The next day, Lin Ge went to the door of the "tailor" to pick up two sets of clothes, paid, and then returned to the house when a male reincarnator, estimated to be less than 1.6 meters tall and wearing a black mask, found him.

"Boss, please stay." This man seemed a little afraid of Lin Ge and did not dare to get close, so he shouted to him from a distance.

"Is something wrong?" Lin Ge asked standing at the door.

The man shouted: "I am very interested in the 'Goblin Rocket Boots' you are selling. I wonder if the price can be cheaper."

"How much cheaper do you want it to be?" Lin Ge asked straight to the point.

"Excuse me, do you want to sell it for 1,000 reincarnations?" Perhaps because he didn't want to offend Lin Ge, the man's tone was very polite.

"Low, 1800."

"As far as an enchantment effect is concerned, the price is indeed a bit high. Things in the Lord God Space are already at a serious premium. Boss, please make them cheaper."


The "Goblin Rocket Boots" were really not of much use to Lin Ge, and since the reincarnation time was approaching, he was too lazy to bargain with the other party.

After some final discussion, the deal was settled at a price of 1,500 reincarnation points, plus two basic-level evil-suppressing charms from Lin Ge.

During the transaction, Lin Ge took the opportunity to ask the other party for information about the color of the main god's space door. The answer given by the other party was almost the same as that of the tailor.

Lin Ge didn't expect that "the color of the door" had this meaning. He was curious whether other red door reincarnations were as lucky as him.

After all, every time is the peak competition, this is also a manifestation of unlucky, right?

Returning to his private space, Lin Ge took out a Taoist robe and a cheongsam. Although both pieces of clothing were E-level, the tailor's skills were pretty good, and they even had an enchantment effect on them.

Taoist robes are enchanted with "Evil Suppression", which not only increases the effect of positive attribute spells, but also has a certain effect of deterring evil spirits.

The cheongsam is enchanted with "coquettishness", and the effect is very simple. It adds a little special attribute "charm value".

Lin Ge asked Ou Yongqi to change into a cheongsam. The bloodless skin made her look even colder. Paired with the evil spirit of the embroidered shoes, she looked like a fierce ghost in red.

Lin Ge originally wanted to engrave Tang Hengdao, but when Ou Yongqi tried to use the engraved weapons such as butcher knives and V-shaped boomerangs, the exorcism effect of the weapons burned her palms.

Obviously, in Ou Yongqi's state, she cannot use enchanted items with positive attributes.

What's more, Ou Yongqi's use of swords is basically the most conventional chopping. There is almost no difference between Tang Heng Dao and Xigua Dao.

Relatively speaking, even direct and violent fighting techniques are more suitable.

But Ou Yongqi is a "flesh and blood" after all. Although there is no fear or pain, it is obviously inappropriate to fight with flesh and blood and weapons.

Four times the strength of a normal person, twice the agility, and no blood limit, it would be too wasteful to not use such a powerful boost.

For a moment, Lin Ge was troubled by Ou Yongqi's strengthening.

On the twenty-seventh day, Lin Ge browsed the exchange items under the main god ball, hoping to find a useful weapon or suitable equipment for Ou Yongqi. However, since he had no specific direction for strengthening Ou Yongqi, he could not find a suitable one. thing.

Just as he was about to return to his private space to continue practicing, Lin Ge saw a blue door appear in the distance. A woman with a slender figure, disheveled hair, and a horrific burn scar on her left eye placed a billboard at the door.


"Blood Bride's Lace Veil": D-level cursed item, enchanted with "blood evil", evil spirit +1, all attributes +3.

cursed wedding dress

Set: 1/5

Price: 3000 reincarnation points.

"Blood Bride's Lace Gloves": D-level cursed item, enchanted with "Blood Evil" effect, evil spirit +1, all attributes +3.

cursed wedding dress

Set: 1/5

Price: 3000 reincarnation points.


Lin Ge and Ou Yongqi came to the door of the female reincarnation woman and asked: "Are you only selling these two pieces of the five-piece wedding dress?"

