Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 103 Gaining psychic power, Professor

Professor x was silent.

Then he said slowly: What will happen if I refuse?

The greatest reliance on spiritual power has no effect on Bai Xing, and Professor X can only be reduced to an ordinary old man with disabled legs.

In front of Bai Xing, there was no room for resistance.

As for notifying others to come to help, it is even less possible.

Logan is in the island country, Colossus has been captured, Ororo and even Poppy have just been sent away.

As for the beasts and other students, the professor did not think that they would be Shirahoshi's opponents.

Once they really fall out, it will be too dangerous for those students!

Professor x is a person who would rather sacrifice himself than harm the children.

What's more, it's not the last moment yet.

Based on their interactions over the past few days, the professor felt that Bai Xing was not a cruel and murderous person.

Especially his attitude towards those children. As a person with psychic abilities, even if he couldn't peek into Shirahoshi's heart, he could still understand with his super perception that Shirahoshi was not deliberately pretending.

I won't allow you to refuse.

Bai Xing's words made Professor X's heart sink.

Mr. Bai, have you forgotten our previous agreement?

Bai Xing shrugged: Of course I haven't forgotten, I am still very trustworthy.

During this time, students were never forced to do anything.

But, professor, you are the principal, not a student, right?

Seeing that Professor

After planting the seeds for you, I will go into retreat.

Oh, by the way, tell the kids I'm sorry, the meditation class will probably have to stop for a while.

However, you can still practice when you have nothing to do. Remember to urge them not to be lazy.

After saying this, Bai Xing directly placed one hand on Professor X's head.

The magnetic field seeds slowly sank in.

After all this was done, Bai Xing left the principal's office with satisfaction.

Everything seemed to come just in time. He had originally planned to wait until the retreat was over to find a way to grow a few life seeds, harvest more nutrients, and then infuse the electromagnetic branches.

Unexpectedly, a large amount of nutrition suddenly came directly to me.

Coupled with the previous ones, it was barely enough to spawn an electromagnetic fruit.

During this period of time in X Academy, Bai Xing did not do anything.

After getting to know the teachers and students in the college in depth, including of course the information about Professor x, the principal.

Bai Xing discovered that most of the mutants' abilities were actually useless.

There are also those that are not only useless, but also change their appearance.

These make up the majority of mutants.

As for Professor

In addition, there are many internal conflicts among the mutants, and even the top experts, except for a few such as Qin Gray and Professor X, are not very good at fighting.

The person in the scene is Magneto, but in fact his combat power is not as good as a nuclear bomb.

And the technology in this world seems to be in the 21st century, but in fact there are all kinds of black technologies secretly emerging in endlessly.

No wonder mutants are always beaten down by humans.

After complaining, Bai Xing discovered that psychic abilities might be able to assist in practicing the Ruyi Four-Legged Divine Art.

There was just enough nutrition to give birth to an electromagnetic fruit.

Bai Xing just followed the trend and did what he had planned to do before.

Now he can be regarded as a fellow mutant.

Feeling the strange feelings constantly emerging in his mind, Bai Xing only felt that it was very novel.

With a single thought, one can spy thousands of miles away, easily control the minds of living creatures, and read their thoughts.

In fact, when Bai Xing first came to this world, he did not rush to covet those mutant abilities. Not only because most of the mutant abilities were garbage, but also because the magnetic field rotation system was already all-encompassing.

Magnetic field detection and thought reading can also do these things that psychic power can do.

It's just that psychic power is more convenient to use, has a larger range, and has better effects.

After copying Professor

Come to the practice room that Hank built for him.

This is still a pure white room, and in the room is the Adamantium alloy ball that is highly compressed by the white star.

Okay, it's time to get down to business.

In a hidden basement.

At this time, Magneto, White Queen and others were standing together, all looking at the Viper in front of them.

Now, everyone has seen the fierce fighting power of Viper and even Wolverine.

Everyone is very curious about this!

And as the White Queen activated her spiritual power, Viper told everything without reservation.

Even her affairs with Yashida Ichiro had no reservations.

After everyone heard this, they all couldn't help but take a breath!

He was not only shocked by the existence of Bai Xing.

By casually giving this level of ability to others, Magneto, like most people who heard about White Star for the first time, thought of him as a powerful and mysterious mutant.

What really shocked them was the growability of the seeds of life!

Just keep killing life forms, whether they are humans or animals, to absorb life energy.

