Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 104: If you seek peace through struggle, you will survive in peace; if you seek peace throug

Look guys, I finally know why Logan's muscles are getting bigger!

In the entertainment room, he happily shared his experiences with his friends.

Hey, did you hear something you shouldn't have heard again?

Tell me, what's going on? If I could have the same muscles as him, Trika would definitely be fascinated by me!

You are really stubborn. If Ororo knows that you are eavesdropping on other people's conversations again, he will definitely punish you severely.

Tingting raised his head and said, Then do you want to know?

Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, in the end I chose Zhenxiang.

Seeing that no one was leaving, Tingyi chuckled and then said, That's enough.

Oh, please tell me quickly and stop being so secretive.

Listen carefully, the reason why Logan has become stronger and stronger is all because of Teacher Bai!


Everyone was in shock.

What's going on? Tell me, tell me.

Teacher Bai hasn't had any classes for several days. Is the meditation class cancelled?

Auroro said that Teacher Bai is busy with something. What is it called, uh, retreat? I don't quite understand, but the meditation class probably cannot be started for the time being.

It doesn't matter, we have learned it anyway, haven't we? I have condensed the sense of Qi now, and I feel that my physical fitness has been strengthened.

Did Logan also learn meditation from Teacher Bai? What's the name of learning that?

The Four-legged Divine Secret of Ruyi·Tuna Chapter.

That's right, that's it. It's such a difficult name to pronounce.

As I listened, I saw many friends talking about topics that were getting further and further away, and they were constantly discussing with excitement.

No one pays attention to him anymore.

He quickly raised his hand, pressed it down and said: Everyone, you really got it wrong this time.

Although Teacher Bai is not a mutant, he can share a power seed with others.

It was because of receiving the Seed of Life that Logan changed so much.

Even the professor only stood up again after getting a magnetic field seed!

Oh my God! It's incredible!

Wait, you said magnetic field seeds? What does this have to do with Magneto?

It shouldn't matter, because Magneto can't let others gain the ability to control magnetic fields.

My dear, I always thought Teacher Bai was just an ordinary person, but I didn't expect him to be like this.

I really want to get a seed, no matter what it is.

I want to get the life seed so I can pursue Trikka.

Fake, don't you have a higher pursuit?

Magnetic field seeds are better. Don't you think Magneto is handsome?


Well, okay, I know he's bad, but... well, that's not handsome at all, well, that's the thing.

Listen guys, this thing must be very precious. How can you be sure that Teacher Bai is willing to give it to us?

As soon as these words came out, everyone fell silent.

At this moment, Tingting suddenly said: I remember that Blade Girl has a good relationship with Teacher Bai. Maybe we can ask Blade Girl to help us ask, what do you think?

I agree.

I think that's okay too.

But we're not very familiar with Blade Girl, so how can we speak?

Ting Ting smiled and said: Don't worry, just leave this matter to me. Who makes me a social little prince?

At this moment, Ting Ting's expression suddenly changed.

No, someone is coming!

Everyone quickly dispersed and continued what they were doing before.

Sure enough, not long after, Ororo with white hair stepped into the entertainment room.

I looked around and felt something wasn't quite right.

What bad tricks are you kiddos holding back?

Tingting hurriedly said: How could it be possible, Teacher Ororo, you really misunderstood us.

Ororo gave him a warning look: Especially you, Leta, I don't have much time to care about you recently, so please calm down for a while.

At this moment, Professor X's voice sounded in Ororo's mind.

Everyone, come to the brainwave control room. A new situation has arisen.

Ororo's expression changed and he quickly turned around and left.

Soon, Ororo came to the brainwave control room and saw that Logan, Hank and others had gathered here.

Professor, what happened?

Seeing that everyone was almost here, Professor

Just now, I finally made a discovery.

Although it was only for a moment before they were covered by Emma again, it was enough for me to determine where they were.

Logan couldn't wait to say: Very good, then when should I set off?

No, it's us. Professor X looked at him.

To make sure everything goes smoothly, I'm going with you!

Since receiving the magnetic field seed, Professor X has felt power emerging from him.

In addition to being able to control the magnetic field, even his physical fitness has improved.

