Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 212: In a world invaded, the plan of lying down is ruined

what to do?

Facing a powerful enemy, their chances of winning are really slim.

But if he can't kill the opponent, he will also be wiped out by the nightmare!


Yan Shihai's eyes became fierce and he gritted his teeth.

In this situation, there is no other choice but to fight!

Bai Xing still stood there, very interested in his heart, and did not make any move.

But to experience the methods of these guys.

In an instant, a cold breath approached him.

Oh? Is it a ghost?

On the other side, a man with short hair pulled out two guns and fired continuously at him.

It seemed to be a modified firearm, and the bullets fired had an explosive effect.

A small bullet is as powerful as a grenade explosion!

In addition, there is also a mental force attached to him, trying to control his body.

On the other side, a long-haired woman recited a spell, and the magic elements gathered together to form a fireball that exuded surging heat waves.

--boom! boom! boom! boom!

Various long-range offensives arrived in front of Bai Xing first, and there was a burst of shaking sounds.

When the smoke and dust dispersed, Bai Xing still stood there calmly, with a hint of disappointment on his face.

Tsk tsk. Is this all you can do?

He didn't even take the initiative to defend himself, because such an attack couldn't even break through the magnetic line defense automatically formed on his body.


Yan Shihai and other people who are good at melee combat have already rushed forward with the help of the long-range attack.


One of them began to change in shape, with muscles all over his body swelling and brown hair growing.

The body shape keeps changing, becoming a tall and majestic giant bear!


He roared and took action, with a powerful slap from above.

The other person didn't know what mechanism was touched, and his body was quickly covered by a pair of silver-white alloy armor, and a light knife appeared in his hand.

It came towards Bai Xing and slashed hard.

As for Yan Shihai, who was in the middle, he pulled out a long knife from his personal space.

The true energy was flowing, and he seemed to be following the path of martial arts, displaying an exquisite sword technique.

The surging true energy condensed into sword energy and headed towards Bai Xing!

It's really a diverse power system.

Before he traveled through time, he had also read a lot of infinite novels.

What reincarnation space, nightmare space, main god space, etc.

The people inside are dominated by their lives and forced to complete tasks in various worlds.

It will be obliterated at every turn.

But the advantage is that you can earn rewards and exchange them for props and enhancements in the space.

Therefore, the power systems used by these reincarnators are all diverse and have their own characteristics.

Shirahoshi was also curious about this and wanted to experience it.

Now it seems that it is indeed what he thought.

The only pity is that the strength of these guys is too weak.

Even if he attacks with all his strength, it can't arouse Shirahoshi's fighting interest at all.

Damn it. It seems I can only use that move!

Seeing that he and others were attacking, they couldn't even get into the enemy's body.

He even stood there without moving, blocking all attacks.

Yan Shihai couldn't help but feel shocked and angry!

He was forced to reveal his strongest trump card!


The internal energy in the Dantian is burning like crazy. If the internal energy flowing through the meridians was like a gurgling river, it is now like a stormy sea!

It even made him feel an unbearable tearing pain in his meridians!

Grit your teeth and hold on as hard as you can.

This move was the trump card that the senior who led me made the deal to me before he died! It can explode the true energy ten times more powerfully!

Coupled with the forbidden sword technique that I desperately acquired in the previous mission world, the two together can produce no less than twenty times the power!

Even if I may suffer torn meridians and damaged Dantian afterwards, I won’t hesitate!

I admit that you are very strong, but under this attack, there is absolutely no chance of you surviving! !

Yan Shihai had already thought clearly that as long as he could kill Bai Xing, the reward given by Nightmare would definitely be enough to repair his body.

And buy more props and magical secrets.

As for whether there will be danger in this mission world with a seriously injured body.

He also has plans.

The worst case scenario is that like Inuyashiki and the Lion God, they will be transformed by aliens!

Anyway, the dantian and meridians are damaged. Instead of repairing them, perhaps taking this opportunity to switch to the path of mechanical strengthening is also a good choice.

Bai Xing raised his eyebrows slightly: Oh? This move is somewhat interesting.

So he really took action for the first time.

Hell's Knife!


Accompanied by a crisp sound.

The knife wave formed by the force of the magnetic field instantly chopped the long knife in Yan Shihai's hand into pieces, and split his body in half without losing force.


Blood and organs were scattered on the ground, and the whole air was filled with the smell of blood.

The martial arts style of cultivating true energy is not weak, and the props that enhance one's true energy ten times are also quite powerful.

