The seven living dead did not move, and Lin Ge did not dare to act rashly. Take a flashlight and scan around, trying to find the Dragon Vein Stone.

On the stone platform in front of the living dead, a fist-sized stone exuding black energy was particularly eye-catching.

Black energy?

Lin Ge thought of the evil spirits that flew out when the cave entrance was first opened, and suddenly felt something was wrong.

"Dragon Vein Stone!"

Xiao Hai saw the Dragon Vein Stone at a glance and immediately rushed to get it.

"Don't go there!" Lin Ge grabbed his collar and pulled him back. But one was caught, and there was another.

Ah Chu was eager to make a contribution. When Lin Ge found the Dragon Vein Stone with his flashlight, he also saw it. Lin Ge happened to stop Xiao Hai, so he rushed to snatch the Dragon Vein Stone.

"Ah Chu!" Taoist Master Mao missed the opportunity and failed to stop Ah Chu in time.

As soon as Ah Chu picked up the Dragon Vein Stone, the black energy emitting from the stone wrapped around his wrists like a pair of handcuffs. He was so frightened that he quickly threw the Dragon Vein Stone away.

The dragon vein stone hit the first living dead's head, and the black energy on the stone penetrated into the living dead's forehead. The living dead opened his eyes, and there was a faint black energy floating in his white eyes.


The living dead man exhaled a breath of turbid air, stood up and rushed towards Ah Chu.

Taoist Master Mao raised his hand and pushed, and the compass flew out from his hand, hitting the head of the living dead with a "bang". The golden light bloomed, illuminating the entire cave!

At this moment, the remaining six living dead also opened their eyes and roared towards the four of them.

Lin Singer turned the page, and the peach wood sword appeared in his hand. He pierced his index finger with the tip of the sword, pinched the sword and applied it to the peach wood sword. The peach wood sword was immediately coated with a layer of golden light!

Qiankun borrows the law!

Yuling chases the soul!


Lin Ge raised his hand and pointed, and a drop of blood flew towards one of the living dead, and stained his forehead. The blood infused with spiritual energy touched evil things like the living dead, and white smoke suddenly rose!

At the same time, the golden mahogany sword also "locked" on the target, turned into a golden light with a "shoo", and flew towards the living dead!


The golden mahogany sword penetrated directly through the head of the living dead, and black blood spattered everywhere!

[Kill the "Living Dead (Level E)" and obtain 100 reincarnation points. 】

Taoist Master Mao took out a copper coin sword and rubbed it in his hand. The copper coin sword turned into a pile of golden copper coins. He threw them forward, and the golden copper coins hit the living dead. Suddenly, "bang bang bang bang" "Exploded!"

"A throw of the universe?"

Is Master Mao so good at playing?

Seeing that Taoist Master Mao was about to "steal someone's head," Lin Ge hurried forward: "Taoist Master Mao, I'll stop them, you guys take the Dragon Vein Stone away quickly!"

After saying that, Lin Ge rubbed his hands together and launched Boundless Sea forward, his palms "crackling" with lightning flashing!


Lightning Thunder Fist!




The chain lightning released by Lei Fa instantly connected the living dead in a string, causing them to tremble on the spot. Several of them were hit by Taoist Master Mao's copper coins and were already seriously injured. This electric shock immediately took away their last breath.

Seeing that Lin Ge was blocking the living dead, Taoist Master Mao took off his Taoist robe, wrapped the Dragon Vein Stone in his clothes, and threw it to A Chu, who was nearest to him.

"Go back to the ground first!" Taoist Master Mao asked A Chu and Xiao Hai to go first, while he stayed and Lin Ge to deal with the living dead.

Lin Ge had just electrocuted two living dead and recorded 200 reincarnation points in his account, when he saw Taoist Master Mao coming to "help" and he was immediately "touched".

"Taoist Master Mao, you don't have to do anything about such a trivial matter!"

