Starting from electromagnetic force, the heavens are sown

Chapter 101 Professor, do you want to know about magnetic field seeds?

Four days have passed, and Viper has successfully prepared a new 'Black Mamba Version 2.0' toxin.

Because it was in a hurry last time, the 'Black Mamba' toxin had quite a few flaws.

Although the short-term fatality rate is relatively high, the poisoning rate is too fast and the death rate is too fast.

The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare immediately discovered the clues, terminated the water supply, and reminded the general public not to drink water.

So in that poisoning incident, the number of people who died was not particularly high.

There are probably less than five figures of people buried under the ‘Black Mamba’.

Just like the Ebola virus in Africa, in addition to the shortcomings of slow transmission speed and weak transmission ability, it is also because the sick people will attack in a short period of time and then die quickly, so it is difficult to cause large-scale transmission.

But even so, the gains brought to Viper are still unimaginable.

Let her fully experience the pleasure of becoming stronger!

Therefore, when preparing 'Black Mamba 2.0', Viper reduced the instant lethality rate and changed it to have the characteristics of incubation period.

In this way, everyone can be guaranteed to be poisoned during the incubation period.

As the first people who are poisoned begin to show symptoms and die, a domino-like effect will be formed. The poisoned people die one after another, and the life energy will converge towards her one after another. !

Just imagining that scene made the viper tremble with excitement!

This time, Viper still chose Tokyo, which has a large and concentrated population.

And just when she was about to repeat her old tricks and sneak into the water plant.

But he saw three figures who had been waiting for a long time.

Ophelia, I can give you another chance, and I will not stop you from killing those ordinary people, no matter what the reason is.

As long as you can use your own power to serve me and create more possibilities for the mutant community to live in the sun, I can forget about anything that happened in the past.

Of course, one thing to note is that future actions need to ensure that they do not affect our fellow mutants.

Viper didn't know how Magneto found him, but he still felt very ridiculous about his arrogance.

Eric, are you old and confused? With my current strength, why should I surrender to you?

I have no interest in participating in your little game about humans and mutants pitted against each other.

For me, only money and power are the most important things, and when I have enough power, all of these will be at my fingertips!

Magneto sighed slightly: Selfishness is human nature, which is completely forgivable, but you really lack the overall perspective.

Ophelia, I'm sorry that I can't let you go because I need your strength and your secrets.

Just when Viper was about to say something, an indescribable feeling suddenly came over her.

Behind him, a woman appeared at some point.

She has blond curly hair and wears a white tube top and shawl. Although she is no longer young, she is still full of the charm of a mature woman.

She is the White Queen!

Her real name is Emma Grace Frost.

In the early days, he joined the Hellfire Club, codenamed White Queen.

After Magneto found the Black King and successfully took revenge, the White Queen, Red Devil and others chose to join Magneto's camp.

Became the first elders of the Brotherhood.

Only when Magneto was later captured and imprisoned in a plastic prison, the White Queen was also captured by the human government and imprisoned in a laboratory.

Just two days ago, she was successfully rescued by Magneto.

The White Queen has two mutant properties. In addition to controlling psychic power, she can also transform her whole body into diamond form.

Although she cannot use psychic powers in her diamond form, she can prevent others from using psychic powers against her.

And the hardness of diamond is very high, which can completely ignore the attacks of ordinary thermal weapons.

At this time, she was using her psychic power to corrode Viper, trying to control her mind.

But I was shocked to find that the viper had strong resistance!

Although most of the five basic qualities enhanced by life energy only affect the physical body.

But the sensitivity quality also has a certain strengthening effect on brain cells.

Because what sensitivity enhances is the ability to adapt to changes in circumstances, it is a comprehensive expression of various qualities.

This made Viper's spirit become stronger than before.

But compared to her inhuman physical strength, it seems a bit insignificant.

But at this time, the White Queen has not completely emerged from the shadow of the laboratory, and has not fully returned to its full glory.

This gives Viper a chance!

She was keen and immediately discovered Magneto's strength.

At the same time, he also realized his own shortcomings.

The defense against psychic power is seriously insufficient!

So Viper made a quick decision and chose to escape!


His body moves like thunder, knocking through the air, and he immediately flees far away.

How could Magneto let her go so easily?

If the viper escapes this time, it will not be easy to find it next time!

He immediately took action himself, controlled a large amount of metal, and wrapped it around the Viper's ankle.

At the same time, another person jumped out from one side.

This man has a beard, looks like a tiger's head, and shows a strong aura.

The nails on both hands grew out, giving off sharp edges.

With a roar, he suddenly rushed towards the viper.

This person was the mutant who was rescued from the experimental base by Magneto along with the White Queen.

Logan’s biological brother, Victor Creed!

Also known as the saber-toothed tiger!

Get away!

