Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 200 The Cradle of Evil, Attacking the Weird Association!

Nine days have passed since the battle between White Star and Black Star and the monsters began to wreak havoc.

During this time, the entire world has become extremely turbulent.

Human beings have no ability to resist monsters and can only place their hope on heroes.

Because both heroes and weirdos have planted the seeds of life, both sides continue to kill, making the remaining people stronger and stronger.

Just like raising a poison, killing an enemy is equivalent to devouring his power.

Most C-level heroes don't have a good foundation, and some rely only on equipment.

But their advantage is that they have been growing for some time before that.

Groups of people hunted weirdos everywhere, and even tried every means to kill animals to absorb life energy.

The advantage of weirdos is that most of them have considerable strength.

After being catalyzed by life energy, it becomes stronger!

Especially the weird people who slaughter all the creatures they see without any scruples, and even kill each other.

Make those who can survive become very powerful!

But once these weirdos get too arrogant and encounter high-level heroes, they will still be mercilessly killed.

Only those monsters who possess dragon-level strength and have experienced a large increase in life energy have the strength to compete with high-level heroes.

After these nine days of killing and upgrading, the ranking of Wushen Palace has also changed a lot.

In addition to the large number of newly registered heroes pouring into C-level, the number of B-level heroes has also begun to increase.

There are even many outstanding ones who have been promoted to A level!

And among the S-class, KING is no longer the only one.

Full of murderous intent, he hunts monsters everywhere and wants to find Fubuki's Tatsumaki to be the first to enter the S rank.

Atomic Warrior and Bang Gu broke through the realm of [Magnetic Field Rotation] one after another, and they followed closely behind.

As a result, there are currently four S-class heroes!

In addition, the Super Alloy Black Light and the Vest Master, after experiencing previous mental states, are expected to surpass others and break through the realm of [Magnetic Field Rotation] first.

Then there's Metal Bat and Flash Flash, and Zombie Man.

The Pig God is ranked last.

As for the Police Dog Man, who has the least sense of existence, even under the current circumstances, he still only sits in Q City.

And the weirdos who entered Q City did not end well.

The most typical one is Super Mouse.

It was originally just a white mouse used for experiments in the laboratory.

He has gone through countless experiments, wandered between life and death, and been tortured by humans.

Finally one day, under the influence of accumulated grievances and experiments, it turned into a super mouse!

Possess great strength and self-healing ability.

Even among ghost-level monsters, he is not weak!

After experiencing fighting and absorbing life energy, he was finally promoted to the dragon level.

Although it is only a weak dragon, it is still very different from the ghost level!

However, when he came to Q City and was about to start a killing spree, the police dog man arrived.

It only took a short time to kill the super mouse on the spot!

Although it was a dog that took advantage of the mouse, the police dog man did protect the safety of Q City.

Making this city one of the safest in the world.

Maybe it's territorial awareness, but in short, Police Dogman has never been involved in anything other than guarding Q City.

Including the Occult Search Society and the problem of tracking down those missing people.

Atomic Samurai was the first to discover the missing persons problem.

After careful investigation, Emperor Tong found that many martial arts schools, including the original Sugai Prison, had been robbed of their people.

This is very abnormal.

The seeds of life planted by weirdos can only make you stronger by killing them.

No need for prisoners at all!

There was only one possibility. The Weird Association deliberately arranged to capture him alive.

There must be something profound in it!

Tong Di analyzed what these people had in common.

The conclusion is that all of them are not normal people!

The weakest is also a martial artist who is proficient in martial arts.

Among them, there are also kendo masters like Rilun, Tianqing, and Canmei!

This incident put a lot of pressure on the heroes.

No one knows why the Weird Association arrests these people.

On the tenth day, KING and Tatsumaki teamed up to finally find the location of the Monster Association!

Originally, the Weird Association hidden thousands of meters underground in L City could be said to be very safe.

Those weirdos who were released will not reveal any information because they are controlled.

Whether it's capturing weirdos for interrogation or looking for clues, it's not something that can be accomplished in a short time.

Even the Tong Emperor, known as a child prodigy, with superior intelligence, calm enough and good at reasoning, was at his wits end.

At this time, the power of the magnetic field works!

As long as there is enough time, as long as you are still on the supercontinent, you will not be able to escape the search of 'magnetic field detection'!

KING is still at 80,000 horses, but the tornado has grown to 50,000 horses after these times.

The two of them used magnetic field detection together and finally found the weirdo association hidden underground near the seaside in L City!

After some discussion, everyone agreed that it should not be delayed!

Action must be taken immediately!

Even if Shirahoshi's injury hasn't been repaired yet, he can't delay any longer.

The Weird Association is brewing some kind of conspiracy, and everyone wants to rescue the three captured Fubuki girls and the sexy prisoner.

When the heroes set out to arrive in L City, a small eye with wings high in the sky had a panoramic view of everything.

It came pretty quickly.

Weird Association, Da Jiong saw all this and immediately knew what happened.

At the same time, Sykes, who was conducting experiments to further improve the 'God Potion', also learned about the heroes' preparations to invade the Weird Association.

Sykes had already been prepared for the exposure of the Weird Association.

