Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 202 The evil natural sea, the war has become intense!

The strength of the super god sperm is really terrifying, even KING can't kill it in a short time.

Just when everyone was involved in a fierce fight.

From those cracks, two wretched guys emerged.

Thin bean sprouts and meow!

The thin bean sprouts are similar to Hei Jing before his transformation, they both look ugly.

It is easy to be mistaken for a wolf-level trash fish.

Unlike Hei Jing, Slim Bean Sprouts likes nothing more than pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, so he didn't make an appearance right away.

Instead, he hid it, intending to pick it up at any time.

Unlike the thin bean sprouts who like to pretend to be cowards, Miaomiao is really a coward.

He was originally just an ordinary kitten who turned into a weirdo because he couldn't stand his master.

It looks like a cat person walking upright.

There was even a bell around his neck.

He has an extremely cruel personality and likes to bully the weak.

But in fact, just like cats, they are very timid. Once they encounter a presence that they feel is threatening, they will run away immediately.

Possessing the ability of 'gap walking' which can be called a super invincible enhanced version of the bone shrinking skill.

Even the smallest gap can be passed through at will.

He was sent out by Sykes to perform tasks before, even when he was in the association, facing the tiger-level weirdos who were assigned to him to become stronger.

He can't control his desires and likes to play with them, and then kill them directly when he loses interest.

As a result, he didn't kill many weirdos during these ten days, and the life energy he absorbed was naturally limited.

Among the dragon-level cadres, the strength ranks at the bottom.

These two wretched guys avoided all the powerful heroes.

Specifically looking for trouble for those B-level heroes who survived.

He planned to kill it and absorb life energy to continue to strengthen himself.

After easily killing the hero who dressed himself as a butterfly.

Only a flash of cold light suddenly appeared.


Meow Meow dodged in time and was almost hit.

He was so frightened that he quickly tried to escape through the gap.

The thin bean sprouts jumped aside and looked attentively.

The one who had just taken action was a young man wearing silver steel armor.

With a resolute look on his face and an awe-inspiring expression, you can tell he is a master at first sight!

He is the great disciple of Atomic Samurai, Iai-an!

There was a sound of breaking through the air from behind, and two figures blocked Meow Meow, who was about to run away, back.

They were the two junior brothers who were inseparable from Iihean.

Qiubutachi and Samurai Drill!

At this time, people also appeared on both sides.

Astonishingly, it was Yuda and Ziteng who had just joined the Martial God Palace!

The five people directly blocked Slender Bean Sprout and Miaomiao in the middle.

Let them have to fight!

Don't let me down. Where is your faith and will? Hurry up and burst out with the power of a hero!

Bai Xing observed the battlefield above, hoping that the few guys he was optimistic about could break through the [Magnetic Field Rotation] realm with this battle.

For Bai Xing, only when there is conflict and contradiction can leeks thrive.

Only then can he, the 'farmer', gain greater benefits.

So whether it’s the hero aspect or the weirdo aspect.

It's best to have some balance.

Let them lose and win, but don't end the war completely.

Only then can the leeks be cut and grow again, and the process continues.

Now, according to the Sykes Report, they have developed the ‘Celestial Potion 2.0’ version.

The effect is absolutely outstanding!

But if that group of heroes can't even deal with the ugly president, the black spirit and others, how can they deal with those weirdos cultivated using the 'God Potion 2.0'?

Shirahoshi has placed great hopes on these heroes.

From weirdos and those miscellaneous fish heroes, he can only harvest life energy.

But in these high-level heroes, he can harvest the power of the magnetic field!

But so far, only KING has grown to 80,000 horses, and it has not even succeeded in entering the Martial God level.

Moreover, he was built on talent, and his actual combat ability is not outstanding.

This is not a good phenomenon!

After all, the time is too short! You can't cut leeks in a hurry, you have to give them room to grow.

Bai Xing sighed secretly.

From the beginning to now, he has used many methods to stimulate those heroes.

Although the power of the magnetic field is a very idealistic force, not just anyone who is stimulated and goes crazy will have a surge in combat power.

Even if one is extremely talented and has extremely severe epilepsy, it is nothing more than tens of thousands, or at most one hundred thousand, or something like that.

I want to go from a low number to five hundred thousand, or even seven or eight hundred thousand.

Basically it's impossible!

Just then, Shirahoshi noticed a change in the battle.


A black ball fell from the sky.

You can vaguely see two twisted claws sticking out from the black, with destroyed eyes on them.

Tatsumaki stood in the air with his hands on his waist, green electric light flashing all over his body.

Hmph! Let me just say that a thing like you that only grows by absorbing the power of trash fish is basically a large trash fish!

As powerful as the evil eye, it was finally defeated by the tornado and was completely compressed into a ball!

The aura on the tornado has become even more powerful, and the magnetic field power has successfully exceeded 60,000!

As the battle was resolved by the tornado, the entire battle situation immediately changed dramatically.

Although the number of tornadoes is not as high as that of KING, its combat effectiveness is stronger than that of KING!

Falling from a high altitude, they happened to land next to the battle circle between Iihean and the others, Slender Bean Sprout and Meow Meow.


The power of telekinesis directly enveloped Miao Miao, and no matter how hard he struggled, it was useless.

Feeling the incomparable terror, Miaomiao's hair exploded all over his body!

But then, under the influence of telekinesis changing gravity, he was still compressed into a ball of blood mist.

Slender Bean Sprout wanted to pretend again, but Tatsumaki didn't give him so much time to talk nonsense.

The ice crystal was shattered with one punch, and the green arc connected with the broken ice crystal, turning into a drill that directly penetrated the thin bean sprouts.

