Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 213 Ten years of drinking ice, rekindling the passion of youth!

Until the next morning.

Inuyashiki slowly woke up from his coma.

It feels so strange.

While thinking about what happened yesterday, I stood up.

My waist no longer hurts, and my eyesight is no longer blurry.

Touching his glasses with broken lenses, Inuyashiki looked around and felt clearer than ever before.

Even before wearing glasses, I can see things more clearly.

Afterwards, Inuyashiki went to the hospital, but the doctors couldn't detect what happened.

Even taking X-rays can't show the image.

The doctors thought the instrument was broken.

Inuyashiki left the hospital without getting the answer.

When I got home, I found myself craving water.

Just turn on the faucet and start drinking.


Energy is replenished and the body begins to respond.

The arms spread out, revealing the mechanical components and weapon systems inside.

Even the head was opened, revealing the mechanical core that had replaced the brain.

What the hell am I?!

For the entire day, Inuyashiki was at a loss.

He returned to the park to look for clues, but found that the area had been cordoned off.

There were police officers standing outside to maintain order, and many people gathered around to watch the fun.

Inuyashiki was suddenly shocked and quickly stepped forward to understand the situation.

But he found that there was nothing wrong with the patch of grass where he woke up during the day.

What happened was not far away in the woods.

What happened over there?

A man next to him who was also watching the excitement responded enthusiastically: I heard that someone died!

Someone found a lot of blood and some meat foam in the woods, and called the police.

The results showed that they were all human tissues!

It is said that there was an explosion or something happening around.

Inuyashiki didn't hear the rest of the words clearly.

Because his thoughts have been drawn back to yesterday.

The man in black trench coat walked past him when he was holding Hanako and crying.

The direction he was going at that time seemed to be the woods that were under martial law!

And after he entered, the explosion sound was the same as what this person just described.

Could it be that.

When I think about it, I may have been near the murder scene yesterday, and those people were not only killed, but also beaten into pulp!

After imagining that scene in his mind, Inuyashiki felt a chill and nausea.

I want to vomit, but I seem to have lost the ability to vomit.

This made him feel even more uncomfortable!

I calmed down in the park for a while and then gradually recovered.

Looking at the police officers not far away, Inuyashiki finally chose to tell everything he saw.

If it were before, he would definitely choose to pretend not to see it and keep this matter in his stomach.

But for some unknown reason, something sprouted again in his body, subtly affecting his decision-making.

Those were some dreams of youth that were crushed under the huge gears composed of the trivial matters of life.

After finishing the report at the police station, Inuyashiki felt as if he had returned to his youth.

At that time, he was still very energetic and dared to resist injustice.

It was when he first joined the company that he accidentally saw a female colleague being sexually harassed by her boss.

Full of a sense of justice, he immediately stood up to stop the incident and helped his female colleague call the police.

But what happened next was not what he thought.

When the female colleague was questioned by the police, she denied the incident, and her boss was naturally acquitted.

Even after the incident, rumors began to spread in the company that Inuyashiki was a pervert, spying on female colleagues, and having a crush on female colleagues, but was rejected by her female colleagues.

So if you can't get it, you want to destroy it, and that's why there are rumors that a false police report happened.

Inuyashiki, who was isolated by everyone, was called into the office by his boss and was fired directly for any reason.

Did the flame in your heart get extinguished little by little from that moment on?

It's been so long that Inuyashiki can't remember clearly.

But the moment I entered the police station again to take notes and walked out of it.

Looking at the setting sun not far away, the young Inuyashiki and the old Inuyashiki seemed to gradually overlap.


A fire rekindled in his chest.

Feeling the lightness of his body, it seemed as if some invisible heavy things had left him.

Inuyashiki decided to walk home.

When we were almost home, it was getting dark.

Still on the same road as last time, Inuyashiki heard the same cry for mercy again.

Please. I really, really have no money!

Baga! Are you kidding us?

You're just looking for death, but we've already given you a chance!

Go ahead and borrow it if you don't have any money, bastard! If you can't get it out again, I will definitely make you look good!

Hmph, let's collect some interest today. Remember, this is your last chance!

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Immediately afterwards, there was a muffled sound of punches hitting the flesh.

Looking not far away, a group of social gangsters surrounded the office worker wearing a white shirt and beat him.

Inuyashiki couldn't help clenching his fists together.

An impulse made him want to step forward to stop all this, but he couldn't help but recall the past scenes in his mind.

That was when I first started dating my wife. Both of them were still very young, but they were very sweet together.

Also one evening, when the two of them were going home together, they saw a few gangsters robbing a lady of her necklace.

The sense of justice drove Inuyashiki to step forward to stop him, but unfortunately he was unable to defeat the four-handed man with his fists, and he was severely beaten and sent to the hospital.

Even the lady who was helped by him was not grateful to him, but blamed him for not helping to get the necklace back.

I thought I would get comfort from my wife, but I didn't expect that I would get the same incomprehension in exchange.