Looking at the rows of petri dishes not far away.

A slight smile appeared on the corner of Sikes's mouth: This time, I will make sure that you all have no return!

City L.


A large number of heroes gathered here.

In addition to S-level heroes and A-level heroes, there are also many B-level heroes.

And the person who arrived at the scene to conduct combat command was none other than Sejingar!

As the deputy minister of the United Front Work Department, Saijingar has always had a heroic dream.

Although he is not very strong, he is still willing to go to the front line, so he has won the respect of many heroes!

KING looked at the beautiful scenery in front of him and said solemnly: According to the detection, the location of the Weird Association is deep underground. The first thing we must do is find the entrance.

The metal bat looked around: It's really a group of rats hiding their heads and tails. No wonder they haven't been found. They are hiding underground.

Atomic Samurai: They are so hidden. It seems that it is not easy to find the entrance.

Zombie Man: We must hurry up, this is their territory, our actions are not hidden, maybe we have been discovered by now!

Lord Vest and Super Alloy Black Light stood side by side, thinking together in their hearts: Mizuki (Girl in Vest), hold on, I'll come to save you right away!

Emperor Tong, who arrived at the scene as battlefield support, said: It is almost impossible not to alert others. I suggest that after entering the Weird Association, you should not be attracted by irrelevant weirdos. It is best to work together as one. Break through all the way to Black Star, completely eradicate him while he is injured, and then rescue the heroes who were kidnapped by him!

Sejinjar was just about to speak when he heard an impatient loli voice coming from above.

There's no need to discuss it anymore, so why bother? Just let them come out to see us!

With that said, the tornado flew directly into the sky.

The whole body is surrounded by green light, and dense arcs of electricity can be vaguely seen beating on it.

Immediately afterwards, the ground began to vibrate continuously.

Everyone present was immediately surprised.

Some people thought it was an earthquake, while others thought it was weird people who launched the attack first.

Seeing the tornado in the sky that started making big things even if they didn't agree with each other without even discussing it, Saijingar felt helpless.

Before setting off, Xiqi had reminded him that Tatsumaki was always willful, and now he was accumulating anger because Fubuki was taken away for so long.

You may do some outrageous things, so be careful.

In fact, after discovering the location of the Weird Association, Tatsumaki can still wait for everyone to gather their strength and act together, which is a great growth.

If it were before, Tatsumaki would probably have acted alone and wouldn't care about other people!

But now it seems that although the tornado has gotten a little better, it is still limited!

Boom! Boom!

As the shaking continued to increase, the earth began to crack, and the continuous lake water continued to stir up waves, and some even poured down along the cracks.

Some things were forcibly pulled up from the ground!

Although the number of tornadoes now is only 50,000, with the combination of telekinesis and magnetic field power, her strength is stronger than before.

He actually pulled out the Weird Association that was buried thousands of meters underground!

At this time, the entire site was completely unrecognizable, with a huge building standing diagonally on the ground.

There are cracks all around, and when you look down there is nothing but darkness, nothing can be seen, it is as terrifying as an abyss.

Such a scene immediately shocked everyone present.

Everyone was still looking for a way to enter the Weird Association, but Tatsumaki just pulled them out.

This domineering and powerful approach is really unexpected.

But the weirdos didn't give them much time.

Although they were also in shock, as long as Da Jiongyan gave an order, the weirdos would still obey the order immediately.

I saw a large number of weirdos appearing and rushing towards the heroes!

Seeing this scene, the Child Emperor suddenly felt something was not good.

Something's wrong! Before this, I didn't detect any of those wreaking monsters returning to L City.

Logically speaking, now is when the Monster Association's defense should be empty. How come there are still so many weirdos? !

In fact, the reason why there are so many weirdos is of course due to the research results of the three Sykes.

When they were researching the 'God's Potion', it wasn't like they didn't do anything else.

Combined with Dr. Kinos's cloning technology and Sykes's cultivation technology for weirdos.

A special monster breeding device—the Cradle of Evil—was made!

This is an efficient weirdo breeding device. It only takes a few dozen minutes to grow a weirdo from weirdo cells.

The lower the strength of the monster, the shorter the cultivation time.

But unlike the 'God Potion', the 'Cradle of Evil' can only be used to cultivate low-end weirdos.

At the very top, it can only cultivate tiger-level monsters.

And it consumes more time and energy.

Therefore, it has always been used to cultivate ordinary tiger-level monsters.

But because as long as there is energy, it can be cultivated indefinitely, the output is still considerable.

Sykes set up a large number of 'cradles of evil', and then continuously produced tiger-level monsters around the clock.

It can be said that the ‘God’s Potion’ tends to be high-end, and those trained are at least ghost level.

However, due to various reasons, the output will not be too much, and we will follow the route of excellence.

And ‘Cradle of Evil’ takes the route of winning through quantity!

(Yesterday, I had my tooth nerve pulled out. Fortunately, the anesthetic worked well and there was no pain. I almost died from stress. Afterwards, I took advantage of the anesthetic to pull out my wisdom teeth. I came back and received three bottles of anti-inflammatory injections, which lasted a whole day. Next week One more trip to do a root canal and it will be done as promised.)

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