The viper suddenly slapped out its palm, and the mighty saber-toothed tiger was unable to resist it.

The sharp claws were broken, the arms showed a twist-like shape, and the bones were broken.

The whole person burst out directly.

Although he couldn't survive even a single move, the saber-toothed tiger also completed his mission.

That's the moment the Viper was dragged out!

At the same time, the red tank also rushed over from behind.

And more steel wrapped around Viper's legs, locking her in place.

The Viper tried to break free, but the White Queen's influence was ever-present.

Another red tank and a fully recovered saber-toothed tiger were distracting him from the side.

He was in a critical state for a while!

Damn it! Eric, you don't have martial ethics!

Magneto stood where he was, raising his hands and constantly manipulating various metals.

Hearing this, he chuckled: Ophelia, I said that for the great cause of mutants, I will do whatever it takes and do whatever it takes!

I thought you already understood my determination, but unfortunately, your realization is as stupid as your decision.

But it doesn’t matter, now I will tell you clearly with practical actions, my will will never change because of a little difficulty!

You, Ophelia, Viper, I am bound to win!

Yashida Residence.

Don't worry, I have sent people to check various areas, and there will be clues soon.

Yukio poured a cup of tea for Logan and Colossus and said slowly.

She wanted to leave with Logan last time, but was delayed because of Ororo's arrival.

It was also during this period that Mariko, who accepted the inheritance, discovered that the Yashida Group had almost become an empty shell!

Faced with such a major crisis, it is obviously difficult for Mariko to handle it alone.

In the end, Yukio decided to stay and help her.

Unexpectedly, just a few days later, Logan would be back again.

As the saying goes, a centipede is dead but not stiff. In this unfamiliar country, Logan wanted to investigate the mutant poisoning incident. Of course, it would be faster to rely on the power of the Yashida family.

Colossus looked at Logan and then at Yukio, the fire of gossip ignited in his heart, and he was curious about what Logan had experienced during his time away from the academy.

There are actually acquaintances in the island country.

At this moment, Yukio suddenly received the news.

After hanging up the phone, he said with a serious expression: My subordinates reported that there was a loud noise coming from the water plant in Kita District, Tokyo. It seemed that there was a battle! But the strange thing is that no gunshots were heard.

Logan and Colossus instantly stood up.

A battle without gunfire is probably a battle between mutants!

Since it happened in a waterworks, it's more likely to be related to the poisoned mutant!

She just didn't know who was fighting her and what happened.

Let's go! Set off immediately!

The two of them were flying in a Blackbird fighter plane, which was very fast.

It didn't take long to arrive in Kita-ku, Tokyo.

In the air, Logan and Colossus saw the battle taking place below.

It's Magneto!!

As old enemies of the X-Men, of course they know Magneto very well.

I know that as long as Magneto appears, there must be some conspiracy brewing!

No matter what he does, just stop him immediately!

Magneto also saw the familiar Blackbird fighter and knew that the annoying X-Men were coming again.

He snorted dissatisfiedly.

Control the Blackbird fighter jet with a wave of your hand.

Colossus made a prompt decision, grabbed Logan directly, and then threw it towards the White Queen below.

In the air, Logan's claws had been ejected.

Colossus, on the other hand, transformed into a form made of steel and jumped out of the fighter plane together.


The wind roared in Logan's ears. After Colossus gave him an initial acceleration, Logan was like a cannonball.

Head straight for the White Queen.

The reason why she was chosen as the primary target was because, besides Magneto, she was the biggest threat among everyone present!

Magneto and Krogan couldn't get close at all, so they chose the White Queen as their target.

The White Queen immediately sensed the danger, but if she wanted to transform into a diamond form for defense, her previous efforts would be in vain.

The Viper might get away too!

The White Queen, who had been imprisoned for many years, was filled with endless anger.

She desperately wants revenge on humans!

At the same time, she also understood that she could not accomplish this matter by herself.

So continuing to follow Magneto is the most correct choice.

She must ensure that Magneto's operation succeeds!

Immediately enhance the output of psychic power.

At the most critical moment, Viper's mental defense was finally broken.


Just as Logan descended above her, a faster black shadow appeared and hit Logan hard.


Immediately there was a dull thumping sound!

After getting the hint of the White Queen's success, Magneto loosened his grip on Viper, and Saber-Tooth Tiger and Red Tank also turned to attack Colossus who fell from the sky.

Viper, under the control of the White Queen, rushed to the rescue immediately.

Instantly knocked Logan away.

This powerful punch was enough to break through steel, but it had no effect on Logan at all.

It's you!

Logan plowed a furrow in the ground, stopped and looked up.

He immediately saw the viper that was continuing to pounce towards him.

He recognized her identity immediately.

But he didn't expect that this woman's strength would be so terrifying!

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