With that said, Lin Ge ignored the consumption of spiritual energy and quickly continued to rub lightning with his bare hands and continued to strike at the living dead.

The living dead, who had been hit on the head by the Dragon Vein Stone before and took a breath of black energy, grabbed his two companions and pushed them forward to block Lin Ge's thunder method.

Then he grabbed the remaining living dead, bit it on the neck, and sucked out the "death energy".

After breathing in the "death energy", the living dead became much stronger. He picked up a big rock and threw it towards Lin Ge.

Lin Ge quickly stopped casting spells and rushed to the side to avoid the stone. The living dead took the opportunity to suck in the "death energy" of his other companions.

Lin Ge stood up, picked up a flashlight and looked around, but there was no sign of the living dead.

"Ignore him, go up first." Taoist Master Mao grabbed Lin Ge, gently pushed his back, and helped him fly out of the tunnel.

"My reincarnation point." Lin Ge was sent out by Taoist Master Mao before he could finish off the two living dead on the ground.

Lin Ge and Taoist Master Mao flew out of the tunnel one after another, only to see Xiao Hai waiting for them at the entrance of the cave, while Ah Chu stood next to Ou Yongqi not far away, trying to talk. But Ou Yongqi didn't even bother to look at him, looking blankly in the direction of the cave entrance.

Taoist Master Mao immediately scolded: "What time has it been? Why are you still here?"

Ah Chu ran over flatteringly and glanced at the sky: "It's not the time yet. Besides, aren't we worried about Master You's safety?"

Just after he finished speaking, he lowered his head and saw that the incense in his hand had gone out.

"It's too late, send the dragon vein stone to the Feng Shui tree quickly." Taoist Master Mao urged.

At this time, Ah Chu suddenly fell to the ground in fright, raised his hand and pointed in the direction of the hole and stammered: "Master, master, master, monster, monster! Monster!"

Lin Ge and Taoist Master Mao looked back and saw that after the living dead had absorbed the "death energy" of other companions, in order to snatch the Dragon Vein Stone, he flew out on a Kong Ming Lantern the size of several people.

Upon seeing this, Taoist Master Mao took out the remaining copper coins, rubbed his hands together, coated them with a layer of golden light, and threw them towards the living dead!


The living dead breathed out a breath of turbid air and blew the golden copper coins away.

When Lin Ge saw this, he thought to himself that this was because he had absorbed too much death energy and the monster had become an elite? Before he had time to think about it, he pushed Xiao Hai: "You take the dragon vein stone and go first, I will handle it here."

Seeing that there was no time, Xiao Hai quickly picked up Ah Chu and left: "Hurry, midnight is about to pass, hurry up!"

Daoist leader Mao retreated while fighting, while the living dead sat under the Kongming Lantern and launched an attack from the air, gaining the upper hand.

Lin Ge saw this and stepped forward to help, controlling the mahogany sword to stab the living dead's head.

The living dead man was forced to lean back by the golden mahogany sword. Although he dodged the mahogany sword, he also fell down.

When the living dead was about to touch the ground, he suddenly exhaled a breath of turbid air and forcibly pushed the Kongming Lantern up a certain distance.

Upon seeing this, Taoist Master Mao immediately saw the clues and reminded: "The living dead cannot be grounded, and the Kongming Lantern brings bad luck. The higher the Kongming Lantern flies, the stronger this old monster is. Brother Taoist, let's attack his Kongming Lantern together!"


Lin Ge and Taoist Master Mao controlled the magic weapon at the same time and used Soul Chasing Soul to attack the Kongming Lantern of the living dead. However, the Kongming Lantern was actually made of the skin of the living dead, and the magic weapon could not pierce it. It was very strange.

"Taoist Master Mao, it's too late. I'll hold him back while you deal with the Dragon Vein Stone first," Lin Ge suggested.

"But." Taoist Master Mao hesitated, fearing that Lin Ge would be killed.

Lin Ge said: "Don't worry. Although I am not as good as Taoist Master Mao, it won't be a problem to hold this living dead man back."