And began to have various additional characteristics comparable to mutant abilities.

For example, the strength of a bear, the speed of a leopard, the eyes of an eagle, the hearing of a bat, the vibration sensing of a spider, the adsorption ability of a gecko, the optical invisibility of a chameleon, and the thermal vision of a rattlesnake.

Taken individually, each of these things can be regarded as a good variant ability.

But now they all appeared on Professor X, which made him feel very incredible!

What’s even more incredible is that, according to the information contained in the seeds, this is only the initial stage of the [magnetic field rotation] system.

Magneto has Viper and the White Queen on his side. If he only relies on Logan and the others, Professor

So he planned to go along with him.

Now that his legs and feet have recovered, his strength has also been strengthened. He can be said to have the strongest fighting ability among this group of people!

After making the decision, everyone immediately set off on the Blackbird fighter plane.

According to testing, White Queen and others are in California.

The Blackbird fighter jet was very fast, and not long after, they arrived at the location where Magneto and others had shown their traces.

However, when they landed, quickly rushed into the building, everyone was dumbfounded.

This is a dimly lit bar, and a group of men with exactly the same appearance and appearance are sitting scattered in the bar.

They all wore black jackets and had short hair.

When Professor X and others walked in, they all smiled and raised their glasses: How are you?

Logan was also stunned: What's going on!

Ororo looked ugly and said: It's a clone! His mutant ability is a clone!

Logan: But the professor clearly saw Magneto and the others.

At this moment, Professor

The man was broad and thick, and he turned around slowly. He was a black man with a bald head.

Hello Professor

Professor X looked at him seriously and said, Did you interfere with my spiritual power?

Vlad shrugged: I am also a psychic, but I can't compare with you.

But I still feel honored to have fooled you.

His ability can intercept the psychic bands of Magneto and others, and then place them on the clones of the clones.

In this way, after the White Queen deliberately showed omissions, Professor

After realizing that he had been tricked, Logan's violent temper was almost uncontrollable.


The steel claws shot out instantly, and his body bowed forward, assuming a posture that would pounce forward at any moment.

The clone quickly waved his hands and said: Wow! Calm down, hey! Brother, calm down!

Neither the clone nor Vlad have very strong combat capabilities.

Facing this group of X-Men, it is impossible to take any advantage.

The boss said that if you are willing to let us go, then this brother can go back with you.

With that said, the clone lifted off the cloth covering not far away, and the person lying there was the comatose Colossus!


Ororo cried out.


As an old friend, he already knew what Magneto wanted to do at the moment he was tricked.

He also didn't expect that Magneto would be so bold!

The purpose of letting the clone and Vlad set a trap was to lure the tiger away from the mountain, and Magneto's real purpose must be Shirahoshi who is still in the academy!

Professor X didn't care much about Bai Xing's safety.

Because Bai Xing's strength is too unfathomable, even Magneto will probably never be his opponent.

But if there is a conflict between the two parties, the innocent children in the academy may be harmed!

This is something Professor x will never allow!

Just when Professor X and others arrived in California.

x college also welcomed a group of guests.

Magneto is wearing a red shirt, and his metallic helmet shines brightly in the sunlight.

His majestic appearance immediately attracted the attention of many students in the college.

Magneto, you are not welcome here!

Iceman Bobby stood up immediately.

Magneto looked at the huge manor in front of him with emotion.

You know, I had a part in the construction of this academy.

But you finally went on the wrong path and left here. If you want to come back, you must promise not to do anything that hurts the friendship between humans and mutants again!

Hahaha! Magneto laughed. Friendship? You don't understand the operating rules of this world at all! Do you know, I once heard this saying: If you seek peace through struggle, you will survive peacefully; if you seek peace through compromise, you will perish in peace!

Beast Hank came out and said in a deep voice: That's enough Eric, what's your purpose of leading Charles and the others away!

Magneto walked forward slowly and said as he walked: You are right, it is enough. I am not here to find you this time. Please tell me, where is Mr. Bai?

(Brother, I have had a high fever over and over again these past two days, which is almost burning my brain...


Wait a minute, the fever has subsided for now and there should be another chapter)

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