The next day.

Suzuki Middle School.

The lion god Hao is sitting on a chair, seemingly motionless, but he is connected to the online world with electromagnetic waves and roams freely in it.

The interdependence between machine transformation and electromagnetic force manipulation is very high. The combination of the two allows Lion God Hao to become a god in the network after completely controlling these.

As long as there is modern civilization, every camera is his eyes, every speaker can convey his voice, and every microphone can receive the information he wants to hear.

This feeling of becoming a god and the experience of his body turning into a cold machine made him feel very awkward.

Although he didn't show it on the outside, he was always depressed on the inside.

Hey, Lion God, don't be stunned, look over there.

Hashimoto, who was sitting next to him, bumped him with his elbow, bringing him back to reality from the online world.

Following Hashimoto's finger, he saw three girls chatting in front of the window.

The one in the middle has long, straight black hair, good looks, and exquisite facial features.

The Lion God remembers her name being Mari Inuyashiki.

The one Hashimoto asked him to see was Mari.

What's wrong?

What do you think of her? If I go after her, how sure do you think I am?

Mari's appearance can be regarded as the best among the entire class, so he can naturally attract many secret admirers.

Apparently, Hashimoto is one of those people.

The Lion God was not too interested in Mari's handsome appearance.

He just said lightly: But her character is terrible and her vanity is very strong.

Hashimoto was stunned and said quickly: But... you see she is so beautiful, with snow-white skin and delicate facial features. Even if she has a bad personality, it shouldn't matter.

I see, I don't like people with bad personalities.

Hashimoto scratched his head and smiled: You kid, you must have read too many comics. Do you think you only like female characters in comics?

Yes, Nami is much better than her.

You boy

The Lion God shifted his gaze to the seat in front and asked with a hint of confusion: By the way, Antang hasn't come to school recently?

Hashimoto nodded and said: Yes, it should be because of the bullying last time. Who cares? He looked at Shishigami and said, Do you have a good relationship with Antou?

The Lion God nodded: We have known each other since kindergarten.

That's it

Maybe it's the environment in which he grew up, or maybe it's his nature.

The Lion God has always had a cold attitude towards outsiders, and they don't care no matter what.

It's like Mari's beauty makes Hashimoto ignore her bad personality, but it can't arouse the slightest interest in the Lion God.

In contrast, the Lion God cares very much about people who have been recognized by him.

For example, my mother, and my best friend since childhood.

Go straight to Antang!

After school, the Lion God came to Antang's house.

Before entering the door, I heard the sound of playing games in the house.

Azhi, I'm coming in.

Pushing the door open, it was a small room with stacks of comic books and game discs stacked in the corner.

There was a TV hanging on the wall, and Antang was sitting on the bed playing games.

The Lion God sat down casually and took out a comic from his school bag.

I bought the latest version, do you want to read it?

I'm not interested. There are no good serials anymore. Even the games are like this. They're all so boring.

Then go to school.

Antang was silent.

Is it because you are afraid of those people?

Antang remained silent.

The Lion God said nothing more, but stood up.

Walking to the balcony: Come here, let me show you something.

what is this.

The two stood on the balcony, looking at the scene outside.

At this time, a pigeon flew not far away.

Watch it. The Lion God raised his right hand.

Electromagnetic waves are not just as simple as invading the network, condensing a group of charged particles at the fingertips and accelerating them.

Then release it to achieve the effect of killing people in the air.

At this time, the Lion God can be regarded as having entered the [current push] stage.

But because the body has been transformed into a machine, it no longer has cells and cannot generate bioelectric current.

Although there was no way to rub the cells, the power of the magnetic field unexpectedly merged with the mechanical body.

Not only is it easier to control electromagnetic force, but magnetic field power can also replace water to power the mechanical body.

And he discovered that he could also directly absorb electricity to enhance his own voltage.

When the voltage continues to increase and the magnetic field strength is strengthened, the mechanical body will also continue to become stronger.

The Lion God has a feeling that when he can reach the realm of [Magnetic Field Rotation], his mechanical body will evolve like a reincarnation!

However, the Lion God is not too anxious about this. He feels that with his current strength, he can already be invincible.