In just the blink of an eye, two dragon-level monsters were killed, leaving Iiai-an and the other five people uncontrollably shocked!

Like a snowball, as the tornado joins in, monsters die one after another, and the heroes are freed up to help others.

Under the ebb and flow of one another, the weirdos soon fell into an absolute disadvantage.

Gum, Sword Mountain Rat, Hero, and Elder Centipede were successfully killed one after another.

Just when everyone thought that they could completely destroy the Monster Association and eliminate all the weirdos right away

--boom! !

A huge tsunami appeared in everyone's sight.

Like blocking out the sky and the sun, it came crashing down towards them.

Before the war, the evil natural water was released and merged into the ocean.

Now it has completed its super evolution and become an evil natural sea!

The strength is greatly enhanced!

Moreover, there are a large number of other creatures in the evil natural sea.

That's the Deep Sea Tribe led by the Deep Sea King!

--call! call!

Lots of wind howling.

Everyone discovered that a giant dragon appeared on the other side!

The wings stretch out and are several kilometers long!

Surprisingly, it is the Cruel Dragon!

In the surrounding area, there are also a large number of dragon-shaped monsters of various shapes following.

They are none other than Cruel Dragon’s men, the Nine Dragon Gate Fighters!

And the Sky Clan led by the Sky King!

Immediately afterwards, the Atomic Warrior discovered that there were several humanoid weirdos standing on top of the Cruel Dragon!

It's the sun wheel! The broken plum! The sky is clear! And... abdominal dissection!

Atomic Samurai didn't expect that it would be like this when old friends from the Juggernaut Society met again.

Unexpectedly, they were transformed into weirdos!

The will to anger and revenge was instantly strengthened, and the power of the magnetic field emerged from the body.

The atomic realm belonging to him around him kept flashing, and the fine arcs were like sword rays!

From the original strength of 20,000 horses, it surged to 40,000 horses in a short period of time!

In contrast, when Flash Flash saw some weirdos in the tsunami, except for the Deep Sea King and the Sea Tribe, he was not so surprised and angry.

Because he had already expected it when he met Wende from Gale and Flame from Karma.

at the same time.

——Kaka! !

The building of the Monster Association pulled up by the tornado cracked.

A huge figure appeared from it.

It's the weirdo king Orochi!

Around him, there are also a large number of weirdos who have been transformed by the 'God Potion 2.0'.

Most of these weirdos come from major martial arts gyms, including Bang Gu's brother.



Bangu's eyes were splitting. He hadn't felt this angry for many years.

The violent feeling of youth suddenly came to my heart and took over everything.

Zizzi! !

The arc continued to surge, reaching a power of fifty thousand horses in an instant!

--boom! ! !

But it didn't give Atomic Samurai, Bongo and Flash Flash any more time to react.

The tsunami has already capsized!

Even if the tornado held up a huge protective shield, it could only barely protect everyone.

The entire area instantly turned into a lake, and everyone sank into the sea.

Here, it is not just the home of the evil natural sea.

The rest of the weirdos who have been transformed by the 'God Potion 2.0'.

Because the gene sequence of the Deep Sea King is added, it can still exert its full strength in sea water!

It even has an amplifying effect on some weirdos who prefer deep-sea genes during transformation!

The whole scene became extremely chaotic.

Flash Flash landed on his feet and stood on a huge stone.

Holding my breath, I looked at the underwater scenery around me.

He knew he had to surface as quickly as possible and not stay in the water for too long.

But at this moment, a large number of black spots appeared in his sight, tightly surrounding him.

These monsters have different shapes, but they are as comfortable as a fish in water, and their strength in the water is not affected at all.

It can even send messages to Flash Flash through water.

Each and every scarlet eye locked Flash tightly.

The first time we met, the final issue 44, the shining Flash!

I am the ruthless Issue 42, the violent Foss!

Destroyed Destry!

I am Sanda from the 37th issue of Gold, Thunder!

Hehe, we are from the terrifying issue 21, the crazy Mader, and the chaotic Kaos!

Plenty of 9 issues, Barrett of Bullets!

Specially selected issue 35, Dark Dark!

Blood-stained issue 36, killing Slota!

Issue 22 of Determination, Phantom of Phantom!

Blooming Issue 13, Melody of Melody!

The 19th issue of momentum, a moment of Momont!

Comprehensive Issue 27, Skye in the Sky!

The 15th issue of Iron Plate, Frozen Fritz!

Ninja Village is a place dedicated to training ninjas.

They don't have any entertainment activities or any other chores. Apart from eating and sleeping every day, they just practice killing skills!

In the ninja village, the hierarchy is equally strict.

Among them, the strong ones who can truly stand out will be awarded the title of Jonin!

For example, Wind's Wende and Karma's Flame.

After transforming into a monster, you can immediately become a dragon.

Even if it's just a weak dragon.

This is enough to prove their strength!

But what most people don't know is that above the jounin, there is also the title of heavenly nin!

They are the real standouts from every issue!

The Ninja Village was destroyed because of the flashing Flash, so the exam for Flash's graduation was also called the 44th period of the end!

But before that, many Sky Ninjas gathered together and established the Sky Ninja Party!

As beings that are stronger than Wind's Wende and Karma's Flame, they can immediately become powerful monsters from the dragon down to the dragon level simply by devouring monster cells!

What's more, now, it has undergone the transformation of 'God's Potion 2.0'.

The strength is unprecedentedly powerful!

Seeing more and more ninja weirdos surrounding him, and the environment at this time was extremely unfriendly to him.

Even Flash Flash couldn't help but feel heavy-hearted!

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