Lin Ge's spiritual power increased a lot after his breakthrough in Taoist mastery. At the same time, he learned a new spell "Qiankun Borrowing Method", which can use the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to increase the power of weapons, with a layer of "golden light". Coupled with "Yingling Soul Chasing Soul", the power of the spell is doubled.

Chen Youneng used the master-level "Qiankun Borrowing Technique" to confront the twin evil spirits head-on, and killed Mao Zhan with one sword, which shows how powerful it is.

In addition to magic techniques, Lin Ge worked hard on drawing talisman and engraving during this period of "rest", and learned many new ways to draw talisman paper.

Although "learning" is just to draw according to the strokes of the talisman in "The Secret of Maoshan", in fact, just memorizing the complex composition of the talisman is enough to be a headache, and it is also necessary to ensure that there are no mistakes in the drawing process. , even if it is just a hair away, this talisman will be useless.

Only big guys like Uncle Ying, Simu, Qianhe, Senior Brother, etc. can make a fortune with one stroke.

In addition to the attribute changes, there is also a [Follower] column in the [Panel].

I don't know whether it was because of Ou Yongqi's presence that the panel was opened, or whether Lord Chicken and Lin Ge fought side by side twice and finally recognized his master's identity. The attributes of Lord Chicken and Ou Yongqi can now be viewed through the panel.

Ou Yongqi's attributes were tested by Lin Ge in "Hong Kong Conspiracy", and his inference only fluctuated by 1 point in attribute values.

However, Lin Ge originally thought that after Ou Yongqi became a zombie, her physique would be improved to an exaggerated level.

But I didn't expect that the "physique" was directly cancelled, and it became a setting that is very consistent with zombies. Only the head and body will be killed if the head and body are severely damaged.

As for Mr. Chicken... He is just a mascot, and his basic attributes can be ignored. The exaggerated "Lucky 9" also confirms its identity as the mascot.

On the twenty-fourth day, Lin Ge made a "billboard" two meters long and one meter wide, with the words -


"Goblin Rocket Boots": D-level enchanted item, effect -, priced at 2,000 reincarnation points.

"Suppression Talisman (Basic Level)": 30 reincarnation points/piece, starting from 10 pieces.

Also sold: exorcism talisman, burning talisman, evil-suppressing talisman, immobilizing talisman, soul-sealing talisman, soul-chasing talisman, and manifesting talisman.

welcome to order.

Also connected: Weapon/equipment “engraving”.


After writing, Lin Ge inserted the "billboard" at the door. Although the "red door" would disappear after he closed the door, the billboard would still stand in place.

In order to make it easier for guests to "come to the door", Lin Ge would open the door a crack in the living room when drawing symbols, so that the door would not disappear.

However, after waiting for two days, no business came to the door.

But this is not surprising, after all, reincarnators cannot be sure what type of world they will go to next.

After all, "supernatural" is the smallest category in the Three Thousand Worlds, so few people would prepare such ghost-expelling items.

However, this has also become one of the reasons why supernatural reincarnation has the highest mortality rate.

On the contrary, Lin Ge's actions opened up new ideas for the reincarnations, and many people imitated him by setting up billboards at the door to sell things.

So there was a new scene in the Main God Space No. 7. Many reincarnators stood in the door, looking at other people's billboards with binoculars.

Lin Ge observed that the items sold by these reincarnators were mainly firearms, ammunition, and consumables.

There are also reincarnators who are skilled in skills like him, imitating his example and taking up businesses such as "forging", "tailoring", and "pharmaceuticals".

Lin Ge was not interested in anything else, but he was very interested in "tailoring".

So he put on his Nuo noodles, called Ou Yongqi, and went to the door of the female reincarnator who took the tailoring order to wait.

Perhaps sensing someone coming at the door, the green door was half opened, and the female reincarnation stood inside the door and looked outside.

But when she saw it was Lin Ge, the female reincarnator suddenly looked a little panicked, and subconsciously wanted to close the door, but in the end she held it back.

"Excuse me, is something wrong?" The female reincarnation asked tentatively.

