After settling the bill, Lin Ge asked the waiter to prepare a guest room for him, and then sent Lei Xiu away from the inn.

"Brother Lin, thank you for inviting me to dinner. I live in the grove where you met me before. If you need my help, you can come to the grove to find me." Lei Xiu carried two large bags full of delicious food. , smiling happily.

She is an orphan adopted by Lei Gang. She has been running around with Lei Gang since she was a child. To put it nicely, she is "wandering", and to put it worse, she is "wandering".

Although Lei Gang was kind to her, after all, Lei Gang was just a "poor Taoist priest", so the father and daughter usually lived a simple life.

Lei Xiu was very happy to have a rare meal.

Lei Xiu mentioned that his father was originally from Gantian Town, but later went out to travel and practice, and only returned to his home in the grove a few days ago.

It's just that he went out for something yesterday and won't be back until tomorrow afternoon, so Lei Xiucai thought about packing some food to prevent his father from going hungry when he comes back tomorrow.

Lin Ge smiled and said, "It's not a big deal, meeting is fate. Sister Lei and I hit it off as old friends, and we are very destined. I will stay in the town for a while, and if you need anything, you can come to the inn to see me."


One meal made Lei Xiu feel good about her, and it also paved the way for the subsequent plot.

After all, although her adoptive father Lei Gang is Taoist Master Mao's senior brother, he was a big villain in the early stage of the play. It was he who created the "Vampire Flying Head" in the second unit.

Lin Ge will stay in the world of reincarnation for thirty days. Although he doesn't know whether he will experience the most difficult "Blood Demon", there is a high probability that he will experience the "Flying Soul Seduction" unit. It's not a bad thing to have a good relationship with Lei Xiu, who is kind-hearted now.

After Lei Xiu left, Lin Ge planned to stroll around the town and buy some clothes to change into with Ou Yongqi. Wearing clothes that are inappropriate for this era will inevitably attract attention.

After visiting several stores, Lin Ge chose a pair of loose clothes to wear over his suit, while Ou Yongqi chose a village girl suit to lower her appearance.

In a chaotic era, being beautiful is not necessarily a good thing. Lin Ge just wanted to spend thirty days peacefully and did not want to cause trouble.

Coming out of the main street, he heard the lively beating of gongs and drums on the street. Lin Ge followed him and saw that the townspeople were clapping and shouting around a lion dance team.

Lin Ge tried to talk to a strong man in his thirties next to him: "Brother, is there any happy event in the town? Is it so lively?"

The strong man glanced sideways at Lin Ge, then looked at the lion dance team, and said casually: "Brother, are you a foreigner? It's not surprising if you don't know. The harvest in our fields in Gantian Town is not good this year. Please ask Fuxi Tang's Director Mao took a look at Feng Shui and discovered that the dragon vein stone in our town had been stolen."

Lin Ge pretended to be surprised and asked: "There are still people stealing dragon vein stones? Aren't you afraid that your ancestor's tomb will collapse if you do such an immoral thing?"

The strong man sighed: "Isn't it..."

As he spoke, he lowered his voice and said: "I heard from a friend in the police station who is the grandson's colleague of Aunt Wang's house next door. The police investigated and found that the dragon vein stone was stolen by a monster and used to practice evil. The police station asked Taoist Master Mao Then Taoist Master Mao asked the lion dance team in the hall to come out to 'calm down' the situation."

Lin Ge "suddenly realized" and asked: "Oh, so that's it, so are they going to find the monster?"

"No, Daoist Master Mao has calculated the auspicious time and will take action at midnight tonight. However, the police station has issued an order prohibiting the townspeople from influencing Daoist Mao."

Lin Ge couldn't help complaining after hearing this. Even ordinary villagers knew about such a "big event", so weren't they afraid that monsters would set up a trap to ambush Taoist Master Mao, or run away in advance?

Thinking of this, Lin Ge was suddenly stunned.


No wonder the difficulty level is "extremely difficult". It seems that this plot is full of "holes". Maybe the living dead who stole the dragon vein stone will really dig a hole and wait for Mao Daochang to jump.

If the "thigh" in this drama was gone at the beginning, it would be a disaster!

It seems that we have to join in the fun tonight.

However, Lin Ge underestimated people's enthusiasm for watching the excitement. Before Hai Shi, at about 10:30 in the evening, the townspeople of Gantian Town walked together in twos and threes and rushed towards the place where Daoist Master Mao would set up tonight. go.

Lin Ge followed the group of people and couldn't help but complain: "People in this era don't have much fun at night, right? How dare you join in this kind of fun?"

When we arrived at the destination, there were already hundreds of people crowded on a small mound. Many people even moved stools to sit down, talking and laughing, as if they were waiting for the big show to begin.

Lin Ge and Ou Yongqi stood aside and discovered from the conversations of these townspeople that people in this era were no longer surprised by gods and ghosts.

After all, the war had just ended, and the huge casualties meant an increase in ghosts.

