Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 102 The previous chapter should be 100. The content has been modified. The title cannot be c

Immediately afterwards, the two of them were fighting each other instantly.

--boom! boom! boom!

The two strong men, whose physical strength was already in an inhuman state, immediately erupted into a fierce momentum as soon as they fought.

After being completely controlled by the White Queen, Viper desperately attacked Logan.

But soon, she was injured.

Even after being greatly enhanced by life energy, the muscles and skin can hardly withstand the sharpness of Adamantium alloy.

Logan's steel claws were able to leave wounds on the viper's body.

The viper is not easy to deal with either. It opens its mouth and spits out a green venom.

Logan relied on his enhanced nerve reflexes to avoid most of them, but was still splashed by some.

The flesh and blood melted immediately, and even the surrounding muscles began to show symptoms of blackening, necrosis and atrophy.

The original poison of the viper is not that strong.

While the life energy enhances her physical fitness, it also strengthens the venom she secretes.

Similarly, Logan's self-healing ability has also been strengthened.

The flesh and blood are constantly melting and necrotic, but they are constantly growing back, and even healing themselves faster than the toxins can erode.

In turn, it forces the toxins out of the body!

Viper didn't expect that his poison would fail. Without warning, he was immediately kicked out by Logan.

But at this moment, the alloy frame on his body was controlled again.

It's Magneto!

After discovering that Viper was no match for Logan, Magneto was first surprised, and then came the surprise!

The characteristics displayed by Logan are very similar to those of Viper, both of which are greatly enhanced physical strength.

This means that his previous assumption is true! This unknown method of becoming stronger can really be copied!

If it can be mastered, the Brotherhood of Mutants will be able to rise again!

Fulfill his dream and establish a kingdom for mutants.

Let mutants all over the world live under the sun. No need to hide around!

On the other side, the saber-toothed tiger also felt extremely friendly after seeing his dear brother.

He was so kind that he wanted to use his claws to pierce deeply into Logan's body and feel the long-lost brother's blood.

But then he discovered that Logan's strength had undergone earth-shaking changes.

Even more powerful than the woman named Viper!

If his claws were caught on him, he might not be able to penetrate his body at all and would be broken off!

This made the saber-toothed tiger instantly dumbfounded.

Colossus immediately seized this opportunity, punched the saber-toothed tiger away, and then went to support Logan.

Have you forgotten that you still have me?

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The Red Tank is like a real tank. When it runs, it steps on the ground and makes a dent with each step.

Even the ground shook slightly.

Even the Colossus can't compete head-on with the Red Tank and can only avoid its edge.

But after this delay, the way was blocked by the saber-toothed tiger who quickly recovered from his injuries.

There is a saber-tooth tiger in front and a red tank in the back. Colossus fell into a very dangerous situation!

Meanwhile, Logan is struggling.

There was a Viper in a head-on battle, and he kept attacking crazily, making Logan tired of dealing with it.

Not to mention that Magneto is still there to keep him in check.

The White Queen did not intervene and just kept controlling the Viper.

As for Charm, although her abilities are more auxiliary, she can also interfere with enemies on the battlefield.

The special hormone she secreted, after floating towards Logan, although it couldn't make him lose his mind immediately, it could still have a slight impact.

It didn't take long for Logan to be completely at a disadvantage!

The viper kept hitting his head with his fists.

——Bang! Bang! Bang!

Every bombardment stirred up a circle of gray-white airflow that spread outward.

The flesh on Logan's face was shattered, even revealing the skull wrapped in bright silver Adamantium alloy.

The flesh and blood healed instantly, and then was shattered by the viper's fist.

What goes around comes around.

Logan roared and wanted to resist, but under the double suppression of Viper and Magneto, he had no choice at all.

At this moment, Viper suddenly froze.

The White Queen looked serious: Charles?! What do you want to do!

It turned out that Professor X sensed that Colossus and Logan were in danger.

So he used his powerful spiritual power to help him get out of trouble.

Emma, ​​Eric is wrong. What we need is peace, not war. The Viper is too dangerous now and cannot be obtained by Eric. Send her to X Academy. Let's discuss the next path together. .”

Professor X's gentle voice sounded in the White Queen's ears.

But the White Queen angrily rebuked: Charles! Put away your sanctimony! Where were you when Azazel and I were caught? It was Eric who rescued me. I believed him in the past, but now I still believe in him!”

Then he used his spiritual power with all his strength to confront Professor X.

Affected, the Viper stood motionless, with a struggling expression on its face.

If she is strong-willed, she may have a chance to escape the influence of psychic powers.

But unfortunately, it seems that this hope is not great now.