The female reincarnation is about thirty years old and above, with a slightly ordinary appearance but an impressive figure. The green high-cut cheongsam will undoubtedly show off your perfect figure, which is exactly what the prime minister likes.

Lin Ge asked straight to the point: "I saw that your sign says tailoring, do you know how to do all kinds of clothing?"

The female reincarnationist said: "Mainly Chinese style, and depending on the quality of the material, there will be a certain chance of making clothes with enchanting effects. But... the chance is very low."

"Can the Taoist priest do it?"

"What kind of robe?"

"Zombie movies, the kind Uncle Ying wears, just a coat and hat."

Female reincarnator:...

"can do."

Lin Ge asked again: "How to charge."

"You provide the materials and 100 reincarnation points for the crafting fee."

"make a deal."

Lin Ge took out a piece of good yellow cloth, cloak hair, black cloth and other materials and handed them over, and asked: "You won't run away with these things, will you?"

Female reincarnator:...

"Don't worry, Your Excellency, you won't dare to trick anyone."

"Why?" Lin Ge asked strangely.

The female reincarnator was stunned for a moment, not knowing whether Lin Ge was serious or deliberately making fun of her. But after taking a look at Ou Yongqi behind Lin Ge, she felt that there was no need for the other party to tease her.

"Who dares to mess with the boss of the Red Gate?" The female reincarnator smiled and replied: "You can pick it up in two days."

Lin Ge:?

The female reincarnator was about to close the door when Lin Ge stopped her: "Wait a minute."

"Anything else?"

"Do you have any explanation for the color of this door?" Lin Ge asked curiously.

The female reincarnator didn't know for a moment whether Lin Ge really didn't know or pretended not to know. She raised her eyebrows slightly and asked tentatively: "You really don't know?"

"I don't need to ask you if I know." Lin Ge smiled.

The female reincarnator asked: "How many reincarnations have you experienced?"

"Several times."

Female reincarnator: ...You really know how to chat.

"You rarely see other reincarnations in reincarnation, right?" the female reincarnation asked.

Lin Ge nodded.

The female reincarnator explained: "There are many opinions on the color of the door in the main god space. One is that the color of the door represents the reincarnation's potential. The higher the potential, the darker the color; the other is that the color represents the difficulty of the reincarnation. , Red Gate... is rumored to be 'extremely difficult' to get started. That's why you rarely meet other reincarnators."

"But no matter which one, the red door is a representative of 'strength', so generally no one wants to provoke the red door reincarnation. I heard a reincarnation talk about it during a reincarnation. They have eight dimensions. Two reincarnations banded together and tried to ambush one of the red gate reincarnations while they were exchanging money, but five of them were killed."

Lin Ge suddenly understood. No wonder when he returned to the main god space, the two reincarnations who were fighting didn't even fight when they saw the color of the door behind him. The reincarnations watching the show around him also seemed to have seen a ghost.

Lin Ge said as he took out a basic-level evil-suppressing talisman and handed it over: "Thank you for clarifying my doubts. I will give you a evil-suppressing talisman to ward off evil spirits and avoid evil."

"Thank you." The female reincarnation took the Evil Suppression Talisman and thanked her.

Lin Ge asked curiously: "How many reincarnations have you experienced?"

"many times."

Lin Ge:......

"Okay, how many times have you encountered 'extreme difficulty'?" Lin Ge shrugged and asked again.

The female reincarnator smiled: "0 times. Usually normal. Once difficult, I almost didn't come back."


The female reincarnator said: "You're welcome. If I'm lucky enough to be reincarnated with you, I hope you can give me a way out for the sake of being in the same space."

"Definitely, definitely. Oh, by the way. Give me another cheongsam like yours, in red. She wears it." Lin Ge pointed at Ou Yongqi behind him.

"Okay. Is it convenient for her to come forward and let me measure the size?" the female reincarnation asked.

Lin Ge looked at Ou Yongqi: "Go to the door."

Ou Yongqi stood at the door, and the female reincarnation took her measurements. Lin Ge added: "The fork doesn't need to be as high as yours, it just makes it easier to move."

Female reincarnator:...

"Okay. A total of 200 reincarnation points. Payment will be made upon receipt."

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