Someone once jokingly said that in this era, it is not an exaggeration to say that "a small ghost takes three steps, a big ghost takes ten steps, and a ghost king takes a hundred steps."

This era was also the era when "Taoist priests" had the highest status and greatest reputation.

"Sigh. Master, if you were born in this era, you would probably be a world-famous master." Lin Ge couldn't help but feel sorry for his master. With Chen You's talent, if he hadn't been born in the Age of Dharma End, how would he have been reduced to being a fried rice chef.

At this moment, there was a commotion in the crowd. Someone pointed to the open space below and shouted: "Look, it's the people from Fuxi Hall who are coming."

Lin Ge looked down at the open space, and saw a slightly fat young man running to the center of the field carrying a cloth bag, grabbing the white powder inside and scattering it on the open space. Then a golden light appeared on his body, and a "Bagua" pattern appeared. prototype.

Fuxi Hall, Xiaohai.

Among the few disciples of Taoist Master Mao, he is the most reliable.

Immediately afterwards, another person walked into the open space, and he was seen standing on the sidelines. He rushed into the court with a sprint, performed five gorgeous somersaults, and came to Xiaohai's side.

Among the theatergoers, someone immediately applauded: "What a skill!"

"Is it Ah Chu from Fuxi Hall?"

"Yes, he looks handsome and has good skills."

"You should be Taoist Master Mao's successor in the future, right?"

Listening to the crowd talking, Lin Ge couldn't help complaining: "How many steps and how many somersaults are required? I'm afraid there is no serious illness!"

The person who came was none other than Taoist Master Mao's second apprentice, Ah Chu, the most evil villain in the play second only to "Black Rose".

After Ah Chu rolled over to Xiao Hai, he complained: "How come you came faster than me? I promised that there would be many people tonight, so I would be embarrassed!"

Xiao Hai said helplessly: "If you had done a few less somersaults, the time would be about the same as mine... But by the time you turn over, the auspicious time will have passed. Don't talk nonsense, the master is here."

To the east of Di Bagua, a figure swept out from the sky and came to the front of the formation on the Tiangang Seven Star Steps.


Ah Chu threw a yellow Taoist robe into the air. The visitor took the last step, flipped in the air, put on the Taoist robe in the air, and landed in the center of the formation.


"Dao Mao is so skilled!"

Lin Ge listened to the cheers around him and gave a thumbs up silently. Taoist Master Mao was very particular about people, and he emphasized the word "handsome" throughout the process.

Taoist Master Mao took the yellow Taoist priest hat handed over by Ah Chu, put it on, raised his hands towards the hillside, and said loudly: "This is very dangerous, please leave as soon as possible."

Someone on the mountain side suddenly shouted back: "It doesn't matter, Taoist Master Mao, we believe in you, just go ahead and do your thing, we won't delay you!"

"Yes, let's take a look."

"Taoist Master Mao, be careful!"

"Yes, Taoist Master Mao, please be safe!"

Lin Ge felt that there were too many flaws for a while, and he didn't know where to start.

Seeing that he could not persuade the townspeople to leave, Taoist Mao could only concentrate on his work first and stretched out his hand towards Xiao Hai: "Time is running out, Luo Geng."

Xiao Hai took out three Luo Geng stacked together from the bag and handed it to Taoist Master Mao. The other party took it, pressed it in his hand, and pointed it in the air: "Beidou borrows the moon!"

The three Luo Geng's golden light appeared and flew into the air. Taoist Master Mao, Xiao Hai, and A Chu each took a Luo Geng and took a photo towards the sky!

As a golden light shot into the air, Luo Geng spun eighteen times in Taoist Master Mao's hand, then suddenly stopped, and a paper crane appeared on it.

"The crane seeks the dragon!"

Thousands of paper cranes suddenly turned into hundreds of them, strung together in a line, pointing in a certain direction in the distance.

Taoist Master Mao followed closely behind with Luo Geng, and then took a photo of the direction where the hundreds of paper cranes landed——


A green light exploded in the clearing, and a hole appeared leading to the ground.




Suddenly, there was a strong wind at the entrance of the cave, and black smoke the size of basketballs flew out in all directions. Some of them flew towards Taoist Master Mao and the other three, while more flew towards the hillside.

"Ah! Ghost!"



"Master Mao, help me!"

The crowd suddenly became confused and fled in all directions.

Lin Ge shook his head, thinking that it was indeed an era when demons were dancing around. Ordinary villagers could see evil spirits without even opening their eyes!

I saw Taoist Master Mao below, raising his hand and rolling up his sleeves. As a golden light spread out, several strands of black smoke dissipated instantly.

But the black smoke flying toward the crowd was too fast, and he obviously couldn't catch up.

"not good!"

When Taoist Master Mao was about to rush towards the fleeing crowd to stop the evil spirits, he saw a man walking out of the crowd, standing in front of the hillside instead of retreating.

