Inuyashiki feels great about himself now!

I don't know why, even though my appearance is a fixed camouflage skin, I just feel a lot younger.

No! wrong!

Inuyashiki looked in the mirror and found that his originally loose fat seemed to be a little tight, and even formed muscle outlines.

The gray hair has also become darker.

Wrinkles have become fewer, and my overall energy has become much more energetic.

He finally no longer looks like an old man in his seventies or eighties.

Although there is still a slight gap with his actual age, no one will doubt that he is sixty years old.

I am leaving!

He glanced at Inuyashiki, who was holding a briefcase and his figure was much straighter.

My wife had a strange expression.

What's going on? What happened?

I feel a little strange, but I don't know what's wrong.

Suddenly, my wife remembered something and hurriedly shouted: Ah, by the way, husband! Don't you want to eat breakfast?

However, Inuyashiki had already gone out, and normally he would not have heard her words.

Unexpectedly, after she asked, Inuyashiki's voice came back along the window.

I won't have breakfast. You can handle it yourself.

My wife quickly walked to the window and saw Inuyashiki who had arrived outside the gate.

He waved his hand at her.

Caressing her forehead, the wife sat back on the sofa: I must not have woken up yet, why does it feel like my husband is a different person?

Inuyashiki was walking on the street and was about to go to the subway station when he heard a dull 'dong' not far away!

Turning around, I saw a car parked on the side of the road. The driver got out of the car cursing and looked at the little kitten who was hit and dying.

Then he looked at the headlight, which was a little cracked and stained with blood.

He suddenly felt very angry and even kicked the cat again.

Then he drove away again.

There was only one kitten lying in a pool of blood, waiting for the end of his life.


Another little kitten emerged from the grass, meowing and licking the big cat.

As if calling it.

Inuyashiki couldn't help but think of his Akita Inu Hanako.

What a pitiful little life.

He walked forward, intending to move the kitten away so that another car would not crush it, and even crush the little kitten to death with it.

But at this moment, Inuyashiki suddenly saw various data appearing in front of him, and his vision was locked on the dying cat.

This is this

Inuyashiki followed his instinct and placed his hand on the seriously injured cat, following the changes in the value.

After the progress bar was loaded, the cat, which was dying and almost impossible to save, slowly opened its eyes, and its injuries completely disappeared.

The little milk cat meowed happily beside him.

Inuyashiki, on the other hand, looked at the recovered kitten and fell into deep shock.

Compared to the Lion God, Inuyashiki, as an elderly person, has significantly weaker adaptability than him.

In just a day or two, the Lion God has basically mastered all functions of the mechanical body, and can control electromagnetic force at will.

As for Inuyashiki, it was only now that he unexpectedly discovered that he still had the ability to reorganize cells.

Feeling a life being restored to health in your own hands, that sense of accomplishment makes Inuyashiki very useful.


There was a murmur in his ears, which finally converged into a clear voice.

That was when Inuyashiki felt happy in his heart after saving the kitten, and subconsciously wanted to save more people, so he automatically received the surrounding electromagnetic signals.

Identify a piece of useful information from countless pieces of information.

Please save him doctor

Keita is only ten years old.

Doctor, please think of another way.

No matter what, you can pay as much as you want.

Following the source of this electromagnetic wave, Inuyashiki came to a hospital.

Outside the intensive care unit, I saw the woman who just spoke.

Her eyes were filled with despair and she was crying.

The doctor comforted her twice, but still sighed: In this case, the chance of waking up is too low. The best result is to become a vegetative state. But you don't have to worry, it's not that there is no precedent for waking up, as long as

Inuyashiki entered the ward while the two were talking.

I saw a little boy lying on the bed with instruments inserted all over his body and his head wrapped in gauze.

Feeling anxious, Inuyashiki stepped forward and held the little boy's cheeks in his hands.

Those values ​​will appear again the next moment, when the progress bar is full.

The little boy slowly opened his eyes.

It really worked!

Grandpa, who are you?

Inuyashiki saw with his own eyes the lives he had saved, and a greater sense of satisfaction suddenly filled his heart.

Unlike the previous kitten, this is a real human life!

His action changed the fate of a ten-year-old boy, and even changed the fate of an entire family and several people!

A huge feeling of satisfaction filled my chest.

I'm not a waste, I'm not a useless person. I can do a lot, I can do everything!

Standing up, Inuyashiki began to become determined.

After his passion was rekindled, his confidence was restored!

Punishing rape and eradicating evil, saving lives and healing the wounded

Is this the mission for which I am empowered?

Now he feels that he is truly alive!

Even though he has turned into a cold robot, he is more like a living person than the walking zombie before!

Hey, I heard Antang is here.

Suzuki Middle School.

A tall boy walked into the classroom with a playful smile.

Immediately he saw Antang Zhixing sitting in his seat, feeling a little uneasy.


Wow! It's really here.

It is indeed Antang, I thought I would never see him again, haha!

Is the money ready?

Behind him, several other boys followed.

He spoke to Antang in a teasing tone.

The classmates around saw them and heard their words, but no one dared to step forward to stop them.

He could only choose to protect himself wisely and look at Antang with sympathy.