The only pity is that the base number is too small!

Among all the worlds, martial arts is a major sect.

Traditional martial arts, practicing internal strength and martial arts, releasing the true energy, this is considered martial arts.

Tempering the power of Qi and blood to become a muscular master can also be regarded as martial arts.

There is also the practice of martial arts, the achievement of seeing the gods and being indestructible, which is also the martial arts.

Even Kewu, which is currently under development by White Star and is combined with technology, can be considered a branch of martial arts.

The [Magnetic Field Rotation] system is consistent with martial arts, but the essence of the power used is still the power of the magnetic field.

It's not the same as Yan Shihai's true energy.

The quality of the true energy itself is much weaker than the force of the magnetic field, and Yan Shihai's cultivation level is relatively low.

Even if he increased his strength by twenty times with trump cards and forbidden tricks, he would still be no match for White Star.

This nightmare team is too weak, and Shirahoshi has lost interest in them.

In the panic-stricken eyes of everyone, the force of thought was activated, but Bai Xing did not see any movement, and everyone instantly turned into a ball of blood mist.

No matter what they do, now that the so-called nightmare has issued a mission to eradicate him.

Of course Shirahoshi would not hold back.

Kill all this nightmare team directly!

At this moment, there was a loud noise from behind.

--boom! !

Shirahoshi turned around and looked at where Inuyashiki and Lion God were.

The aliens are here.

Having just been attracted by this nightmare team, I didn't pay much attention to that side. At this moment, Inuyashiki and Shishigami had been smashed into pieces by the falling alien spacecraft again.

The light flashed, and Bai Xing saw the appearance of the alien spacecraft, which was a small, saucer-shaped spacecraft.

It’s about half the size of a football field.

The engine was quickly stabilized after the fall and then levitated.

Then Shirahoshi saw the true face of the alien.

These guys are similar to the fictional aliens in movies. Although they have various indescribable appearances, they are still very similar to humans in essence.

There is a head, a torso, arms and legs, and facial features on the head.

He was wearing some kind of mechanical armor, flashing with bursts of light.

Just like in the plot, when they found out that they killed Inuyashiki and Shishigami, they began to transform their bodies.

Shirahoshi didn't stop this.

Originally, he planned to rest in this world for a while, but now that something like this happened, it would be good to be an impromptu show.

The ultimate old social beast who is obsessed with life and family to the extreme, and a middle-aged boy with a cold temperament and anti-social personality.

Hehe maybe I should add another fire to them and see how far they burn.

As for those aliens, they are also very nonsensical.

For unknown reasons, he crashed on the earth and killed two people, but he was very moral and prepared to resurrect them.

But because only the weapon system was left in the spacecraft, there was no way to resurrect the two people exactly as they were.

So they were hastily transformed into combat robots.

No matter what consequences this will bring to the earth.

After finishing, I patted my butt and ran away.

Shirahoshi waited for the Lion God and Inuyashiki to be transformed before appearing in front of the spaceship.

The aliens immediately noticed his presence.


Perhaps the detection system discovered his threat, and the weapons in the spacecraft were immediately revealed.

And want to attack Shirahoshi.

But Bai Xing was one step faster, stepping out and entering the spaceship before it even opened its shield.

The physical fitness of these aliens is only about two or three times that of humans on earth, and their combat power depends entirely on the technological armor on their bodies.

It poses no threat to Shirahoshi.

The weakness on the technological side is undoubtedly revealed. As long as a strong enough individual breaks into it, there will be no resistance.

However, Bai Xing did not kill these aliens immediately. Instead, he first used his mind power to blast their armor and then read their thoughts.

Immediately afterwards, he understood the origin of these guys.

Their home star is also within the Milky Way. Because a large number of alien spacecraft were detected entering the Milky Way, they were sent for reconnaissance.

As a result, during the investigation, they were attacked by a warship driven by a high-level civilization.

So there was an emergency retreat.

Because they encountered some emergencies during the retreat, they made an emergency landing on Earth.

At the same time, it was discovered that the target of these alien civilizations is the earth.

As the saying goes, a dead Taoist friend will never die a poor Taoist, since the goal of these outsiders is not their home planet, but the earth.

Then they don't care.

So he planned to leave the earth immediately and return to his home planet to report this matter.

As for killing Inuyashiki and Shishigami, it was purely an accident.

Transforming them is partly out of apology, and partly because we want to add some strength to the earth.