A flash of lightning flashed at the fingertips of the Lion God, and the next moment, the pigeon seemed to have been hit by a gun.

In an instant, the sky was stained with blood, feathers scattered and fell from the sky.

Antang's eyes widened in surprise: this magic?!

The Lion God chuckled. He had expected that Antang would not believe it so easily.

This is human nature. When seeing something incredible, they usually subconsciously use some of their own knowledge to explain it.

Go to Ikebukuro, I'll show you something more interesting.

Antang, who originally planned to die at home and become a homebody, couldn't help but feel curious.

I had no choice but to go out with the Lion God


Located in Toshima Ward, Tokyo

It is the busiest neighborhood on the Yamanote Line after Shinjuku and Shibuya, with about 1 million people passing through it every day.

In the mall, the two of them came to the floor where electrical appliances were sold. There were TV sets of various brands everywhere.

Some videos of marine life are played so that customers can observe the resolution of the TV

Look out

I saw the Lion God gently placing his hand on the TV

In an instant, the TV sets on the entire floor seemed to be infected with a virus.

Everything turned into snowflakes, and various videos played according to the Lion God's wishes.

The unusual sound resounded throughout the entire floor, making people going up and downstairs couldn't help but poke their heads over to see what was going on.

The customers passing by felt very strange.

At this time, Lion God and Antang had left the mall

After walking out of the door, Antang still felt a sense of disbelief.

That's amazing. How did you do it? Hao, is this really magic?

The Lion God said calmly: Don't worry, there is more, I'll show you one more.

Standing on the street, the Lion God gently flicked the magnetic line that ordinary people could not see, and easily controlled a passing car.

As he waved his hand, the car completely lost control and hit the railing on the roadside hard.


Passers-by screamed in terror.

But the Lion God's performance has not stopped yet.

He is like a top musician, and those magnetic lines are his strings.

It has to be said that the Lion God's talent is indeed good, or perhaps the mechanical transformation has strengthened his ability to control the magnetic field.

Although he failed to enter [Magnetic Field Rotation] in one fell swoop, he became familiar with the level of electromagnetic control in just one day.

As he played, the cars passing by on the street lost control and caused a series of collisions.

Various sirens sounded, some even emitted white smoke, and passers-by screamed one after another.

Antang was completely frozen in place.

Looking at everything in front of him, he understood that this could never be explained by so-called magic.

When the Lion God finished playing, he turned to look at him.

Antang asked the doubts in his heart: Hao, this can't be magic. What happened?


The two have returned to Antang's home.

I saw Antang walking into the room carrying a plate of fruit.

Eat some fruit.

The Lion God was taking off his shirt at this time, revealing his strong muscles.

Turning around, I saw his fingers holding the plate wrapped in toilet paper.

What's wrong?

It's nothing. I was accidentally cut a little by the fruit shop just now.

show me.

Antang obediently peeled off the toilet paper, revealing a red bloody mouth.

I saw the Lion God holding the injured finger with his hand, and the next second he opened his hand.

Antang was surprised to find that the wound on his finger had recovered as before!

Nani?! This

This is one of my abilities. As long as there is enough energy, I can heal any injury, including diseases. I think even cancer will be no problem.

Si Guoyi! Hao, are you a superpower? Is it a mutation or something else?

No, I'm a robot.


The Lion God turned around and opened his back like a machine, revealing the propulsion device and various missile launch slots.

Antang was stunned: Hao, have you really...really turned into a robot?!

In this regard, the Lion God did not seem to show any excitement or sadness at all, and always looked calm and composed.

After retracting the thruster, the cracked skin healed back up, looking exactly like an ordinary human being.

Putting on his clothes again, he turned to Antang and said, That's right.

Do you feel better now? Antang, compared to me, just being bullied should be considered a normal thing.

So, let’s come to school tomorrow.

Antang sat on the bed: But. My mind is still in a mess. In reality, such a thing could happen.

Suddenly, Antang seemed to remember something.

He turned around and said, By the way. That Hao, you won't kill me, will you?

Eh? The Lion God looked at him unexpectedly: Baga, what are you thinking about? Have you forgotten that we are good friends who have played together since childhood?

Antang felt a little relieved and breathed out softly: Although the body has changed, is the mind still the same as before? That's it, I'm really sorry.