Only one person!


The lion god expressionlessly grabbed the tall boy's arm that was pressing Antang's shoulder.

If you want to play, just go and play by yourself.

Everyone seemed to have discovered a new toy: Oh? Lion God, are you planning to be the first?

No way. Do you two have a good relationship?

Are you being gay?

Would you like to go to the rooftop together?


The Lion God didn't say much nonsense, and just exerted slight pressure on his palms.

There was a crisp sound of cracking from the tall boy's arm bones.

Remember, stay away from De'antang.

He looked at the school bullies who were swearing and stumbling away while promising to meet on the rooftop after school.

Antang couldn't help but feel relieved.

He was both relieved that he was not beaten, and also relieved that the Lion God did not kill anyone.

Sure enough, Hao must have just been joking yesterday.

The school bully was subdued, and Antang enjoyed rare peace and quiet.

In the blink of an eye, it was time for school to end, but the Lion God found Antang who was about to leave.

Let's go.

Eh? Where to go?

Of course it's the rooftop.

Do you really want to go?!

Under the pull of the Lion God, Antang had no choice but to follow him to the rooftop.

Arriving at the rooftop with an anxious mood, Antang relaxed slightly when he saw that there was no one here.

It's really just harsh words. It's boring.

Standing on the edge of the rooftop, the Lion God looked around: Oh, I found them.

Antang stepped forward. It was time for school to end, and there were so many people everywhere that he couldn't see clearly.


Ximian, with some female classmates.

While Antang was searching hard, the Lion God had already targeted the school bullies.

puff! puff! puff! puff!

Several people fell to the ground.

The female classmate immediately screamed in terror and ran away. After causing a commotion, Antang also noticed the direction.

They were horrified to find several corpses lying in a pool of blood.

The whole person was completely stunned, not knowing what to do.

He didn't expect that the Lion God would come for real!

Are you scared? Don't worry, this is not gunpowder and will not leave any traces.

Even if I am exposed, no one can defeat me, not even the US military.

Antang, I said I would help you deal with these guys, and I did what I said.

But at this time, Antang was covered in cold sweat, and he could only feel the endless fear pouring out of his heart!

Murder is already terrifying for an ordinary high school student.

What's even more frightening is that the murderer was his friend, and he claimed that it was all for himself.

The most important thing is that he did not show any emotion during the killing.

No excitement, no worry, no fear, not even excitement!

It's like a killing machine!

On the way home together.

Antang finally couldn't bear the torment in his heart.

He said, I'm afraid we can't be friends anymore!


Antang clenched his fists and said, Hao, you have changed! You are like a cold machine now, which is killing people!

The Lion God said calmly: No, I haven't changed. I have always been like this. You should know that we have known each other since kindergarten.

Antang was in a trance, recalling a chat in his childhood.

He remembered that the Lion God said at that time that except for family and friends, other people didn't care at all and it didn't matter.

No matter if they are dead or alive.

Even if the irrelevant person dies, he will not have any special reaction.

On the contrary, the death of anime characters will have a greater impact on him, because he is also emotionally invested when watching those anime.

The Lion God. It turns out that he has really never changed.

It's just that as an ordinary high school student, he didn't have the ability to kill anyone.

Go and surrender. Go to the police station and surrender!

Xiao Zhi, I have helped you solve your troubles. If they don't die, do you want to hide at home for the rest of your life?


I will not surrender because I did nothing wrong.

That's killing people!

This world is a big place, and people are dying all the time. Those guys you don't know, or even guys who are harmful to you, so what if they die? Why do you care so much?

Antang didn't know what to say.

In the end, he just said: Please don't come to me again!

Seeing his firm attitude, the Lion God sighed helplessly.

Oh well

Before leaving, he turned to Antang and said, Don't forget to go to school tomorrow.

On the way home.

The Lion God heard the cell phone ringing in his pocket.

He reached out and gently twisted the magnetic cable connected to his mobile phone, and instantly saw the person who was making the call.

My mother, who was working in the kitchen of the hotel, called me during a break from work.

Mom, I'm getting ready to go home now.

You don't have to come back so early. I need to work overtime today, and it happens to be time to go to dad's place.

It doesn't matter if he doesn't go, as long as he transfers the living expenses to his account.

No, your father said he wants to see you. I don't know if his old liver problem is getting better. Xiao Hao, just go and see him for your mother.

Mom, you are so kind. He is a man who messed with other women and left home.

This kind of thing has already passed. My lord's affairs are very complicated. Forget it. Xiaohao, go and see him today. He must also miss you very much.

All right.

After hanging up the phone, the Lion God changed direction.

Since I promised my mother, I will certainly not break my promise.

When we arrived at my father's house, it was getting dark.

My father started a family with another woman and gave birth to a son and a daughter. His life seemed very happy.

Although the woman treated him very well, his two half-brothers and sisters liked him even more and wanted to play games and watch movies with him.

But the Lion God always felt awkward in his heart.

After eating, the Lion God stared at his father who was sitting on the sofa watching TV.

This person he used to care about, but abandoned him.

He thought about killing it, and now he felt the urge to do it.

Are you going to kill them all? (End of Chapter)

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