The most important thing is that not only life energy can be used to increase the basic quality of the human body.

It can even be used to supplement and enhance the essence of life!

What is the essence of life?

Simply put, it’s lifespan!

Magneto is already very old. Although he is still in good health, he knows that he has entered the advanced stage of his life.

But until now, his wish has still not been realized. If it cannot be realized until his death, this will be his biggest regret.

Even death cannot rest in peace.

But what if you could extend your life?

He has countless time to fight for the most important beliefs and goals in his life!

And at the same time, he can also gain power!

It's not just him.

All mutants who follow him will have access to this power.

As for the seeds of life that require killing to irrigate, it is not unacceptable to him.

It is not a pity for those human beings to die!

However, all of this has a prerequisite concept.

That is - Shirahoshi!

We must get the White Star!

Three days have passed since Colossus was captured by Magneto.

During this period, Logan and Ororo, even with the help of the Yashida family, were unable to find any trace of Magneto.

As for Professor

There is no other way, Professor X can only ask Logan and others to return to the academy first.

And when Logan, Ororo and the other three came back, they were surprised to find something!

Professor, you...your legs.

That's right, when they came back, they found Professor X standing in the garden.

Hearing this, the professor smiled gently and said, You are back. Let's take a rest first. We will review what happened this time later.

Logan's eyes looked a little serious and his lips moved, but in the end he didn't say anything.

Not long after, everyone gathered in the office to review the incident.

Finally come to a conclusion.

Colossus' life should not be in danger in Magneto's hands.

Magneto will definitely make follow-up actions. Now with the White Queen's mental barrier, Professor X can't find them.

But it doesn't matter, as long as they make subsequent moves, they can quickly lock it.

No matter what they want to do at that time, as long as they can find them, they will naturally have a chance to rescue Colossus!

Although the strategy of just waiting made Ororo and others a little worried, they had no better way.

We can only leave it at that.

After everyone left, Logan stayed.

He looked at Professor

At the same time, the mutant student nicknamed Listening was listening to everything discussed in the room.

His mutant ability is that when he concentrates seriously, he can hear everything that happens within a radius of a hundred meters.

Therefore, he likes to listen to all kinds of gossip.

This time many X-Men were dispatched, but they came back solemnly, and Colossus was nowhere to be seen.

Let Listen feel that something might have happened!

With curiosity and a habit of eavesdropping, I listened to all the discussions in the room word for word.

I was surprised!

At the same time, I also secretly resented that this guy Magneto came out to cause trouble again, and even captured Colossus!

Just when he was planning to quickly share the news with his friends.

Logan is found to be staying in the office, and the two sides appear to be discussing some more serious issues.

After some hesitation, Tingting decided to continue eavesdropping.

Just listen to Logan continue in a bad tone: Professor, you should understand that the life seed given by Bai Xing is completely evil!

Although it can greatly improve the strength of the human body, it must kill animals to absorb the energy of other lives.

If you are about to make a mistake, you may fall into the abyss!

Professor, you are the spiritual guide for all of us, the one who guides us.

I don't want you to fall for this.

If you feel that our current strength is lacking, I will work hard to make up for it.

Anyway, there is no way to take out the seeds in my body.

As for Magneto, although he has been planning something secretly, it is not to the point where you have to accept the seed of life!

After listening to Logan's indignant words, Professor X patted him on the shoulder.

Said: Be calm and don't be impatient, Luo Gen.

You should understand that when I faced Shirahoshi, there was no room for resistance.

Moreover, he did not plant the seeds of life in me.

But another kind.

Logan frowned so hard that he could kill a fly.

He asked in a puzzled tone: Another one?

Professor x nodded: Yes.

As he spoke, he raised his hand slightly.

Then he saw that the surrounding metal vessels began to tremble.

Then slowly lifted into the air.

Logan was surprised: Is it the power to control the magnetic field?!

He calls it a magnetic field seed, and it seems to be something more precious than a life seed.

After I was planted, I discovered that the magnetic field seeds were indeed what he said, and there were no side effects such as having to kill animals to absorb life energy.

Logan still couldn't help feeling disgusted with Bai Xing's behavior of forcing others.

At the same time, there is another biggest doubt.

Then why did he do this?

Professor x was silent for a moment.

Standing in front of the window, looking at the scenery outside.

Then he said slowly: I don't quite understand, but according to what he said.

Just to have fun.

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