Lin Ge stepped forward with the soul-suppressing gong, faced the flying black smoke, and injected spiritual energy into the gong hammer.


With the sound of a gong, the dozens of black smoke dissipated instantly.

[Kill "Evil Soul (Level F)" and obtain 10 reincarnation points. 】

A dozen prompts sounded in succession, and Lin Ge directly credited 150 reincarnation points, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

Does this reincarnation seem to have a head start?

Taoist Master Mao stopped when he saw this, cupped his hands towards Lin Ge, and thanked: "Thank you, fellow Taoist, for your help. I will thank you again after I handle the Dragon Vein Stone matter."

After saying that, Taoist Master Mao turned around and walked towards the entrance of the cave.

Ah Chu squatted by the entrance of the cave and looked down: "Master, is the Dragon Vein Stone hidden down here?"

"It should be. Remember, it has not seen the light of day for thousands of years, and there is a lot of poisonous gas inside. We prepare sheepskin bags."

As he spoke, Taoist Master Mao took out a sheepskin bag and filled it with fresh air.

Ah Chu asked worriedly: "Master, is such a small bag enough?"

"We only have one stick of incense, and it's useless to give you a bag as big as an ox. Remember, grab the dragon vein stone and leave the cave immediately." Taoist Master Mao warned.

"Yes." Xiaohai responded.

Ah Chu said again: "It's so deep down there, is one stick of incense enough?"

"We must rush back to the Dragon Vein Stone before midnight and put it back on the Dragon Vein Tree. Otherwise, once midnight passes, the Dragon Vein Stone will absorb enough death energy and turn into an evil dragon. By then, not only will we be dead, but the entire Gantian Town will be dead. The whole city will be destroyed!"

Ah Chu swallowed when he heard the words: "It's so dangerous."

"It's not dangerous, and there's no need for the powerful Mao Daochang to come out." At this time, a voice sounded behind the three of them.

Lin Ge and Ou Yongqi came over, and the former said with a smile: "The Taoist priest Lin Ge down the river passed by here and came to visit Taoist Master Mao. If the Taoist Master can be of use, just ask, and you are welcome."

Taoist Master Mao had just seen Lin Ge disperse a dozen evil spirits with just one gong, and knew that Lin Ge had some abilities. However, he knew that this trip was dangerous, so he rejected Lin Ge's kindness.

"Fellow Taoist, I don't know. Those who robbed the Dragon Vein Stone are the living dead who practice evil arts. They are hiding under this poisonous cave. This trip is extremely dangerous. Friends, Taoist, please accept it from my heart." After saying this, Taoist Master Mao asked Ah Chu Get ready to light incense.

"In a chaotic world, demons are dancing wildly. If we don't take action, all the people in the world will be in deep misery." Lin Ge said with awe-inspiring righteousness and heroic spirit.

[Affected by the charm value, the favorability of the plot characters "Mao Xiaofang" and "Xiao Hai" increases. 】

Ah Chu took out a stick of incense and said, "Is it that exaggerated? If you think about it this way, then you can do it for me."

Lin Ge smiled and nodded: "That's fine."

Seeing this, Ah Chu quickly handed over his sheepskin bag.

Lin Ge didn't answer, took out a Flying Tigers gas mask and put it on: "No need, I prepared it myself."

"Ah Chu!" Taoist Master Mao frowned, obviously dissatisfied with Ah Chu's actions.

Ah Chu smiled awkwardly and said: "Master, I was just kidding. I'll light the incense. Light the incense right away. Hey, you really don't want the sheepskin bag? Can your mask block the poisonous gas?"

Lin Ge nodded, it must be more reliable than a sheepskin bag.

"Take a full breath and go down." After finishing speaking, Taoist Master Mao jumped out of the cave first. Xiao Hai followed closely behind, and Ah Chu hesitated for a moment before jumping in as well.

Lin Ge asked Ou Yongqi to wait at the entrance of the cave and jumped into the cave.

The tunnel is not deep, only about ten meters. Below is a spacious cave, so dark that you can't see your fingers.

"Ah, Master, it smells so bad." Suddenly, Xiao Hai's voice came from the darkness.

But he immediately realized that his master had warned him not to breathe down there, so he quickly took out the sheepskin bag and took a few deep breaths.

Taoist Master Mao cast a spell, and the compass in his hand lit up with a golden light, illuminating the surroundings.

Lin Ge was more direct. He took out the flashlight and lit it, shining it around.

At this time, under the illumination of Lin Singer's flashlight, the four of them discovered seven figures sitting on the wall not far away.

They sat there motionless, even if they heard the commotion made by the four people, they did not react at all.

Lin Singer scanned the area with his flashlight and found that the faces of the seven people were rotten to varying degrees, and there were maggots burrowing in the rotten flesh. It was very disgusting.

Lin Ge vaguely remembered that there was only one living dead who took away the Dragon Vein Stone in the play, but here, there were actually seven!

Gee, you have to form a group to practice evil skills these days, right?

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