The female reincarnator glanced at Lin Ge, returned to the door, and replied in a very hoarse, low voice: "Only two."

"Where are the others?" Lin Ge asked.

The female reincarnation shook her head: "No."

"In which reincarnation world did you get it?"


"Two pieces together, which one is cheaper?"

"How much do you give?"


Female reincarnator:...

"Too low."

Lin Ge said calmly: "These two items seem to be very valuable as a set, but in fact they are meaningless if they are not combined into a set and cannot trigger the set effect. If they are produced in the world of reincarnation, at least there is still one Looking forward to it. But if it is something that comes out of the scroll, who knows when and what month the remaining three items will be revealed."

"Secondly, D-level enchantment has only one enchantment effect. 'Blood Evil' has no other effect except +1 evil spirit. Currently, it only relies on 3 points of all attributes to support its value. The most important thing is that for ordinary reincarnations, , evil spirit has no meaning.”

"The cursed items themselves are only used by special groups of people. I believe you will sell them, and you will be deeply affected by them, so you will give up the two-piece set that you finally got. This kind of thing is something that ordinary people avoid, even if you hang it for ten No one cares about it for half a month."

The female reincarnator frowned and did not answer. Lin Ge was not in a hurry and waited for her to think about it. After a while, the female reincarnator replied: "3000 is too low."

"4000, I will give you 10 more basic-level evil-suppressing talismans to drive away evil spirits for you. If the Yintang turns black, it is either evil or unlucky. This thing is just right for you to use." Lin Ge took out ten evil-suppressing talismans and displayed into exhibition status.

The female reincarnation thought for a moment and nodded: "Okay."

"How about if you can sell this set of equipment again in the future and sell the remaining parts to me at this price?" Lin Ge added when trading with the female reincarnator.

As a reincarnation person, no one knows if there will be tomorrow, so Lin Ge just said a casual word. However, he saw that this woman's negative attributes were indeed quite heavy. But it is obvious that the evil spirit of these two pieces of equipment cannot be suppressed, which is why it is so unlucky.

"Okay." The female reincarnation nodded.

After the transaction was completed, Lin Ge got two pieces of red lace equipment, a veil and a pair of gloves. Return to the private space and let Ou Yongqi equip it.

2 points of evil spirit bonus make Ou Yongqi even more terrifying. The black resentment emanating from all over her body was already one-tenth the strength of the red shadow female ghost. If this trend continues, Ou Yongqi may become a shadow ghost.

These two pieces of cursed equipment also gave Lin Ge an unexpected surprise, that is, their hardness was even higher than ordinary D-level enchanted equipment.

After Ou Yongqi put on the gloves, she was able to grasp the Tang Hengdao blade with her bare hands without getting hurt. Even Lin Ge's "butcher's knife" couldn't cut through the gloves.

"Tsk, if this five-piece set triggers the suit's effect, Ou Yongqi may be able to directly reach the level of the red-clothed ghost."

It's a pity that this thing is drawn from a scroll, and whether it comes out depends entirely on luck.

On the twenty-ninth day, Lin Ge spent 1,000 reincarnation points from a reincarnation person to buy a bottle of "God of War Hand Sanitizer" with 3 uses left. The effect was comparable to 502 glue and only needed to be applied to the wound of a broken limb Apply it everywhere to "glue" the broken limbs back together.

However, "God of War Hand Sanitizer" only has the effect of reconnecting severed limbs and has no restorative effect. It may be of average use to Lin Ge, but it is a miracle medicine to Ou Yongqi.

After all, Ou Yongqi has no blood volume, and the chance of fighting to the point of losing her arms and legs is very high. With the "God of War Hand Sanitizer", she can continue to fight again.

[Reincarnation Point: 3193]

On the 30th day, Lin Ge started reincarnation again.

【A new reincarnation is about to begin! 】

[The world of reincarnation has been matched successfully, and the transmission is about to begin——]




[Target world of reincarnation: "The First Commandment", difficulty "Nightmare". 】

Lin Ge:?

"I have a saying mmp. I don't know whether I should say it or not?"

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