Taoist Master Mao knew that the situation of the Dragon Vein Stone was not optimistic. Once something went wrong, the entire Gantian Town would suffer.

"Fellow Taoist, please be more careful, I will come back as soon as possible!" After finishing speaking, Taoist Master Mao flew towards the Feng Shui tree using Qinggong.

The living dead wanted to pursue him, but were blocked by the golden peach wood sword controlled by Lin Ge. He suddenly realized that he couldn't leave until Lin Ge was dealt with, so he controlled the Kongming Lantern and flew back.

Lin Ge exchanged a few blows with the living dead. Seeing Taoist Master Mao walk away, he simply put away the peach wood sword.

The living dead thought that Lin Ge had given up resistance and controlled the sky lantern to fly over.


An Italian cannon appeared out of thin air next to Lin Ge, then he raised his hand and made a goodbye gesture to the living dead, mouthing: "Bye, bye!"


With the sound of a cannon, the Italian cannon fired a shot at the sky lantern above the living dead. This living dead skin sword cannot penetrate, but it cannot block the power of the cannonball.

The Kongming Lantern was blown up and fell from the sky. The living dead took over the ground, wailing and rolling around.




The living dead got up and charged towards Lin Ge with an angry roar. I saw a red shadow coming towards me, and Ou Yongqi slashed with Tang Hengdao——

Eclipse three kills!




With three quick cuts, the living dead's arms were instantly removed, his head was chopped off, and his heart was pierced with one knife.

But since he is a living dead, obviously this cannot kill him.

Lin Ge stepped forward, sprinkled a handful of "burning talismans" directly on the corpse of the living dead, and pinched the talisman: "Scout!"

With a "whoosh", more than a dozen burning talismans were ignited at the same time. In addition, the living dead took over the earth, and they were instantly ignited, wailing, and turned into ashes!

[Kill the "Living Dead (Level D)" and obtain 200 reincarnation points. 】

After taking care of the living dead, Lin Ge put on the gas mask and jumped back into the hole, finding the two living dead who were still breathing and finishing the attack.

Of the seven living dead, excluding the one bitten to death by one of his own, Lin Ge collected six heads, and a total of 700 reincarnation points were recorded in his account.

This was the easiest time for Lin Ge to earn reincarnation points in his four reincarnations.

"You are so willing to give reincarnation points. Could it be that you are worried that the reincarnator can't stand Black Rose and do it yourself?"

The Lord God suddenly became "conscience", and Lin Ge always felt that this black rose must be the biggest "obstacle" to clearing the level.

On the other side, in front of the Feng Shui tree, members of the Gantian Town Police Station and town officials were waiting anxiously.

Someone worried: "Where's Master Mao, why hasn't he come yet?"

"Don't worry, it's not time yet."

"The hour is almost here."

Director Song paced back and forth anxiously: "How come you haven't seen Master Mao yet? This auspicious time is almost over. Is something going to happen?"

Director Song's son Song Zilong comforted him: "Don't worry, dad. Master Mao will definitely defeat the monster and get back the dragon vein stone."

At this time, Xiao Hai and Ah Chu were seen running from a distance.

The two of them were running out of breath. Seeing that the time was approaching, it was almost too late.

But they saw a figure flying from the tree, shouting to them: "Xiao Hai, Ah Chu, throw the dragon vein stone over here!"


The two of them looked up and saw that it was their master, and they were overjoyed.

Ah Chu worked hard and threw the dragon vein stone wrapped in the Taoist robe into the air. Taoist Master Mao reached out and grabbed the dragon vein stone. He looked up at the moon that was about to be introduced into the clouds and shouted to the front: "Director Song. , let people disperse, I want to return the Dragon Vein Stone to its place!"

Director Song heard this and quickly ordered all the people blocking the Dragon Vein Stone to disperse. Taoist Master Mao grabbed his robe, shook it, and threw the dragon vein stone inside toward the Feng Shui tree.