She warned him earnestly and sincerely not to show off. There is so much darkness in this society, and so many robberies occur every day. Can you, an ordinary person, stop them all?

It is enough to do your part well.

Then he began to complain that his hospitalization would cost a lot of money, and they spent a lot of money that they had planned to use for their wedding, and their wedding plan had to be postponed.

And she is also responsible for taking care of Inuyashiki, which will delay work

The echoing complaints made his head start to buzz, and he began to become more content from that point on.

Gradually, even when encountering some unfair treatment that is closely related to myself, I will start to think about all kinds of concerns.

In the end, I chose to swallow my anger and keep retreating.

Ten years of drinking ice has already cooled the young blood.

And now!

Listening to the begging for mercy and the muffled sound of beatings, it was like a heavy hammer hammering on his heart.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

It was beating violently, and he seemed to hear the blood rushing through his body.

Although he has lost those things in his mechanical body, he can still feel it!

The flames began to grow, igniting the flowing blood and causing it to warm up!

I I have to do something!


Inuyashiki moved and rushed towards the gangsters.



Then what does the old man want to do?

The gangster who was beating up the young office worker noticed Inuyashiki running towards them.

Looked at him doubtfully.


He threw out a punch and hit the first gangster in the face!

Baga! You stinky old man, are you looking for death?

Being brave enough to do justice? Haha, I really don't know what it means!

Let's teach this guy a lesson!

Hey, hey, be gentle, don't beat this old man to death.

As a street gangster, of course he has fought a lot. Although he has not received any systematic fighting training, he still has some fighting experience.

Everyone immediately surrounded Inuyashiki, and fists and kicks fell like raindrops.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Inuyashiki, who had not done anything for decades, could only hold his head in defense for a while.

The office worker struggled to stand up from the ground and glanced at Inuyashiki who was being beaten.

Instead of coming to the rescue or calling the police, he turned around and ran away in panic!

Inuyashiki had little fighting experience, so he was a little panicked for a while when he was surrounded, but he soon realized that the attacks from these people were like scratching an itch on his body!

With a rage rising from nowhere in his heart, Inuyashiki stood up suddenly and launched his own counterattack!

Five minutes later.

Inuyashiki has already left here.

Mari passed by here carrying a schoolbag, wearing a black school uniform and a pleated skirt, revealing her long white legs.

This is the only way home, and she has to pass by here every day when she returns home from school.

I just don’t know why, but it seems a little different today.

Halfway through the walk, Mari heard some 'humming and humming' sounds not far away.

Her heart couldn't help but skip a beat. Although she realized something was wrong, her curiosity still drove her to move forward to check.

After walking more than ten meters, I saw several people collapsed on the ground in an alley!

Their jaws were dislocated, and their tongues came out of their mouths along with saliva.

The two wrists and ankles were all broken by external force, and the white bone stubble was stained with blood, just exposed to the air.


Mari recognized these guys as gangsters who often wandered around.

I didn't expect to be beaten like this!

Unable to help but widen his eyes, he took a step back.

The whole person was so frightened that he froze in place.

Who did it?

After returning home, Inuyashiki still felt indescribably comfortable.

It's as if every inch of muscle has been relaxed like a top-notch horse.

There was a feeling of depression in my chest that I had been holding in for many years and was finally let out.

Although the reason is still a little shocked that he actually used such cruel methods.

But a pleasant feeling told him that this is what he should do! Those scum must be severely punished!

Back home, Inuyashiki was still immersed in this refreshing feeling.

I said to you, didn't I ask you to get rid of that dog? Why is it still at home?

Don't you know how tired I am of cleaning every day? The house smells like dog.

Don’t you know if you can help me share some of my burden? I have to be scolded by my boss every day when I go to work, and I have to serve you guys after work.

Did I marry just to be your nanny? .”

The endless chatter is like a machine gun emptying its magazine—taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! !

Continuously spurting out from that mouth, Inuyashiki is going to be riddled with holes!


He yelled suddenly with a cold tone.

My wife froze on the spot, her brain unable to react for a while.

I said that Hanako will be a part of this family from now on, and no one can throw it away!

After saying that, he ignored his wife who was staying there at all, and led Hanako back to his room.

My wife's mouth was open, as if she had been tapped on the body acupuncture point.

It was unbelievable that the unquestionable tone just now came from the mouth of my useless husband.

It wasn't until the sound of Inuyashiki closing the door came that she gradually came back to her senses.

If you want to get angry, call him out.

But for some reason, when I thought of Inuyashiki's eyes just now, a vague feeling of fear arose in my heart.

What! You are such a hateful person!

There is no fire, and I am so angry that I stamp my feet!

At this time, the door was opened, and Mari came back with a bad look.

I'm back.

Ah? Well, wash your hands and get ready to eat later.

The two women, who had their own thoughts, were both a little absent-minded and did not notice the deterioration of the other's face.

After saying a simple hello, Mari quickly returned to her room. (End of chapter)

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