something was wrong, I looked back.

She saw the Lion God standing at the door of the kitchen, looking at her expressionlessly.



Without giving her a chance to say more, the Lion God killed her directly.

Seeing the blood splattering out, the Lion God felt like he was experiencing life.

The annoyance in my heart also eased a little.

Then walked to the bathroom.

Inside, the male owner was taking a bath with his four or five-year-old son in the bathtub.

Suddenly seeing a stranger appear, the male host's pupils suddenly shrank: Who are you?

Now I'm going to kill you, just say a few words.

The male host was a little confused by this unknown guy.

What? Who are you? How did you get into my house?!

Then he shouted: Wife! Wife! Call the police!


The arc of electricity from his fingertips shot through the male master's shoulder instantly.

The severe pain stimulated him, his eyes widened and his pupils narrowed.

Realizing the danger, the male master turned around with all his strength, protected his little son in his arms, and turned his back to the Lion God.

His voice trembled: Do you want money? I can give it to you.

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the Lion God.

No, I said, I'm here to kill you.

Damn it! I have never offended anyone at all, how could someone want to kill me! Who are you! Why are you here to kill me?

Well, I don't know if you have offended anyone, I just randomly chose your home.


The male host looked horrified. He realized that this young man was not a so-called killer, but just a perverted murderer who killed people randomly!

Okay, do you have anything else to say?

My wife is already dead, right? Please let my son go!


The man fell into despair and was about to struggle to get up and fight the Lion God desperately.


An electrical arc travels through the brain.

The whole person lost all sound and fell down.

But just now he was protecting his son in front of him, and now he leaned forward, just in time to hold his younger son under the water.

Two arms kept slapping the water. The younger son tried to struggle, but couldn't push his father's body away.

The Lion God just watched all this, indifferent, with no intention of saving him.

Not long after, the youngest son's arms went limp and sank into the water in the bathtub.

Looking at the two corpses in the bathtub, the Lion God showed a relaxed smile.

This feels so good.

Leaving the bathroom, I heard the door open.

I'm back, Mom, I'm hungry. Is the meal ready?

The daughter of this family named Nako came home.

Nako felt a little strange when she didn't get a response.

When I walked to the kitchen, I saw a horrifying scene!

Before she could react, she turned around and saw the Lion God standing not far away.

Let's sit on the stairs and talk.

Naoko's tears could no longer hold back, and fear continued to erode her heart.

Call an ambulance, mom.

Already dead, I killed him.

Naoko was even more frightened and wanted to do something, but her body was completely out of control, and tears flowed out like a river bursting its banks.

Who are you and what do you want?

The Lion God interrupted her: Stop repeating these boring questions. Maybe we should talk about some more interesting topics. For example, what comics do you read?


Naoko obviously couldn't understand the Lion God's brain circuit, and was stunned on the spot.

Comics, what comics do you read?

One Piece Attack on Titan or something like that

The Lion God's eyes lit up and he became interested: One Piece? Real or fake? Which character do you like?

Nako suppressed the fear in her heart: Zoron.

Not bad, you have good taste.

But soon, Naoko was buried in fear again, and couldn't help but shed tears, because she thought of a more terrifying thing: Are my father and younger brother also dead?

The Lion God's face showed displeasure: Aren't we talking about comics?

Please don't kill me! I don't want to die, please!!

Seeing Nako who collapsed and kept crying and begging for mercy, the Lion God fell into helplessness.

Really, I just started to be interested. Talking about these irrelevant things is really disappointing.


Kill Nako casually.

The lion god goes out and leaves.

Feeling that he was not satisfied yet, he entered several houses one after another.

Unfortunately, their reactions were basically the same as those of Nako and her family at the beginning.

Just when he was about to stop after killing the last family.

But something strange happened.

In the living room, the bodies of the hostess and the child were lying around.

The man of the house came down from upstairs.

The Lion God raised his hand to kill him.

Unexpectedly, the other party still stood there, unmoved.


At the same time, the head suddenly cracked open, like a blooming flower of flesh and blood.

There are fine teeth on the edges, and what looks like stamens inside are actually seven or eight eyeballs!

Some mucus continued to flow down on it, and at the same time he raised his steps and walked towards him.

The Lion God's expression couldn't help but change slightly: Who are you?

As a robot, the Lion God's head can also be opened, but inside he has mechanical parts and a mechanical core.

And the guy in front of me looks more like some kind of disgusting monster!

The Lion God never thought that there was such a thing hidden among the people.

While feeling strange, I also felt an inexplicable excitement.

He raised his hand and prepared to attack again.

But the parasitic beast is faster!


A piece of the head that was split like a flower turned into a blade, twisting and slashing towards it.

The speed was so fast that even the Lion God couldn't react in time.

A strong force instantly came from his arm, deflecting his attack.

The whole person was thrown away.

Hit the wall hard.

If it were a normal human being, his arm would have been cut off at this moment, right? !