The only good thing is that without Viper's suppression, Logan can finally get out of trouble.

Immediately afterwards, he discovered that Colossus had been knocked unconscious by the red tank and returned to his original appearance.

Throw it at Magneto's feet.

Just when Logan was about to step forward to save Colossus, Professor X's words rang in his ears. Logan, come back first. The distance is too far, and I can no longer suppress Emma.

Taking one last look at Colossus, under the obstruction of Magneto, Logan finally broke free from the restraints and left here.

When it was all over, the White Queen's face didn't look very good.

Magneto is quite satisfied with this.

Although a Wolverine ran away, Colossus was caught by him.

Most importantly, with Professor X revoking his psychic powers, the White Queen regained control of the Viper.

Now we just need to leave here first, and then find a safe base to interrogate Viper!

New York.

Xavier Academy for Gifted Youngsters.

Professor x looked for Ororo with a serious expression.

He recounted everything that had happened before.

He said: Logan has an impulsive personality and you don't know what he will do. You and Bobby go there first and investigate what exactly happened before you act. Do you understand?

Since the deaths of Jean Gray and Cyclops, the academy has been short of manpower.

This time I had to let Ororo take Bobby to the island country first.

Ororo instantly pinned the poisoning incident in the island country on Magneto's head.

What's more, he has captured Colossus now.

It immediately made her teeth itch with hatred, and she said: Professor, don't worry, we will definitely rescue Peter!

After Ororo left, Professor X couldn't help but sigh.

Ever since Magneto regained his powers and began to operate privately, he had a premonition.

Something happened now.

And all this is like the prelude to a storm.

Professor X felt as if a shadow had been cast over his heart.

At this moment, a voice came from not far away.

“As people get older, they feel powerless.”

Professor x turned around and saw Bai Xing sitting on the sofa at some point.

I couldn't help but my eyelids twitched.

In front of him, the world's number one psychic, only Shirahoshi could come and go without a trace.

Perhaps you should come sit in on one of my meditation classes, Professor.

Professor x said: Actually, I have been listening.

Bai Xing was not surprised. He showed a playful smile and said, How do you feel?


Bai Xing snapped his fingers: That's right! What else?


No, it's not kung fu, it's martial arts.

Well, after learning about that martial arts, I figured out what was going on.

Oh? Tell me in detail.

The so-called 'Qi' shouldn't be something that really matches the Ruyi Four-Legged Divine Art, right? Otherwise, you would never be able to achieve that level.

Bai Xing laughed: As expected of Professor X, you actually saw through it.

Then Bai Xing waved slightly and saw the metal tray on the coffee table in front of him slowly flying up.

Although Professor X has learned from Logan that Bai Xing is also good at some ability to control magnetic fields.

But now that I have seen it with my own eyes, I still find it unbelievable.

He was too familiar with guys who could control magnetic fields.

After so many years of falling in love with Magneto, this was the second time he saw someone who could control the magnetic field.

The most important thing is that the person in front of me is not a mutant!

There are simply too many secrets about him.

Under Bai Xing's control, the metal tray quickly melted into a ball of silver liquid metal.

They are constantly changing into various shapes, including lifelike flowers and vivid birds and animals.

Every feather and every scale is very clear and detailed.

This scene shocked Professor X again.

Maybe Eric can do this, but it is the result of a lifetime of training.

Shirahoshi looks too young.

Professor, haven't you always been curious about me? You can understand me as a hard-working gardener, whose goal is to sow the seeds of power in one world after another. I understand that you don't like the seeds of life and feel the need to kill. It is not advisable to use life to absorb energy. I understand your thoughts on this. So, professor, I have another seed here, don’t you want to think about it?”

As he spoke, a fruit core bursting with electric light appeared out of thin air in front of Bai Xing.

This is.!

After planting magnetic field seeds, you can obtain abilities similar to Magneto. Of course, they are just similar, but their essence is not the same. You will initially understand these after planting, but if you want to develop them in depth, you need to rely on your own will and awareness. .”

I saw Professor

Bai Xing smiled slightly and said: Don't worry, this magnetic field seed is different from the life seed. There is no need to kill lives. Except for a few trivial side effects, it is simply perfect. Moreover, the magnetic field seed is much more precious than the life seed. I believe it I, professor, if I were an ordinary person, I would never take it out.


Shirahoshi put the tray, which had been reshaped exactly into its original shape, back on the coffee table.

He said calmly: I said, I am just a hard-working gardener. If I have any purpose, it is to see what kind of flowers you will bloom after accepting my seeds. Can you bring me seeds? Come have enough fun.”

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