Even if it can't hurt the outsiders who are about to arrive on Earth, it can still disgust them to some extent.

After learning all this, Bai Xing's expression became very strange.

It seems like these things are not in the original plot?!

Scratching his head: Who are those outsiders and why do they target the earth?

Damn it, I originally wanted to take a vacation, but it seems like I can’t!

After thinking about it, Bai Xing felt that this was not without benefit to him.

No matter what those outsiders are, their technological level must be higher than that of Earth.

When the time comes, I can completely plunder all their technology and throw it into the Kovu furnace as fuel!

He casually wiped out this group of aliens, but he had no intention of letting these guys leave.

Then the electromagnetic waves invaded the spacecraft's central control system and connected to the Kovu furnace.

The scientific and technological information belonging to this spacecraft was continuously downloaded and put into the Kewu furnace.

As for this spaceship, Shirahoshi waved his hand and put it into his dimensional pocket as a collection.

After all, it is a spacecraft that can carry out space navigation, and maybe it can be used in the future.

The spacecraft had distorted the surrounding magnetic field, causing others to not notice what had happened in the park.

Otherwise, for such a big spaceship, even if it is located in a remote place, it is impossible for no one to discover it.

At this time, the spaceship was put into the dimensional pocket, and White Star also landed back on the ground.

The gully that was originally created by the impact on the lawn had been restored to its original state when the aliens were preparing to leave.

In a relatively flat place not far away, Inuyashiki and Shishigami were lying.

He walked slowly to the two of them.

Two seeds flashing with electric light appeared on the fingertips.

Lion God, let me see if you, who has the same face as Nagai, can do better than Nagai.

As he said that, he looked at Inuyashiki: Tsk tsk. This old social beast who has been completely lost in dignity and self-confidence by society's PUA is really a representative figure.

I remember that according to the original plot, even after being transformed, he still maintained his kind nature.

No, to put it nicely, it’s kindness, but to put it in a bad way, it’s called servility!

I wonder if it would make things more interesting if I added a handful of ingredients.

Hehe, instead of the cliche world-weary middle-aged teenagers killing everyone, it might be more interesting if the old social beasts gain power and rape the entire society.

Inuyashiki, I hope you can break free from the chain around your neck as soon as possible and evolve from an old dog to a real predator.

Don't let me down.

Now that we are convinced that the vacation plan has been ruined, those unknown aliens will come to Earth at some point.

Bai Xing planned to find some more fun for himself while waiting.

Plant two magnetic field seeds to Inuyashiki and Shishigami respectively.

Bai Xing did not show up, but directly returned to his mansion.

About two hours later.

The Lion God gradually opened his eyes.

He sat up suddenly as he recalled everything that had happened before.

That strange man, and the explosion coming from the woods.

And that ball of white light that suddenly exploded!

After that, he knew nothing more.

Feel the strangeness coming from your body and the extra information in your mind.

The Lion God felt as if he had opened a door to a new world!

The eyes gradually changed from the previous panic to joy!

So thirsty.

My mouth felt dry for a while, and I even had an unbearable urge.

The Lion God jumped up from the spot. What surprised him was that he jumped two or three meters away without exerting much force.

Running towards the park lake not far away, the running speed is getting faster and faster!

When he arrived at the lake, the Lion God estimated that he had just reached at least fifty miles!

You must know that the average running speed of a normal healthy adult is only about 20 miles.

I even feel that what I did just now is far from my limit. I just slowed down and stopped when I reached my destination.

I couldn't help but bury my head in the lake and drink for a while.

The Lion God felt his body begin to heat up, and even a puff of water vapor spread out.

Then, under his surprised gaze.

The two small arms suddenly separated, revealing the gun barrel and other mechanical weapons inside!


If it were said that he had just gained supernatural powers, it was a surprise to the Lion God.

Then when he found out that he was no longer a human being, but became a robot.

What I felt was a fear bursting out from deep within my heart!

The fear of the unknown, the confusion of losing the identity of a human being!


The modified eyes combined with the power of the magnetic field allowed him to clearly see the magnetic lines in the air.

The moment I came into contact with these magnetic lines, noisy words kept coming to my ears.

The Lion God was a little uncomfortable at first, but it has been transformed into the brain of a supercomputer, quickly sorting out and analyzing this messy information.

It even assisted him in controlling the magnetic field power in his body.


Reassemble the human arms and retract those barrels.

The Lion God looked at the lightning blooming at his fingertips.

His eyes began to change. (End of chapter)

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