Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 201: All-out battle, super sperm is born!

Those who can participate in this operation are all the elites in the Martial God Palace.

In these ten days of growth, one thing stands out.

Each one has undergone a transformation that is like a complete transformation.

In their hands, wolf-level monsters are simply trash fish that can be cleaned up at will.

Tiger-level monsters, as long as they are not Hushang or Hudian, can basically kill alone.

Although the number of weirdos emerging is large, their average strength is not.

They were quickly slaughtered by the heroes.

The heroes who had absorbed the life energy screamed with excitement.

Some of them set their greedy eyes on the headquarters of the Weird Association that was pulled out of the ground not far away.

Because the level of these weirdos in front of them is too low, and the life energy provided is too little, which can no longer meet their needs.

They desire to kill more powerful beings and absorb more life energy!

Only heroes above level A can keep a cool head.

The Child Emperor glanced at the heroes who were slaughtering wantonly, with a flash of worry in his eyes.

At the same time, he said: According to energy detection, there are many high-energy reactions hidden in this huge building.

But the specific location of the Black Star has not been found. Everyone should be careful, maybe the Black Star is hidden somewhere.

Before he finished speaking, Tatsumaki couldn't wait to step forward.

Stop talking nonsense and just kill all the weirdos. I won't believe he won't show up!

At this time, a large number of wolf-level and tiger-level monsters had been slaughtered by the heroes.

At this moment, countless gray-black substances floated from these weirdos.

Just like hundreds of rivers embracing the sea, they converge at one point.

With a burst of rotation, a huge black shadow appeared in mid-air, covering half of the sky.

He was covered in a huge black robe, and it was impossible to see what was inside. Only two arms with eyes stretched out.

Such a shocking and horrifying scene immediately caused the hero who had just been killed to quickly cool down and regain his composure.

“Jie Jie Jie, what a delicious nourishment! Your eyes will also belong to me.

The most important thing is you”

As he spoke, he pointed at the tornado suspended in mid-air.

——Evil eye!

One of Sykes' many experimental subjects.

Originally he was just a relatively weak superpower.

Sykes is the successful transformer of the superpower experimental project and the only successful transformer.

Able to absorb the resentment of the death of weirdos and transform into their own eyes.

Each eye represents the strange man's resentment.

And these resentments can greatly enhance his superpowers.

Originally, Xie Yan already possessed the peak ghost level strength.

Later the seeds of life were planted.

However, he doesn't attach much importance to absorbing life energy. Instead, he is extremely persistent in absorbing the resentment of death monsters.

During the ten days when the monsters were raging, a large number of monsters died, and the evil eyes floated in major cities, absorbing the remaining resentment of those dead monsters.

Not just weirdos, when he is strong enough, even human resentment is within the scope of his absorption.

But that's not all.

Except for some who have been assigned special tasks, most of the weirdos who go out are just cannon fodder.

The truly powerful cadres of the association, the dragon-level weirdos, including the weirdo king Orochi, have always stayed within the association and have not been out.

But that doesn't mean they haven't gotten stronger.

Relying on the 'Cradle of Evil', tiger-level monsters can be born continuously.

All these weirdos have become the nourishment for those cadres to become stronger.

Otherwise, with the cultivation speed of the 'Cradle of Evil', when the heroes come here, they will definitely face more than just such a few weirdos.

And those weirdos who were killed by the cadres were no longer useful after absorbing the life energy.

But the resentment of their death and birth has all become nourishment for the evil eye!

In the past ten days, countless weirdos and humans have died, both within and outside the association.

These weirdos and humans contributed countless resentments to him!

The super power of the evil eye has evolved to an incredible level!

It is precisely for this reason that the evil eye does not care so much about life energy.

In his opinion, just the enhancement of superpowers is enough!

But now, what he desires even more is to kill Tatsumaki, the so-called strongest superpower in the world.

Then let her eyes become part of her body!

By then, he will become the truly strongest superpower, and even the powerful Lord Black Star will probably not be his opponent!

Tatsumaki felt the evil eye's gaze, the impact of resentment that could make people's hair stand on end and shudder, but to Tatsumaki it was like a breeze blowing on his face.

Is it a superpower that you accumulated by collecting trash fish? You actually want to take advantage of me?

The green fluorescence spread and collided with the purple-black light of the evil eye.

The surrounding rocks and trees all became their weapons. The two of them collided continuously in mid-air, and the battle was extremely powerful!

Evil Eye would never have been Tatsumaki's opponent, but during this period of time, he could be said to have gained the most.

The remaining cadres still need to be distributed in order to absorb life energy.

