Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 105 A path that can make you a truly strong person!

Hank knows about White Star.

Whether it's Logan's change or Professor X's change, they all come from White Star.

After the incident, both of them also approached Hank to help check whether there were any abnormalities in their bodies.

Where exactly are the so-called seeds?

Unfortunately, even Hank couldn't find the location of the seed.

Let alone getting it out.

He was at a loss to do anything about it, thinking that by helping Shirahoshi build a training room, he would learn more about him.

But unfortunately, even Hank only built it according to White Star's requirements and achieved something that cannot be achieved by current scientific methods.

But what effect this would have, even Hank couldn't figure it out.

Perhaps only Shirahoshi knows the real reason.

And Hank also discovered something, that is, Bai Xing's knowledge reserve and intelligence level are very high.

Although he was not familiar with scientific research, when he was building his own practice room, he only had to watch from the side to gradually understand his techniques.

Sometimes you can even have discussions with Hank and give him suggestions.

This all surprised Hank!

At this moment, Magneto came to see Bai Xing with great fanfare. No matter what the reason was, it was definitely not a good thing.

Hank will never let him succeed!

At least until Professor x comes back, you must hold on!


Hank himself is one of the smartest people on the planet, but his mutant abilities don't match his highly developed brain.

Because that would turn him into a gorilla-like beast with blue skin and blue hair!

A rude appearance will always be judged by others.

But it's not without its benefits.

In his beast state, Hank has superhuman strength, endurance and speed!

His leg muscles are quite developed and he can easily cross walls or other obstacles about 4.6 meters high, and he can jump about 7.6 meters while standing.

He can run at a speed of 64 kilometers per hour and maintain the same speed.

It can lift over a ton, easily climb brick walls, and fight on tightropes.

He also has the ability to secrete pheromones to attract the opposite sex.

Its hands and feet are equipped with sharp claws, and it also has cat-like night vision.

Possessing a mild healing factor, ordinary wounds and minor illnesses such as colds can be recovered quickly.



The beast's combat effectiveness is indeed pretty good among mutants.

But compared to today's Viper, it is really far behind.

There is no need for Magneto to take action at all. Viper alone can defeat the entire X Academy.

Iceman Poppy, Rakshasa Girl, Phantom Cat and others immediately prepared for battle.

At this moment, a voice rang in everyone's ears.

Everyone stop it.

It's Shirahoshi!

With the power of his mind, now that he is in the practice room, he can convey his words to everyone present.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Xing's voice rang in Magneto's ears.

Lao Wan, come in and have a chat.

During this period of time, Bai Xing also gained recognition from the students.

It's just that they don't know much about Bai Xing's strength yet.

So it seems a bit difficult.

In the end, it was Hank who made the decision.

Because he understood that he and others could not stop Magneto at all.

And now that Bai Xing has made a decision, the only option is to let Magneto in.

Because White Star would not take action against Magneto for them.

Hank has to make sure the students are safe first!

Sabretooth, Red Tank, White Queen, Viper, Charming and others stayed outside.

Only Magneto came to Shirahoshi's training room alone.

This is a pure white world.

Only an Adamantium alloy ball is suspended in the middle.

Its surface is like water, constantly emitting ripples.

Here, Magneto finally met the mysterious Mr. White.

Mr. Bai, I am Eric Lensherr. Of course, you can also call me Magneto.

Bai Xing sneered: Magneto? It should be the Iron King, right?

Magneto's face looked slightly gloomy.

Bai Xing stood up and walked to him.

Said: “As a leader leading a team of mutants, in addition to strong strength, you also need the wisdom of strategizing and more knowledge reserves.

Especially the ability you possess, as one of the four basic forces of the universe, should not be limited to this level.

Lao Wan, tell me, have you really never tried to learn?

There is no doubt that the comic version of Magneto is very powerful.

But in the film and television version, Magneto was abruptly weakened into the Iron King.

If you look at all this from a high-dimensional perspective, you can excuse it with reasons such as insufficient funds or plot needs.

But now Shirahoshi is in a real world!

Then there must be other reasons.

This is what Shirahoshi is curious about.

He wanted to know why, at this age, Lao Wan, who had been a scene person all his life, still hadn't found the correct way to use electromagnetic force!

Are you provoking me?

Before this, Magneto had imagined many scenarios about meeting Bai Xing.

There were also many suggestions to persuade him to join the Brotherhood.

But I didn't expect that with just an opening statement, everything that followed would get out of control.

Bai Xing's provocation was something he couldn't accept.

And Magneto's anger is something that most people can't bear!

However, Bai Xing is not among them.

Hearing Magneto's angry words, Shirahoshi just sneered.

With a wave of their hands, magnetic lines appeared in front of them.

Magneto looked around, as if he had fallen into a strange space instantly.

The white star gently moves the magnetic line, like a musician playing a piece of music.

Various ways of using electromagnetism, these things are performed in front of Magneto King like elves.


The song is over.

The magnetic line disappeared, and the surroundings returned to the pure white room.

Magneto was breathing heavily, as if he had experienced a huge shock.

His eyes began to change.

Even when he discovered that Bai Xing could plant seeds for others, his reaction was not as violent as it is now.

How on earth did you do that?!

You can't do it?

Faced with Bai Xing's inquiry.

Magneto lowered his head, then shook it slowly.

With a wry smile, he said: It can't be done, you know. I once obtained a doctorate in electromagnetism and studied classical dynamics and physics by myself. However, there is no way. It seems that there is a layer of shackles that makes me The application of electromagnetic force can only be in the elementary stage.

Bai Xing looked at the painful Magneto and rubbed his chin.

A flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.

They also have the mutant ability to control magnetic fields. They are so powerful in the comics, but they become the King of Iron in the movies.

Sure enough, there are objective obstacles!

With Magneto's wisdom, after knowing that he controls electromagnetic force, one of the four basic forces, it would be unreasonable if he did not learn any knowledge.

It’s too far-fetched!

This is something Bai Xing has always wondered about.

Sure enough, is it because the world is different that there is a problem with the upper limit of ability?

Magneto adjusted his emotions very quickly and had regained his composure. But when he looked into Bai Xing's eyes, there was still deep reluctance hidden there!

Your road is blocked and impassable, but maybe you can choose to take another road.

Magneto felt a little confused: Another way?

Bai Xing nodded: Yes, a path that can make you a truly strong person!

But now is not the time. I will let you know when the time comes.

As for now, you're good to go.

After Bai Xing solved the doubts in his mind, he decisively issued the eviction order.

But Magneto was unmoved. He had not forgotten the purpose of his visit this time!

But before he could open his mouth, Bai Xing took the lead and said: I know you want to talk about the life seeds, now is not the time, just wait patiently.

Of course, if you want to be aggressive, you can do it, but you have to think about the consequences in advance.

Magneto stood there and stared at Bai Xing for three seconds.

Then he suddenly turned around and left, his red cloak swaying behind him, just like when he came.

Magneto comes and goes in a hurry.

No one knew what he and Bai Xing were talking about in the practice room.

All I know is that when he walked out of the academy, he looked weird.

There is sadness, hesitation, excitement and expectation

But when he was just about to leave, he saw an unexpected person appear here.


A cloud of blue smoke appeared.

Three men holding hands appeared in front of everyone.

The one on the left is Wolverine Logan, and the one on the right is Professor X.

And among them, the one who brought them back by holding hands and making physical contact was a mutant with blue body.

His name is Kurt Wagner, codenamed Nightcrawler!

With blue skin, pointed ears, fangs and a long pointed tail, it looks like a hell demon described in myths and legends.

When he was controlled by Colonel Stryker to assassinate the president, he had an intersection with the X-Men.

Later, after all the misunderstandings were resolved, Nightcrawler chose to leave.

This time I happened to meet the professor and his group in California. In order to save time, after explaining their strong relationship to him, Nightcrawler finally decided to take them back to the academy.

Because he could only bring two people at a time, Ororo and others still flew the Blackbird fighter plane. Only the professor and Logan were quickly brought back to the academy by teleportation.

When he saw Magneto coming out of the academy, the irritable Logan didn't need any preamble and rushed forward with a low roar.


Magneto waved his hand suddenly, trying to rely on the Adamantium alloy in his body to control him.

If it were in the past, Magneto would have been Krogan, but now as Logan becomes stronger and stronger, the situation has quietly changed.

Magneto felt the control pressure increase significantly, but Logan still did not freeze in place under his control, but continued to move forward.

Sabre-toothed tiger, red tank and others immediately rushed towards Professor X.

The White Queen used psychic power to interfere with Professor X.

But they all underestimated Professor


With one punch, he knocked away the charging saber-toothed tiger.


The diffuse electric arc enveloped the red tank, instantly causing him to fall to the ground with white smoke all over his body.

In the White Queen's surprised eyes, Professor X also released his spiritual power.

In a head-to-head confrontation, the White Queen would certainly not be Professor X's opponent.

So he quickly asked Viper to come forward to help.

Unfortunately, Professor

She had no choice but to quickly switch to diamond form before the last moment came.

The diamond form protects her from the erosion of psychic powers, but at the same time, her control over Viper is completely released.

Viper's memories and feelings of being controlled still exist.

After losing control, the first thing to do is to run!

While Professor X's attention was still on the White Queen, the Viper suddenly jumped up.

The speed even exceeded the speed of sound, exploding a circle of gray-white airflow, and the next second only a small black dot remained.

Then he disappeared from everyone's sight.

On the other side, Wolverine is already approaching Magneto.

As long as he is close, Magneto has absolutely no ability to resist.

But at this moment, an unstoppable force suddenly exerted itself on Logan and Professor X.

Even now, they can't resist at all, and they don't even have room to struggle.

It was Bai Xing who took action!

He didn't want Magneto to be caught in a plastic prison again.

The mutant world without Magneto would be much less exciting.

So two magnetic field locks were released from the air, temporarily locking Logan and Professor X for two minutes.

With this time, Magneto is enough to run far away.

Sure enough, after Magneto discovered that neither Logan nor Professor X could move, he immediately knew who did it.

Without any further delay, he immediately led his men and left here quickly!

After Logan and Professor


They were relieved to find that except for Beast Hank, who was slightly injured, everyone else was fine.

The best news is that Shirahoshi did not leave with Magneto.

Although he took action to save Magneto, it was a bit unclear where he stood.

So Professor X planned to talk to Bai Xing face to face.

But was turned away.

The reason Bai Xing gave was that he needed to calm down and continue to retreat.

He didn't want anyone to bother him again.

(I tried my best, bro. Now I am typing when my fever subsides. When the fever comes on, my brain is a mess and I can’t think of anything. Fortunately, I took the injection for two days, and my situation is much better than the previous two days. I used to have a fever most of the day. Now the fever usually subsides in the morning, becomes hotter in the afternoon, and becomes high in the evening. I will have a meal later, and I have to continue getting injections in the afternoon. I am also thinking about whether to go to a big hospital to take a shot. I took a photo to see if it was pneumonia, because I kept coughing, and I was a little scared. It’s so damn torturous to do it over and over again.)

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