The Dragon Vein Stone accurately landed in the hole of the Feng Shui tree. Taoist Master Mao quickly rushed to the Dragon Vein Tree, took out a yellow talisman and stuck it at the entrance of the tree hole.

Then he pinched the secret and cast a spell to seal the dragon vein stone.

Taoist Master Mao frowned slightly, but at this moment the police station and the townspeople gathered around him. He immediately regained his composure, looked at them and said, "Everyone, I have hung the Dragon Vein Stone on the tree. This tree has become a Feng Shui tree. , once the Waking of Insects is over, this year will be as smooth as before."

"Okay, great!" Director Song finally breathed a sigh of relief.

People around him also praised Taoist Master Mao.

Police officer Zhou Yuan said excitedly: "Master Mao, you are indeed extraordinary. I often tell people that as long as Master Mao is in Gantian Town, there is no need to be afraid of the attacks from heavenly soldiers and generals."

"Ah Chu, Xiao Hai. You escort the townspeople back first. For safety reasons, I will check the surroundings again," Taoist Master Mao said.

"Yes, Master."

After Xiao Hai and Ah Chu protected everyone and left, Taoist Master Mao walked to the Feng Shui tree with a heavy heart and pulled off the yellow talisman that had just been attached.

But it was only a few minutes since the talisman was attached, and the inside of the yellow talisman had already become black due to moisture. Looking at the dragon vein stone, there was a faint black air.

"Taoist Master Mao, is the Dragon Vein Stone contaminated by the death energy?"

Taoist Master Mao turned around alertly, only to see Lin Ge walking towards him with Ou Yongqi.

In fact, when the evil spirits flew out of the hole and the living dead absorbed the black energy of the Dragon Vein Stone, Lin Ge realized that the Dragon Vein Stone should have been contaminated.

That's why Taoist Master Mao thought of using his Taoist robe to absorb the death energy, but he didn't expect that in the end he failed to prevent the Dragon Vein Stone from being contaminated.

Seeing that Lin Ge had seen the clues, Taoist Master Mao simply did not hide it from him, and sighed: "Fellow Taoist is right, the dragon vein stone is contaminated by the living dead, and it is very likely to turn into an evil dragon. Now I can only remove it first Calm down and then figure out a solution."

"Alas. Fellow Taoist, this matter is important, so please keep it a secret. Otherwise, if the townspeople find out, it will definitely cause panic."

Lin Ge nodded: "I understand."

Taoist Master Mao asked again: "Fellow Taoist, I wonder if the living dead..."

"Don't worry, I've already solved it."

"My fellow Taoist is really good at it. I see that my fellow Taoist's magic is quite similar to mine. I wonder which sect he is from?"

Lin Ge said bluntly: "I'm Lin Ge, who studied under Maoshan and is of the same lineage as Taoist priest Simu. In terms of seniority, I should call Taoist Master Mao an uncle. I don't know if Taoist Master Mao would mind."

Hearing this, Taoist Master Mao suddenly realized: "It turns out that we are from the same sect. The young hero Lin Daoyou is extremely talented and will definitely achieve great things in the future. How dare I call him 'Master'. Since we are not from the same generation, why don't we put aside our seniority and let each of us work together?" It’s up to you. I’m older, so I have the cheek to call you ‘big brother’.”

The Maoshan sect has many branches, so it is not surprising to encounter names you have never heard of.

Mao Xiaofang didn't dare to make excuses. If Taoist Master Four Eyes became famous and promising in the sect, he would naturally not dare to be one step ahead of others.

After all, Mao Xiaofang was not in the same world as Si Mu and Jiu Shu, and it was difficult to discuss seniority. Lin Ge was just making nonsense to build relationships.

Now that Taoist Master Mao had spoken, Lin Ge readily called out: "Brother Mao."

[Affected by the charm value, the favorability of the plot character "Mao Xiaofang" increases. 】

"Brother Lin, let's go back to Fuxi Hall and talk in detail, please!"


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