The evil eye is the resentment of all dead monsters.

Including the eighty ghost-level and dragon-level giants from before.

This allowed him to successfully become a newly promoted association cadre, and his level reached at least the Dragon Peak level!

For a moment, he was able to fight on a par with the tornado.

However, the power of weirdos goes far beyond that.

With a flash of light in the sky, the Child Emperor hurriedly shouted: No! There are experts, everyone, retreat quickly!!

The moment his instrument detected a high-energy reaction, it exploded!

This means that the opponent's attack has reached the upper limit of what his detection equipment can withstand!

The next moment, like a meteor shower, countless light balls fell to the ground.

Each one contains explosive energy.

not good!

All the heroes also reacted and started to stop them by showing their special powers.

In this intensive coverage bombing, most people can only protect themselves.

As for those B-level heroes, it may be difficult for them to survive.

The only ones who have the chance to completely defend against this intensive attack and protect everyone are the four S-class heroes!

Unfortunately, Banggu and the Atomic Warriors are more inclined to develop martial arts in their use of magnetic field power, and cannot protect everyone.

KING is still in the stage of flying bricks with great strength and cannot achieve precise magnetic field protection to block attacks for everyone.

But the capable Tatsumaki is currently fighting the Evil Eye alone!

Seeing that the light ball had landed in front of them, a green fluorescent light suddenly covered everyone.

--boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

The ball of light exploded, as if countless missiles were bombarding the ground.

But there was no way to break through the protection of the green telepathy barrier.

Jie Jie! How dare you get distracted while fighting with me! Tatsumaki, your eyes already belong to me!

The evil eye had originally been suppressed, but because it was distracted from protecting the heroes below, the evil eye found a flaw to fight back.

The two sides fought together again.

The heroes turned around to look, and the person who had just attacked was already in their sights.

The Wandering Emperor wore a tattered cloak and a small golden crown on his head, and released a small round light ball from his fingertips.

With a contemptuous smile on his lips, he walked at the front.

He was just an ordinary homeless man who accidentally came into contact with the 'gods' and was given supernatural powers.

Suddenly he had dragon-level strength.

In addition to the shortcoming of its own fragility, its attack power and output are quite terrible.

Able to release exploding balls of light at will.

After this period of time, the monsters created by the 'Cradle of Evil' have been continuously killed to absorb life energy.

The shortcoming of his fragile body has also been made up for.

The intensive bombing just now was his handiwork.

It's a pity that it was blocked by the tornado and failed to cause effective damage.

Behind him are dragon-level weirdos such as Black Semen, Ugly President, Gum, Asura Unicorn, Wind's Wende, Karma's Flame and so on.

At this moment, the earth trembled, and something huge appeared from the cracks.

Blocking the heroes' escape route.

They are several huge dragon-level monsters.

Hero, Overgrown Pochi, Sword Mountain Rat, Elder Centipede!

Haha! So many weirdos! I can have a good time sucking this time!!

Even now, there are still heroes who do not know whether to live or die and are affected by greed.

Sudden! Sudden!

The next second, two sharp knives were in front of him.

With only a millimeter to go, the B-class hero's neck was severed.

But he was intercepted by a long knife.

Looking at the two people in front of them, Hayate's Wende and Karma's Flame, who clearly showed monstrous characteristics.

Flash Flash said coldly: You two, if I remember correctly, are from the ninja village. It's really sad that you have degenerated to accept the transformation of monsters.

The 44th issue of the end, Flash Flash! As a traitor to the Ninja Village, you will definitely be executed by us today!!

The three of them were entangled in each other instantly, the speed was dizzying and it was impossible to see clearly.

Although Wind's Wende and Karma's Flame could have reached dragon level, they were just making up the numbers.

There's no way he could be a Flash Flash opponent.

But after this period of crazy absorption of life energy, his strength has made great progress.

Before Flash Flash doesn't use his true strength, he can still fight with him for a while.

Zheng! Zheng! Zheng! Zheng!

The three of them could not be seen at all, and all they could hear was the continuous sound of metal collision.

And this sound was like a battle bell.

After the ringing, it was also announced that the fierce battle between the heroes and the weirdos had officially begun!


Shirahoshi has been watching the battle.

This cruel battle is destined to be full of blood and fighting!

Because the combat power has been greatly improved, the two sides exploded with great power as soon as they fought.

Some of the more fragile B-level heroes simply cannot bear it.

Immersed in growing up in a short period of time, possessing huge power, coupled with the temptation of sucking music, their mood has long been unstable.

It is difficult to recognize the gap between yourself and your enemy.

At this moment, they finally knew how big the gap between them was!