The Lion God became more vigilant in his heart, understanding that the strength of the guy in front of him might not be simple.


here we go again!

After the Lion God became vigilant, he quickly dodged.

But then, the few remaining 'petals' on the head of the parasitic beast also turned into blades.

Start shaking.

The speed was so fast that it left afterimages in the air!

The Lion God actually doesn't have much fighting experience, even after gaining power.

This can be seen from his killing methods.

As a person in modern society, we have long been implanted in our subconscious minds with the belief that thermal weapons are the most powerful things in the world.

Therefore, the first attack method developed by the Lion God after gaining power was to simulate firearms to kill people from a distance.

At this time, facing the constantly attacking biological blades, even though he tried his best to dodge, he was hit many times.

If the modified body were not extremely hard, even if these biological blades were sharp enough to cut through metal, they would not be able to cause real damage to his body for a while.

I'm afraid the Lion God has been cut into two pieces at this moment!

Damn it!

At the critical moment, the Lion God found that the other party was just standing there.

The tentacles connected to the blade are all transformed from the original head.

It's completely a stand-up style of play.

With a flash of his eyes, the Lion God calmed down a little after the initial panic.

And thought of a response plan.

The core is running, the magnetic field power is activated, and dense arcs continue to shine.

With its powerful body, it can withstand the opponent's offensive.

The Lion God kept getting closer and suddenly punched out.

Lightning flashed on his fist!

He has tried his best!

Crack! !

boom! !

The parasitic beast's body was directly knocked out and torn in mid-air.

The lower body remained in the room, while the upper body smashed the window and flew out.

It was foreseeable that if this thing was so seriously injured, it would definitely not survive.


He took two deep breaths.

The Lion God suddenly felt much better!

Strictly speaking, this is his first battle!

After this battle, the Lion God felt that his body and mind were relaxed.

Even more exciting than the continuous massacre just now!

By the way, what exactly is this monster?

Frowning slightly, the Lion God looked at the remaining half of his body not far away.

There was even a string of intestines hanging by the window.

Just then, there was a noise outside the door.

A group of people ran in very quickly, opened the door, and saw the Lion God standing there.

The leader is none other than Izumi Shinichi!

At this time, his right hand turned into Xiao You.

Obviously, they can get here because of the path Xiaoyou pointed out.

The few people following behind are clearly reincarnations in the evolutionary space.

According to Captain Kato's plan, they successfully gained the trust of the protagonist, Izumi Shinichi.

And follow Izumi Shinichi to hunt parasitic beasts everywhere!

Every time you kill a parasitic beast, you can gain evolution points.

I just didn't expect that something unexpected happened today.

They arrived too late. The parasitic beast here had been killed by the Lion God.

When Shinichi saw the scene in the room, he suddenly felt sick to his stomach.

In addition to the two corpses in the living room, the two legs and hanging intestines give people a greater visual impact!

Is he that parasitic beast?

No! He is not a parasitic beast, nor is he a human being. I can't feel his vital signs.

Xiaoyou's voice also contained a bit of doubt.

Xiaoyou, what do you mean?

Before he finished speaking, the Lion God had already moved.


An electric arc shot out and shot towards Xiaoyou instantly.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, Xiao Youyi formed a biological shield to resist.

But there was still a large area of ​​charred black, and in the middle was a hole that almost penetrated the shield.

You must be companions of this kind of monster. Very good. Then die with him.

When the Lion God attacked Izumi Shinichi without hesitation, the upper body that flew out after smashing the window was now lying on the cold ground.

The host will die soon. I will also wither and die. I have to find a way.

At this time, Matsumoto, a neighbor who heard the sound, ran over to check.

Mr. Qiao Ze? Mr. Qiao Ze! How are you?!

Because of the dim lighting, Matsumoto Fu didn't notice that he was lying here with only his upper body.

When Matsumoto came closer and discovered this fact, he was suddenly frightened and trembled all over, unable to help but stagger back.

Sitting on the ground, there was fear in his eyes.

It's so deadly!

Trying to control the fear in his heart, Matsumoto wanted to struggle to get up and call the police.

The next moment, a tiny insect split from Qiao Ze's body, with only half of his body left.

He kept swimming and came to Matsumoto Fu's side. He suddenly shot out and used his last strength to get into his ear.

Uh! Uh!!

Matsumoto Fu suddenly stiffened up, as if enduring great pain.

In just a second or two, the body was completely occupied and parasitism was completed.

Standing up again, Matsumoto Fu no longer had the fear just now, and his face was calm.

At this time, his wife and daughter also ran out.

Listening to the vibration coming from the house not far away.

Helped Matsumoto: Husband, what happened? Do you want to call the police?

However, Matsumoto Fu had no reaction at all.

Just looking at the room that belonged to Qiao Ze, he said to himself: Unknown human evolution, powerful power. It must be reported to the organization.

Then he turned around and left.

No matter how much his wife and daughter scream, they don't care.

Soon disappeared into the night.

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