Will you continue to go to school in the future? You no longer need to study to find a job, right?

Thinking of what happened during the day, Antang continued to add: Actually, there is no need to do those pranks. With such a powerful ability, I think I can do something more meaningful, such as being like a superhero, hoeing the strong and supporting the weak. some type of.

Hero? Hero's words

The Lion God scratched his head: It seems to be very troublesome.

That's right. In the movies, Spider-Man and the others always save people for free and get involved in various dangerous incidents.

By the way, you can also go to the doctor! If it is like what you said, countless people suffering from cancer can be cured.

Before he finished speaking, he was directly interrupted by the Lion God: Okay, don't talk about me, I'm not interested in those troublesome things.

The main reason I came here today is to persuade you to go back to school.

Speaking of this topic, Antang's mood became depressed again.

You have seen my abilities, don't worry, I will help you deal with those who bully you.

What are you going to do?

The Lion God rubbed his chin and said in a very serious tone: If you just teach them a lesson, it will only treat the symptoms but not the root cause. So, I will help you kill them all.

Antang's pupils suddenly shrank: Ah? Killing someone? How can this be done?

Why not?

Are you serious?


With that said, the Lion God had already picked up his schoolbag and walked to the door.

I will pick you up tomorrow morning, remember to get up on time.

Ignoring Antang who was frozen in place, he closed the door and turned to leave.

at the same time.

Next to a seafood market.

Izumi Shinichi was walking forward with his schoolbag on his back. He would reach home just one more street away.

Suddenly, his right hand changed.

It automatically turned into a special creature that looked cute.

The structure of this creature is very simple, or it can be said that they instinctively abandon the gorgeousness that has no practical effect and retain the simplest structure.

Such as a one-eye and mouth.

Shinichi, there is hostility 20 meters ahead!

Izumi Shinichi was moved and looked forward, only to see a man in police uniform appearing.

He recognized this man as a member of the Life Web, a monster parasitized by an unknown creature!

Just like him.

The difference is that due to some accidents, Xiao You only became a parasite on his right hand.

The other party has completely occupied a person's body!

Xiaoyou, what should we do now?

There are two plans A and B that I can think of right now. Which one should I choose?

Then let's have plan A!

Okay, please hide in the seafood market over there first.

Izumi Shinichi had no doubt that he was there and hurriedly ran into the seafood market, which had a more complicated environment.

Seeing that he was about to escape, the parasitized police officer immediately chased after him.

Just after the two left, five people appeared from the darkness.

Captain Kato, what should we do now?

The leader, a muscular man wearing a black jacket, heard this and said: This mission world, if used well, is a good opportunity to gain evolutionary points.

But as time goes by, those parasitic beasts become more and more perfect in disguise. We must have a 'radar' of our own.

Next to him, Kanda Yuki in a suit said: Captain Kato, we have contacted Izumi Shinichi before, but he is very vigilant. Is the captain planning to save his life this time to gain his trust?

On the other side, Takita Masako, a girl with a long ponytail and a cold expression, touched the katana at her waist and said: According to the plot, the teacher Tamiya Ryoko and the student Shimada Hideo in the school are both parasitic beasts. .

I don't see any need to waste my time on this guy.

Kato shook his head and said: No, Hideo Shimada is just a fool, and Ryoko Tamiya is not easy to control. For now, following the protagonist is the safest option.

Especially, when he vows to find all the parasitic beasts and take revenge.

Without our urging, he will take the initiative to find trouble with those parasitic beasts hidden in the sea of ​​people.

And we can still have one more fighting force. Everyone, please don’t underestimate the brilliance of the protagonist!

Hidenori Terada, who was dressed as a student, his eyes lit up: I understand, Captain Kato, you are planning to let the plot follow the original track first and let the protagonist's mother die from the parasitic beast. When he harbors hatred in his heart, we will Appear again and provide help in times of need!

Not only does it allow the protagonist to lead us to hunt for parasitic beasts, but we can also gain his trust!

Kato smiled slightly and didn't say much. He just waved his hand and said, Let's go and see how the fighting skills of these parasitic beasts are!

Later, a group of five people also entered the seafood market. (End of chapter)

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