In the remaining twenty days, Lin Ge spent most of his time practicing secret arts and lightning techniques, and occasionally continued his exercise plan.

After nearly a month of training, his strength and agility have each improved by 1 point, but his other attributes have remained unchanged.

The items brought back from "The First Commandment" are almost sold out. Putting aside the "goods" of more than 5,000 shells, nearly 10,000 reincarnation points have been sold, and there are still some miscellaneous equipment left, which is equivalent to completing the basics of the main plot. award.

【Reincarnation Point: 33958】

Lin Ge spent more than 800,000 Hong Kong dollars to buy Taoist raw materials in "The First Commandment". After excluding the cost of practicing in space, there is still a lot left. There is no need to "replenish" for the time being.

As for ammunition and explosives, although he sold a lot, he also reserved the quantity for his own use. In general, "The First Commandment", as a nightmare difficulty, does not seem to have many rewards on the surface, but if you calculate it carefully, you will find that it far exceeds the previous reincarnation benefits.

"Sure enough, completing the main plot early and continuing to develop resources in the world of reincarnation is the most correct choice for the reincarnation."

Seeing that the next reincarnation was approaching, Lin Ge began to make final preparations.

After nearly a month of practice, his professional experience has increased a lot. After some planning, Lin Ge first moved the "Thunder Technique" that he had practiced to "Basic lv6" directly to "Basic lv1". A breakthrough in one stage allowed Lightning to The power of Thunder Fist has been doubled.

Then all the remaining experience is focused on "Secret Technique", raising "Maoshan Secret Technique·Basic lv2" to "Basic lv3".

After leveling up, spiritual power only increased by 2 points. Obviously, apart from "breakthroughs", the spiritual power gained from daily practice is completely insufficient.

As the level increases, it becomes extremely difficult to improve one's cultivation or learn spells.

Lin Ge knew that the key to the problem was time. He only had thirty days to practice in the Lord God Space, and when he entered the world of reincarnation, he was either fighting or running for his life. There was no time for him to calm down and practice.

Lin Ge thought about going to the Lord God to directly redeem the skill version of Maoshan's spell for "quick success", but after seeing the string of zeros after "Eight Divine Curses", he silently closed the menu.

You can obviously rob it, but the Lord God is still willing to give you a skill book. This is such a "good (jian) heart (shang)".

Although he didn't find a suitable exchange for him, Lin Ge thought of Ou Yongqi's strengthening route and took into account her high-value basic attributes.

The most suitable ones are the "fighting skills" that rely on physical combat and the damage bonus of cold weapons.

No matter how hard the fist is, it is made of flesh and blood after all, so it is naturally inferior when it collides with cold weapons. Out of this consideration, Lin Ge first spent "1000" reincarnation points to exchange for the skill "Basic Fighting Technique" for Ou Yongqi, and then spent "2000" reincarnation points to exchange for a copy of "Sword Technique (Mastery)".

The reason why you choose skills for "Fighting" and mastery for "Swordsmanship" is because proficiency can grow through actual combat, while skills only have fixed levels. If you take the cold weapon strengthening route, it is particularly important to be able to grow in your abilities.

As for fighting skills, that's enough.

Finally, considering Ou Yongqi's strength bonus, such simple, rough and sharp "sword skills" are more suitable for her fighting style.

After some selection, Lin Ge finally chose the sword technique "Eclipse Three Kills (Mastery)" which costs 6,000 reincarnation points.

""Three Kills of the Eclipse""

Jin Yiwei's most vicious sword technique can kill limbs with one kill, break the brain with two kills, and tear the heart with three kills. Creepy and intimidating.


This simple and crude sword technique is obviously a "perfect match" with Ou Yongqi's current fighting style.

Lin Ge and the strengthened Ou Yongqi "sparred" in the gym, but there was no reference value.

Using Taoist techniques, he could easily immobilize or subdue Ou Yongqi before she got close. If you don't use Taoism... then you will be chased and slashed all over the place, without any ability to fight back.

But Lin Ge also discovered his serious problem and decisively spent 1,000 reincarnation points to redeem himself the skill "Basic Fighting Technique".

Then, he spent more than ten reincarnation points to exchange a few sets of ordinary clothes for himself and Yongqi Ou to prevent the embarrassing situation of being hunted down at the beginning of "The First Commandment" and having to find ways to find disguise clothes from happening again.

[Reincarnation point: 23945]

The progress bar of Chen You's resurrection has temporarily reached the 24% position.


After taking a look at the life span that turned into "31", Lin Ge only hoped to see his master alive again in his lifetime.

The thirty-day rest period passed in the blink of an eye, and Lin Ge started a new reincarnation again.

【A new reincarnation is about to begin! 】

[The world of reincarnation has been matched successfully, and the transmission is about to begin——]




[The target world of reincarnation: "Zombie Taoist", the difficulty is "extremely difficult". 】

Extremely difficult?

It was extremely difficult to get started in Hongmen, and Lin Ge was not surprised by the difficulty he was about to face. But what surprised him was that "Zombie Taoist" could be extremely difficult?

In this TV series, the famous zombie Taoist priest "Mao Xiaofang" is in charge, which makes people feel as safe as Uncle Ying's "Uncle Nine" in the movie world.

The TV series has a happy ending. It should be possible to pass the level safely by hugging Daochang Mao's thigh tightly. If this is labeled as "extremely difficult"...

"Could it be another limited version of the main god with a magical plot change?" Lin Ge suddenly felt a headache.

He really doesn't want to experience the "happiness" in the "Zombie" world again.

The brief blur of consciousness ended. After Lin Ge regained consciousness, he found himself standing on the edge of a deserted field outside the woods.

The sun was blazing, and there was no one around.

[The current world of reincarnation: "Zombie Taoist Priest\

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