Even if there are A-level heroes who want to protect them, they will be held back by dragon-level monsters.

In just a short period of time, some of the newly promoted B-level heroes have already died.

And the life energy they absorbed during this period naturally benefited those weirdos who killed them!

--boom! !

Boqi opened his mouth and fired a huge energy cannon. Banggu used the power of the magnetic field to cooperate with his martial arts, and used the 'Flowing Water Rock Breaking Fist', but he could only barely block it.

Asura's armor was chopped into pieces by the Atomic Samurai's sword. After being successfully enraged, she directly entered the 'Asura Mode'!

The metal bat wildly waved the baseball bat in his hand, and the dense arc continued to spread, forming an electric tornado, suppressing the originally raging Sword Mountain Rat.

The super alloy black light collided head-on with the ugly president, and the super alloy rocket launcher collided with the disfigurement fist, causing a terrifying explosion.

The Venerable Lord of the Vest has discovered the weakness of the Wandering Emperor, with a determined expression. Relying on the defensive power from his vest, he withstands the bombardment of light balls and prepares to get close and finish him off!

The zombie man was swallowed directly into his stomach by his gums. The super corrosive force was eroding the zombie man all the time, trying to digest him.

The ability of the gums is similar to that of the Pig God, both of which have extremely strong digestive abilities.

But zombie men have powerful regenerative abilities.

The two sides were in a stalemate for a while.

And also swallowed into the weirdo's belly was the Pig God.

On weekdays, the pig god eats all the weirdos in sight.

Today he finally received such treatment.

Swallowed by Elder Centipede!

The powerful muscles continue to oppress the Pig God, and the acid continues to corrode him.

But the Pig God just sat there, not looking like he was in a hurry to get out.

Instead, he used the power of the magnetic field to dig out Elder Centipede's internal organs and flesh and stuff them into his stomach!

The main thing is to digest the other party first before being digested by the other party!

The one fighting KING is the most powerful weirdo, Black Sperm!

Heijing is all black, with a white face, a wretched appearance, and a tentacle on his head.

At first glance, it seems inconspicuous among a group of dragons.

But in fact, his strength is extremely powerful.

Features can be divided into three aspects.

Proliferation and division: Composed of countless 'individuals', it can be separated into any number of 'selves', and its power and speed will not be weakened. Any physical attack, whether cutting or impacting, will have minimal effect on him!

Fusion: Separate any number of 'selves' and perform 'elimination fusion' in their bodies. After the fusion is completed, they become an independent individual. The strength of this individual depends on the number of fusions.

Enlargement: Release the 'self' individual, increase the size, and the ability value can also increase accordingly.

When he first joined the Weird Association, the number of black spirits' individuals had reached a terrifying 54 trillion!

More importantly, the compatibility between black essence and life energy is very consistent.

Continuously absorbing life energy caused his cells to further divide and produce more.

In addition, many of the corpses of the killed weirdos were eaten by him to supplement protein.

Now he has so many cells that it is difficult to express them clearly using numbers!

You are KING? You were previously known as the strongest man on earth. It is rumored that your imperial engine is extremely powerful.

Even the master is lonely and cannot find a weirdo who can match him. It is said that he once left the earth in search of a rival.

It just so happens that I no longer know how strong I am, so I let you be my whetstone and detector.

Test my current strength!

KING just saw the Pig God being swallowed by Elder Centipede, and was about to go to support him.

But he was stopped by this wretched-looking little guy in front of him.

Go away, I'm not in the mood to deal with a weak weirdo like you right now.

Hahahaha! Hei Jing burst into laughter after hearing KING's words.

You say I'm weak? It turns out that the so-called KING is nothing more than that. He can only judge people by their appearance.

As he spoke, he could see the black essence proliferating all over his body, his body began to become exaggerated, and his muscles bulged.

In a blink of an eye, he even surpassed KING. He looked down at him and said, What about now!

Knowing that KING was powerful, Heijing did not rely on him.

From the beginning, 1,293,142,261,072 cells were directly fused.

Become a multicellular sperm form!

Raise your fist and swing hard at KING!

——Bang! !

There was a dull explosion.

Heijing's huge body was exploded by KING's punch!

The fine electric arc kills scattered cells.

I told you, I don't have time to waste in front of a weak weirdo like you!

Don't underestimate me! You bastard!!

Just as KING was about to leave, there was another roar behind him.

Heijing completely understood KING's strength and directly inspired his strongest form.

The super sperm form formed by the aggregation of 1 Jing cells!

The whole body has smooth curved muscles, and the figure is similar to that of an ordinary person, making him look very cool and powerful.

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